View Full Version : for all you drinkers....(that simultaneously drive)

10-15-2003, 12:20 AM
well i took my cousin to see his lawyer today, drives a pretty quick Audi, and is unfortunately quite the party animal, resulting in his very own DUI. cop pulled him over for his tint too, ended up smelling the alcohol, citing him, and he spent the night in jail. as of now his license is gone for a year. so he got a lawyer to help him out with his court sentence, the lawyer struck a deal with the DA, and this is what he's looking at:

26 AA meetings

90 hours of youthful authority classes (think that's what it's called)

a month of another alcohol control program which name eludes me right now

and a base 400 dollar fine that the lawyer said will escalate to about 2000 dollars with all the fines the court adds.

keep in mind that he's also not driving for a whole year! just a little encouragement to keep you guys away from drinking and driving, i know not too many people on this forum are guilty of it, but just sharing. and these are penalties he's getting from hiring a lawyer that cost about another 2000, i dunno what a public defender would've got him. also, he's only 18 years old, so i'm sure if you're 21+ the consequences are less severe, but still.....if consequences don't scare keep in mind you could always kill yourself or somebody else drunk driving, just sharing.

cliff notes: don't drink and drive.
:bash: :bash:

10-15-2003, 01:15 AM
damn not driving for a year,that alone is torture.so the moral of the store is this DONT DRINK AND DRIVE, have a nice day:bow:

10-15-2003, 02:29 AM
my paw yusta tell me something bout this, "the stupid shall be punished!" Works pretty good in this situation. I bet he feels like this now. -----> :bash:

10-15-2003, 07:52 PM
DUDE, he is getting off EASY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a friend of a friend get a DUI and it cost him about 8K...I dunno, but I have very harsh feelings towards anyone that drinks and drives...a year w/out a liscense isn't enough in my opinion...and being 18, *shaking head* I hope he learns his lesson and dosnt repeat his offenses in the future...but he's got a damn good lawyer if he got it down to that...

10-15-2003, 09:14 PM
in Canada they would have him put in a breathalizer in his car just to start the damn thing. Plus all the other crap. He's stupid for driving, hopefully he learns his lesson.

10-16-2003, 09:06 PM
Damm, I think your friend needs a better lawyer!!! Crap, losses his licence for a year + all the rest of that crap?!? thats called a **** lawyer. Maybe the law is different in california, but down here in texas manditory licence susp. is 6 months, if you pay a good lawyer 4,000 no susp. no AA, nothing. hell, I know one guy who got 2 in the last year.
Im not trying to condone it, but DAMM hes getting screwed. Would the jail time have been much worse than what he's getting now? Maybe because he's underage?? I would probably taken a month in jail over all the crap hes having to deal with. Hell why not, he can't drive for the next year, so probably ain't gonna have siht else to do. lets see 90 hours of class, 26 AA meetings at say 1 hr each (probably longer), and a month of something say 30hr's = 146 hours = 3.65 weeks of full time work/ then add all the fees, and costs; verses 30 days jail, minimum sec. county time, saving money.
And a Major learning exp.:D

Oh, and also, he got pulled over for TINT!!! not for driving wreckless, not for swerving, not for any of that crap. But TINT.:mad:

10-17-2003, 01:00 PM
If he has a job or goes to school further then like 5 miles from his house he can get a restricted license.
He is still ****ed but atleast he can drive to work/school. and if he don't work or go to school then he don't deserve that car.
anyway I read that after all the fees, taxes, insurance and what ever other bull**** is going to cost him 10 grand. Thats the bed you must lay in.