View Full Version : Saw some crazy ish today at the bank...

10-17-2003, 09:15 PM
Hey all, just thought I would relay this story to you. Today I went to the bank to cash a check for my wife and as I was pulling into the parking lot there was one of those big moving trucks (huge U-Haul) coming out. I looked at the front of the truck and there was a freakin dead buzzard plastered to the grill all spread eagle like you would see in the movies or something. I thought it was a jobe but as I got closer I could tell that there was blood all over the front of the truck and there were guts hanging out and stuff. I stopped and told the guy "Hey man you have a freaking dead buzzard stuck in your grill" and he said "Yeah, I know." and just drove off... :loco:

WTF? Have any of you had experiences like this before?

10-17-2003, 09:52 PM
Funny you ask...

I was driving in my 240 the other night and my gf spotted some elderly folk in a big buick and in the rear windshield you see a golf ball stuck in the glass like it flew at it and penetrated the glas, without breaking thru and just sat in the glass...


10-17-2003, 10:09 PM
We had a BMW 3-series come into the bodyshop one time that had hit a deer. You can tell exactly how it hit the front end, and where the deer's back end hit, because there was still s.h.i.t. on the paint smeared down the driver's side front fender by the corner lamp. EWWWWWWWW, but kinda funny.

10-17-2003, 10:33 PM
when i used to have my integ i was walkin out of my house and saw a guy trying to break into it so i shot at him and hit my door panels, he got away. i was really really drunk already so before i get flamend on for missing from 10 feet away i thought id explain why.

10-17-2003, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by BeatJunky
Funny you ask...

I was driving in my 240 the other night and my gf spotted some elderly folk in a big buick and in the rear windshield you see a golf ball stuck in the glass like it flew at it and penetrated the glas, without breaking thru and just sat in the glass...

you sure it wasnt one of those sticker-type things? i've seen these where it looks like a hockey puck or a soccer ball or a golf ball is sticking through the glass. it's actually 3d and looks pretty convincing, but its just like a sticker type thing (if i hadnt made that evident already)
and 720_datsun, my advice to you is to make sure youre NOT drunk while operating firearms. and what were you doing just walking out infront of your house with a gun anyways??

10-18-2003, 01:58 AM
that explains a lot...:hahano:


10-18-2003, 06:32 AM
when my grandparents were young, they were driving down a country road and someone's chickens got out and they were all over. my grandpa tried to stop it time but they heard a thump. they got out, looked around for a dead chicken but couldn't find it. they looked behind the car, couldn't find it, under the car, nope. so they drove about 35 miles to thier destination, looked at the front of the car and the chicken was holding on for dear life.

my grandpa: "You know how chickens look at you with one eye, then they'll look at you with the other eye?" "Well he did that but all I could think of was chicken and dumplins!"
my dad: "You mean you were going to eat the thing after it survived that?"
my grandma: "Yeah! And it was the best gd dam chicken n dumplins we ever did eat!"

crazy country people

10-18-2003, 11:30 AM
when i had my MKIII Jetta still, i had just made a u turn, as soon as i make it i decide to gun it for a qiock second, but in that second a pigeon flew in front of me and i hit it...i had all 4 of my windows and my sunroof open... feathers were flying everywhere in my car...


Bill Roberts
10-18-2003, 11:55 AM
1. Saw a car with a gas hose hanging out of it.
2. Saw a guy holding on to a car at 70MPH with his Bicycle going down the interstate.
3. Saw a motorized shateboard style scooter doing 30 with a dog riding along on the back.
4. Saw a redneck hauling azz down a dirt road dragging an engine block.
5. I pushed a car 200 miles once in a Chevette. Chevettes have really good bumpers. While doing this..their was a car accident with the police slowing everyone down...so I gave it a hard push, let it go through and regroupped with it once we got past. During the same episode of pushing this car (a friends car) I saw a babe on the side of the road hitch-hiking and let the car go, picked her up...came up to the car again and pushed it another 60 miles....funny thing, I said to her, look at that dumbazz, lets push him down the road..it freaked her out..so I let her out after a mile or so. We got the car with blown clutch home though!

10-18-2003, 08:35 PM
OMFG Bill, #5 is hilarious!!

10-18-2003, 09:36 PM
That reminds me of the story of the 1HP car that could...er, or not.


10-18-2003, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by zero.counter
That reminds me of the story of the 1HP car that could...er, or not.


OMG that would scare the s h i t out of me!!! That's worse than the deer in the Durango (umm....a DEERango??) picture! (if you haven't seen it, I'll try to find it)

10-19-2003, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by zero.counter
That reminds me of the story of the 1HP car that could...er, or not.


HOLY SHIT!!!! ROFL.....I am done...that might be the funniest thing I have ever seen. I really hope no one was hurt in that but DAMN!!!!!!:eek:

10-19-2003, 10:40 AM
Looks photoshopped. :squint:

10-19-2003, 12:53 PM
well i guess you can say hes ridding in a horse-car-age,nevermind that was lame

Got Sileighty?
10-19-2003, 02:43 PM
lemme have this one...

i guess the driver wasnt FOCUS-ing on his driving at the time of the incident :cool: :cool: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D :D

10-19-2003, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by DaveSev
Looks photoshopped. :squint:

What makes you think the Focus one is photoshopped? It would be EXTREMELY difficult to do that one, if it isn't impossible. The roof is skewed, the hood's messed up, windshield's shattered, etc.

10-19-2003, 05:30 PM

It could just be a broken Focus with a horse's rump thrown in. The lighting looks kinda suspicious, and the upper-left corner of the horse looks like it was cut off from something and touched up.

10-19-2003, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by DaveSev

It could just be a broken Focus with a horse's rump thrown in. The lighting looks kinda suspicious, and the upper-left corner of the horse looks like it was cut off from something and touched up. :rofl: Este vato...

10-19-2003, 06:54 PM
I thought the reflecting firemen from the flash gave it a cool effect.

10-20-2003, 12:14 PM
It may be photoshopped but that stuff does happen. My dad's best friend's brother was killed by hitting a cow as he came around a turn. He hit the fker so hard, the cow's leg went through the seat. :(