View Full Version : To all home-owners! Are dandelions blowing up my yard? HELL YEAH!

05-02-2011, 12:29 PM
So, I've reached a point in my life where I want my grass to be greener and healthier than my neighbors' and my landscaping to be classy and sophisticated. Unfortunately, the POs didn't do SHIT with proper lawn care and preventative maintenance. I seriously probably have over a thousand dandelions in a small 30' by 50' yard. There's no way I'm going to pull each and every one and shoot Weed B Gon down into the root. What do the rest of you guys (and girls?) do to kill the yellow demons? I need to get to them before they're blowing their seeds around everywhere. Any tips other than lawn care will also be greatly be appreciated as well! I'm a first-time home-owner, so this is all pretty new to me.

05-02-2011, 12:33 PM
If the yard is polluted with many weeds it can sometimes be a endless battle. I would kill off the whole yard(round up) and reseed or lay sod. Better to start fresh, then control weeds after the new grass seed germinates.

05-02-2011, 12:35 PM
thats my plan of attack^ kill everything

05-02-2011, 12:37 PM
Get yourself a spreader and a quality "Weed and Feed" from your local home improvement store.

Spend some time on Google to find out what would work best for you.

Follow the directions! (what time of day is best to use it, wet the grass before applying, follow up treatments, etc)

You'll likely have to re-seed once all the weeds are killed off, since they are likely taking up more real estate then the grass right now.

LimeLite Racing
05-02-2011, 12:37 PM
I think there's a thread about this already. Anyways, ask Phlip. He's a lawn genius.
Edit: Here's the thread. http://zilvia.net/f/off-topic-chat/336587-lawn-care-thread.html

05-02-2011, 12:40 PM
Seriously, take a deep breath. It'll be ok. Trust me.

Here's a photo of my (old) front yard.
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs472.ash1/25915_1264649022053_1404585470_30609357_1906209_n. jpg
And my back yard.
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs472.ash1/25915_1264648942051_1404585470_30609355_2819143_n. jpg

You are in the same climate as me (WI) so you it's not to late to do something about it. Just go out and buy Scotts Turf Builder With PLUS 2 Weed Control. Buy however much you need and treat your grass. DO NOT OVER DO IT. A few weeks later your grass will be nice and green. The first few years I lived at my house I would always wait too long and treat my grass AFTER those fuckers started taking over, and every year this shit would take care of it.


LimeLite Racing
05-02-2011, 12:46 PM
Seriously, take a deep breath. It'll be ok. Trust me.

Here's a photo of my (old) front yard.
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs472.ash1/25915_1264649022053_1404585470_30609357_1906209_n. jpg
And my back yard.
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs472.ash1/25915_1264648942051_1404585470_30609355_2819143_n. jpg

You are in the same climate as me (WI) so you it's not to late to do something about it. Just go out and buy Scotts Turf Builder With PLUS 2 Weed Control. Buy however much you need and treat your grass. DO NOT OVER DO IT. A few weeks later your grass will be nice and green. The first few years I lived at my house I would always wait too long and treat my grass AFTER those fuckers started taking over, and every year this shit would take care of it.


Maintaining a yard like that HAS to be a pain in the ass! Nice work dude!

05-02-2011, 12:48 PM
All that fertilizer and weed control stuff is really bad for human health.
That being said, I have to use it because everyone in our neighborhood is obsessed with their lawn.
Wear a mask while spreading it, and kids and pets probably should not play in the grass for a few days after use.

05-02-2011, 12:52 PM
Thanks for all the great info! I'm definitely going to spend some time reading up on all of this.

On a side note, are there any DIY or landscaping forums that you guys frequent?

All that fertilizer and weed control stuff is really bad for human health.
That being said, I have to use it because everyone in our neighborhood is obsessed with their lawn.
Wear a mask while spreading it, and kids and pets probably should not play in the grass for a few days after use.

I've read this as well. Fortunately, I don't have any pets or little ones...yet.

05-02-2011, 01:04 PM
Maintaining a yard like that HAS to be a pain in the ass! Nice work dude!

Yes. Yes it was.

All that fertilizer and weed control stuff is really bad for human health.
That being said, I have to use it because everyone in our neighborhood is obsessed with their lawn.
Wear a mask while spreading it, and kids and pets probably should not play in the grass for a few days after use.

That's true. I'd stay off of it for a couple days. But I'd only treat my lawn in Spring and Fall, so it wasn't too much of an inconvenience.

05-02-2011, 01:36 PM
Thanks for all the great info! I'm definitely going to spend some time reading up on all of this.

On a side note, are there any DIY or landscaping forums that you guys frequent?

I'm a member on lawnsite.com, pretty good forum for anybody looking to find info on lawn/landscaping. You'll get help from everyday people as well as professional landsacpers. Pretty good site.

05-02-2011, 01:43 PM
get a roommate who runs a lawncare business. problem solved. my unimpressive house has a fucking MLB yard.

05-02-2011, 05:22 PM
You're a homeowner now?



05-02-2011, 07:33 PM
Thanks, Yuta! Yeah, my girl and I bought a house together. I hope all is well in SJ.

get a roommate who runs a lawncare business. problem solved. my unimpressive house has a fucking MLB yard.

I don't think think this will work considering a 'buddy' of mine that does landscaping owes me $180 still, haha.

05-02-2011, 08:07 PM
I saw my name mentioned, but then I saw someone say the same as I would have said...
Scott's turfbuilder... it is too late in the season for anything else, and unless you're a hippie or have kids who will be playing in the yard over the following 2-3 weeks, that is the way to go

LimeLite Racing
05-02-2011, 08:40 PM
I saw my name mentioned, but then I saw someone say the same as I would have said...
Scott's turfbuilder... it is too late in the season for anything else, and unless you're a hippie or have kids who will be playing in the yard over the following 2-3 weeks, that is the way to go

Like I said before... Just ask Phlip.

05-02-2011, 10:29 PM
Im looking to buy a house soon and while we are in escrow i think they are going to let the grass die :(

Ill be getting possesion of the house right before June, Its already yellow and I can see dirt pacthes

not loooking forward to this

05-03-2011, 09:11 AM
^ Yeah, that's how our yard was when we closed on our house too.

I hate the prickery little weeds that I accidentally step on barefooted. I'm going to show them who's boss with Scott's when it stops raining.

Phlip and Mel's yards are just straight BOSS for sure.

05-03-2011, 09:13 AM
Im looking to buy a house soon and while we are in escrow i think they are going to let the grass die :(

Ill be getting possesion of the house right before June, Its already yellow and I can see dirt pacthes

not loooking forward to this

Believe it or not grass is very resilient. Even if it seems dead, once you start tending to it, it'll come back. The main thing grass needs to grow is water. So water the shit out o fit and it'll go buck wild.

05-03-2011, 12:46 PM
Im looking to buy a house soon and while we are in escrow i think they are going to let the grass die :(

Ill be getting possesion of the house right before June, Its already yellow and I can see dirt pacthes

not loooking forward to this
It won't bee too hard... Use the Scott's turfbuilder before June, then switch to Summerguard.

Phlip and Mel's yards are just straight BOSS for sure.
If you thought my front yard was boss last year, wait til I blow the cover on these pics and the work I've been doing within a couple weeks.