05-08-2011, 11:22 AM
I have tein coils with pillowball mounts so I expect some noise but everytime I drive the clunking noise is there, and the quicker I go...the louder it gets. It has gotten to the point where it's extremely loud...and I don't feel comfortable driving it. I already raised the car up and checked for any play on the wheels and there was none on the wheels. I rolled the wheel and it made no noise at all. The noise stops as soon as I hit the brake though, what can this be? Also, there is a nut missing on the pillowball mount/strut tower. Only 2 are bolted instead of the 3. Can this be making the noise? If so, where can I get a nut? I've tried fitting some different nuts and the ones that are of similar size don't go in so I'm assuming its the thread pitch. Any help is appreciated.