View Full Version : american autobahn

10-27-2003, 04:21 PM
read it and sign it....found on DTM power.net dont know if it will really matter but it is worth a try..

10-27-2003, 04:54 PM
Uhhh, is that a joke?...or....?

10-27-2003, 05:24 PM
not that i know of:confused:

10-27-2003, 05:31 PM
cool. i signed it.

10-27-2003, 07:25 PM
Welcome to Missouri, the pothole state

seriously, everyone bitches about the roads, but when it comes right down to it, no one will pay for them. Driving is extremely different over in Germany. To get a license you have to go to driving school, and thats like $1500-$2000 and 25-45 hours of driving, plus 12 hours of theory. About 40% of the people who apply, fail. As opposed to here in America where any jackass who can put a car in drive gets a license, for some minor fee.

Germany has higher speed limits because the cars can take the higher speed limits. They have an organization called TÜV that keeps cars that are rusty or out of tune off the streets, as much as we all love car inspections that would never fly here. I would guarantee that half of the cars on this board would fail TÜV inspection. Also the roads are maintained far better, maintenance comes with tax dollars, and our country doesn't want to pay taxes, and puts the money we do get into worthless things like campaigns to piss off the world.

sure you want better roads, but Joe Shmoe american isn't willing to sacrifice for them them, and signing a piece of paper, or online petition wont solve that.


10-27-2003, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by Rennen
Welcome to Missouri, the pothole state

seriously, everyone bitches about the roads, but when it comes right down to it, no one will pay for them. Driving is extremely different over in Germany. To get a license you have to go to driving school, and thats like $1500-$2000 and 25-45 hours of driving, plus 12 hours of theory. About 40% of the people who apply, fail. As opposed to here in America where any jackass who can put a car in drive gets a license, for some minor fee.

Germany has higher speed limits because the cars can take the higher speed limits. They have an organization called TÜV that keeps cars that are rusty or out of tune off the streets, as much as we all love car inspections that would never fly here. I would guarantee that half of the cars on this board would fail TÜV inspection. Also the roads are maintained far better, maintenance comes with tax dollars, and our country doesn't want to pay taxes, and puts the money we do get into worthless things like campaigns to piss off the world.

sure you want better roads, but Joe Shmoe american isn't willing to sacrifice for them them, and signing a piece of paper, or online petition wont solve that.


Amen! That is so true! :)

10-27-2003, 08:07 PM
wow, that thing is ridiculously stupid. the autobahn isn't in such great repair all over Germany. away from the big cities, the roads are no better than anywhere in America. also, this guy knows nothing about national debt. first of all, it's at about $6.8 trillion right now...not $350 billion. secondly, he doesnt realize that 80% of the national debt is held by American citizens in savings bonds. the treasury could easily pay it all off tomorrow, but it wouldnt make a damn difference. paying off the national debt would not change the wealth of the nation, just transfer it. i don't think people understand that a publicly held debt is far different than a privately held debt -- it's not a bad thing.:rolleyes:

10-27-2003, 10:34 PM
its not about the debt or anything, its just someone who wants to get some cooler highways...its not gonna work, when i signed it, there were like only 357 sigs...

but im still all for it, i like to go fast, and if its legal, kick ass

10-28-2003, 08:50 AM
well, he's trying to pass it off as being about debt. it just bugs me that no one knows what theyre talking about when they talk about the national debt, but thats for another topic;)