View Full Version : Touge Radio

10-19-2003, 09:35 PM
So the junkyard has let the mountain become a 3 times a week thing for me and some friends... Communicating with just emergency lights and headlight flashes also started getting silly... (morse code at 30 mph down hill in a turn does not work!)

So I picked up these neat uniden cheapo 2-way radios.
I think we're going to try them out tonight but i'd appreciate some suggestions on how to use these things? I know about talkover, but thats about as far as my knowledge of 2-ways work :doh:

Whats this call button for???

10-19-2003, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Maeda
So the junkyard has let the mountain become a 3 times a week thing for me and some friends... Communicating with just emergency lights and headlight flashes also started getting silly... (morse code at 30 mph down hill in a turn does not work!)

So I picked up these neat uniden cheapo 2-way radios.
I think we're going to try them out tonight but i'd appreciate some suggestions on how to use these things? I know about talkover, but thats about as far as my knowledge of 2-ways work :doh:

Whats this call button for??? we use em over here, just change the channels everynight you go out, hit the button on the side and " am i cler?" "yeah clear" word up shit gets gangster.

10-20-2003, 02:01 AM
I'm getting a LOT of police radio here >_<

it might be a blessing in disguise though...

10-22-2003, 08:55 PM
hah i thought this post was going to be some radio station that plays all music that "you listen to while you're mountain-driving". Anyways, I have a 2 way radio also. It's a motorola. It has this cool little belt clip that you can remove from the radio, so I attached the belt clip to my seatbelt where it rests around my shoulder. The radio simply snaps on and off. It's so gangsta GANGSTA! Not that you can really talk while doing spirited runs, but you can hear when someone is on that frequency.

Do you have "ring tones" on yours? The one I have has several distinct "ring tones" to choose from. Pretty useful for all kinds of things. Just be creative.

10-23-2003, 04:50 PM
My friends and i always cruise with 2-ways. A couple of my firends have those Uniden mini's IIRC they are like $20/pair at Best Buy. Those are decent but pick up a lotta bullshit. I also have an el-cheapo one, but it works and that is all that matters. They are very convnient. We always keep one in each car. We use tha call button as a 5-0 alarm. Kinda cool for advance warning.