View Full Version : Initial D Arcade Game

10-28-2003, 03:51 PM
Anyone else play this game? I got a s15 on my card:D What do you guys got?

10-28-2003, 03:55 PM
S14. Just like my baby.

10-28-2003, 04:05 PM
So far I have enough points to have gotten the wheels and exhaust. WOOO HOOO! I was hoping you could pick what you got and have set points for whatever it is. I went the Nismo route. It's still cool to me though.

10-28-2003, 05:12 PM
I've got:

FC-RX-7 = My favorite to kick ass with!
S15 Silvia = My second favorite to kick ass with!
Trueno GT-Apex
Levin GT-Apex

I'm quite addicted to the game. :D

Actually, my first car was an s14, but some stupid kid stole it. :mad:

10-28-2003, 05:35 PM
ive never played it. but ver. 3 is gonna be testing in japan soon.

10-28-2003, 06:16 PM
bleh, in terms of "touge" games, Battle Gear 2 is better. At least you HAVE to countersteer plus hitting the walls will actually slow you down a good amount. For extreme realism, start doing drifting in Ferrari: F355 Challeenge in Sim mode :D(not in that retarded oval track). Initial D is for the children to play.

10-28-2003, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by tsunami0ne
bleh, in terms of "touge" games, Battle Gear 2 is better. At least you HAVE to countersteer plus hitting the walls will actually slow you down a good amount. For extreme realism, start doing drifting in Ferrari: F355 Challeenge in Sim mode :D(not in that retarded oval track). Initial D is for the children to play. :blah: :blah: :mepoke: <---tsunami0ne

10-28-2003, 06:30 PM
The game is so NOT realistic, but i still play it.

180sx With Full Cwest Kit
FD3S Spirt R
MX5 Roadster

I Still think its funny when ppl play the game and think they can realy drift. Even with force feedback all the way up its NOTHING compare to real life

10-28-2003, 07:03 PM
Well, i for one dont play the game for its "realism". I play the game because its simply that....a GAME. It isnt supposed to be taken seriously. But you have to admit, it is addicting! :D

Battle Gear 2 is definitely better as far as mechanics are concerned, but the graphics are weak compared to Initial D.

10-28-2003, 07:13 PM
I Still think its funny when ppl play the game and think they can realy drift

Haha, thats great. I have only played it once, and it wouldn't let me print up a card, stupid cheap crap. I was at the arcade for like three hours< and I only got to play like three times because there were a couple of twelve year olds sitting on it non-stop, driving integras. So I get on it, my first time and I blew ass, and the little assholes start laughing at me, so I was like the hell with this.

I've never drifted in the f355 game, but thats a good idea, gotta try it next time.

10-28-2003, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by kandyflip445
:blah: :blah: :mepoke: <---tsunami0ne


10-28-2003, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by revat619
Well, i for one dont play the game for its "realism". I play the game because its simply that....a GAME. It isnt supposed to be taken seriously. But you have to admit, it is addicting! :D

Battle Gear 2 is definitely better as far as mechanics are concerned, but the graphics are weak compared to Initial D.

I'll admit it was fun to play against my 15 year old (girl) cousin because the races would be so close... and it's even funnier to watch the reactions of older guys getting beat by her also, but that kinda fun lasts for a few days.

But.... if you really get into the game... you kinda look silly... kinda like people that play DDR...

10-28-2003, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by s14falcon

I've never drifted in the f355 game, but thats a good idea, gotta try it next time.

watch your wallet, drifting in that game takes A LOT of practice, wears out your tires quick, and it's $1/game.

10-28-2003, 09:07 PM
No game will ever compare to actual touge driving. But I'm sure the Japanese and Microsoft are working hard at it.

10-28-2003, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by tsunami0ne
:wtc: :hug: Do you feel better now? Just tryin to keep it on Initial D. I don't really care if it's like REAL driving. If I wanted that I'd DRIVE.:D

10-28-2003, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by tsunami0ne
I'll But.... if you really get into the game... you kinda look silly... kinda like people that play DDR...
i know exactly what you mean. i have a friend who is absolutely obsessed with DDR. its like all he does on weekends and after school and stuff. he and his friends go and play it all the time and it's kinda pathetic if you ask me, but hey, a lot of people probably think driving around a stock 13 year old car and loving it is pathetic (in my town at least). the weird thing about this friend and all of his DDR buddies is that theyre all white and the majority of people who i see playing DDR are asian (and theyre all really damn good too)

10-29-2003, 06:36 AM
My friend is pretty good at DDR too....and he's asian....is there something goin on with asians and that game. Oh wait, I'm asian and I HATE that game. LOL. I don't really care if ppl see me getting into a game. It's what it's there for. As a release, something to have fun with. Another game I get into is Time Crisis. Any of them. I even bought the 3rd on for PS2.:D But I have to get home so I can play it. I'm in NC right now.

10-29-2003, 09:43 AM
watch your wallet, drifting in that game takes A LOT of practice, wears out your tires quick, and it's $1/game.

Nah, no worries here. At the boomers in boca, they have this thing ten buck teusday. YOu pay ten bucks to get in and the whole arcade is free unlimited play for like 3 hours. Get some good practice time in then. Even teh f355 game is free too.

10-29-2003, 07:15 PM
I'm using a sileighty. I only have like 5 or six more guys to beat for the whole game. I can't hang on the bunta challange though. And it costs too much on top of it.

10-29-2003, 11:58 PM
Initial D and Battle Gear are fun, but it's true they aren't too realistic. any kid could come up and learn the game after some dollars spent. but Ferrari: F355 Challeenge in Sim mode is crazy hard! very fun too. i feel you on the dollar a game thing though, i just got one of the hour cards, split it with my g/f ofcourse, from gameworks however and saved the cash.

10-30-2003, 01:56 PM
anyone use the q's s14 in initial d? that was my first and only card, and it was pound-me-in-the-ass slow.

ya, i dont know what's up with DDR. I'm asian also and i hate it. I guess some ppl think it's a girl magnet??

hehhe, Ten buck tuesday. I gotta remember that. I did that during a family outing, and I spent my whole day playing that game w/o the family. Saved myself $200 probably.

Yep, Sim mode in f355 is tough. It still takes a good effort for me to actually finish a race, and even when I do, the most time i'll ever have left is 2 seconds. I just moved to irvine and was wondering if the newer Ferrari version is around?? I remember reading that Laguna Seca, Tsukuba Circuit, and a few other renown tracks were on there.