View Full Version : FIRE IN SAN DIEGO!!!!! (large pics )

10-26-2003, 07:28 PM
Sorry the pics are so large!! I am too tired to resize them, maybe later after I take a nap.

Ok, so most of you in Socal, have probably heard of the fire in San Diego, I hope everyone is ok, this morning I woke up and saw the sky was orange so I took a few pics of the sun:
and my house looking towards Mission Bay:
My Dad's secretary called and told us the fire was headed towards his sheet metal shop, which is located right near speedalliance in kearny mesa. So we headed out there to check it out and get files and computers, I called chris and told him he should go to his shop.

Pics as I drove to speedalliance to take pics of inventory (chris if you need those let me know):
Pics from Speedalliance looking towards miramar:
Pics of the field at the end of the alley from the roof of my dads place, the fire came within 20 feet and we are very lucky that the building didnt catch on fire.

The cops told my dad and the other tenants they would arrest them if they didnt evacuate while they were putting out a fire with a hose. They just dont understand that if that building went up in flames, that all the owners of those businesses would loose everything. anyways we left for about 20 minutes and then went back to hose of the brush and buildings and were there from 10am till 4pm today, what a day, I hope everyone affected will be ok and this ends soon.

10-26-2003, 07:34 PM
That second pic is really cool looking, looks like its almsot taken from a movie :cool:

10-26-2003, 07:38 PM
The firs two were from my house at about 9am this mornign, ash was covering everying, I couldnt believe it, I got some pics of my car too, the lighting is very dramatic, but those pics arnt important now, i'll post them later. I'm just exhausted from breathing ash ans smoke all day and my eyes are super red and my head just hurts.

10-26-2003, 07:45 PM
Yeah its been a pretty shitty day in san diego. Theres so much ash in my pool that you cant see the water.

10-26-2003, 07:45 PM
Wow, I'm really sorry to hear it came so close. That must be extremely scary. I don't have class tommorrow, as alot SD schools nearby, including colleges, are closed. Good luck with everything and take care.

10-26-2003, 09:48 PM
Here are some pics of the San Bernardino Fire from my area. Mind you, I'm about 20 miles away, San Bernardino is just on the otherside of the mountain. Oh yeah, and my cam sucks.... ass.

From AM/PM

From the Highway

From the Highway, about 500 feet from my house.

I am just north of San Bernardino, about 20 miles as the crow flies.

And just so you guys know, that is just one fire. There are two other fires to the west (about 30 miles from the eastern fire to the western fire) that I can see from my house, but they aren't as easy to see.

10-26-2003, 10:11 PM
Wow, that is incredible. My heart goes out to all of you guys in San Diego, and your families.

10-26-2003, 10:32 PM
here are some pics from san diego. i took these today at around 1. It looks almost like 9/11 from the pics..

sorry the exposure isn't very good, i didn't have the right settings when I took the pictures.

10-26-2003, 11:59 PM
thats fucking insane.. the fires we have out here in LA are pretty fucked up, but the ones in SD are even worse.. I had family visiting from SD this weekend and they were shitting bricks because they had NO clue how to freakin get back home since several of the freeways were closed, its really messed up. I hope everyone in SD is doing okay, its always these crazy natural disasters which are just hell for everyone.. either earthquake, flooding, or fire.. jesus..


10-27-2003, 02:16 AM
Damn i wish i had the pics of the fire here in fillmore, this shit is so crazy burning everything up.

10-27-2003, 09:32 AM
Yah a lil thing happend like that near my little town of salinas. It was right near Laguna Seca. All kinds of ash and crrap was flying in the air. It smelled like barbeque everywhere.....

10-27-2003, 03:11 PM
dude this sucks so bad my parents house in ranch del rey which is right by eastlake. fortunately everybody i know from eastlake is ok. i hope they can stop this thing soon i was in LA for the weekend. just came back today to all of this.-dave:(