View Full Version : Speeding ticket! oh no!

10-15-2003, 08:39 AM
haha.oh well
7 years no incidences (im 24 and been driving since about 17)

anyawys, over 65mph. i think 80-85ish on the 5 north freeway

question is

i got pulled over by a city cop. i didnt know they can do that on the highway

any suggestions? i know the usual plead w/ court dress nice deal. anything new? i assume traffice school?

oh this was near oceanside, ca.

thx folks.

10-15-2003, 08:48 AM
Dousan got his cherry popped!!! yay!!! :aw: hehehe GD street racers

lol first offense usually judges are pretty cool about it. especially since your ALMOST no longer considered a newbie driver.

10-15-2003, 08:52 AM
yeah maybe a little slap on wrist. im honestly not concerned at all. actually i was hoping he wanted me to pop my hood. i want some practice denying a officer when i have a stock engine. oh well hahaha

i wasnt as nervous at all. i thought i would be. hehe..weird. mabye i was tired

mm see what happens

someone tell me about city police pulling you over on a highway in CA!!!

10-15-2003, 09:21 AM
hahah cool.. yeah I fell asleep on a cop once he ended up letting me go on a warning hahah.

I know in NC city cops can on the highway as long as the highways in the city's jurisdiction. its not soley the HP's jusrisdiction. Sheriffs can get ya too but most sheriffs dont have radar in the car. course theres a Sherrif in the next county over from my work that runs a pursuit camaro :eek:

10-15-2003, 09:39 AM
Aaron, any CA peace officer has authority to cite you anywhere in CA.
City cops and CHP tend to let each other have their own playgrounds, but from time to time and place to place, they will intermingle for different reasons (i.e. manpower, mutual assistance, etc).

Now, if a Long Beach PD cop cited you in Reseda, then you'd have something to complain about, but if the crime is severe enough, the judge will not kick it out.

In general, the ticket oughta fly, but get it pleaded down to maybe 7 over the limit and ask for traffic court.


10-15-2003, 09:40 AM
dousan, you have to go to court right...make sure you talk to the prosecuter first. My friend got a 85 in a 65, and he walked away with only paying court costs and some other crap. No points or anything.

Maybe you can be as lucky. Hope this helps.

10-15-2003, 09:42 AM
ya that helps a lot! thanks guys
ill be sure and do that! :)

iirc, the ticket said over 65 but i dont recall it saying what speed i was..ill check when i get home. its on my desk.

10-15-2003, 10:04 AM
give a traffic violation attorney a call...they can get it off your back fast and no record either.

10-15-2003, 11:46 AM
Plead guilty. Since you are guilty.

Take the school.


10-15-2003, 12:55 PM
yeah traffic school is cool...do it online if you can...will take you about 1-2 hours as opposed to 8...just do it at work and get paid while you are taking the tests...you don't even have to worry about correct answers...just select what you think it the right answer..then hit submit...it will give you the true right answers...hit your back button...and change your answers...soooo easy...lol..

also the judge will usually drop the fine to the LOWEST possible amount if you come in respectful and plead no contest..

no points on your record...just a couple hundred bucks all told..which sucks..but oh wells..

good luck man..


10-15-2003, 01:10 PM
Request traffic school, online traffic school would be ideal. According to the law, you can only have traffic school once every 18 months, and since you have a clean record, you're in the clear. Just take traffic school and your record stays clean.

I got a ticket in San Diego and I took TrafficSchool.com. No obligation to pay upfront, just as long as you pay (~$25 for everything) before you take the test. Take your time, your own pace, just has a buncha obvious stuff and visuals to go with it. You take the final at your local UPS Store or Mail Boxes Etc, they issue you a test, gotta pass with 80% or better i think, they email you within a day or two with your results, they mail you the certificate within 2 weeks, you send that to court, and its all good.

10-15-2003, 01:11 PM
waoh sweet! THANK you very much ^_^

10-15-2003, 04:28 PM
You could always plead No Lo, for first offence they will drop your your speed to a lower one so that no points show up on your licence but you will still have to pay the same fee. Its neat how many things you can learn when your roommate is in law school:D

10-15-2003, 04:31 PM
talked w/ some friends
one is going to see if can suggest me a good lawyer thru family friends. :) so maybe can get it dropped/taken care of that way. who knows. its just day 1 haha..
thanks for everyone's help! :)

dori2 s13coupe
04-25-2004, 04:39 AM
hey i kno this thread is old... but i juss got a speeding ticket but im only 17 turning 18 in july... i was goign 85 in a 65 also.. on 5 S by the block.. i dont want my parents to find out about this... and it also says show up at the superior court... whut to do? o yeah and this is my first citation clean record

04-25-2004, 10:53 AM
paying the ticket is the worst thing to do

going to court and pleading guilty is the second worst thing to do

what you DO do, is go to court. If the cop does not appear, you're a free man. If he DOES show, then you either fight the ticket (you'll need knowledge, wisdom, and facts for this), or, you can now pleade guilty and try to negotiate with the judge to reduce the fine. Request traffic school, pay the fine, and you're done.

Then, take traffic school online or pay a friend who works for a traffic school company and pass without going.

Thank you, you're welcome.

ps: You werent nervous because you didnt do anything wrong or out of the usual, you were just moving at a faster rate than "idiot in cadillac 65mph." Try getting pulled over after sliding some turns, doing burnouts, racing blah blah.. or much larger infractions and we'll see what it feels like when your heart ends up wanting to reside in your CULO maing.

04-25-2004, 11:41 AM
as far as i know, i think you need a parent or a guardian present at court if you are under 18.

Andrew Bohan
04-25-2004, 12:06 PM
online traffic schools is the best. my friend wanted me to help her, cuz she wanted to make sure to get the questions right. so i had this brilliant idea. instead of reading all the bs and answering the questions, just read the questions first and edit->find keywords and just read that part. took us about 10 minutes to finish it that way with a perfect score