View Full Version : Does anyone else think...

02-04-2002, 08:43 AM
Who thinks the seats in the S13 sucks?

I spent 4 hours driving my car on the weekend running errands.  My back is aching badly!  The lumbar support didn't do any justice at all.  I'm just shooting my mouth off because I'm a whining baby.  :biggrin:

Still have to wait 2 more weeks for my Sparco seat bracket to come in.  It'll look a bit awkward in the car since I have grey leather, and replacing only the drivers seat.  I don't have another $800 to blow on the passenger (my g/f).
When she complains, I'll just give her a back massage. <img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>

02-04-2002, 09:14 AM
maybe the seats are just old and worn?

02-04-2002, 09:48 AM
Nope. &nbsp;I always liked those seats. &nbsp;And I drove to and from Canada in them. &nbsp;Not a single complaint.

Well, okay, there were lots of complaints from the back seat before my friend's brain snapped somewhere along the inter-national border and insanity set in. &nbsp;But, neither person up front cared. &nbsp;I think wherezmytofu is right. &nbsp;Yours are probably just worn.

02-04-2002, 10:12 AM
I like the s13 seats better then the s14. I just slid around in the s14 seat.

To get more support out of the s13 seat unzip the back of the seat and take out the 3 metal wires that run across the seat. It will give much more support.

02-04-2002, 10:15 AM
i don't slide hardly at all in mine, they are almost as good as the ones in my old Z32, but maybe it's just cause i'm a big fat ass and don't really have anywhere to go in the first place

02-04-2002, 10:18 AM
Mine are pretty old and I definately have a pain in my back after a long drive. I can't wait till I get a torino.

240 2NR
02-04-2002, 10:18 AM
Depends which S13. &nbsp;The 89-90 ones aren't too bad and look really cool for factory. &nbsp;The 91-94 seats suck ass. &nbsp;Mine are in great shape and driving to and from chicago is painful sometimes. &nbsp;I also slide all over the place when cornering. &nbsp;My GF's altima has seats that are 10x better. &nbsp;I'm going to look into the 97-98 seats or an FIA shell.

02-04-2002, 10:47 AM
i have the 90 seats. and i have no complaints from them, then again i weight 135lbs. they 'do' look cool for being stock. i never noticed it until i had seen the other seats.

drift freaq
02-04-2002, 10:58 AM
Ok guys, indeed the early seats are not bad for stock just sit in early american Camaro seats or even current Ford Mustang seats. the problem is under long drives the support for calves just doesn't exist with the early 240sx seats. Its why most S13 owners here in Socal either go race seat or put in &nbsp;s14 seats.

02-04-2002, 02:08 PM
does anyone know how to adjust the seat wire things so the seat hugs u better.. i plan on reupholsterying th car soon. i don't want it really ricey, but my parents are paying for it so i'm getting black and silver vinyl, although i'm thinking bout tweed.. what do ya think

02-04-2002, 02:14 PM
standard cloth seats will hold you in 9 million times better than vinyl or leather

02-04-2002, 02:22 PM
I thought the stock s13 seats were #### comfortable, and awfully attractive for cloth. &nbsp;If they're clean, that is.

If you wanna cover 'em in something, try neoprene. &nbsp;<a href="http://www.wetokole.com" target='_blank'>http://www.wetokole.com</a> &nbsp;You can even have &quot;240SX&quot; embroidered on them.

02-04-2002, 02:30 PM
The S14 seats are a #### of a lot better than the S13 seats (at least, '96 being better than '92). &nbsp;After a good workout on my back, the comfort of the S14 seats was incredibly noticeable. &nbsp;