View Full Version : Absinthe: the Green Fairy

10-27-2003, 04:03 PM
have you guys heard of this green color alcohol? it was banned for over a century but its legal now. Its suppose to be some good as shit. I think am gonna order one, but the one month + waiting period will be a bitch.


10-27-2003, 05:07 PM
Not only have I heard of it...I've tried it...I brought two bottles back from prague last year.

Just to let you know it's like drinking fire...but amazing.

The stuff that you can get imported to the US doesn;t contain the special ingrediant which is wormwood. It's what makes you all crazy. If you know someone going out of the country have them bring it back for you...you can get a big bottle in prague for like 10 bucks.

10-27-2003, 05:41 PM
yeah, ive had some too, its prety fantastic stuff...i had my dad bring some back for me

te stuff you can buy in the us doesnt have the same chemicals in it, so you dont get high from it :(

10-27-2003, 07:06 PM
can ya guys hook me up with some =D, the good shit not the water down kind from here.

10-27-2003, 07:37 PM
isnt the reason why its banned here is because it contains an opiate?

well a good time regardless ^_^

you should see the amazing things you can order through online pharmacys...

10-27-2003, 07:46 PM
isnt the reason why its banned here is because it contains an opiate?

well a good time regardless ^_^

you should see the amazing things you can order through online pharmacys...

10-27-2003, 08:37 PM
one of the reasons yeah. if u read what the articles says its because many people become mad from it. But yeah, I need some!

10-27-2003, 09:37 PM
the reason it is banned is because it contains wormwood, which is a halucinogen. (I don't know how to spell that..sorry)

10-27-2003, 10:40 PM
There are no opiates in Absinthe. Even if there was, that does not mean it would be banded in Amercia. Both morphine and herione are both opiates (dirived from the sap of the poppy plant). The only difference between the morphine and the herione are the amound of the opium extract that is precent in it(chemically and organicly they are the same). The hallucaginic effect that comes from the absinthe is a result of the sap of the wormwood tree. It causes the nerve endings in your brain to misfire by causeing the nerve cells to produce a protein that causes a calcium ion(Ca+) release. This calcium release causes the nerve cell to contract, effectively making the nerve "misfire" and causing you to have that "wow, the walls are moving effect." The reason that absinthe is banded in America is because wormwood is in affect a poison, too much of the stuff and your brain over heats and you fry. Ever since the turn of the 18th century, the amount of wormwood found in absinthe through out the world has slowly decreased, so low that there is only .5 part per million wormwood extract. This level is so low that the FDA can allow it to come back into this country(and thats why you can buy it online) but the reason it is not sold in this country is just the left overs from prohibition. Me and my frat brothers buy about 10 bottles of the stuff at the start of every semester. The stuff taste absolutely horrible (old cat piss as my friend once said) but after about 2 shots worth you begin to taste the sounds and smell the colors and you end up talking in poetry the rest of the night. Its fun stuff, just dont drink too much, horrible hangovers (we are talking uber-jager hangover here). We drink ours by pouring a shot into a glass, adding sugar water and then a splash of 7-up. Drink and wait for the walls to start melting and the girls clothes to start coming off on their own!!!:boink:

Whoa that was a long post.

10-28-2003, 10:35 AM
wow, thanks man for the explaination. A friend of mine is in the army over in Germany, maybe he can hook me up with this stuff. So a good 2-4 shots of this in a glass is good for the whole night or what?

10-28-2003, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by cali240sxdrifter
wow, thanks man for the explaination. A friend of mine is in the army over in Germany, maybe he can hook me up with this stuff. So a good 2-4 shots of this in a glass is good for the whole night or what?

Alot like alcohol, the effect depend alot on body weight and tolerence. I am 6'3" 195lbs and I start feeling pretty good after about 3 shots worth of the stuff and the effect of the wormwood last for about 3-4 hours. Not so much drunk just a good buzz with the added effects that the wormwood sap gives you. Just besure that when you drink the stuff you mix it with plenty of sugar, otherwise it tastes bad enough you might be seeing your dinner again, and it never is as nice coming up as it was going down.

10-28-2003, 06:17 PM

lol, funny story

10-28-2003, 06:29 PM
man this stuff sounds like liquid acid. ive had more than my share of hallucinogens, i think i should buy one. damn it wouldve been perfect for the halloween party im gonna have. crap.

10-29-2003, 11:07 AM
I've never tried it.
