View Full Version : HELP PLEASE!!!! CLutch and bleeding problems

06-15-2011, 05:56 AM
I have a 1995 s14. IT used to be a auto car but the stuff was switched over before I bought the shell. I dropped a motor in it and and I can get the clutch to bleed. I took the dampering thing off already also.

There is no pressure in the clucth what so ever. I have to use my hand to pump it.
Every time I pump the clutch, little bubbles stir up in the master cylinder.

The pluger ( i guess thats what you call it) on the slave cylinder dosent move at all, when i press the clutch or what not.

How the heck can I bleed this thing??? I wanna drive my s14!! lol

Thanks Guys

06-15-2011, 01:15 PM
Loosen bleeder- press clutch - fluid come out? If yes ... Proceed if not check line for clogging... So fluid comes out then u tighten The bleeder... pump the clutch several time I personally do 10 and then hold The clutch all the way down. And have your friend loosen The bleeder... Air should come out.... Then have Ur friend tighten the bleeder... And remove your foot from the pedal.... And repeat.... That's how I do it

06-19-2011, 12:57 PM
^^ Do this. But i also recommend bypassing the stupid block that is in your clutch line.
It's much easier to bleed without it. And that block is completely useless.