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04-17-2011, 11:45 AM
Who's watching this tonight?

I've been a hardcore fan of the books since I first picked up A Game of Thrones 15 years ago.

Now, the TV show is premiering tonight and A Dance with Dragons is coming out this summer (tentative). Amazon.com "A Dance with Dragons" (http://www.amazon.com/Dance-Dragons-Song-Ice-Fire/dp/0553801473/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1303062320&sr=8-1)

HBO: Game of Thrones: Homepage (http://www.hbo.com/game-of-thrones/index.html)

04-18-2011, 12:57 PM
I guess no one here has HBO or likes epic fantasy.

04-18-2011, 01:26 PM
I don't have HBO lol

04-18-2011, 08:49 PM
I was told by my friend to watch this

here the trailer


04-18-2011, 09:00 PM
They really did the book justice. I'm glad it's an HBO show and not crammed into a movie trilogy.

04-19-2011, 02:22 PM
Liked the books too, read the first couple when they came out. Above average. So i was a bit ambivalent to the show since i figured it could ruin it. But it was better than i was expecting it to be. When you read the books first than it takes a while to get use to seeing the actors faces as opposed to the ones you had imagined in your mind. Fortunately it was over a decade since i read them so i had forgotten the details. There are a few things you notice different but it is expected to be when converted to the screen.

I think an HBO series is about right for it since they can have the complex details of the politics involved. If it were a movie(s) the story would of been cut down and they probably would not have been R rated which this story needs to be.

06-11-2011, 04:35 PM
Can't believe noone has really said anything about what could possibly be HBO's best show in a long time.

Me and all my friends are hooked, anyone else a fan? if you aren't watching this show, you should be.


dude who plays Khal Drogo (the leader of a massive race of warriors) is also playing the new Conan.


06-11-2011, 05:17 PM
looking forward to watching it but i have to finish my requirements for my warfare device! i get distracted easily so i need all my time to study and zilvia!

06-11-2011, 05:22 PM
This show is awesome, can't wait for tomorrow's episode! Last week's episode was kinda boring, I'm definitely hooked on this show though haha

06-11-2011, 05:25 PM
This show is awesome, can't wait for tomorrow's episode! Last week's episode was kinda boring, I'm definitely hooked on this show though haha

boring? dog you trippin. Robert Stark amassing an army to go against the Lannisters? Khal Drogo killing his number 2 man because he insulted his new foreigner wife? Dude he ripped out the mans tongue. i mean come on. lol.

06-11-2011, 05:28 PM
Usually there's more action then that, it just wasn't as great as the other episodes imo ha ha. Drogo killing his number 2 man because he insulted his new foreigner wife was a good part lol.

06-11-2011, 05:50 PM
tomorrows episode should be all sorts of epic tho!

06-11-2011, 07:04 PM
I do enjoy the show but I'm ready for war..

06-11-2011, 07:15 PM
I was just looking yesterday to see if Zilvia had a Game of Thrones thread!:bowdown:

Show is good! I'm loving the intrigue of medieval politics and combat! But the hint of mysticism flirting around each episode is whats really exciting me!

I do enjoy the show but I'm ready for war..
Dragons. I'm ready for Dragons. Gimme. Now. Vampires, werewolves and Zombies? So last year. Dragon's gon be the new hot shit. Pun intended. Imma go watch Reign of Fire right now!

Also, LOL @ Khal Drogo monstering the shit outta that white haired girl! Fool went H.A.M. on it! But I didn't quite know how to feel after reading that her character is supposed to be like 13 years old...:goyou:

06-11-2011, 07:31 PM
oh yes dragons! you know fire cant hurt a dragon...

06-11-2011, 07:31 PM
Fuck you guys.

I started this shit weeks ago.


06-11-2011, 07:32 PM
P.S. Can someone merge the threads please?

06-11-2011, 08:45 PM
don't be mad brah. its all in love just as long as the lannisters get whats coming to them. ya dig?

06-11-2011, 09:53 PM
Haha. Yeah, I feel you.

I really really really can't wait for the new book to come out next month. I'm going to call in sick until I finish reading it.

Mr Miyagi
06-11-2011, 09:54 PM
I only have HBO for porn.

06-11-2011, 10:01 PM
I only have HBO for porn.

I only saw one episode of this and there was a ton of incest in it.


06-11-2011, 11:31 PM
new ep is pretty sick, khal drogo is a boss

06-11-2011, 11:56 PM
I only saw one episode of this and there was a ton of incest in it.


your loss not ours. glwhaterade.

06-12-2011, 09:06 AM
new ep is pretty sick, khal drogo is a boss
For real. That molten gold shit was raw as hell! Dude was like "oh I can't spill blood in the sacred city? I got other ways of killing your ass without spilling blood..."

That is one seriously creative killer.:eek3:

Sidenote: Everytime I see Lord Stark, I want to yell FOR GONDOR!!!!
Boromir ROCKS.

06-12-2011, 11:13 PM

06-12-2011, 11:27 PM
I have to give a shout out to Daniel for reminding me to watch this series. I'm hooked, I don't have HBO so I drive to my buddy's places to watch it. i'm considering buying the book cause I cant wait that long for the next season.

06-13-2011, 09:20 AM
I think I'm going to bust out my book collection and re-read the entire thing over the next couple of weeks in preparation for A Dance with Dragons.

06-13-2011, 02:46 PM

This was on my mind after i watching last nights episode. This show is great.

06-14-2011, 01:37 AM
I've been watching the Show.. (the fact that's its HBO made me "try" it)

the problem is there is so much shit going on, i'm not really familiar with the books/world..

so the first few eps I was pretty lost...

but it's a good show deffntly

Mr Miyagi
06-14-2011, 12:42 PM
Not my fault you guys cant keep up to date on this show

06-14-2011, 01:01 PM
I watched it last night only to see .........

Dude. No spoilers in here.

06-14-2011, 01:17 PM
I like it lots of random nekkedness..lol

06-14-2011, 03:40 PM
I watched it last night only to see.

dude wtf, not cool. edit that shit. i cried a lil when it happened too.

06-14-2011, 04:32 PM
I reported his post, but no mods have edited it yet.

06-14-2011, 11:48 PM
Just watched episode 9. Man, fuck that.:madfawk:

Lannisters can all rot in hell. Except for Tyrion. He's cool.

Another cool character? Syrio Forel. I hope we get to see more of him...:bite:

06-15-2011, 09:32 AM
Just watched episode 9. Man, fuck that.:madfawk:

Lannisters can all rot in hell. Except for Tyrion. He's cool.

Another cool character? Syrio Forel. I hope we get to see more of him...:bite:

You should really read the books. You'll enjoy it. I just know it.

06-15-2011, 10:51 AM
You should really read the books. You'll enjoy it. I just know it.
I think I would. It reminds me of certain aspects of the Wheel of Time book series, which is AWESOME.

06-15-2011, 11:25 AM
I couldn't get through book 1 of anything Robert Jordan. I dunno why.

06-15-2011, 09:09 PM
Dude. No spoilers in here.

Little overboard IMHO. If the episode aired don't expect people not to talk about it.

06-15-2011, 09:26 PM
At least now he won't make the same mistake twice. He could have at least grayed out the text.

06-15-2011, 09:30 PM
At least now he won't make the same mistake twice. He could have at least grayed out the text.
You could have also PMed a Mod/Admin with your concerns instead of throwing a shit fit in this thread. Calling for other members to harass others is way overboard.

06-15-2011, 09:47 PM
No mods were online, and I reported the post.

Mr Miyagi
06-15-2011, 11:24 PM
No mods were online, and I reported the post.

I find that hard to believe.

06-15-2011, 11:37 PM
Says the totally oblivious one who didn't realize he had a pm for two hours.
In your own words, prove it. *roll eyes*

Mr Miyagi
06-16-2011, 08:03 AM
Haha whatever, I guess im not as good of a person as you because I dont always look at my pms. Have fun watching this shitty show.

06-19-2011, 10:16 PM
Naked Chicks and Dragons!!

06-19-2011, 11:01 PM

06-20-2011, 12:33 AM
wasn't much of a conclusion or ending for the season..

feels more like half way point in the season..

06-20-2011, 01:35 AM
Oh this shit is really getting good now! I'm already dreading the fact that, at some point, this season will end and I'll have to wait like 8 months for season two...

They better get picked up for a season two! Thanks to this show, I couldn't give two flying fucks about True Blood now!

06-20-2011, 10:53 AM
It already has been signed for a 2nd season, should be sick

Hopefully they don't cop out on the battle scenes now lol

06-20-2011, 01:07 PM
^^^For real. If Rob has 20,000 man under his command, I'm expecting some epic Lord of the Rings-level battles... Plus Zombies & Dragons!

Sidenote - Somebody needs to save Sansa before she:
A) Gives it up to Joffery Baratheon/Lannister & gets preggers
B) Kills herself.

Also, Arya traveling with that blacksmith kid, who might be the true heir to the throne is interesting. They're heading to the Wall. Things are gonna get hairy. At this point, I'd doubting that kid will ever get the throne. Hell, his daddy was a usurper anyway. By the time we get Joffery's ass out there, seems like most ppl would prefer Rob on the thone. Not to mention nekkid dragon girl is gonna be coming for that shit soon too. If there's any 7 Kingdoms left once that white walkers really start moving...

This is some good shit!:bowdown:

06-20-2011, 01:17 PM
^^^For real. If Rob has 20,000 man under his command, I'm expecting some epic Lord of the Rings-level battles... Plus Zombies & Dragons!

Sidenote - Somebody needs to save Sansa before she:
A) Gives it up to Joffery Baratheon/Lannister & gets preggers
B) Kills herself.

Also, Arya traveling with that blacksmith kid, who might be the true heir to the throne is interesting. They're heading to the Wall. Things are gonna get hairy. At this point, I'd doubting that kid will ever get the throne. Hell, his daddy was a usurper anyway. By the time we get Joffery's ass out there, seems like most ppl would prefer Rob on the thone. Not to mention nekkid dragon girl is gonna be coming for that shit soon too. If there's any 7 Kingdoms left once that white walkers really start moving...

This is some good shit!:bowdown:

The bastard son of Robert Baratheon has no true claim to the throne, even if Robert were still living.

Once you get caught up on all the reading you'll see just how far things have deteriorated across the 7 kingdoms.

06-20-2011, 01:41 PM
Yeah, seems like we've got all the ingrediants for a grade A clusterfuck here...

07-11-2011, 12:17 PM
Amazon.com: A Dance with Dragons: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book Five (9780553801477): George R.R. Martin: Books (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0553801473)

A Dance with Dragons tomorrow.

So. Fucking. Excited.

adam s
07-14-2011, 12:16 AM
Started watching this due to this thread.

FUCKING [email protected]#[email protected]

07-14-2011, 12:27 AM
You should really read the books. You'll enjoy it. I just know it.

That would require sitting and reading, so I'm pretty sure I wouldn't enjoy that.

07-17-2011, 12:48 PM
Ok, this is really nerdy but... I was wondering how a fight between Jamie Lannister and Jon Snow would go and found this on google:

Even better! Jamie Lannister vs Rand Al'Thor from the Wheel of Time series!
Cage Match 2010, Championship: 5) Rand Al’Thor versus 15) Jaime Lannister « Suvudu - Science Fiction and Fantasy Books, Movies, Comics, and Games (http://suvudu.com/2010/04/cage-match-2010-championship-5-rand-althor-versus-15-jaime-lannister.html)

Yeah, its nerdy fanfic. But its well written in the style of both their source materials. If you're familiar with both series', this is a really fun read.

07-26-2011, 02:51 PM
GRRM is coming to Google to speak this Thursday.
I'll be attending this at work. You guys can watch along with me Live on Youtube.

Inside Google Books: "Game of Thrones" Author George R. R. Martin Coming to Google (http://booksearch.blogspot.com/2011/07/game-of-thrones-author-george-r-r.html)

07-28-2011, 11:24 PM
Got some photos of him today.




07-30-2011, 02:20 PM
I just started watching the show, it's insane. It's like Lord of the Rings but even better! I'm going to start reading the books now... I heard it's even better than the show, which is kind of hard to believe.

07-30-2011, 05:50 PM
I finished watching the whole first season last week and I fucking loved it so much.

I am going to read the books now just can't wait until the second season!

07-31-2011, 10:01 AM
If he wants the show to continue, he's only got another 4-5 years to write The Winds of Winter, then one more year to write A Dream of Spring.

Sounds pretty impossible for him, given that it took 6 years to write A Dance with Dragons and he already had 500 pages written of the 1000 total.


07-31-2011, 05:51 PM
If he just starts writing new books for the sake of keeping the franchise going then you know it's going to be bad. But then again given how quick this fantasy series has become global since the late 90s it is remarkable.

I noticed many of the posters liked the gritty parts of the show like nudity and war which is why i thought it was good for it to be on something like HBO. It would of been a lot harder to make the world seem gritty with regular American network tv than premium cable. Most of Tyrion's exploits would go missing.

08-07-2011, 11:18 AM

The video from his talk @ Google is up.

08-09-2011, 07:34 AM
^^^Man, I was not planning on watching all of that long ass video. But for someone who used to dream of being a sci-fi/fantasy novelist, that was completely enthralling.

Thanks for the post.

08-09-2011, 09:33 AM
No problem. It was amazing being there in person to hear him talk. I don't think I'll ever get the chance to see him up close again.

AND I got a signed copy of ADwD. Win!

09-07-2011, 08:04 AM
Funny ass video...
Game of Thrones RPG - CollegeHumor Video (http://www.collegehumor.com/video/6579356/game-of-thrones-rpg)

I have pretty much all the girls at my job watching this show now.... lol

12-13-2011, 07:59 PM
April can't get here fast enough. Sounds like Stannis is gonna fuck some shit up.

12-13-2011, 08:02 PM
Did you start reading the books yet? Shit is bananas.

12-13-2011, 08:36 PM
Nope. Don't have very much leisure time nowadays.

12-14-2011, 05:33 AM
April can't get here fast enough. Sounds like Stannis is gonna fuck some shit up.

What's shown in that preview is handled in the first 1/3rd of the second book. I'm making my way though it and just past 1/2 way. It's painfully slow right now.. Everyone's getting married, no one gets to where they are going and it's like watching 2 old guys playing chess.. shear misery.

03-26-2012, 09:27 PM
Who else can't wait for Sunday?! This seasons gonna be awesome I've been watching the previews and watchin the re-runs on HBO gettin pumped up for Sunday... Haven't read the books so I really don't know what is gonna happen, but I'm sure it's gonna be epic. How do y'all think this seasons gonna pan out?

03-26-2012, 09:36 PM
I've read the books. All I can tell you is, it doesn't slow down lol. Gonna be a crazy season

03-26-2012, 09:37 PM
I love this show. I was hesitant at first with the whole medieval scenery but Im hooked now. Not sure how this season will pan out but judging on how the first season ended, its going to be really good.

03-26-2012, 09:37 PM
I've read the books. All I can tell you is, it doesn't slow down lol. Gonna be a crazy season

Yes!!!!! That's what I like to hear haha

03-26-2012, 09:39 PM
i also can't wait for sunday but there is another thread for game of thrones if u searched

03-26-2012, 09:41 PM
Hopefully that little shit bird of a king gets ganked in Season 2!

03-26-2012, 09:51 PM
i also can't wait for sunday but there is another thread for game of thrones if u searched

Yeah but it was old like past the thread revive time. Plus I figured that was all season 1, new season new thread to discuss the episodes from week to week

And yes I hope that little puto gets his for killing Ned Stark, he was the man!

03-26-2012, 09:58 PM

Can a mod please merge threads?

The last post in the old thread is only 3 months ago. Hyuk hyuk.

03-26-2012, 10:03 PM
ya, im so fucking pumped. finally convinced the gf to watch the first season with me.

03-26-2012, 10:04 PM
good god i cant wait. finally convinced the gf to watch the first season with me. god i love this show.

03-26-2012, 10:15 PM
Me either. Lots of new characters being introduced this season and I can't wait for all of the battles.

03-31-2012, 07:30 PM

04-01-2012, 03:35 PM
Oh man so HBO has been doing the whole first season today and during the breaks theyre doing sneak peaks and behind the scenes on the upcoming season, sooooooooo glad it's my day off! And thank god my satellite is on east coast time so I can watch it at 6!!! Its lookin like people are gonna throw down this season, and that shit of a king and his get theirs haha!

04-01-2012, 05:17 PM
Alright, well after hearing about how I NEED to watch this show, I plan to watch the first season this week.

04-01-2012, 05:29 PM
Should've just done the HBO marathon today lol, but seriously ur gonna get hooked after like the first 10 minutes of episode 1 so I would recommend having a day or so set aside to get caught up cus you will just wanna keep watching!

04-01-2012, 05:53 PM
1 hour to go \(^.^)/

04-01-2012, 08:41 PM
Winter is almost here!!!

04-01-2012, 08:58 PM
Way hotter as a brunette.

http://www.thesnipenews.com/wp-content/gallery/emilia-clarke/emilia-carke-1.jpg http://www.mytierack.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/emilia-clarke-gq-03.jpg

04-01-2012, 10:10 PM
Way hotter as a brunette.

http://www.thesnipenews.com/wp-content/gallery/emilia-clarke/emilia-carke-1.jpg http://www.mytierack.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/emilia-clarke-gq-03.jpg

ooooooh ya. i luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuve brunettes. soooo much better.

04-01-2012, 10:42 PM
god damn she is amazing

i still gotta pick up the bookset

04-09-2012, 05:19 AM
been reading the books and i just found out there is a show on hbo i should really stay home more and stop goin out... seriously

04-09-2012, 07:42 AM
Just watch the complete first season on dvd! Hooked!!!!! But I don't have HBO :(

04-10-2012, 01:14 PM
Viserys was my favourite character but they killed him off right away. :)

Nacey - Game of Thrones Bootleg

04-10-2012, 07:46 PM
been reading the books and i just found out there is a show on hbo i should really stay home more and stop goin out... seriously

Just watch the complete first season on dvd! Hooked!!!!! But I don't have HBO :(

welcome to your new favorite obsession. :)

04-10-2012, 09:33 PM
I just started reading the first book. Then I found out is was a show. Watched it, now I'm hooked.

04-16-2012, 09:02 AM
welcome to your new favorite obsession. :)

Straight up truth right there :)

Soooo I watched last nights and it was really good I can't wait to see where this is going, but I didn't catch last weeks and I doubly they'll show reruns this week so is anyone down to tell me what happened cus I'm a little lost on a few things

04-16-2012, 09:10 AM
Did you watch last night's episode live? If so, your cable provider probably has last week's episode OnDemand.

04-16-2012, 11:04 AM
Love the imp dude is too trill

04-16-2012, 12:01 PM
Did you watch last night's episode live? If so, your cable provider probably has last week's episode OnDemand.

Don't have on demand Direct TV = fail :( and I did catch last nights live and they had the synopsis but I still feel like wtf?

And def +1 for Tyrian the imp he's a boss

04-16-2012, 12:10 PM
try hbogo.com

You can probably watch it through there. You just need to sign up online using your DirectTV information. Takes 5 mins.

04-16-2012, 01:42 PM
Yeah I have no interwebz other than my phone... I was jw is someone could fill me in, if not I'll just wait till they have a marathon to catch it

04-16-2012, 03:35 PM
Yeah I have no interwebz other than my phone... I was jw is someone could fill me in, if not I'll just wait till they have a marathon to catch it
You could always read the books. :)

05-30-2012, 12:27 PM
+1 for hooked. I'm caught up now.
Khalisi (sp) fuggin sexy as hell!
Imp is a pimp....see what I did there?
But Im fixated on the redhead that Snow has.
Gawd I want a direwolf lol.

05-30-2012, 03:37 PM
Hell yeah... Love this show. But that barrel full of puke in the last episode was the grossest thing I've ever seen.

06-07-2012, 10:53 AM
I was thinking of buying the throne:

Buy your own 'Game of Thrones' Iron Throne | Crave - CNET (http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-57447802-1/buy-your-own-game-of-thrones-iron-throne/)

Then I looked at the price tag.

06-10-2012, 09:06 PM
Does anyone else feel that the second season was rushed, and not as fantastic as the first season?
Also, I was very aware that I was watching a show. I am not sure if the sets looked less convincing or the CGI was more obvious, but it somehow felt cheaper.

There is a lot that happens in the second book. I wish they could have either split it into two seasons, or made the second season twice as long.
For example, the final scene of the last episode could have been stretched into at least half an hour. It is one of the best and most dramatic parts of the books, while the show dedicated all of three minutes to it.

06-10-2012, 10:12 PM
I want someone to ram a sword up Joffey's ass asap. I hate that fucking kid.... Tyrian is the shit, they did him wrong though...

06-10-2012, 10:25 PM
Does anyone else feel that the second season was rushed, and not as fantastic as the first season?
Also, I was very aware that I was watching a show. I am not sure if the sets looked less convincing or the CGI was more obvious, but it somehow felt cheaper.

There is a lot that happens in the second book. I wish they could have either split it into two seasons, or made the second season twice as long.
For example, the final scene of the last episode could have been stretched into at least half an hour. It is one of the best and most dramatic parts of the books, while the show dedicated all of three minutes to it.

In general, no. I agree that the last scene with Danaerys felt a bit rushed, but it makes the most sense to cut that part since CGI dragons are expensive.

They definitely need to split the third, fourth and fifth books into two seasons per book though.

06-11-2012, 11:12 AM
Does anyone else feel that the second season was rushed, and not as fantastic as the first season?
Also, I was very aware that I was watching a show. I am not sure if the sets looked less convincing or the CGI was more obvious, but it somehow felt cheaper.

There is a lot that happens in the second book. I wish they could have either split it into two seasons, or made the second season twice as long.
For example, the final scene of the last episode could have been stretched into at least half an hour. It is one of the best and most dramatic parts of the books, while the show dedicated all of three minutes to it.

I've been very happy with Season 2 overall, but I agree that the battle at the end was entirely too short. That episode should have been 2, atleast.

I haven't read the books, but I'm thinking of investing.

06-11-2012, 08:54 PM
In general, no. I agree that the last scene with Danaerys felt a bit rushed, but it makes the most sense to cut that part since CGI dragons are expensive.
This is the scene I meant. :)
Game of Thrones - 2x10 Ending Scene (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P53kDWh5elU)

Even though it is a lot different from what happens in the books, and while I am not saying it is bad, they could have definitely expanded upon it greatly.

06-11-2012, 09:05 PM
Peter Dinklage is way too handsome to be the Imp. But his acting is very good.

06-11-2012, 11:16 PM
This is the scene I meant. :)
Game of Thrones - 2x10 Ending Scene (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P53kDWh5elU)

Even though it is a lot different from what happens in the books, and while I am not saying it is bad, they could have definitely expanded upon it greatly.

Ah! Don't know how I didn't think of that scene.

Yes, it was waaaay different than the book, and I loved it. I wanted to see more of that Wight King or whatever he was.

You guys know that last episode had 10 extra mins right?

06-12-2012, 12:41 PM
watched the last episode. I was not aware there were books, but now I have all of them.
Goooo Khalisi!! shes still hot as fuck!
I wish the Kings daughter would have went with the faceless guy!
I hate the redhead chick/witch, but Id still do her.
Man between waiting for this and Justified to come back on it gonna be a long summer.

P.S. Imp is still Da Man.

06-12-2012, 02:34 PM
I wish Ned Stark's daughter would have went with the faceless guy!
Fixed. And me too. I wanna see Bravos. Seems like thats where all the badasses come from.

06-12-2012, 05:36 PM
Thanks Simmode1
Yes, I do to. I also want Ned Stark's daughter to get "needle" back.

I missed the last 10 mins of footage. What was it about?

03-29-2013, 05:35 PM
so uhhh its back why isnt this tread more active

And omg emilia clark!!

03-30-2013, 12:01 AM
It's almooooost heeeeeeeere!!!! *squee*

03-30-2013, 11:48 AM
Yeah, Emilia Clark is fine... But I know I would suck as a man of the NightsWatch because I would have wrecked that Wildling girl something terrible, man.

Rose Leslie is just oozing sex appeal and unkempt sluttiness as Ygritte on the show.

03-30-2013, 11:53 AM
This is going to be a good Sunday for television.
Game of Thrones season premiere.
Walking Dead season finale.
New episode of Vikings.

03-30-2013, 12:00 PM
Yeah, Emilia Clark is fine... But I know I would suck as a man of the NightsWatch because I would have wrecked that Wildling girl something terrible, man.

Rose Leslie is just oozing sex appeal and unkempt sluttiness as Ygritte on the show.

she has to be my second favorite girl on this show, i just rewatched the episode when john snow catchs her and i was really wanting him to have his way with her

03-30-2013, 12:03 PM
she has to be my second favorite girl on this show, i just rewatched the episode when john snow catchs her and i was really wanting him to have his way with her
I'm pretty sure we'll get to see that soon. I don't think any man can hold that kind of temptation for very long... I wouldn't even try to...lol

But we all know Jon is just scurred he gon make another bastard... haha

04-01-2013, 10:29 AM
i found last nights episode to be a bit slow, but im super intrigued about what John Snow is gonna do, and disappointed we didnt see about Arya yet
on another note i got the Ommegang's Iron Throne Blonde Ale
havent gotten to drink it but it looks cool, I'm hoping it tastes like Joffrey's blood

Got Insulin?
04-01-2013, 10:38 AM
Caught the whole first Season and the first two eps of two on Comcast's Watch-a-Thon week as we don't have premium channels. The show is definitely as good as folks made it out to be and I just placed an order for the first book which should keep me pretty occupied as well.

04-01-2013, 03:51 PM
Ah, I am hooked on this show. Got the first 4 books for this past Christmas, haven't cracked them open yet but will definitely be working through them this summer as time allows.

Season 3 opener last night was a little slow but I have no doubts that they will pick up some steam. Didn't really end on much of a cliffhanger like previous episodes though IMO.

04-01-2013, 04:52 PM
Off with king Jeffrey's head! Love this show, second season was a little slow with all the dialogue and new characters so I'm hoping things pick up this season.

04-03-2013, 10:04 PM
If you have Verizon Fios, you have free HBO till the end of May...

04-04-2013, 10:05 AM
If you have Verizon Fios, you have free HBO till the end of May...

Past episode was quite slow, but it showed a lot of re-introduction to each character and story which was nice since it's been so long since the last season.

Is Verizon Fios kicking HBO off or something?

01-13-2014, 11:19 AM
Four more months to go...:eek3d:

From the very start of the trailer, I was like:bite: to see a dragon flying over King's Landing.

01-13-2014, 01:23 PM
I'm hoping my preorder of season three comes in soon. I can't wait to kill a day watching it, aha. That trailer is intense.

01-20-2014, 09:43 PM
Watching seasons 1-3 all over again between now and April when season 4 opens. By my rudimentary calculations it will take 3 episodes every Sunday. Not complaining.

04-07-2014, 10:48 AM
Season 4 started out nicely! I love seeing The Hound & Ariya together. They make murder look so fun!

And anyone else notice they replaced they actor who played Dario Naaharris? They new guy doesn't seem to have the swagger that the old one did...

04-07-2014, 01:55 PM
^^ Agreed.

The dragons are bigger, more aggressive. I am interested to see how Castle Black will stand up to the invaders from the North. King Joffrey is becoming more of a lunatic with each episode. According to the producers, this year will have the most action scenes.

04-07-2014, 03:17 PM
Just started watching with the GF. She isn't quite up to speed on the show, so there was a few times where i paused it for 5-10 minutes to explain what things meant.

Not a bad thing though, good way to refresh my memory of the characters and who is on who's side at this point.

04-07-2014, 05:47 PM
^^ Agreed.

The dragons are bigger, more aggressive. I am interested to see how Castle Black will stand up to the invaders from the North.
Well, we know from the season 3 finale that Stannis is probably gonna head up there...

Man, I did not expect Cersi to stonewall Jamie like that! I actually feel sorry for that murdering, sister-fucker...:wtc:

04-07-2014, 08:19 PM
Haha...no sister lovin' for you!!!

04-07-2014, 09:18 PM
And damn, now he's only got his left hand if he gets lonely at night... thats fuck up.

The kid Cersi is banging now better hope Jamie never finds out since we all know that's one Lannister who isn't above killing some kinfolk...lol

Anybody see a JamiexBrianne of Tarth thing happening? lol

06-02-2014, 11:55 PM
Fuck! How do they keep making me like characters and blindsiding me like that?!? Goddammit!!!

06-03-2014, 06:24 AM
Fuck! How do they keep making me like characters and blindsiding me like that?!? Goddammit!!!


No one gets to survive being that cocky for long on GoT though, cardinal rule.

4th Season Arya Stark is a little badass, btw.

06-03-2014, 10:07 AM
^^^I felt like I was watching The Princess Bride for a second there, with Oberyn all like "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." I thought this was gonna be awesome! And then I was suddenly reminded... No. This is Game of Thrones. This is where your favorite characters come to die.

06-03-2014, 10:29 AM
Did not see that coming, you could say that it messed up my head.

06-03-2014, 10:52 AM
After seeing that latest episode, I couldn't help but to Google what's going to happen with Tyrion.

Let's just say this season's finale is going to be KILLER.

06-03-2014, 04:26 PM
After seeing that latest episode, I couldn't help but to Google what's going to happen with Tyrion.

Let's just say this season's finale is going to be KILLER.

I refuse to look! That's how I ruined the Red Wedding for myself. But I did google whether Oberyn died in vain or if he mortally wounded the Mountain. That fight was fun to watch but also kinda stupid. To think that someone could deliver a left handed strike with enough force while laying down covered in spear wounds to knock out half a set off teeth is just pure fantasy. But what I really found unforgiveable was a fighter of Oberyn's caliber lowering his guard so much as to fall for something like that. He must have been fucking drunk. Should have listened to Tyrion and worn a helmet.

06-03-2014, 05:06 PM
Nevermind. All those teeth flying out just became believable again. Oberyn is 5'11... Geezus. https://s3.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/68WW.PGG1UUNH_p3aDSKXQ--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Y2g9NjQwO2NyPTE7Y3c9NjQwO2R4PTA7ZH k9MDtmaT11bGNyb3A7aD02NDA7cT03NTtzbT0xO3c9NjQw/http://l.yimg.com/os/publish-images/omg/2014-06-03/595c6020-eb3f-11e3-ae45-57616aca2e85_Instagram-PedroPascal.jpg

06-03-2014, 08:34 PM
The Mountain's actor was a former World's Strongest Man competitor AND played on his nation's basketball team (sorry, I forget what nation), so he's legitimately jacked.

06-03-2014, 10:20 PM
Holy damn!


06-04-2014, 12:46 AM
The Mountain's actor was a former World's Strongest Man competitor AND played on his nation's basketball team (sorry, I forget what nation), so he's legitimately jacked.

iceland :drama:

06-05-2014, 12:42 PM

06-05-2014, 01:03 PM
^^^Yep. That looks about right.

06-05-2014, 04:51 PM

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Send me a PM for more info! Thanks for looking

06-05-2014, 07:23 PM
^^^You say its not a spam, but your fucking posting this shit all over the place. Mods already deleted all your spam posts and guess you're not getting it. Reported as spam and hope you get pinked, better yet banned.

06-06-2014, 09:54 PM

I really miss her. :(

06-07-2014, 01:11 AM
Joffrey destroyed that lol..

06-10-2014, 11:29 AM


i cried

06-17-2014, 09:15 AM
Well, looks like Tywin Lannister had a great Father's Day...lol

06-18-2014, 09:49 PM

I would've stayed in the cave.

06-19-2014, 09:37 AM
^^^You know what though... I feel conflicted about Ygritte because she looked better with her clothes on, to me. I liked her alot at first, but she we finally saw her naked, I was like "Mmm. The milk's gone bad, Charlie Murphy!" I'm all about that Missandei now. Rawr!

06-20-2014, 11:13 AM
^ Word! Really sad to see that love (Ygritte and Jon) just get rekt like that. But this is Game of Thrones, if you're not dying, you're not living.

I'm more than ready to see Arya reroll into a Rogue.

Meera is cute in her own right. I've got a soft spot for her after catching her on Misfits.


06-20-2014, 11:23 AM
^^^I knew I recognized her from somewhere! But nah, she does nothing for me. She looks like she's 14 or something...

06-23-2014, 11:12 AM
^^^I knew I recognized her from somewhere! But nah, she does nothing for me. She looks like she's 14 or something...

She kind of looks like a dude and those winter get ups aren't doing her any favors.

06-23-2014, 11:32 AM

06-23-2014, 04:56 PM
Must... resist... urge.. to post Missandei topless pics... Ugh. Missandei>>>>>>>Meera.

06-23-2014, 08:21 PM
dany > rob stark's wife > missandei > ygritte > all other GOT women

06-23-2014, 09:12 PM
dany > rob stark's wife > missandei > Shae > Ygritte > all other GOT womenFixed... Gotta throw Shae in there. And that hot brunette Littlefinger had practicing on Roz when she first got to King's landing. Man, Littlefinger had some quality product!

04-11-2016, 12:03 PM
I'm late to the GoT train, but I'm glad I started watching it. Test-drove the show's 1st season 2 weekends ago, got hooked, then watched seasons 2-5 over this past weekend.


I know you guys have done more reading about it than I have. What's the deal with Jon Snow now?

04-11-2016, 11:29 PM

Jon Snow can't be dead, probably took over Ghost or something, or Melisandre will bring him back to life.

04-25-2016, 05:20 AM
Shit was wild last night good introduction to the series!

05-02-2016, 10:22 AM
Episode 2 was even better! The expected happened, but I couldn't help but still be surprised haha.

05-02-2016, 11:20 AM


05-02-2016, 01:01 PM
I can't wait to see Ramsey get his..

05-02-2016, 02:15 PM
I can't wait to see Ramsey get his..

Yes, and in hopefully a "taste of his own medicine" manner. Have "Who Let the Dogs Out" play in the background, fuck it.

SPOILER ALERT-ESQUE questions for discussion:
1. Tyrion wasn't attacked by the dragons in their lair. Does his mean he has Targaryan blood? Or he's just a natural dragon-whisperer?
2. Pretty sure we're going to soon find out who Snow's mother is in the next few episodes. Could she also be Targaryan?
3. Just to keep track if it's of any significance later down the road; the only direwolves left are Jon Snow's and Arya's right?

05-02-2016, 06:01 PM
Yes, and in hopefully a "taste of his own medicine" manner. Have "Who Let the Dogs Out" play in the background, fuck it.

SPOILER ALERT-ESQUE questions for discussion:
1. Tyrion wasn't attacked by the dragons in their lair. Does his mean he has Targaryan blood? Or he's just a natural dragon-whisperer?
2. Pretty sure we're going to soon find out who Snow's mother is in the next few episodes. Could she also be Targaryan?
3. Just to keep track if it's of any significance later down the road; the only direwolves left are Jon Snow's and Arya's right?

1. Evidence is mounting up that he is one...
2. It has to be Lyanna Stark, she was with Raegar Targaryen (Daenary's brother).

05-02-2016, 07:09 PM
3. Just to keep track if it's of any significance later down the road; the only direwolves left are Jon Snow's and Arya's right?[/COLOR]

Nymeria- Aria Stark, Summer- Bran Stark, Shaggydog- Rikon Stark, Ghost- Jon Snow are alive at this point.

05-03-2016, 04:47 AM
I wanna see Tyene's tits again.

05-03-2016, 06:24 AM
1. Evidence is mounting up that he is one...
2. It has to be Lyanna Stark, she was with Raegar Targaryen (Daenary's brother).

I can definitely see Jon Snow being Lyanna/Raegar's son. Looking forward to the flashback of Ned'd encounter with the mad king's guard. I could see Tyrion having Targaryen blood as well.
I also have a suspicious feeling the hound is not really dead...

05-09-2016, 10:51 AM
Anyone see last night's episode?

I hate how they cut the Tower of Joy story so short, I want them to confirm the R + L theory already.

05-09-2016, 10:51 AM
Dammit, the Tower of Joy flashback scene was so teased, unsurprisingly so though.

Mindfuck, spoiler question below:
We saw Ned questionably hearing Bran's call to him during the flashback. Could this possibly mean he could change past events? Fuck.

05-09-2016, 11:53 AM
Dammit, the Tower of Joy flashback scene was so teased, unsurprisingly so though.

Mindfuck, spoiler question below:
We saw Ned questionably hearing Bran's call to him during the flashback. Could this possibly mean he could change past events? Fuck.

yes and no because remember the raven said if you stay for too long you wont be able to come back.... so if he stayed long enough to make a change he would just be a ghost and not a physical being

05-09-2016, 11:57 AM
Nymeria- Aria Stark, Summer- Bran Stark, Shaggydog- Rikon Stark , Ghost- Jon Snow are alive at this point.


05-15-2016, 01:53 PM
I'm reading the books. After I read all there is I'll start watching the show.

05-23-2016, 12:37 PM
Good Lord ep 5 was very revealing. Lots of time-traveling mind-fuckery theories going on now.

05-23-2016, 12:46 PM
Good Lord ep 5 was very revealing. Lots of time-traveling mind-fuckery theories going on now.

seriously i was mindblown had to watch it twice

05-23-2016, 08:14 PM
Everything is good except for Arya's storyline in Bravos. It is so dumb and boring and wastes ten minutes of each episode. I wish they would just kill Arya off. The Hound was the only good thing about her subplot and he is long gone.

05-23-2016, 09:00 PM
Everything is good except for Arya's storyline in Bravos. It is so dumb and boring and wastes ten minutes of each episode. I wish they would just kill Arya off. The Hound was the only good thing about her subplot and he is long gone.

You sure about that? :)

ps, I hate when they introduce time-travel into story plot. I mean look what happened to Lost.

I liked the idea of being able to see the past without having any interaction with it (outside looking in), but then they started doing the "he heard me", "he saw me", "he touched me!!!" crap.

05-24-2016, 01:47 AM
You sure about that? :)
No one is ever sure who is really gone, but as he has not had any screen time, him being gone or gone gone is the same thing right now.
Jaqen H'ghar was also cool before in Arya's storyline as a mysterious assassin, but now he is just some annoying robe-wearing weirdo priest.

Bran will decide to stay in his visions to be with his mom and dad or end up bringing Ned back somehow.
Jon Snow will marry Daenerys, otherwise one of them has to die in the end (probably Daenerys). Even though they are siblings but that did not stop Targaryens from marrying each other before.
Shaggydog lives.
Just some wild guesses. :)

Too bad the Night's Watch did not try burning Jon's body after he died only to find out he may be flame retardant.

05-24-2016, 09:31 AM
Something tells me that the three-eyed raven is future Bran, stuck in the present. The fool was harbored in one spot (can't walk anyway).

And agreed about Arya's arc being lame right now. Shit better start picking up quick.

05-24-2016, 10:39 AM
Something tells me that the three-eyed raven is future Bran, stuck in the present. The fool was harbored in one spot (can't walk anyway).

That's an excellent theory, never thought of that.

Even though they are siblings but that did not stop Targaryens from marrying each other before.

If the whole R + L = J is true, then Daenarys would be Jon's aunt, not sister. Her brother is Jon's dad.

06-20-2016, 01:48 PM
Last night's episode was arguably the best action-packed one of the series. So what's the "rumor" that Cersei is trying to figure out? I believe it was slightly addressed a couple episodes ago.

06-20-2016, 04:42 PM
The trampling sequence was absolutely suffocating. The way it was shot was just perfect. You could barely tell what were you looking at between the glimpses of light flashing between the bodies everywhere.

06-21-2016, 09:04 AM
So what's the "rumor" that Cersei is trying to figure out? I believe it was slightly addressed a couple episodes ago.

so it could be a few things reason why (slight tangent, bare with me) Jaime is the king slayer because he killed the mad king and stopped the wildfire since he the mad king was convinced he wouldn't die in the inferno (and wanted to burn kings landing and start fresh) maybe she is trying to find out if the wild fire is still under kings landing, or to figure out if khaleesi really has dragons or figuring out where the fuck the high sparrow came from like his past( claimed to be a septon and traveled througout the realm) as she states he came outta nowhere, maybe she trying to take him down! real question is what the hell is marjorie up too :naughty:

06-28-2016, 11:51 AM
Surprised nobody has commented on the season finale. Holy crap another great episode!
The music was awesome..Lady Mormont is my spirit animal.

06-28-2016, 01:38 PM
It really was a good finale. I wasn't expecting lil king to jump out the window though and they didn't show anything to reveal that his mom knew. Mad king had the wild fire set perfect, so glad all them folks are dead.

06-28-2016, 04:02 PM
I crapped myself and was confused about the "Tower of Joy". Then I read up on it and the fan theories.... mind = blown.

06-28-2016, 11:22 PM

R + L = J is true!

Jon Snow is the rightful heir to the throne. I hope Daenarys and Jon Snow marry, but that seems too easy (even if it's incest LOL). They would be unstoppable though.


If you see the "SPOILER ALERT " and still read this post, it's not my fault. :2f2f:

06-30-2016, 05:04 PM
Daenarys has 3 Dragons, who is going to ride the other two?

Jon Snow and Tyrion? Hm.. [emoji848]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-30-2016, 05:10 PM
Daenarys has 3 Dragons, who is going to ride the other two?

Jon Snow and Tyrion? Hm.. [emoji848]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You mean Jon Targaryen and Tyrion Targaryen? :)

06-30-2016, 08:28 PM
Yeah, it only makes sense that Tyrion is Targaryen as well.

06-30-2016, 09:50 PM
That would complete Rhaegar's need to complete the "three headed dragon".

Now the real question is did Rhaegar and Liliana Stark secretly get married to give validity to Jon Snow's right to the Iron Thrown.

06-30-2016, 10:27 PM
Now the real question is did Rhaegar and Liliana Stark secretly get married to give validity to Jon Snow's right to the Iron Thrown.

I don't think it would matter if they were married or not? Jon being Rhaegar's son gives him immediate right to the throne.

06-30-2016, 11:45 PM
It would. If Jon Snow was a bastard, then Daenerys would have precedent over him. But if he were born not out of wed lock, then he would have a place in line before Daenerys.

06-30-2016, 11:55 PM
Targaryens are known for having multiple wives. My bet is Jon Snow is the legitimate son of Rhaegar and Lyanna, and Tyrion is actually the bastard of The Mad King.

07-01-2016, 12:07 AM
It would. If Jon Snow was a bastard, then Daenerys would have precedent over him. But if he were born not out of wed lock, then he would have a place in line before Daenerys.

If he was truly a bastard, he wouldn't have any right to the throne, thus not needing any precedent from Daenarys. The fact that he's the son of the former king's son gives him precedent over Daenarys, since he's male, even if his mother wasn't the wife.

07-01-2016, 12:58 AM
The fact that he's the son of the former king's son gives him precedent over Daenarys, since he's male, even if his mother wasn't the wife.

Incorrect. If hes born out of wed-lock hes a bastard, plain and simple. Remember Gendry? He is Robert Baratheon's bastard, but he will never hold claim to the throne.

07-01-2016, 07:49 PM
EDIT: How come I can't delete this post?

07-05-2016, 12:21 PM

Sansa will legitimize Jon, changing 'Snow' to 'Stark' as he'll be, on paper, the rightful heir to the Winterfell throne. He'll then, probably via a Bran reunion, learn about his true lineage and want his name changed to Targaryen, so he can be the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. Drama in the Stark family ensues.

Daenerys and Yara will hook up. A lot. Moar bewbs.

Daenerys' army will overtake King's Landing and Cersei will die a gruesome death via clutch kill from Arya (Cersei's on her kill list).

Because of the aforementioned Arya theory, this CAN suggest a reunion with Arya and the Hound before heading to King's Landing so we can see a fight to the death between the Hound and the Mountain aka Cleganebowl.

Bran will fuck up/change at least one thing in the past to alter a present/future story arc(s).

07-05-2016, 11:17 PM
If they really want to mess with viewers in a Game of Thrones fashion, when the big conflict comes they should kill off all the favourite characters whom people expect to win, and then someone like Littlefinger will end up getting the throne.

Also, this was a neat Easter egg:

07-17-2017, 11:06 AM
That cold open last night though.
I'm thinking "Walder Frey? They must be flashing back to the dinner before Arya killed him."
My girl is screaming "That's Arya!" and then she snatches the mask off and mercs everyone in the building. "Tell them that winter came for house Frey."
Coldest shit ever
If this is a spoiler to you, then you should not have clicked on this thread.

07-17-2017, 01:00 PM
^^^Man, as soon as I saw Walder's face fade into view, I knew that was Arya & she was about to kill every mufuka up in there...lol

But the scene with Sam cleaning all the shitpots was too much for me. And then, even his food was looking like the shit. I was like, C'mon bro...

07-17-2017, 01:06 PM
Did you noticed jorah grabbed sam when handing the food out.... even asked about danys return.

07-17-2017, 01:11 PM
Did you noticed jorah grabbed sam when handing the food out.... even asked about danys return.

I think I missed the grab, but I was also drunk and will be re-watching tonight

07-17-2017, 01:18 PM

07-17-2017, 01:40 PM
I think I missed the grab, but I was also drunk and will be re-watching tonight

my buddy told me about this apparently the book that sam was reading the next page says the dragon glass apparently will cure the greyscale virus which is most likely how Stannis' daughter was alive for so long even with the sickness.

07-17-2017, 02:01 PM
"I'm not wasting good wine on a damned woman." Smoothly disguised... Holy shit Arya, that was fucking masterful.

A good solid start, sets up the key players nicely, although they missed a few stragglers.

07-17-2017, 02:44 PM
"Where are you going?"
"To King's Landing to kill the queen"

everyone laughs it off
Man, if they only knew

07-17-2017, 03:16 PM
"Where are you going?"
"To King's Landing to kill the queen"

everyone laughs it off
Man, if they only knew

RIGHT?! I might have fist pumped when she pulled the mask off.

She's going to be on the tear, and I can't wait!

07-17-2017, 04:27 PM
Lol @ Ed Sheeran randomly popping up...
Did you noticed jorah grabbed sam when handing the food out.... even asked about danys return.
My wife missed it, but I was like :eek: JORAH!

I'm sure, somehow, he and Sam will unite to get the secret of the Dragonglass to Dany. I'm dying to know the secret behind the greyscale origin... Bet I Jorah never gets cured though. Can't have him around when Dany and Jon meet...:naughty:

07-24-2017, 03:05 PM
Missandei ftw.

Euron finally showing us how crazy he is with that pirate battle. Not bad for 2 episodes in.

07-24-2017, 03:37 PM
I liked the confusion of the battle, but man was I not feeling the characters in most of the bigger moments this episode. I did enjoy the smaller moments we got though...

And DON'T watch the trailer for next weeks episode. You'll be in for a real treat...

07-24-2017, 06:02 PM
^ douchebag is going to gift the dornish queen and daughter for the death of cersi daughter to solidify his allegiance.

07-25-2017, 08:20 AM
Missandei ftw.

Euron finally showing us how crazy he is with that pirate battle. Not bad for 2 episodes in.

Missandei... DAMN.
The guy with no dick gets to bed one of the prettiest women on the show. I cried a little bit.

And expect things to move pretty quick, the next couple of seasons will be shorter.

07-25-2017, 11:31 AM
Missandei... DAMN.
The guy with no dick gets to bed one of the prettiest women on the show. I cried a little bit.

And expect things to move pretty quick, the next couple of seasons will be shorter.

This is the final season, split into two. This part is 7 episodes, so things have been moving a lot quicker then what we are used to. I don't mind at all to tell you guys the truth.

07-25-2017, 12:04 PM
This is the final season, split into two. This part is 7 episodes, so things have been moving a lot quicker then what we are used to. I don't mind at all to tell you guys the truth.

I don't mind at all. I literally sat out this whole thread for years and binge watched the whole series last summer.
I have some theories, but I am open to anyone's ideas.

07-28-2017, 02:24 PM
Alright, so who do we think will die this week.

07-28-2017, 05:19 PM
Alright, so who do we think will die this week.

The Dornish mother and her one daughter that's still alive.

edit: And probably Yara Greyjoy too.

07-28-2017, 05:52 PM
Yeah, things aren't looking too good for them.

The mother and daughter will probably feel Cersei's wrath in the next episode or two

07-31-2017, 05:59 AM
I don’t think what everyone is calling a tactical misstep is actually so much of one. Tyrion’s plan was solid, and the detail of using his secret whore passage was especially brilliant.
Jaime was just a step ahead of him and left some expendables at Casterly Rock while they instead went to Highgarden to handle the Tyrells.
I hated to see Olenna die, but she went like a fuckin’ G though.

07-31-2017, 06:31 AM
^ i think jaime is at an advantage unless the unsullied leave they will starve( kingslayer said he didnt leave much there for food ) and be invaded doesn't make sense to stay unless they are gonna get some help! i think Snow keeping his ground with dany was the best choice for him i got a feeling she might have a soft spot for Jon! as for sanza and bran my man Knows everything.... is this getting better and better!

07-31-2017, 08:27 AM
^ i think jaime is at an advantage unless the unsullied leave they will starve( kingslayer said he didnt leave much there for food ) and be invaded doesn't make sense to stay unless they are gonna get some help! i think Snow keeping his ground with dany was the best choice for him i got a feeling she might have a soft spot for Jon! as for sanza and bran my man Knows everything.... is this getting better and better!

Grey Worm seemed to know that the rest of who they should be seeing at Casterly were not where they were supposed to be.
Now with House Tyrell defeated, siege on King's Landing will be less effective, Jaime basically said "fuck Casterly Rock."
Dany apparently has a soft spot for Jon and Tyrion did make the most sense on letting him have the Dragon Glass, "if this shit we don't believe is not real then we lost nothing in the dragon glass we weren't doing shit with, but if it IS real then he will have what he needs to handle that shit." Either way, they have made an ally.

07-31-2017, 02:23 PM
If you check out the season premiere teasers that give you glimpses of the whole season, you see Jaime riding his horse through a battlefield of fallen soldiers. I think ep 4 will show that scene. In other words Dany is gonna be PISSED when she finds out about her Unsullied soldiers basically being compromised and get some revenge via uber ride with her dragons going to The Reach where Jaime's army currently is.

07-31-2017, 05:49 PM
Dany's armys are going to die and she will come to the realization that the dragons are the only solution. I'm thinking Dany, Jon Snow, and Tyrion will be riding dragons before too long here.

08-07-2017, 12:41 AM
Omg. Incredible. Such drama & conflicted emotions. Been waiting years to see Dany & her dragons kick ass in open battle. But when it finally happens, I'm scared shitless for Jamie & Bron. Don't kill the homies! Lol

Jamie & Bron were heroic AF! Jamie trying to ditch the Kingslayer title for Dragonslayer!

08-07-2017, 01:26 AM

I've been waiting 7 freakin seasons for this one episode!!!

08-07-2017, 06:23 AM
I got so many ideas about which way this goes.
But last night covered a LOT of ground, quick.

This is where it gets weird…
Tyrion might feel he owes Jaime something for letting him free from being killed in Season 4. Also, he might have some to Bronn as well based on having championed for him earlier on than even that. I imagine the “you fucking idiot” toward his brother showed some of that, as well as Dany having mentioned it.
I think Jaime is worth more to them alive, and Bronn is otherwise useless, but might be kept alive. That will serve to prolong this problem on into next season, when the BIG war is due to begin.
By then, Jon will have fucked Daenerys, no matter his actual parentage, because apparently incest is nothing on this damn show.

08-07-2017, 09:51 AM
I got so many ideas about which way this goes.
But last night covered a LOT of ground, quick.

This is where it gets weird…
Tyrion might feel he owes Jaime something for letting him free from being killed in Season 4. Also, he might have some to Bronn as well based on having championed for him earlier on than even that. I imagine the “you fucking idiot” toward his brother showed some of that, as well as Dany having mentioned it.
I think Jaime is worth more to them alive, and Bronn is otherwise useless, but might be kept alive. That will serve to prolong this problem on into next season, when the BIG war is due to begin.
By then, Jon will have fucked Daenerys, no matter his actual parentage, because apparently incest is nothing on this damn show.
Oh yeah, Jon & Dany is going down. Clearly. The Targaryans were unabashedly incestuous to preserve their bloodline.

But I totally agree about Jamie and Bronn. You could see the conflict written all over Tyrion's face. Despite their problems, Jamie is the only Lannister he gives a damn about. And Bronn is probably Tyrion's best friend in the world. But LOL if Jamie gets captured AGAIN... haha

08-09-2017, 01:25 PM
I think this week's episode will focus on the FUCKERY about to befall King's landing when the raven with the news of the attack comes down and on the fact that Littlefinger isn't much longer for this world.
See, he had to know that Jon doesn't like him and that Sansa only keeps him around for convenience. With a stronger ally with useable weapons, Baelish becomes less and less of an asset and they can properly dispose of his snake in the grass ass ASAP. Add to the fact that the glare on Arya's face after sparring with Brienne and the fact that Bran let on that he knows he is is full of shit and none of the remaining Stark children like him. When Bran snitches that he is the cause of a lot of the ills they have come to them, he is done for. I give him MAYBE two more episodes.

08-09-2017, 02:14 PM
I hope Bran makes himself more useful, and we get at least a couple more flash back scenes.

08-09-2017, 04:59 PM
Calling it now, I think Tyrion is another Targaryen. Mad King + his mom. Boom. I also think Rhaegar and Lyanna were secretly married thus making Jon Snow a true highborn and Tyrion is actually the bastard.

Also, this whole lack of bending the knee from Jon Snow makes me think the writers are going to write in some cheesy scene where he finally bends the knee when he proposes to her (marriage).

Initial Drift
08-09-2017, 06:38 PM
I think the only one getting on their knees will be Daenerys. :naughty:

I am interested how this will play out. Would be cool if John can control the dragons too.

08-10-2017, 08:06 AM
Calling it now, I think Tyrion is another Targaryen. Mad King + his mom. Boom. I also think Rhaegar and Lyanna were secretly married thus making Jon Snow a true highborn and Tyrion is actually the bastard.

Also, this whole lack of bending the knee from Jon Snow makes me think the writers are going to write in some cheesy scene where he finally bends the knee when he proposes to her (marriage).
I agree with all of this. Explains why Tywin hated Tyrion so much, aside from him being a dwarf.

I think the only one getting on their knees will be Daenerys. :naughty:

I am interested how this will play out. Would be cool if John can control the dragons too.
Well, aside from Daenerys, I'm pretty sure Bran will warg a dragon. I think I'd like to think that Tyrion will ride one of the smaller dragons. But I'll like to see Jon & Arya leading an army of Dire Wolves. We saw Limerya(sp?)... isn't Snow still around too?

08-10-2017, 09:14 AM
Does anyone remember when Tyrion first got into the camp with Daenerys, there was that little aside where he spoke about wishing he had a dragon as a child and however else that went?
Am I the only one who thinks (now, because I never would have connected it then) that this was foreshadowing that he would eventually wind up getting his wish?

08-10-2017, 09:31 AM
^^^Thats where my Tyrion=1/2 Targaryan theory started actually. That and little exchanges he had with Tywin about his mother.

midnight zenki
08-10-2017, 11:59 AM
Its a pretty widely circulated theory that Tyrion is one head of the dragon (the dragon must have three heads) along with Jon Snow meaning that they will all ride dragons at one point. If I remember correctly the Mad King could be Tyrion's father.

That is until a dragon dies and is resurrected as an ice dragon that the Nights King will ride, maybe...

08-11-2017, 05:07 PM
That is until a dragon dies and is resurrected as an ice dragon that the Nights King will ride, maybe...

My assumption there is that Jon will inform her of burning the dead bodies to prevent them from turning...

Initial Drift
08-11-2017, 06:00 PM
There is also a theory that there is an ice dragon inside the wall and that the resurrection of the ice dragon in the wall is how the white walkers will be breaching it.

08-13-2017, 08:18 PM
Great 'slow' episode overall, seems to have been another 2ish months of time during that episode (was kinda neat to have Sam mention its been years since he let Bran through). Callout to Gendry still rowing made me laugh, Operation Fetch a Wight has one hell of a crew.

The reveal that Jon is a legit trueborn Targaeryn is huuuuge. He's definitely riding a dragon by series end, and then carrying Dany into the bedroom. Lineage means he's rightful heir to Iron Throne, he's already go the North at his back, and if/when Dany finds out they basically have an instant full on alliance.

My one, huge, giant issue with this episode is the opening - no fucking way Bronn was dragging Jaime's heavily armored ass out of the water. I still think they should have been captured, but even being annoyed at how they played that out I'm willing to live with it.

I wonder how fast Cersei will give birth given that each of these episodes are minimum one month timeframes at this point.

08-13-2017, 10:31 PM
Calling it now, I think Tyrion is another Targaryen. Mad King + his mom. Boom. I also think Rhaegar and Lyanna were secretly married thus making Jon Snow a true highborn and Tyrion is actually the bastard.

Fucking called it!!!!!!!!!! Now lets see if Tyrion ends up being a Targaryen bastard.

08-14-2017, 02:22 PM
Fucking called it!!!!!!!!!! Now lets see if Tyrion ends up being a Targaryen bastard.

That you were... I didn't catch that.

08-14-2017, 02:47 PM
Can we talk about how dumb Dickon was? Shoulda stayed quiet so he could avenge his father later. But oh well. Now Samwell is the head of House Tarley. Very convenient. Time to bend those knees, boys!
Callout to Gendry still rowing made me laugh, Operation Fetch a Wight has one hell of a crew.
I lost my shit when Gendry reappeared. Been waiting for him to come back for 4 seasons!

This crew got me hype as FUCK. It's about to go down!!!

08-14-2017, 02:57 PM
Also, not sure how many of you saw this official poster art before the season began... Some ppl are saying this is Viserion...

08-14-2017, 10:05 PM
Operation fetch a wight isn't going to affect Cersei, but I think it will to Jamie.