View Full Version : nismo power brace + GS tension rod

05-31-2011, 07:04 PM
hey all,

i purchased a nismo power brace and some godspeed tension rods. i went to mount everything and for some reason, the tension rod, when they are adjusted all the way in (not extended) they are too long and they go over the bolt. even when the tension rod is adjusted all the way in, it is too long.

would i need to modify the power brace at make a new bolt further out?

what is happening herE? did some one have the same problem? should i extend the tension rod out a bit?

please help.

05-31-2011, 07:06 PM
s13 vs s14 nismo brace

s13 vs s14 tension rod

you might have the wrong one of those

05-31-2011, 07:30 PM
oopss! sorry. i meant that they are too long and go over the bolt.

the tension rod its too long even when it is adjusted all the way in.

1st post edited.

Also, im doing a 5lug swap so i am using s14 lca.

Jonnie Fraz
05-31-2011, 10:21 PM
S14 Nismo brace will not fit the S13 chassis.I am guessing S14 tc rods.

05-31-2011, 10:26 PM
yeah probably. ill have to measure them to see. so far i know from researching that s13 Tension rods are 15 inches and s14 are 16, so ill have to measure them and see.

if they are 16 inches ill just put my stock tension rods with the s14 LCA until i get s13 tension rods.