View Full Version : My f/s threads keep getting locked why?

06-17-2011, 06:12 AM
why the fuck do you keep locking my threads just because i have a bunch of junk ass 240 shit why do i need to pay to sell my shit on here? i mean isnt this for 240 people? i have 240 parts? IM NOT A BUSINESS, I HAVE SHIT IN MY GARAGE.

06-17-2011, 06:16 AM
Dude your posting in CHAT

06-17-2011, 06:21 AM
cool hopefully a mod will see it. since no one has responded to my 75 messeges

06-17-2011, 06:31 AM
I know I never received these "75 messages" you speak of.
You are currently banned from the marketplace, which means you have access to start a thread in the Pinked/Banned users section to ask this question.



Oh, and posting in the wrong section only serves to piss us off more than to EVER want to help you.
Don’t do that, that is not the attention you want.

06-17-2011, 06:55 AM
In response to your email, which reads...
hey why dont you tell me where this place is im supposed to post because even tho its says im banned from the market place there is NO pink shit for me to goto. probably because im only banned from the market place. which is bullshit because im just selling junk ass 240 parts. im supposed to pay you guys money to sell garbage? so much for a "community"
The section I speak of is at the bottom of the screen.
Since you apparently lack the ability to simply locate such things without resorting to getting your panties in a bunch, you can find it here: