View Full Version : Friend Hurt Bad in Motorcycle Accident... Please Help Zilvia.

05-23-2011, 11:38 AM
What Happened?:
Last Friday Evening Chris, my good friend for the past 6+ years, was involved in a low speed motorcycle crash. He low sided coming out of a right hand turn into a left and slid into a guardrail/post. Don't have too many details on the crash as I wasn't present. He broke his collarbone, a couple bones in his face, and shattered his vertebre. Ultimately, the pieces of the bone severed his spinal cord in between the 5th and 6th vertebre. Unfortunately, he has a VERY HIGH chance of being paralyzed from the chest down and will likely never walk again. After looking at his gear in the ICU - If not for his helmet and jacket/gloves/etc… I’m 100% certain he would not be still with us.

His Condition?:
I went up to the University of Cincinnati SICU on Sunday to see his wife and fam and to see how he was doing. He is in a lot of pain mainly because his spine is still not stabilized. He was supposed to go through surgery to stabilize it yesterday but they couldn’t proceed because one of the main veins in his neck is still swollen and full of blood. From what I understand they need to wait until this swelling goes down before they operate otherwise there is a chance of stroke. They have him hooked up to IV and Hydra-Morphine for the time being. Even though he is still in excruciating pain, he still made it apparent that he is still in good spirits.

His Family and Spirits:
Chris is a great man… As long as I have known him he has always been very positive, always been giving, and always been a man of his word. The only thing he told me that he was worried about was his family and most importantly keeping a roof over and taking care of his wife and three kids... When I was talking to him one of the most enlightening things he told me was initially when he crashed he was afraid that his mom was going to “kick his butt”… but he said “but, its cool because I can’t feel my butt right now!” and tried to smile. That is Chris to the tee… He is his wife’s everything, a great friend and he is an amazing father to his three kids. I have to give a lot of props to his wife (Kasey), his mother (Tina) and his mother in law (Kasey’s Mom, Judy) because they were ON POINT yesterday. I was very suprised they already had a list going and were well prepared with things to do starting this Monday like calling all the insurance companies, gathering details, pictures, speaking with the police department, etc. When I came in there I had a list of things prepared as well. Through all this they have remained strong and have already begun moving forward on what needs to be done. I took a few things off that list into my responsibility and will be helping as much as I can and may need help.

How can we Help?:
Please be advised! I would like to set up some sort of benefit here at the beginning of the month to raise money for the family to take care of hospital bills and other expenses. I'm doing everything in my power to help...

I also set up the Chris Kreusch Benefit Account at 5/3 Bank. If you would like to donate anything, you can stop by any branch at any time they are open and help. For those of you that would like to donate online send any donations as a gift to [email protected] via paypal.

Ultimately What I need at this time:

I need to organize some sort of benefit for the family for sometime in early June. We have one of his family members running a marathon on the east coast in his name to raise funds this week. Any members care to assist with this
I may need help putting together some sort of graphic with his pictures and such so that I can post this up.
Lastly and most importantly, I need your prayers, blessings, positivity, and good wishings for his family. I need them to not worry and just concentrate on him getting better and taking care of the kids in this tragic time.

I know most of you don't know him... but If you have any kind words or wishes feel free to post them here... or email the paypal address at [email protected] and any information will be forwarded to the family in this time of distress. As always, stay POSITIVE... and keep them in your thoughts. They need this right now and anything you can do to help will be more than appreciated.

Everyone, take heed... Please be safe and wear gear if you ride. That was the thing that kept Chris alive...

Thank you guys and Much Love,
Ameen aka Tokes.


05-23-2011, 11:41 AM
sucks for what happened to him, and my thoughts are with his family.

however, no insurance is his own fault

LimeLite Racing
05-23-2011, 12:41 PM
sucks for what happened to him, and my thoughts are with his family.

however, no insurance is his own fault

Exactly. He should know better. There are two types of motorcycle drivers, ones that have gone down and ones that are going to go down. Still sucks though.

05-23-2011, 01:44 PM
This is just a tragic occurrence with a safe rider. We definitely know the risks as bike riders...Just trying to help my friend and his kids guys... I will pass on your condolences. Thank you for the good words.

05-23-2011, 02:06 PM
another rider down, what a shame...exact reason why i WILL NOT ride street after getting married/kids...my best wishes to him and his...

05-23-2011, 02:25 PM
Sounds pretty bad to be a low speed crash. He broke bones in his face while wearing a full faced helmet?

Always sucks to hear about other riders going down.

Sadly during the summer on the bike forums you seem to see fallen rider threads almost every day...

Best of luck to he and his family.

05-23-2011, 02:25 PM
I'm thinking the same sw :(... I love riding, but anything more than track days and cruises anymore seem to be what I will be inclining towards.

05-23-2011, 02:29 PM
Sounds pretty bad to be a low speed crash. He broke bones in his face while wearing a full faced helmet?

Always sucks to hear about other riders going down.

Sadly during the summer on the bike forums you seem to see fallen rider threads almost every day...

Best of luck to he and his family.

I know... seems his head then shoulder took much of the force... but the compression transferred to his spine.

It pains me because I was supposed to be leading him on Sunday and I had just gotten finished talking with him about wearing gear... thank God he listened. I'm just upset with myself because I wasn't there.

This is from Chris' Sister on the Facebook benefit information page...
http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_203217249721273 (http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_203217249721273&notif_t=group_r2j)

Hello everyone, my name is Lindsey & I am Chris' sister. I'm here in Ohio visiting him and helping Kasey with the boys and with anything around the house. I just want to say that when I seen how many people are a part of this group & all it does is keep growing, it means more to me than you could ever image. My brother is my hero & to know he has this many people that care, love, & support him is just phenomenal. So I personally want to thank you out the bottom of my heart for each and every one of you. Please stay strong as you already know Chris is fighting this obstacle http://www.sr20-forum.com/images/smilies/smile.gif♥ Thank you so so so much everyone."