View Full Version : scary moives

10-21-2003, 12:06 AM
whats the scarist movie you ever seen? as for me i don't know, i find that american scary movies are not that scary but if you watch those asian movies it will mess you up mentoly.

also share life stories.

i had a friend who was drunk and stupid and pick up a stranger-a girl. as he's driving, he notice that the girl has no refection in the mirror. he freaks out but stays claim, he stop at the gas station and ask her to go pay for the gas, she wouldn't but after alittle talking she gets out and he just leaves.

sorry for the misspelled words...i know i know

10-21-2003, 12:45 AM
the new texas chainsaw masacre is a good one :D

10-21-2003, 01:46 AM
well so far its jarassic park(did i spell that right probably not):bash:

10-21-2003, 08:53 AM
Japanese scary flicks are more like comedy to the non Japanese speaking crowd. Facial expressions in some of the scenes are priceless.

10-21-2003, 09:25 AM
i want to know whats the best one you seen? the ring was o.k. but guess what, they copied it from ringu which was japanese

10-21-2003, 09:50 AM
hmmmm, event horizon pretty much scarred me for life...

i saw it when i was a little kid alone with the parrents gone at night...i had nightmares for a while lol

10-21-2003, 12:18 PM
i thought the original japanese 'the ring' was pretty scary. ring 2 would've been scary if it had a cohesive plot. ring 0 was just disturbing.

as for real life scary stories well, i see ghosts all the time and i'm pretty used to it so nothing really bothers me all that much. scared the hell out of me as a kid though.

10-21-2003, 07:29 PM
The origional japanese version of "The ring" was called "Ringu".

28 Days Later was so awesomely scary. GO SEE IT!! It just came out on DVD today.

10-21-2003, 08:10 PM
The Ring was excellent, it's funny. Months after watching that movie I found this blank video tape in the garage, curious as to what it was I put it on. And the all of a sudden all these freaky images come on the screen, like the ladder, and the fly, and the maggots and stuff just like in the ring, with static and no sound. I TURNED THAT SHIT OFF ASAP! But then I was like 'hell no, it couldn't be', and fast forward it a little and I found out it was like a music video or something. But for a second I thought I was going to get a phone call;)

Got Sileighty?
10-21-2003, 09:05 PM
nice ninja hahaha...ive never seen the ring cuz blair witch has fukd me up. i never really liked scary movies since i was a kid, but whenever i watched em, id be scared for like a day, then im fine. but blair witch was different. after seeing it at the theater, i had trouble taking showers!:wtc: cuz right outside the shower window was our backyard with lots of trees and stuff :wtc: so now everytime i see anything remotely scary, it gets stuck in my head for days on end. (ex: sixth sense scenes with the ghosts). someday ill get over this i guess, or at least i hope i will.

10-21-2003, 10:37 PM
there's a japanese movie called "The Eye" that's pretty scary, at least in the first hour or so, after that it's just silly. the ring was pretty scary, blair witch did last with me for quite a bit, and they didn't even show a ghost, what a mindjob. The new Texas Chainsaw Massacre was pretty damn scary while you're watching it, but it doesn't stick with you....like after you're out of the theater, everything's all good. anybody know of any movies that you just can't shake off for weeks on end?

10-21-2003, 10:49 PM
the scariest movie I have ever seen is a movie called Jelankung (sp?) My wife and I watched it over at Bbandit's house. It was like the second part in this series of Indonesian horror movies, but holy god it freaked me out. Now he is making fun of me because I am afraid of the shower, but that was some seriously fcuked up shti man. :(

10-22-2003, 09:21 AM
i think what i hate most is local stories because you know it near you. also i hate movies that turn up the volume on purpose right at the scary scenes:aw:

10-22-2003, 11:27 AM
I think it's more scarier when it's dead silent and BAM! something jumps out at you, then you jump in your seat and all your friends laugh at you:p

10-22-2003, 02:31 PM
might not be the scariest, but i agree with teh one guy, event horizon was damn good when it came out...still is

10-22-2003, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by 240_keyy
the scariest movie I have ever seen is a movie called Jelankung (sp?) My wife and I watched it over at Bbandit's house. It was like the second part in this series of Indonesian horror movies, but holy god it freaked me out. Now he is making fun of me because I am afraid of the shower, but that was some seriously fcuked up shti man. :(

hahaha yes! i'm indonesian and my friend brought that movie over one day, now i'm not one that scares easily, but damn that movie freaked me out haha.

10-22-2003, 04:51 PM
hey do you know how i can get a copie of that movie?

Andrew Bohan
10-23-2003, 07:27 PM
i took my gf to see the ring, and then she didn't wanna go in the living room cause there's a tv there lol

10-25-2003, 01:27 PM
Scary movies don't do much for me anymore. Most of the time, the plots seem kinda cool but the characters make stupid mistakes and end up getting killed for not using common sense. After a while I start rooting for the bad guy/ghost/spirit thing. "Kill him!"

But oh shiiit when I was 5, I remember seeing Poltergeist and that would scare me. I lived in a couple houses that were supposedly haunted and thinking of that movie would mess with my mind.

10-25-2003, 03:57 PM
I just watched "28 days later". Very good movie for a "zombie-killing-spree" type of flick. I recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it yet. I wasn't really scared, but not much scares me anymore in terms of cinema. My cousin almost crapped her pants a few times though, hehe.

When I was a kid, Pet Cemetary (2?) used to freak me out. That scene with the back-from-the-dead woman with the nasty spine was just gnarly. Oh, and Michael Jackson's Thriller video used to scare me too, haha. Remember, I was maybe 7 years old then.

10-25-2003, 05:42 PM
I remember the movie that scared me the most was House on Haunted Hill. The spirit of the house thing didn't scare me (the floating black cloud...would have been better if they just found some weird black mist floating and it did something weird, not move and attack though). What really got me was the part where SPOILERSSSSSSSSSSSS she picked up the videocamera, looked at the "empty" operating table, but saw a doctor operating on someone, and slowly look up right at you. Then he's magically weilding a knife, and the lady dies. The other weird part is where the guy is in the spinning insane room...urgh.

Yeah, but anyways, if you guys want to see something scary, check this out - http://hospital.apoka.com/. It's a virtual tour of a haunted hospital in France. So actually, it's a bit like House on Haunted Hill. It's pretty damned creepy. I looked at one room and closed the browser as quick as I could. I'm such a wuss :cry: :cry: :cry:

11-05-2003, 10:05 PM
The scarriest movie imo has got to be the original Night of the Living dead. that movie scared the shit out of me. I saw 28 days later mainly because that was what everyone was comapring it to NOLD i thought it was a good movie but not that scary reminded me more of another movie called the omega man.

11-05-2003, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by crioten
hmmmm, event horizon pretty much scarred me for life...

i saw it when i was a little kid alone with the parrents gone at night...i had nightmares for a while lol

i am a firm beleiver that event horizon could quite possibly be the scariest movie i have ever seen! most of my friends agree!

Andrew Bohan
11-05-2003, 11:12 PM
when i went to see it in the theater, i didn't know much about it. i thought it was gonna be sci-fi. whoa what a shock

11-06-2003, 07:46 AM
Any of you guys ever seen Wrong Turn??? Yea yea its a bit far fetched and not really that scary to you guys...but i live in louisiana and they actually have freaks like that down here. I live way out in the middle of BFE and it scares me to go outside and feed the dogs at night.

11-06-2003, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by RoNiN240sx
there's a japanese movie called "The Eye" that's pretty scary, at least in the first hour or so, after that it's just silly. the ring was pretty scary, blair witch did last with me for quite a bit, and they didn't even show a ghost, what a mindjob. The new Texas Chainsaw Massacre was pretty damn scary while you're watching it, but it doesn't stick with you....like after you're out of the theater, everything's all good. anybody know of any movies that you just can't shake off for weeks on end?

Sorry, "the eye" is a chinese movie. it came out about 2 summers ago when i was in hong kong. a japanese movie called "dark water" was also released around the same time.

i heard they are going to release the eye over here in the states. if you go to the apple website they should have a preview for "the eye".

11-06-2003, 09:20 AM
oh yeah, there is a japanese movie called "juon" that came out this summer that is a sequel to a previous movie title "ju-on". i downloaded it, but havent gotten around to watching it. from the previews i have seen it looks pretty scary.

11-06-2003, 09:32 AM
here is a link to "the eye"


it seems they have also released this in japan. to me the movie is not all that impresive to be released here in the states, but oh well its their money.

http://a772.g.akamai.net/7/772/51/369e5adfe60a2d/www.apple.com/trailers/independent/images/the_eye_poster.jpg US ver.

http://i3.yesasia.com/assets/imgs/videos/54/p1001836954.jpg Chinese ver.

http://i3.yesasia.com/assets/imgs/videos/50/p1002898450.jpg Japanese ver.

11-06-2003, 09:33 AM
here is "juon" if anyone is interested in that one.


11-06-2003, 11:10 AM
fire in the sky freaked me out when i was a kid. when he opens the container thing and it is a body with all the guts hanging out i remember wanting to cry:wtc:

11-06-2003, 11:56 AM
Night of the living dead. Creppy stuff:axe:

Stee Flo
11-06-2003, 04:28 PM
Ive been wanting to check out some of these japanese horror flicks. Just bought a region free dvd player so soon enough. Also never seen event horizon. I definately liked blair witch; they did a nice job of scaring you with mind games and not resorting to much visual shocks! Seemed more real to life fright. An oldy but a goodie would be the Exorcist. Not horribly frightening, but some nasty imagery.

11-07-2003, 02:49 PM
"House of 1000 corpses" is the scariest, sickest, most twisted movie ever made. I reccomend that no one see this movie. You will probably have nightmares and wet your pants.

11-07-2003, 05:30 PM
house of 1000 corpse sucked big balls, rob zombe is stupid for making this movie. i'm very disoppointed in this movie, it's not even scary!

11-07-2003, 05:44 PM
This story got me thinking a lot.

-a woman comes home to see that her dog is the ground choking.
-she takes her dog to the hospital for a check up
-she comes home for a while
-the doctors calls, and tell her not to be scared and walk outside
-she’s claim and wants to know what’s going on while still in the house
- the doctor said that her dog his choking on humans fingers
-her runs outside and calls the cops
-when the cops come the fiind a man in the closet

it’s scary because of how they told it and because this hit can happen to me or you.

Other scary shit is when you find out that you house is really haunted

11-07-2003, 05:45 PM
my 100 post