View Full Version : The Pitfalls of Zilvia.net

10-17-2003, 02:15 AM
Aight, I'm not a veteran poster, nor will I most likely after this post. I'm impressed by the body of knowledge about Nissans here, but I cannot get past how ****ing close-minded all you people are. 9/10 of you assholes are stuck-up social elitist bitches who jump on anybody who doesn't agree 100% with you. Someone says they want to modify their car, and you come down on them with the wrath of the ****ing heavens, proclaiming the addition of anything not 100% OEM as "rice". Welcome to the import tuning scene my friends, where people modify their OWN ****ing cars the way they want to. You don't have to like it, but don't trash people because of what they want their car to be like. I think tacky import modifications are as crass and tasteless as the next guy, however I don't understand the rabid fervor with which you attack anyone who's ideas have even the slightest confliction with your own opinions. I've seen admins lock threads because someone posted a picture of an S14 w/ Supra tails. What the **** is that ****? You don't like what someone wants to do on their car and you ****in' lock their thread? Wow, that's INCREDIBLY mature. I might not know quite as much about these cars as you, but I know more about the spirit of our ****ing sport, and it's assholes like you that make me want to be sick. I'll take my chances with someone who can appreciate the time and effort that goes into even the ugliest car over some stupid close-minded Narcicistic prick who thinks they're always right.

10-17-2003, 02:19 AM
ur $.02 sucks...lol...

take care..


10-17-2003, 03:03 AM
What S14ninja wants us to be like to n00bs etc::blah:

Oh yes thanks for that great comment/suggestion post. Welcome to www.zilvia.net and screw searching.:D Every car here is a silvia.

Yes the JDM engines are legal and you will have no problems with emmisions. :loco:

Umm... what else... OH YEAH...:) ... all eBay parts are recommended for your JAY DEE EHM TyT3 swap.... Buy non-clips with cut ECUS and you're set up to be 13,000hp at the wheels.....:newbie:

Yes those 100 spoke low rider will look DOPE on your Sil80 when you drop it with teh mad ass Air Bag suspension.:goyou:

Also... add lots of neons and stickers to your ride with a big ass sound system for minor hp gains and added weight reduction...:fruit:

If you need anything else just let us know. And remember, its your ride so do what you like no matter how retarded cuz it will be cool in your own DUMBAzD way.:fawk2:

You're Special!

Umm... Im BeatJunky... Umm... this thread will be closed but I think you're a retard and flamed you anyways.

If we dont do things the way we do sometimes our posts would generally be as above and everyone would ghey up all 240's worldwide. I think we are all cool peeps and just say we what say, suggest what we suggest, act how we act for the general cause.

Yes there is great knowledge here. That much is true and that makes this place great. There are people who come here that need a little help and know what they are doing, There those who at least have common sense, BUT, there are also idiot bandwagon jumpers who need our guidance. Like you perhaps... I dont know yet. Sometimes we are nice, sometimes we have to get our point across in a way that it will stick. You would not be here if you did not need to learn from others and take suggestions whatever way they come! Just because YOU DONT HEAR WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR doesnt make us "Assholes". Take that how you will...

I don't like you :mrmeph: ...

But F*CK IT, you dont care that much anyway so mej...:madfawk:

PS: your car and your girlfriend suck donkey nut balls full of grease from the pits of evil midget monkey from hells toilet seat to satan.:jerkit:


10-17-2003, 03:17 AM
Look at his 2 other posts... http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37816

Then a quote: "I cannot get past how ****ing close-minded all you people are"

Speaking of how Zilvia.net members are so closed-minded, he insists his tire choice is THE choice and wont admit that other choices may be as good.

Yes this is me being sarcastic but he's just being a hypocrite...:ghey:

10-17-2003, 03:21 AM
Originally posted by S14Ninja

THIS (http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?s=&threadid=14187) is the only thread I could find concerning Supra tails being locked. You do relize that the subject matter had NOTHING to do with why that thread was locked? It was locked because it was a 6 month old thread that got bumped. Why you hold such a vendetta over a year old locked thread is beyond me.

Zilvia is a fairly conservitive site so if a person is against the norm they better be ready for critisizim and either suck it up and shut up, conform or leave. It will probably be that way until WeST sells the site to APC for mucho $$$ :rofl:

Incase people are wondering, I'm not locking this thread because these type of threads are ussually entertaining :o

10-17-2003, 03:26 AM
Umm, well amidst that amazingly well composed response (if we're measuring your command of the English language against a 3 year old) I think you were TRYING to say that you're assholes because people need guidance. OK, well see here's the problem with you saying that in response to my post; I am having a problem with people on this forum totally trashing people for no reason at all. I'm not talking about telling little Billy that putting 40 lbs chrome rims on his S13 is going to do more harm then good, I'm talking about people who bash other's personal taste (taste that isn't going to effect your vehicle's performance) because you think your opinion is somehow elevated above all other's. That's about as far as I'm going to even bother responding. Although I am curious as to how someone who's never seen my car, or met my fiance would know that EITHER of them suck donkey balls; and even in a hypothetical world where they do, what bearing does that have on my statements? Also, I don't know how I "insists his tire choice is THE choice and wont admit that other choices may be as good." Since all I said were that I'd raced Azenis once before, I liked them, but have seen some problems with sidewall blowouts, then said what I was thinking of getting. Nowhere in there do I insist I'm right on anything other than that I have seen many sidewall blowouts IN MY AREA, which I openly state is probably because of the horrible roads. If you don't like me, that's fine, you're entitled to your opinions, but at least come up w/ better arguments than that please.

10-17-2003, 05:52 AM
:) S14Ninja, welcome to the internet and Zilvia.net

If you don't like what you see, please use the emergency exit located in the upper right hand corner of your viewing screen, marked by the small black 'X'.

Thank you, please drive through!



10-17-2003, 06:13 AM
I'm not usually like this, but...


As far as I can tell, you, S14ninja, are in the close minded majority. You obviously have issues accepting the fact that not everyone is as "open minded" as you think you are! :rolleyes: :p Good luck finding a nicer (more open minded) S-chassis board out there!

10-17-2003, 06:24 AM
personally i have expeirenced a few a-holes on here but really the majority of the people are very informative. i can see why some get mad because they answer the same questions over and over for us noobs, but still some do carry it overboard a lil. All i can say is stick around and just be nice, NOT 9/10's of the people here are ass's

10-17-2003, 08:01 AM

maybe if you put up some links of these asshole-ish threads you describe it'll help your argument. i haven't been here that long but i haven't seen anything worse then what's on the other sites out there. plus people are amazingly tolerant. i saw another s15 front end conversion question the other day and that person actually got an answer without being flamed.

i'm confused to you 100% OEM comment... i think the majority here has at least some basic mod on their car. if someone wants to put a stupid mod on their car, then hell yeah they're going to get flamed. just like the kid who was all like, "i got a sr20! but no tranny! the ka24 tranny doesnt fit???" and he didn't even know he needed other junk to complete the swap. if you're going to invest so much in something without doing the proper research of course you're going to be flamed. that's just stupid to begin with.

import tuning as a 'scene' = gh3y. import tuning is not a 'sport.' oh well.

10-17-2003, 09:14 AM
(no comment)

10-17-2003, 09:16 AM
cry me a river!

10-17-2003, 09:56 AM

If you cant accept that people have different "taste" then obviously you have no merit to backup your entire little rant. Noone says "OMG, the front bumper is UGLY, you better get this brand or your not cool". Bottom line, THIS IS THE INTERNET. I don’t understand why people get upset when someone gives their personal opinion on what you do to your car, ugly or not. BIG DEAL, you’re not appealing to some 240sx owners. Which happen to be on the INTERNET. Welcome to life, Get over it. You just might be impressive to the 16yr old cheerleading bimbos like you so want to be.

10-17-2003, 10:57 AM
Hey its a free country, what can you do about it

10-17-2003, 11:14 AM
Ya dont like it


just read the tech section. but by posting this. you lump yourself in with us so called :mrmeph: because you've just expressed your opinion.

10-17-2003, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by DRFT
Hey its a free country, what can you do about it

He could suck a cheetahs dick!:D

10-17-2003, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by nokeone
ur $.02 sucks...lol...

take care..

:p yup that wasnt even a half a cent, that whole paragraph was about 1/4 of a cent

10-17-2003, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Steeles
Ya dont like it


just read the tech section. but by posting this. you lump yourself in with us so called :mrmeph: because you've just expressed your opinion.
OK, like I said, if you all disagree with me that's cool, but I don't get how you say I'm being close-minded for not liking you being close minded. That's up there with saying a man who opposes the KKK's racism is an intolerant biggot because he doesn't accept their hate.

10-17-2003, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by S14Ninja
OK, like I said, if you all disagree with me that's cool, but I don't get how you say I'm being close-minded for not liking you being close minded. That's up there with saying a man who opposes the KKK's racism is an intolerant biggot because he doesn't accept their hate.

keep digging...the hole just gets bigger..:)

10-17-2003, 02:47 PM
Hey, s14ninja doesn't like zilvia, so i think I'll make a whole thread and bitch about it. I think you are the asshole who is too closed minded. You can't be open minded enough to see that there are assh0les here, and you don't accept them. Why does everything have to be nice and accepting always, these are forums of opinion, if someone doesn't like something, they show their opinion however they damn well please. I like how you didn't have anything to say about the locked supra tails thread, like maybe oops, sorry for bitching about something that I didn't understand. I also see that you said in you're original post that it would be your last, but here you are. If you want to leave, what the hells holdin you back?

keep digging...the hole just gets bigger..
That it does, that it does. I wann see how deep it can go, this is gonna be fun.

10-17-2003, 03:21 PM
The type of person who starts these threads is the same type of person who bases all their decisions on what everyone else thinks. Try thinking for yourself and all the problems go away.

10-17-2003, 03:53 PM
yeah seriously keep digging ass. i think i hear a ban walking down the road.

10-17-2003, 04:10 PM
Ya keep digging ass.

10-17-2003, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by S14Ninja
Umm, well amidst that amazingly well composed response (if we're measuring your command of the English language against a 3 year old)

Me hAs pUrfecKt gRaMmEhr!:fruit:

Originally posted by S14Ninja
you think your opinion is somehow elevated above all other's.

Thats what an opinion is... an OPINION!

Originally posted by S14Ninja
I am curious as to how someone who's never seen my car, or met my fiance would know that EITHER of them suck donkey balls; and even in a hypothetical world where they do, what bearing does that have on my statements?

Call me and everyone else here an :mrmeph: and I'll call your "fiance" a donkey ball sucker... bet she is, if she exists...:confused:

Does she?:x: Bet you're a homo... :ghey:

Im done with you... but yet again, WELCOME TO ZILVIA... :w00t:


j00 [email protected] b33n 0\/\/|\|3|D!!!... :ghey::rl:

10-17-2003, 04:45 PM
You have to admit that a lot of people post pictures of their car and ask "What do you think about it" and of course people are entitled to rip on it as much as possible. Posting up a picture of your car automatically gives people the rite to critique and bash the **** out of it. I don't post my car because I really don't care too much about it's looks at the moment but when I do, I want to get peoples educated opinions because not everyone has good style sense and some people need help. I think I have pretty good taste when it comes to style and because of this, I don't have to worry about getting bashed.

In addtition, I do a lot of research and find out what is functional, what looks good, so I know that when i finally purchase something and put it on my car that I have weighed all available options. I think this is why people get bashed all the time. Most people on here search and search and search til they have learned everything about their upcoming purchase. It is because of this that zilvia members give harsh critiques on people's poor purchases. If everyone is ripping on you for something you have on your car, just take it as a hint that maybe you could have bought something better or just get over it since it is your ride and you can do what you want with it. That is all.

Stee Flo
10-17-2003, 04:53 PM
S14Ninja who rubbed you the wrong way....oh wait are you the owner of the white s14 Nitekids posted?:boink:

Originally posted by S14Ninja
I am having a problem with people on this forum totally trashing people for no reason at all. I'm not talking about telling little Billy that putting 40 lbs chrome rims on his S13 is going to do more harm then good, I'm talking about people who bash other's personal taste (taste that isn't going to effect your vehicle's performance) because you think your opinion is somehow elevated above all other's. That's about as far as I'm going to even bother responding. Although I am curious as to how someone who's never seen my car, or met my fiance would know that EITHER of them suck donkey balls

I dont know...I think you are :rofl:

10-17-2003, 05:00 PM
His profile says he owns a Ford Probe SE...
:rofl: :squint: :naughty: :nono: :barf: :tweak: :down: :goyou: :ugh:

He will now deny this... :Owned:

10-17-2003, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by S14Ninja
Umm, well amidst that amazingly well composed response (if we're measuring your command of the English language against a 3 year old) wow now who's close minded you think everyone has perfect spelling skills like you. or that you think you have. please get a life because all your doing right now is flamming like your accusing the whole board of doing. get a ****ing clue or leave cause your not wanted. you, your ricer attitude, or your fake fiance.

10-17-2003, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by nokeone
keep digging...the hole just gets bigger..:)
Originally posted by 720_datsun
yeah seriously keep digging ass. i think i hear a ban walking down the road.
Originally posted by JasonNagra
Ya keep digging ass.
You guys sound like a bunch of 5 year olds.
"you suck"
"ya, you totally suck dude"
"haha, you suck"

For crying out loud at least come up with something original if you're going to bash this guy! Sheese. :bash:

10-17-2003, 06:21 PM
:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:
please go to hell.
:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:

10-17-2003, 06:24 PM
i like fossils

10-17-2003, 06:27 PM
This thread is kinda funny, and I can see it being locked in the future.

10-17-2003, 06:31 PM
Maybe in the future... Admins like it for now...

YEAH n00bs!!!:mad:



Its teh ghey!! :ghey: :wackit::jerkit:

10-17-2003, 07:08 PM
HAHAHA. beatjunky, your posts in this thread are hilarious. look at them, theyre all full of smilies and shlt. hahah. so colorful, and theyre all about sucking donkey balls. I dunno i find that really amusing right now. lol.:D

10-17-2003, 07:10 PM

10-17-2003, 08:58 PM

10-17-2003, 09:20 PM
WOAHDAMN!!!! :aw: :aw: :aw:

10-17-2003, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by azn_romeox

Busy :jerkit: or something!!!:D:D:D:D sup bill???:rofl:


10-17-2003, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by Rockenreno
You guys sound like a bunch of 5 year olds.
"you suck"
"ya, you totally suck dude"
"haha, you suck"

For crying out loud at least come up with something original if you're going to bash this guy! Sheese. :bash:

110% Agreed. Sure the original poster has nothing valid to put out, but cmon, you guys do sound like 5 year olds.