View Full Version : Has anyone put together (helped) start a charity car show?

05-04-2011, 03:03 PM
My nephew is going to be 7 later this month and has Osteogenisis Imperfecta ( (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0002540/)brittle bone disease) He has broken multiple bones in his short life, and usually gets around in a wheel chair. he spends countless day's in the hospital and the Ronald McDonald house ever month or so. And this weekend we are having a large family rummage sale and he wants to have a lemonade stand and the money he gets he wants to donate to OI so they can find a cure for the people that have it.

So i got to talking with him and said we should have a car show and he got all excited. so i was thinking of trying to put one on but i have no idea where or how to start this. Any idea's or thoughts on how to do this?

I am already a highly active member on multiple local forums so getting alot of people to show up shouldn't be too hard.

thanks advance.

05-04-2011, 03:20 PM
First off, that kid is awesome. Its amazing when children, even as young as 7, truly care about doing good things in the world. Theres too many stupid kids stuck inside playing video games these days that only care about themselves. Its amazing they even understand that other people actually exist.

I think your biggest issue is going to be finding a venue. I would try non-profit places such as a church. They always have big parking lots, helpful people, and the desire to do good. Next up is actually getting people to come.

A meet is different than a car show, so advertising or atleast making sure pople show up is the key. Charge $10 or so per entry and try to find people to donate prizes to cut down on expenses. Charge $3 or so for spectators, and give everyone a voting card when they enter. Allow spectators to vote for their favorite car, so no judging BS covers up the true reason for the show.

Contact radio stations, new stations, and other mediua outlets for advertising. They will generally do non-profit things for the cheaps/free if you pull some strings. Who knows, you might even encourage some big time donations, etc. See if the foundation would even help with everything. Im sure they wouldnt mind bringing some children out to enjoy the show and help remind people what their donations are helping cure.

It shouldnt be too big of an ordeal if you can find a place to host it. Everything else should be common sense/planning.

05-04-2011, 05:34 PM
Thanks for the response.

We have a very well known family for the area,and i seem to know quite a few people who can usually help out or get the word spread. so i'm thinking of giving it a shot. i was thinking too $10 for a registration fee. then free to spectators with a donation box. and try and get a prize thing going as well. thanks for the help.