View Full Version : Speaker setup opinions

10-19-2003, 11:56 AM
I just picked up some 6 1/2" infinity kappa components.

Stuff I have lying around:
1. 200W California amp
2. Califoria 4 channel crossover

I was thinking about running the components (rated at 50W RMS) off the amp and through the crossover.

My questions:
-Should I just run these straight of the headunit or should I amplifiy them and use the crossover to ballance the sound.
-If I use my crossover do I still use the one supplied by infinity
-Is there a way to power the the 6 1/2" to run as a subs

Sorry for all the questions but I just want opinions before I start tearing apart the interior and randomly running wire

10-19-2003, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by nrcooled
I just picked up some 6 1/2" infinity kappa components.

Stuff I have lying around:
1. 200W California amp
2. Califoria 4 channel crossover

I was thinking about running the components (rated at 50W RMS) off the amp and through the crossover.

My questions:
-Should I just run these straight of the headunit or should I amplifiy them and use the crossover to ballance the sound.
-If I use my crossover do I still use the one supplied by infinity
-Is there a way to power the the 6 1/2" to run as a subs

Sorry for all the questions but I just want opinions before I start tearing apart the interior and randomly running wire

I've been out of the car audio scene for years, and I don't recognize the manafactuare "California". If thats a generic swap meet/kragen company then I would recommend you run the kappa's off your head unit using the supplied infinity crossovers. The crossovers from infinity are tuned specifically for maximum performance out of the speakers.

Power doesn't define a speakers use ie more power does not make it a sub. For the most part the smallest "sub's" out there are 8inchers and though there are some quality ones out there, most folk don't go smaller than 10's. 6"1/2 - 4"speakers are for mids, and tweeters are for the highs.

If you have any more questions, you might find more luck hitting up car audio forums. Good luck regardless.

10-19-2003, 03:37 PM
i agree with radhaz
run them with infinity crossovers

use your amp if you wish, just make sure you do not run the speakers over their RMS(recommneded power).

infinity is good and if you are looking for more bass, Infinity will put out good bass for a midrange, but if oyu want alot may i say, that oyu need to get a sub

10-20-2003, 06:31 AM
I appreciate the feedback. I probally will just run them off the head unit and set it up that way. It will save me some time and energy since I already have to fab up a backing to fit the components in the door anyway.

I think the improvement over running 4x6s will be great enough to hold me over. I just want clean sound not big bass.

10-20-2003, 11:52 AM
no way man, you NEED to amp components. Dont wrry bout goin over the RMS as much, as long as you dont crank it up too high it will be fine. Trust me though, running your components off of a deck will not be enough power and could actually ruin your speakers. Amping them will make them sound much better, if you ever notice, all the audio stores amp their speakers on display, thats cuz decks usually dont supply enough power. Also, when a deck supplies power it heats up, when it heats up it doesnt process the sound as well, dats why really good systems have their decks processing the sound only, and amp all their speakers, and subs. Good luck.

ps, i hope you had a good deal on the infinity's cuz full price is a rip off, there are a lot of other brands out there that i think are better, but then again, speakers are all personal preference.

10-20-2003, 12:19 PM
Full price is a rip off! I paid $65 for them so I got a dam good deal. My mom works for Harmon Kardon so I get the employee discount (which is cost) Plus I already have the 4x6 kappas in the rear and wanted to match the components in the front.

I will look into amping the components and using the infinity crossover. Hopefully everything will turn out well. I just want a very clean sound.

10-20-2003, 12:40 PM
If you want really clean sound, dont use your back speakers, stereo is left and right, not front and back unless you're going for a surround sound, home theater effect. Back speakers only mess up your audio imaging. Nice deal though, maybe she can hoook me up after christmas, cuz ill have some money then.. :D

10-20-2003, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by fantasya98
no way man, you NEED to amp components. Dont wrry bout goin over the RMS as much, as long as you dont crank it up too high it will be fine. Trust me though, running your components off of a deck will not be enough power and could actually ruin your speakers. Amping them will make them sound much better, if you ever notice, all the audio stores amp their speakers on display, thats cuz decks usually dont supply enough power. Also, when a deck supplies power it heats up, when it heats up it doesnt process the sound as well, dats why really good systems have their decks processing the sound only, and amp all their speakers, and subs. Good luck.

ps, i hope you had a good deal on the infinity's cuz full price is a rip off, there are a lot of other brands out there that i think are better, but then again, speakers are all personal preference.

personally, no offense or anything, you are a dumbass, yes if you run them to low they will hurt them, but most recievers put out at least 25 watts RMS so they wont get hurt from running low, also if you run them over the RMS, it doesnt matter if your volume isnt up high, you are still putting to much power to the speaker you jackass.

Originally posted by fantasya98
If you want really clean sound, dont use your back speakers, stereo is left and right, not front and back unless you're going for a surround sound, home theater effect. Back speakers only mess up your audio imaging. Nice deal though, maybe she can hoook me up after christmas, cuz ill have some money then..

audio, is all about front to back and side to side, generally, you have the front set up 2 levels higher than the back, but no more than 2 or 3. side to side, you should leave that even, for 1 more sound into one ear than other doesnt sound right, for 2 more sound in the ear can mess up a persons hearing!!!:boink:

10-20-2003, 02:06 PM
running them low will hurt them yes, most recievers do not put out 25 rms, cuz if they did, then how do many 2 channel amps rated at 200 watts put out 40 rms? All the while, recievers are 45x4? soo you're sayin 45x4= 25 rms and 200x2=40rms? Do the math. 2nd, running higher rms, wont hurt them.. and im suuuure hes not gonna run a 400 watt amp for his components.

As for the imaging part, ask anyone, anyone thats into SQ competitions, and they will agree that sound imaging is left and right, if you want it to sound real, than its left and right, aka. stereo. That is why stereo home recievers are left and right w/o the fronts and backs.

And if you're gonna say, "no offense or anything" and try to make it not personal, then dont say "jackass" at the end. Cuz you're just contradicting yourself.

10-20-2003, 02:08 PM
Also the more power at hand means the more clear the sound will be, blowing your speaker will not be based on the power you have at hand, but how much you of that power you actually use and the speaker's capabilities.

10-20-2003, 02:25 PM
running them low will hurt them yes, most recievers do not put out 25 rms, cuz if they did, then how do many 2 channel amps rated at 200 watts put out 40 rms? All the while, recievers are 45x4? soo you're sayin 45x4= 25 rms and 200x2=40rms? Do the math. 2nd, running higher rms, wont hurt them.. and im suuuure hes not gonna run a 400 watt amp for his components.

alright stereo, you 2 channels, right, well let me ask you, hwo many channels is the average person running in there car????

4 in case your are to dumb to realize this

ok here ya go most receivers you see 200 watts or 50x4, but that is there peak power, which can only be obtained at PEAK moments of a track. generally RMS is around half of the peak power, so i said 25, it could be 22-27 or so for all i know, i just based it on average

2. if he has a "200" watt 2 channel amp, then it runs at ABOUT 50 watts RMS, 200 being its bridged peak power you stupid fuck,

i guess now you are gonna tell me that running 2 4ohm subs to a bridged 2 channel amp is safe for the amp to, arent ya

Also the more power at hand means the more clear the sound will be, blowing your speaker will not be based on the power you have at hand, but how much you of that power you actually use and the speaker's capabilities.


1. the more power you have, the more your signal to noise ratio decreases you dickhead, meaning more noise and less signal(music)

2.if you have an amp that runs at say 50 watts rms, and you have a speaker ment to run at say 25 watts rms, then you are running 50 WATTS to something that only is ment to run at 25!! your amp doesnt sense that a speaker can only take 25 watts and send it that much.

thats almost as bad as someone saying since he has some cheap ass brand of 15 inch subwoofer, that they can handle more than your top quality 8's, but wait you probably think that too

you know the ever so popular "my sub is bigger, so it can take more power" phrase

10-20-2003, 02:59 PM
1. the more power you have, the more your signal to noise ratio decreases you dickhead, meaning more noise and less signal(music)

Wat are you talkin about? Are you tryin to say that less power is better? lol, more power=stronger freq. you idiot, since you have to get immature about it.

alright stereo, you 2 channels, right, well let me ask you, hwo many channels is the average person running in there car????

Wat is your point? Stereo is still only 2 channels, soo i really dont get your point, unless you're just sayin sh** to try to come back. Stereo=2 channels, get someone dat knows their stuff to disagree, and ill shut up. Stereo imaging is guess wat? 2 channels!

2. if he has a "200" watt 2 channel amp, then it runs at ABOUT 50 watts RMS, 200 being its bridged peak power you stupid fuck,

He never said he has one, but i was only usin 200 watt 2 channel as an example. I looked up the specs for the kappa's and the rms is rated at 90W so the chances of him blowin his speakers are very slim. Do you still want to argue that he would?

i guess now you are gonna tell me that running 2 4ohm subs to a bridged 2 channel amp is safe for the amp to, arent ya

Quit pullin shit out of your ass dude..

2.if you have an amp that runs at say 50 watts rms, and you have a speaker ment to run at say 25 watts rms, then you are running 50 WATTS to something that only is ment to run at 25!! your amp doesnt sense that a speaker can only take 25 watts and send it that much.

Dats an irrational comparison, since his speakers are components, and can def. handle more, and when did i say that the amp would tell?

thats almost as bad as someone saying since he has some cheap ass brand of 15 inch subwoofer, that they can handle more than your top quality 8's, but wait you probably think that too

I dont know wat you're runnin in your "system" but where did you get this idea from? Just cuz you know a LITTLE bit about car audio, dont think you're the shit and dat everyone else is a dumbass. Im runnin a 10 w/a bridged 2 channel amp, w/2 capacitators. It kicks fine, it sounds fine, its safe and sure isnt gonna blow.

You're like a little kid, grow up. It really shows how much you know abotu car audio when you first reccomended that he should run his components of the head unit. It shows even more when you said, "infinity is good and if you are looking for more bass, Infinity will put out good bass for a midrange, but if oyu want alot may i say, that oyu need to get a sub" everyone knows components/speakers in general are not meant for bass... And most competition guys dont infinity's.. why? Cuz they dont "put out good bass for mid range" LOL its its called mid bass. Mid range is a different. So go read up some more, and dont start arguments w/everyone just cuz you think you're the sh**

10-20-2003, 03:02 PM
Oh yea, theres a difference between peak power handling and RMS. Peak is when it would blow.. at spikes when you turn it up.. rms is the constant power given to the speaker.. more rms wont blow it up, unless the RMS is higher than the peak power itself. Which would prove everythign you said as... WRONG! Now, im gonna stop replyin to your stupid posts, this was only meant to help others.

10-20-2003, 03:56 PM

Wat are you talkin about? Are you tryin to say that less power is better? lol, more power=stronger freq. you idiot, since you have to get immature about it.

No i am saying that running on the speakers RMS is better than running it higher than its RMS you cockmunch. Next thing is more power doesnt mean stronger freq., it means louder, which if your speakers are ment to run at high power rms, then give them that high power. Just to explain frequency, the easiest way is to look at an E.Q. each of the "bands" on an E.Q. is a different freq. so you can adjust the "loudness" of each individual freq. it has nothing to do with power.


Wat is your point? Stereo is still only 2 channels, soo i really dont get your point, unless you're just sayin sh** to try to come back. Stereo=2 channels, get someone dat knows their stuff to disagree, and ill shut up. Stereo imaging is guess wat? 2 channels!

you didnt finish moron this is what i said
alright stereo, you 2 channels, right, well let me ask you, hwo many channels is the average person running in there car????

4 in case your are to dumb to realize this!!!

so you see i was saying a car stereo is 4 or more channels, not 2 channels so left to right isnt all tha matters you dumb fuck


He never said he has one, but i was only usin 200 watt 2 channel as an example. I looked up the specs for the kappa's and the rms is rated at 90W so the chances of him blowin his speakers are very slim. Do you still want to argue that he would?

ummm yes he did say he had one, and no i never said i thought they would blow up really, i was arguing with you becasue you said "dont worry about going over the RMS", if you go over the Rms you are running out of the speakers recomended range.


Quit pullin shit out of your ass dude..

i dont pull it out,

i push it out


Dats an irrational comparison, since his speakers are components, and can def. handle more, and when did i say that the amp would tell?

not all components can handle more than regular speakers
you didnt say it directly, you implide it when you said this

"blowing your speaker will not be based on the power you have at hand, but how much you of that power you actually use and the speaker's capabilities."


I dont know wat you're runnin in your "system" but where did you get this idea from? Just cuz you know a LITTLE bit about car audio, dont think you're the shit and dat everyone else is a dumbass. Im runnin a 10 w/a bridged 2 channel amp, w/2 capacitators. It kicks fine, it sounds fine, its safe and sure isnt gonna blow.

i didnt get the idea, i figured you probably thought that considering all the stupid and WRONG info you have put on to this thread. most of the renecks around where i live think that, and they thought the other stuff like you too, so i figured you thought that bigger is always better


You're like a little kid, grow up. It really shows how much you know abotu car audio when you first reccomended that he should run his components of the head unit. It shows even more when you said, "infinity is good and if you are looking for more bass, Infinity will put out good bass for a midrange, but if oyu want alot may i say, that oyu need to get a sub" everyone knows components/speakers in general are not meant for bass... And most competition guys dont infinity's.. why? Cuz they dont "put out good bass for mid range" LOL its its called mid bass. Mid range is a different. So go read up some more, and dont start arguments w/everyone just cuz you think you're the sh**

i said infinity is good, especially if your looking for more bass becasue they put out good bass FOR A MIDRANGE meaning that even though they are mid's they put out good bass, especially for that they are you cockmunch

Midbass: midbass is really a figure of speech referring to what i said, that some people use, meanin "bass form the mids" but if you couldnt infer that from all the other content words, then you need to go back to English class in fuckin elementary school

and i know midranges arent ment for bass in general, but referring back to what i said "for what they are, they put out good bass"
would you rather me word it like "even though it is a midrange and midranges arent ment to put out bass, these put out good bass for wwhat they are, but since fantasya98 thinks that midranges cant arent ment fro bass and therefore there bass doesnt really matter so you should also get a sub" becase i could have said it like that no problem!!!!!!!!!!!

now from what he has bought and such, i dont think he was aiming to build some massive System for his car, so i think the components are good. especially if they are infinity, becasue they will PUT OUT GOOD BASS FOR A MIDRANGE SPEAKER and they will put out good mids, and the tweeters will put out good highs.

now shut the fuck up, and if you dont beleive all i have said, go read, i hate people think they are all god, especially when they are wrong.


now good luck with putting your speakers in NRCOOLED, you should post pics of the brackets you make when you put them in.

I'm Out.

10-20-2003, 04:07 PM
LOL this is hilarious, have you noticed dat you have no facts on wat you have said? cars have 4 channels STEREO is 2 CHANNELS!!-fact* how many times do i have to say dat?

fact* -more power = STRONGER FREQUENCY!! omg, its not higher! i never said higher. The loudness of each freq. is on power idiot. HOW CAN YOU ARGUE DAT MORE POWER DOESNT COMPUTE TO STRONGER FREQUENCY? Wat are you? some idiot dat just learned about car audio but hasnt even taken physics yet? or maybe you failed physics..

Yes, not all components can handle more than reg. speakers, but generally they can! In this case, his can handle up to an RMS of 90W soo dats another-fact*

still mid range and mid bass are 2 different things- fact*

its pointless even tryin to teach you. Everything dat comes from your mouth is sh**, its all opinions base on js and every other thing you say is an "insult" since you cant back up wat you're claiming. You even said it yourself when you admitted to your stereotypes.. look back, can you prove wat you said? WAT ARE YOU USIN IN YOUR CAR? do you even have one?

so dont post an "owned" smiley, cuz you're just makin a fool out of yourself.

10-20-2003, 07:57 PM
good luck with putting your speakers in NRCOOLED, you should post pics of the brackets you make when you put them in.

Will do!

Thanks...I guess for the input. BTW the components can handle 2-90W RMS and 270W Peak. I am going to just run them normally off the Headunit then if I feel that the headunit is distorting the sound from being pushed to hard I will run my amp to compensate.

FWIW- You guys are on zee crack rock:D

10-22-2003, 10:18 AM
im tired of arguing with you man, you go on and think what you wanna think, have fun, stop arguing, when yours is fucked up im not gonna reply to your STEREO PORBLEM HELP!!! in the off topic forum section!

by the way, right now all i have is an alpine double din 3cd indash changer with fosgate speakers around with a 4channel alpine amp, i just had the stuff lying around. im more worried about my need for speed than my need for ratteling my 240sx to peices!!

this is my last post on this thread so if you reply, you are wasting your time

im out

10-24-2003, 03:04 PM
Just finished installing the components and I am truely impressed. Clarity is phenominal and mid-bass is very clear. Don't buy these speakers if you are looking for big bass they are for clean highs and mids.

The install went very smoothly. I went to HomeDepot and picked up some MDF board (medium density fiber) and cut it to fit the opening in the door. After that all that was involved was routing the wire and screwing in the speakers. Tweeter placement was very easy due to the ingenious setup that infinity gives you.

All in all it took about 3hrs total but I took my time to test everything and mount everything propperly. I will post pics later due to my wife having the camera in her car

FYI- cut the MDF to fit the opening and place it in the door (as opposed to directly on it) to get a flush mount and to not interfear with the door covering.

10-24-2003, 03:09 PM
cant wait for pics man, i wanna see how you did this and wat you mean by not directly over it.. ps, dont crank it too loud, let them break in first hehe :)