View Full Version : My Uncles Pitbull got shot by a Cop...

04-30-2011, 12:09 AM
I just wanted to see if anyone can inform me on anything useful that I can tell my uncle. As in legal action he can take. This is the story, it all happened last night...

A guy was getting chased by cops and he hopped the fence into my uncles yard he has two pitbulls, the female pit was currently pregnant. (these dogs are incredibly friendly to people. All the middle school kids cone and pet them all the time.) it's late at night and these dogs heard commotion so they got up alarmed and went to go check out what was going on. Anyone who has a dog knows dogs are territorial. They went straight for the burglar and were growling and barking at him, at this point the cops get there and are trying to get the suspect under custody (be advised this is inside my uncles property) they handcuff the guy and one of the cops gets scared. The dogs are still growling and barking, do the cop starts to back up and pulls his gun and shoots twice at the pregnant Pitbull. This is when my uncle comes out as well and sees his dog bleeding on the floor, talks the cop to see WTF is going on and he explains my life was threatened so I protected myself. He never once stated that the Pitbull lashed out at him or tried to bite him. The dog was just growling and barking. The dog (her name is Leila) was rushed to the animal hospital where they had to do a C section on her to save the puppies (they were due already.) and the bullet penetrated through her chest and went sideways and shattered her shoulder, which she'll be getting surgery if she pulls through by Tuesday if God allows her to. It sucks cause I'm a dog owner and I know a lot of us are as well.

Does anyone know if he can take legal action or anything we can do?

04-30-2011, 12:20 AM
I'm sorry to hear about this, I hope the puppies and the mother make it out okay. This really is terrible. Everyone likes to assume all pit bulls are dangerous, my brother owns one and it's the coolest dog I know.

As far as legal action is concerned, if the cop doesn't have any wounds / bite marks on him, you may have a case. You have to remember all his cop buddies will be sticking up for him saying the dogs were vicious etc. Your uncle's neighbors and friends may end up filling out affidavits explaining the dogs are of no harm to people. Not sure how it works in California but I'm sure something can be done.

Those vet bills are going to add up too, I imagine the surgery for a bullet wound isn't cheap.

Good luck to you and your family, whatever the outcome may be.

04-30-2011, 12:24 AM
Thanks for the info, yeah everyone on that street knows these dogs are friendly. I own a Pitbull as well and it's the nicest dog I've ever owned. He's just big hahaha

So far it's $1200 in medical bills and that was just for the C section and cause of the loss of blood she had to cure her for the meanwhile. My whole family is pitching in and so are a couple of my close friends.

04-30-2011, 12:28 AM
I would definitely say lawyer up, they will be able to tell you whether you have a case or not

04-30-2011, 12:32 AM
So far I know that 12 out 13 puppies made it.

He's going to be taking legal action against the cop. The thing that got me pissed was when my uncle told me the cop said, "it's just a animal." that's some bull! Man, this gets me pissed to no extreme.

04-30-2011, 12:38 AM
So far I know that 12 out 13 puppies made it.

He's going to be taking legal action against the cop. The thing that got me pissed was when my uncle told me the cop said, "it's just a animal." that's some pitbull! Man, this gets me pissed to no extreme.

sorry..i couldnt resist...

in all seriousness tho, hope everything works out and the dog is ok. everyone always flips out abt pitbulls being vicious, but ive met a couple that were the sweetest dogs ever.

shows how bad stereo typing is. even against animals. we, as humans create stereo typed tho, to protect ourselves. we're weak like that.

04-30-2011, 12:39 AM
sorry..i couldnt resist...

in all seriousness tho, hope everything works out and the dog is ok. everyone always flips out abt pitbulls being vicious, but ive met a couple that were the sweetest dogs ever.

shows how bad stereo typing is. even against animals. we, as humans create stereo typed tho, to protect ourselves. we're weak like that.

12 out of 13 puppies, jeez the most ive ever seen out of a dog was like 6

04-30-2011, 12:54 AM
sell those puppies. He could probably pay the medic bills and a lawyer.

04-30-2011, 01:12 AM
Get an Attorney, talk it over, then file a complaint with the police department. I hope your uncle has the guys badge number. If not he may be able to pull it from the police report.

04-30-2011, 01:13 AM
Yeah man you gotta talk to a GOOD lawyer to see if you have a case. You would be surprised at the amount of shitty ass lawyers out there who are really just out there to take your money.

Im a criminal justice major (Graduating in less than a month) and one of the things that I was always told was its always gonna be your story vs them. As what was said cops have been known to cover shit up/fabricate stories and of course it will be validated by the surrounding cops that were around when it happened.

In the end the only thing I can say to you is. Dont be surprised if you do take this to court not a damn thing will happen to the cop. Look at the Oscar Grant story.

04-30-2011, 01:21 AM
That's horrible to hear, i hope the dog pulls through...

04-30-2011, 01:37 AM
puppies:( some people are just too ignorant. I have a golden retriever and I had too confront an ex neighbor that threatened to kill my dog if it ever got loose on his yard.
Did your uncles situation occur in the 909 as well? or another state/city?

04-30-2011, 02:35 AM
sorry to be a pessimist, but with all these scandals, cases of negligence, and stories of corruption in the past few years with every local PD across the nation (esp CA), theyre going to be backing him up like crazy...they have to...wish you the best with the dogs because thats life, the most important factor...but as far as the financial burden and everything else, dont hold your breath...

id hate to play the devils advocate on this one, but can anyone in the same circumstance honestly admit that they wouldnt have done the same? im not going to lie and say i would have handled things differently...i can honestly say that it would be 50/50, but hey, thats why im not a cop either...

04-30-2011, 03:43 AM
id hate to play the devils advocate on this one, but can anyone in the same circumstance honestly admit that they wouldnt have done the same? im not going to lie and say i would have handled things differently...i can honestly say that it would be 50/50, but hey, thats why im not a cop either...

WTF? Why would you shoot the dog? It wasn't armed and the suspect was already in handcuffs. The dogs did not attack the police, it was merely barking and growling to mark its territory. I guarantee you a K9 unit would not have done that, they love dogs.

04-30-2011, 03:49 AM
pitbulls are bad thats why. anyone who argue theyre nice and shit cuz they're the owner.

if you look at their faces theyre hella ugly and mean and shiz.

but yeah sorry about the dog in general.

04-30-2011, 04:07 AM
pitbulls are bad thats why. anyone who argue theyre nice and shit cuz they're the owner.

if you look at their faces theyre hella ugly and mean and shiz.

but yeah sorry about the dog in general.

Moron...:rolleyes: You're fucking ignorant. Seriously, get the fuck out.

Pitbulls are NOT bad dogs. The problem is the disproportionate amount of shitty owners. I have several friends with pits and they're ALL super nice dogs.

To the OP, my best advice would be like what's already been mentioned. Get a good lawyer and see what happens. If the culprit was already in cuffs when the cop shot, you definitely have a case.

04-30-2011, 05:05 AM
pitbulls are bad thats why. anyone who argue theyre nice and shit cuz they're the owner.

if you look at their faces theyre hella ugly and mean and shiz.

but yeah sorry about the dog in general.

speechless at the amount of stupidity.

04-30-2011, 06:12 AM
puppies:( some people are just too ignorant. I have a golden retriever and I had too confront an ex neighbor that threatened to kill my dog if it ever got loose on his yard.
Did your uncles situation occur in the 909 as well? or another state/city?

Yeah, this actually happened in Fontana CA.

@ everyone else- yeah, he's definitely going to be looking for a good lawyer cause like it was stated the dog didnt even attack him, she was protecting her territory.

There's no such thing as a bad dog, just a bad owner. My Pitbull is as loyal as they come. I can take him out in public and the only thing he likes to do is run and play around. The only thing that people are scared of is their size and the stories the media portrays about them.

Puppy situation:
Since they were just born, they won't be up for sale until 2 months from now.

04-30-2011, 07:13 AM
It wasn't armed

Well that's one of the dumbest things I've heard in a while. Dogs, especially pits have killed people. Was the cop justified in shooting a dog if he felt threatened? Sure. Was that actually true in this case? Not sure. My girlfriend has a pit, I know they can be sweet, but the likelyhood of this going your way sounds slim. If you can get the city to cover the medical bills, I'd take it.

04-30-2011, 07:35 AM
WTF? Why would you shoot the dog? It wasn't armed and the suspect was already in handcuffs. The dogs did not attack the police, it was merely barking and growling to mark its territory. I guarantee you a K9 unit would not have done that, they love dogs.

LOL your hilarious, stupidest thing ive ever read.

but in all seriousness, go ahead and take some legal action if you want, but i can't see this going in your favor, here's why;

first off the cop will say, "based off of my experience and knowledge of pitbulls, they are dangerous and violent. While apprehending the suspect, I felt my life was in danger because of the aggressive stance and posture of the dog which, based on my personal experience indicated to me the potential threat the dog may attack my partner and I. So I protected us from imminent serious bodily injury."

Also add to the fact that pitbulls already have a bad reputation for being violent will just make the cops case stronger.

good luck in whatever you do.

04-30-2011, 07:51 AM
The dog didn't attack, it was pregnant, its going to more territorial than normal because of this. If the dog wanted to attack it would have long before he shot it.

04-30-2011, 07:52 AM
LOL your hilarious, stupidest thing ive ever read.

Fuck you. :rolleyes:

04-30-2011, 09:16 AM
did you know more serious bites are year are attributed to golden retrievers than pitbulls?
seriously look this shit up, they are not more dangerous than any other dog unless they have been trained to be.
so yall can shut up about "would you do the same, its a pitbull he prolly felt his life threatened pitbulls are mean"
i volunteered at a pitbull fighting rescue, and my entire family has owned them, I have been to large events and brought my dog to hospitals to be a comfort dog for terminally ill children (seriously cool program look it up) I work really hard to make sure this idea that pitbulls are mean is gone.
if you think they are dangerous you are ignorant.
dalmatians are actually far more dangerous of a dog. and have killed more people.

to the owner, I am sorry to hear that man, hopefully the dog pulls through

04-30-2011, 09:20 AM
The question is did your uncle see what really happened? You said he came out after the gun shots, the problem you could run into is nobody but the cops saw what happened.

04-30-2011, 09:30 AM
cops shoot people for less than what teh dog did. sorry for what happend

04-30-2011, 09:45 AM
did you know more serious bites are year are attributed to golden retrievers than pitbulls?
seriously look this shit up, they are not more dangerous than any other dog unless they have been trained to be.
dalmatians are actually far more dangerous of a dog. and have killed more people.

i could care less about who owns what dog and am completley neutral on the subject.
i think your information and opinion is probably a little jaded considering you and your families strong ties to the breed which is completley understandable. however, i'd like to see your source for statistics, because everything i've read was to the contrary...pitbulls ARE the most dangerous and unpredictable:
In the 3-year period from 2006 to 2008, pit bull type dogs killed 52 Americans and accounted for 59% of all fatal attacks.
source (this is probably 1 of the 10 sites that had similiar numbers/conclusions)
DogsBite.org Releases 3-Year Fatality Study: U.S. Dog Bite Fatalities January 2006 to December 2008 - DogsBite.org (http://www.dogsbite.org/newsroom-release-dog-bite-fatality-study-042209.htm)

and to the op, thats a horrible horrible situation. YES, the cop could have been trigger happy and fired unjustly...or the dog may have been advancing on him and getting ready to attack (due to being defensive and territorial during pregnancy). problem is, we'll never know. no one knows what really happened except the cops and MAYBE the guy that got arrested.

04-30-2011, 09:59 AM
i doubt youll be able to do anything, its a dog not a person and with it being a pit i highly doubt a judge will make a ruling in your favor.

04-30-2011, 10:10 AM
The officer will not be criminally liable. But we are always civilly liable. If you take a civil case to court, the PD will settle it before you ever see the inside of a court room.

04-30-2011, 10:36 AM
WTF? Why would you shoot the dog? It wasn't armed and the suspect was already in handcuffs. The dogs did not attack the police, it was merely barking and growling to mark its territory. I guarantee you a K9 unit would not have done that, they love dogs.

oh im sorry, i didnt realize you were one of the cops that responded to the scene...no one here (not to mention even the uncle; which is the main source of secondhand information) knows what went on during that time duration...unless if you or i am a cop, we will never understand their line of work and the constant attentiveness to judgment it requires...sorry, ill step up and honestly say i wouldnt know how i would handle the situation...could go either way...

if it was a dog barking and growling tied to a parking meter?...not a chance...if i jump a fence and land in someones private party where anything can and may happen? who knows...

all im saying is, it was for damn sure a shame, but i wont be all high and mighty and not admit that i wouldnt do the same in the heat of the moment, taken out of my territory/element...

04-30-2011, 10:42 AM
pitbulls are bad thats why. anyone who argue theyre nice and shit cuz they're the owner.

if you look at their faces theyre hella ugly and mean and shiz.

but yeah sorry about the dog in general.

Moron...:rolleyes: You're fucking ignorant. Seriously, get the fuck out.

Pitbulls are NOT bad dogs. The problem is the disproportionate amount of shitty owners. I have several friends with pits and they're ALL super nice dogs.

To the OP, my best advice would be like what's already been mentioned. Get a good lawyer and see what happens. If the culprit was already in cuffs when the cop shot, you definitely have a case.

speechless at the amount of stupidity.

Just like the majority of "modded" 240's sold are all jury rigged because of bad owners but there still good cars just like pitbulls are they just have bad owners, and it doesn't help that it is a popular dog amoungst low life thugs and gangsters and the likes that generally purposely set out to make the dog meaner.

But to teh OP same shit happened to my uncle, haven't talked with him to see what the outcome was on his case which happened in the city of Duarte, the bullett actually went threw the dogs shoulder and ricochet and just nicked one of my uncles fingers, but it all took place in his back yard apprehending a suspect.

Same thing almost happened to my pitbulls also chasing someone threw my backyard but they were on chains at the time but one cop was drawing down on my dogs, cops trying to tell me to calm them down I said shit there doing what the fuck the ought to do if someone is pointing a gun at them, quit poitning your gun at them, there on a chain and excited by all the fucking commotion. My pitts listen very well, I can whisper at them and they listen just like that.

04-30-2011, 10:49 AM
This cop YouTube - Dog attacks Police Officer Taser Full News Report (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGUyMFPJRnU&feature=related) showed a whole lot of restraint and could have shoot the dog and I would've had no issues with that.

04-30-2011, 03:08 PM
i dont see why people would want a pitbull their ugly ass hell..

i only see ghetto ass people=gangsters, poor asses have pitbulls so that they can look hard,cool, or just scare other people. Taking from the dogs point of view its attitude get reinforce through the behavior of the owner and thus a vicious dog.

if you dont think the behavior of the dog is in their dna then your stupid. there is this documentry that shows it can be bred out through generations and i'm guessing pitbulls were too ugly for breeders to waste their time breeding it out of their genes.

i'm not saying all pitbulls can be vicious but most are bred that way as a guard dog or something of that value because of their nature. you can't deny this fact. seeing as how some of you guys are owners of ones, of course your gonna be bias because your the owners.

to the guy that made a dumbass comparison about attacks from golden retrievers are greater than pitbull
i'm just gonna take a guess that there are more golden retrievers than there are pitbulls.. so it is a disproportionate comparison.

Dirty Habit
04-30-2011, 04:38 PM
Why come on here and post this? Is this a law forum or something?

Go talk to a lawyer.

04-30-2011, 05:01 PM
Yea, really dumb when people go on here asking for suggestions... especially when it has nothing to do, car related..

Go use GOOGLE.

04-30-2011, 05:05 PM
Its "Off Topic Chat"

04-30-2011, 05:26 PM
Yea, really dumb when people go on here asking for suggestions... especially when it has nothing to do, car related..

Go use GOOGLE.

by far, probably one of the stupidest statements i've read on ANY forum.

04-30-2011, 05:27 PM
Before taking any legal action, you should probably find out what the law for breeding pitbulls is in your state.
Because I am pretty sure backyard pitbull breeding is illegal in many states.

04-30-2011, 05:32 PM
can't do anything.
all he needs to say is "I felt my life was in danger"
human life > dogs life
growling? yes
barking? yes
vicious? yes
felt my life was in danger? yes
sorry about the situation.

04-30-2011, 06:18 PM
Cop Shot Your Pitbull?

Shoot Cop In Face! - Insanity Wolf

04-30-2011, 10:04 PM
NINJASPY is correct. There have been three pitbull related shootings in my neighborhood in the past year, all of which ended favorably for the police who shot the dogs.

Although I personally dislike pitbulls, I feel bad that this would happen to anyones pet and am sure that the officer could have protected himself in a more humane manner.

04-30-2011, 10:41 PM
I am not a lawyer but this seems like the dogs were in the right place at the wrong time. What if the bad guy was armed/doped up and tried to break into the house to get away from the dogs/cops? Sounds like an easily justifiable defense for the police. Sorry for your loss though.

05-01-2011, 12:30 AM
I don't see the dog owner having much of a case either.
very sad and unfortunate for the dog and owner.
hope the dog recovers well fully.

05-01-2011, 12:40 AM
can't do anything.
all he needs to say is "I felt my life was in danger"
human life > dogs life
growling? yes
barking? yes
vicious? yes
felt my life was in danger? yes
sorry about the situation.

basically this. sucks, but this still rings true.

05-01-2011, 01:11 AM
do you really feel like paying money to a lawyer for something like this?

and wtf happened to the guy the cops were chasing?

05-01-2011, 01:14 AM
hope that cop gets fucked up. Not in a physical manner but in some soft of training for being a bitch yes + money for the Op's uncle yes.

05-01-2011, 01:34 AM
hope that cop gets fucked up.

are you serious?

05-01-2011, 03:57 AM
To the guys that are complaining about this topic... Get bent assholes like it's stated it's off topic chat. I'm simply asking for opinions or if Anyones been in a similar situation.

Good news though!!!

My uncles Pitbull will pull through! I went to his house and saw the pups and her. She's in bad shape but someone at the animal hospital heard about what happened and donated money towards Leilas surgery. She'll be getting surgery this Tuesday and hopefully be back to normal soon.

To the breeding remark,
My uncle doesn't breed pitbulls, he had a Pitbull when he was younger and got one for his son when he was old enough to take care of it. His wife wanted one to so she got a pit as well... Well, dogs get horny too man

05-01-2011, 04:51 AM
i dont see why people would want a pitbull their ugly ass hell..

i only see ghetto ass people=gangsters, poor asses have pitbulls so that they can look hard,cool, or just scare other people. Taking from the dogs point of view its attitude get reinforce through the behavior of the owner and thus a vicious dog.

Your an idiot.

Do you have any idea how much pits are sold for?

I know lots of people with pits, coolest dog ever. Just as with any animal, of course if the owner is a douche their pets are going to reflect that. Have you ever played with a pit? Energetic, playful, loving breeds. Just protective. German Shepards are known as protective, possibly could be argued they are worse dogs because the army/police use them. If someone jumped into my backyard, my dog would bite the shit outta them, the dude who hopped OP's fence is lucky the dogs were well trained/behaved enough that he didn't end up in the hospital, regardless of breed.

Case in point:
-you are ignorant and therefore a moronic douche
-you probably couldn't afford a pit
-pits are awesome

OP: good luck to your family regarding this situation

05-01-2011, 08:12 AM
full breed pitbulls with good bloodline selll for 5k or more just to use sperm from a high pedigree pitbull they charged my friend 3500 for a bottle of it lol and the cost to inseminate ur dog. i dont think thats cheap i bet it cost more then ur car 2slow2go u are such a dumbass. How about you get out of the hood you hang out and see that not everyone is ghetto. by what you said is like saying everyone with a 240 is a broke drifter.

05-01-2011, 11:39 AM
Damn man, that sucks!
If my appartment complex would allow them, I would buy two at asking price just for the cause!!!

Good luck, and post pics of the puppies!!!!

05-01-2011, 02:58 PM
^^^ for sure, I'm gonna go to his house in a bit and I'll take pics and post them when I get out of work later.

05-01-2011, 07:37 PM
This cop YouTube - Dog attacks Police Officer Taser Full News Report (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGUyMFPJRnU&feature=related) showed a whole lot of restraint and could have shoot the dog and I would've had no issues with that.

this i completely understand, the owner is completely negligible and he shouldn't have a dog if he cant properly restrain it. I on the other hand keep my dogs in my yard and they listen well, now if i anyone comes in my yard without my permission my dog will most likely attack because thats what she does to protect her home. I have had a police officer snoop around my house trying to look in my car, he did tell me that if he wanted to and if he felt the dog was a threat to him that he could put her down, i just told him that i would reciprocate in the same way. I know I over reacted by saying that but he didnt do anything but leave so im assuming I wasn't doing or saying anything illegal. It just seems like a cop can just kill a dog that barks at him, without there actually being any real threat to them.\

I should mention that this cop is just a dick though because i've caught him looking inside my car a couple of times when i leave it outside so its always in my driveway org garage now. His excuse is that he suspects i have stolen parts, it was when my car was multicolored.

05-01-2011, 08:17 PM
There is DEFINITELY a case there for your uncle. I wouldn't even pay the vet right away, that bill would be forwarded directly to the city. Along with a letter letting them know that its a good thing the dog is alive, with 12 cute little puppies.

And I have a feeling the local news would LOVE to have their hands on this story.

05-01-2011, 08:19 PM
I do not see why that cop has to use the the deadliest force to set that dog back, he could just done a more humane thing and just pepper spray instead. It was not like the dog was running towards the officers nor close enough to sink their teeth into that trigger happy cop.

05-01-2011, 08:35 PM
It was not like the dog was running towards the officers nor close enough to sink their teeth into that trigger happy cop.

how would you prove that? no one saw it...not the op, not the uncle. the only people that know what happened are the two cops that were there. i how can you even make that statement you did, what are you basing that off of?

i don't even see how this is would last ten seconds in court. "officer, was the said dog charging you or advancing on you to give you any reason to believe you, your partner, or the perp was in danger?" "yes ma'am." "is there anyone that saw anything otherwise, or saw anything whatsoever?" cricket...cricket...cricket

05-01-2011, 09:00 PM
how would you prove that? no one saw it...not the op, not the uncle. the only people that know what happened are the two cops that were there. i how can you even make that statement you did, what are you basing that off of?

i don't even see how this is would last ten seconds in court. "officer, was the said dog charging you or advancing on you to give you any reason to believe you, your partner, or the perp was in danger?" "yes ma'am." "is there anyone that saw anything otherwise, or saw anything whatsoever?" cricket...cricket...cricket

Both you and I can not prove that it did or did not happen, there are still many details here missing. How do you that the uncle was not witnessing from inside the house before he came out to speak with the officer? I was basing statement on the general description of what the OP said just to criticize the officers action
he chose upon.

05-01-2011, 11:28 PM
With the amount of stereotypes about the breed out there, I wouldnt be surprised if you dont have a case against the city. They will cry that you have a pittbull and they are aggressive, that gave the cop enough warrant to shoot it. I bet you if it was some other kind of dog like a retriever or lab, they would pay up.

Anyways, its funny how some folks have this mentality that pitts are vicious cuz its imprinted in their DNA. I used to have the same mentality until I got one 4 yrs ago. To this day, I've never seen a dog more of a wuss than my dog. She's the kind of dog that would let yorkies dominate her. She sees another dog/puppy and the first thing should do is roll on her back and show her stomach, just submit to them no matter how much smaller the other dog is.

05-01-2011, 11:50 PM
2010 Dog Bite Fatalities

33 U.S. fatal dog attacks occurred in 2010. Despite being regulated in Military Housing areas and over 500 U.S. cities, pit bulls led these attacks accounting for 67% (22). Pit bulls make up approximately 5% of the total U.S. dog population.
In 2010, the combination of pit bulls (22) and rottweilers (4) accounted for 79% of all fatal attacks. In the 6-year period from 2005 to 2010, this same combination accounted for 71% (129) of the total recorded deaths (181).
The combined breakdown between the two breeds is substantial. From 2005 to 2010, pit bulls killed 104 Americans, about one citizen every 21 days, versus rottweilers, which killed 25 Americans, about one citizen every 88 days.
2010 data shows that 61% (20) of the attacks occurred to children (11 years and younger) and 39% occurred to adults. Of the children, 75% (15) occurred to ages 4 and younger. Within this same age group, males represented 60% of the victims.
2010 data also shows that 36% (12) of the fatal incidents involved multiple dogs. Nearly a third, 30% (10), involved breeding on the dog owner's property either actively or in the recent past, and 9% (3) involved chained dogs.
Dog ownership information for 2010 shows that family dogs comprised 73% (24) of the attacks that resulted in death; 88% (29) of these incidents occurred on the dog owner's property and 12% (4) occurred off the owner's property.
The state of California led fatalities in 2010 with 7 deaths; pit bulls contributed to 83% (6). Florida followed with 3 deaths and Georgia, Illinois, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas each had 2 deaths.

"Owners' fault/my pitbull is a saint/blah blah blah."

Pitbulls are naturally more aggressive than most other breeds.
Of course they can be trained.
Of course not all pitbulls are vicious.

What is there to argue?

05-01-2011, 11:55 PM
I went to my uncles house today but he wasn't home but I told him to send me some pics and this is what he sent.


To protect and serve right?


BTW when I was talking to my uncle he said he saw the whole thing. You also have to take into consideration that when my uncle was talking to the officer, the officer said this himself, "No, the dog didn't jump towards me but it's barking and growling indicates danger to me and my partner." my uncles Pitbull made No^ effort to attack those officers. My aunt will be going to city hall and filing a report against that officer for his actions.

05-02-2011, 02:39 AM
(these dogs are incredibly friendly to people. All the middle school kids cone and pet them all the time.)

This is when my uncle comes out as well and sees his dog bleeding on the floor, talks the cop to see WTF is going on and he explains my life was threatened so I protected myself. He never once stated that the Pitbull lashed out at him or tried to bite him.

Does anyone know if he can take legal action or anything we can do?
Sorry if you take this the wrong way but I'm giving you the way I look at it as a cop myself.

It doesn't matter if the dog is friendly, there's a .01% chance that the cop knows this, if it walks like a duck and looks like a duck, it must be a duck right? The dog looked aggresive, logical reasoning says that it's an aggresive dog.

Many cops have shot dogs over this kinda situation, and nothing happens. Do I agree with how it was handled? I'm not 100% sure cause I wasn't there, but if the situation provided the opportunity I would have gave the dog a quick OC blast insted of shooting it.

Legal action? No honestly it would be a waste of your time and money trying to milk the city for a dog.

One of 3 things will happen:
1. Case gets thrown out and you're out money.
2. City pays a settlement, which for a dog won't be much at all, then the lawyer will take a cut, state/gov. taxes, you'll be losing money.
3. You enter in official proceedings with the city and it turns out to be a long and drawn out case, if you loose you'll be out tons of money, and if you happen to win, it won't be a million dollar law suit, MAYBE $10,000, then you have fees/taxes and you'll make a SMALL profit, BUT if you lose you'll be out a boat load of cash.

Again I'm sorry if I sound harsh, and I truly am sorry for what happened cause I am a dog guy myself, but it's reality...

05-02-2011, 04:20 AM
Another thread to blame cops about something.

OP, naturally the dogs are friendly to you and everyone you know. They recognize you as family. I'm sure that anyone at night jumping over the fence would get them angry. Its a dogs nature to protect the pack.

Its just a sucky turn of events, and generally something you don't share on the internet because nobody here can help legally, nor anyone here, and you were not actually at the location when it happened correct?

Sorry for your loss.

05-02-2011, 12:45 PM
My uncles not in it for the money, That he doesn't need. He wants to prove That this situation could have been handled in a less violent way and I agree with him. Macing the dog would have been better than shooting the poor creature. It's a fucked up situation it really is but from what my mom was telling me they're not going to sue but are going to city hall and file a complaint on that cops actions.

05-02-2011, 01:32 PM
My uncles not in it for the money, That he doesn't need. He wants to prove That this situation could have been handled in a less violent way and I agree with him. Macing the dog would have been better than shooting the poor creature. It's a fucked up situation it really is but from what my mom was telling me they're not going to sue but are going to city hall and file a complaint on that cops actions.

wouldn't that just piss it off more and encourage it to attack? or lead to a thread about how in humane and cruel it is that they pepper sprayed said dog?

05-02-2011, 02:06 PM
wouldn't that just piss it off more and encourage it to attack? or lead to a thread about how in humane and cruel it is that they pepper sprayed said dog?

I have been maced before at a police academy as one of the challenges they had there. I was dumb enough to volunteer, and it was pretty hard to see or even breath to even try to fight back.

05-02-2011, 02:38 PM
^^^^ yeah I got maced a couple years back at British invasion over here in San bernardino. It's hard to breathe and see what you're doing. Luckily my friends were with me.

05-02-2011, 02:41 PM
wouldn't that just piss it off more and encourage it to attack? or lead to a thread about how in humane and cruel it is that they pepper sprayed said dog?

I think Macing it would have been a better solution. Taking into consideration that the dog was pregnant and a lot less lethal than a gun.

05-02-2011, 04:14 PM
I think Macing it would have been a better solution. Taking into consideration that the dog was pregnant and a lot less lethal than a gun.

Macing works great on dogs most the time, but sometimes it will turn them into fight mode and they go into a blind rage. Taser looks great on videos. But they are not 100 effective. The only he could completely remove the threat was to elevate his use of force.

05-02-2011, 05:03 PM
Sorry if you take this the wrong way but I'm giving you the way I look at it as a cop myself.

It doesn't matter if the dog is friendly, there's a .01% chance that the cop knows this, if it walks like a duck and looks like a duck, it must be a duck right? The dog looked aggresive, logical reasoning says that it's an aggresive dog.

Just letting you know in no way is this logical reasoning, its just apply stereotypes and for people who seem to bitch about people always blaming cops and assuming they are wrong, this doesnt hold up as an argument. Logically you have to have sound reasoning, and assuming an entire group reacts the same way is the same as applying stereotypes to every single race, its just not applicable. For those numbers of recorded pitbull attacks and etc, you should also record the area of where those took place because environment has alot to do with the behavior of dogs, if the focus and concentration of pitbulls is in bad neighborhoods then of course more pitbull attacks will be seen but this does not mean that pitbulls are innately more aggressive nor that the majority of pitbulls are aggressiv e. Alot of dogs have predatory drive, but this isn't blatant aggression. This is just a situation in which people over simply a complex issue and say its right based on loose coincidences.

05-03-2011, 03:50 AM
Just letting you know in no way is this logical reasoning, its just apply stereotypes and for people who seem to bitch about people always blaming cops and assuming they are wrong, this doesnt hold up as an argument. Logically you have to have sound reasoning, and assuming an entire group reacts the same way is the same as applying stereotypes to every single race, its just not applicable. For those numbers of recorded pitbull attacks and etc, you should also record the area of where those took place because environment has alot to do with the behavior of dogs, if the focus and concentration of pitbulls is in bad neighborhoods then of course more pitbull attacks will be seen but this does not mean that pitbulls are innately more aggressive nor that the majority of pitbulls are aggressiv e. Alot of dogs have predatory drive, but this isn't blatant aggression. This is just a situation in which people over simply a complex issue and say its right based on loose coincidences.
Umm ok?

I'm completely lost as to the reason you brought up the breed of the dog, which I never did.

Could be the nicest Great Dane in town but if I'm cuffing a guy in someone's back yard and the dog looks aggressive, it's getting a face full of OC or lead depending on situation.

(Almost as I would assume a (PERSON) wearing baggy jeans with a neatly folded red bandana hanging from their right back pocket, red shirt, and with tattoos that say something like "5-9" I'd assume that they are in the "Bloods" not that they're white/black/Hispanic / Asian / Pacific Islander / Indian)

^ This was about as relevant as your comment was to the text from me you quoted...

05-03-2011, 07:02 AM
Umm ok?

I'm completely lost as to the reason you brought up the breed of the dog, which I never did.

Could be the nicest Great Dane in town but if I'm cuffing a guy in someone's back yard and the dog looks aggressive, it's getting a face full of OC or lead depending on situation.

(Almost as I would assume a (PERSON) wearing baggy jeans with a neatly folded red bandana hanging from their right back pocket, red shirt, and with tattoos that say something like "5-9" I'd assume that they are in the "Bloods" not that they're white/black/Hispanic / Asian / Pacific Islander / Indian)

^ This was about as relevant as your comment was to the text from me you quoted...

dude, you're not going to win. unfortunatley the majority of zilvia feels all cops are corrupt "pigs". i have been defending the actions of cops in many a thread to no avail.

05-03-2011, 07:25 AM
There is DEFINITELY a case there for your uncle. I wouldn't even pay the vet right away, that bill would be forwarded directly to the city. Along with a letter letting them know that its a good thing the dog is alive, with 12 cute little puppies.

And I have a feeling the local news would LOVE to have their hands on this story.

Local news FTW

I went to my uncles house today but he wasn't home but I told him to send me some pics and this is what he sent.


To protect and serve right?


BTW when I was talking to my uncle he said he saw the whole thing. You also have to take into consideration that when my uncle was talking to the officer, the officer said this himself, "No, the dog didn't jump towards me but it's barking and growling indicates danger to me and my partner." my uncles Pitbull made No^ effort to attack those officers. My aunt will be going to city hall and filing a report against that officer for his actions.

That cop was a pussy. Afraid of a dog when he was the means to protect himself, thank god it wasn't a teenager who was yelling at him in a threatening manner.

Sorry if you take this the wrong way but I'm giving you the way I look at it as a cop myself.

It doesn't matter if the dog is friendly, there's a .01% chance that the cop knows this, if it walks like a duck and looks like a duck, it must be a duck right? The dog looked aggresive, logical reasoning says that it's an aggresive dog.

Many cops have shot dogs over this kinda situation, and nothing happens. Do I agree with how it was handled? I'm not 100% sure cause I wasn't there, but if the situation provided the opportunity I would have gave the dog a quick OC blast insted of shooting it.

Legal action? No honestly it would be a waste of your time and money trying to milk the city for a dog.

One of 3 things will happen:
1. Case gets thrown out and you're out money.
2. City pays a settlement, which for a dog won't be much at all, then the lawyer will take a cut, state/gov. taxes, you'll be losing money.
3. You enter in official proceedings with the city and it turns out to be a long and drawn out case, if you loose you'll be out tons of money, and if you happen to win, it won't be a million dollar law suit, MAYBE $10,000, then you have fees/taxes and you'll make a SMALL profit, BUT if you lose you'll be out a boat load of cash.

Again I'm sorry if I sound harsh, and I truly am sorry for what happened cause I am a dog guy myself, but it's reality...

No one said they were looking for a payday, he just wants the money to cover the surgery, a little extra to cover any possible future complications, and an apology.

But hey typical police mentality. The blue shield amiright?

05-03-2011, 08:45 AM
Local news FTW

You guys all assume the news will be on his side. The media is what's spreading all the "bias" you guys are complaining about.

That cop was a pussy. Afraid of a dog when he has the means to protect himself, thank god it wasn't a teenager who was yelling at him in a threatening manner.

Means to protect himself? You mean his pistol? Or something else? Cops get training to handle people, both armed and unarmed. Aggressive dogs are something else, their only real recourse is to shoot it.

05-03-2011, 10:19 AM
i feel soo fucking madd right now... i can't even focus on work...

05-03-2011, 08:16 PM
dude, you're not going to win. unfortunatley the majority of zilvia feels all cops are corrupt "pigs". i have been defending the actions of cops in many a thread to no avail.

cause the majority of zilvians are self entitled children that think they should be allowed to do whatever they want whenever they want to. cop shoulda shot the dog dead. some of your guy's responses are just appalling. get out from behind your computer and become a police officer. then see what you would have done in the situation. pussies.

05-04-2011, 12:09 AM
If the dog lunged at me, then yeah i would have shot at it. In this case, however, the dog was just standing there barking and growling and understandably so because of the commotion and unfamiliar people in its territory. Shooting it was an unnecessary use of force. Remember, the cop that shot came onto the scene AFTER the perpetrator had already been subdued AND handcuffed by another cop. If we're gonna use the pitbull stereotype of it being an overly aggressive dog, then it stands to reason that IF the dog wanted to attack, it would have already done so instinctively and instantly the moment an unknown entered its territory. It would've have attacked the perp, the arresting cop, or both during the ensuing scuffle and not the cop that arrived on the scene LAST.

On the contrary, the dog didn't attack when the perp entered the yard, didn't attack when the pursuing cop entered the yard, and didn't attack the entire time it took for the cop to subdue and handcuff the perp inside the yard. This was plenty of time for a dog "that instinctively attacks people" to attack. It did not. So where's the "immediate danger and life threatening circumstance" for the cop that arrived on the scene AFTER all this and decided to pull the trigger? I'll tell you where it was, it was grounded in his stereotype and personal fear of the breed and NOT an objective evaluation of the situation. The dog hadn't lunged at anyone or bit anyone. It was standing there. He could have tased it and accomplished the same thing if he just wanted to calm it down and "keep it from attacking". He didn't. He shot at it to kill it. Considering the circumstances, THAT was COMPLETELY unnecessary.

05-04-2011, 12:28 AM
Trust me when I say this if those Pitbulls werent so well trained and social that robber that hopped the fence would have been attacked. The dogs were startled by the commotion and simply stood their ground considering that's their home. The cops were the trespassers in this situation. That's like saying a K9 unit came to my house and I shot their dog for attacking me. Is it the same situation? Unfortunately NO^ I would be charged for killing an officer of the law. So why is it this fucker has the right to come into someones property and shoot a dog who didn't even attack him?

05-04-2011, 12:43 AM
Trust me when I say this if those Pitbulls werent so well trained and social that robber that hopped the fence would have been attacked. The dogs were startled by the commotion and simply stood their ground considering that's their home. The cops were the trespassers in this situation. That's like saying a K9 unit came to my house and I shot their dog for attacking me. Is it the same situation? Unfortunately NO^ I would be charged for killing an officer of the law. So why is it this fucker has the right to come into someones property and shoot a dog who didn't even attack him?

exactly, they humanize K9 units but when they kill one its property.

05-04-2011, 12:47 AM
cause the majority of zilvians are self entitled children that think they should be allowed to do whatever they want whenever they want to. cop shoulda shot the dog dead. some of your guy's responses are just appalling. get out from behind your computer and become a police officer. then see what you would have done in the situation. pussies.

Probably they are, but just for that you think the 'cop should of shot the dog dead'? c'mon now you are acting so mature behind that computer:mrmeph:. Look man cops do what they do, meaning you will find sum a-holes out there and some that are actually cool dont matter if they give u a ticket or not, they do their job and i respect that, i think the officer panic and yeah who wouldnt, was there a reason to pull the trigger if the dog wasnt attacking, no. but for you to post that in here about a dog u havent met personally u are just assuming he was a dangerous dog, and everybody has their opinions and if u cant take them, well GTFO simply as that, Glad the dog pull thru and the puppies let us know how everything goes man.

05-04-2011, 01:22 AM
Probably they are, but just for that you think the 'cop should of shot the dog dead'? c'mon now you are acting so mature behind that computer:mrmeph:. Look man cops do what they do, meaning you will find sum a-holes out there and some that are actually cool dont matter if they give u a ticket or not, they do their job and i respect that, i think the officer panic and yeah who wouldnt, was there a reason to pull the trigger if the dog wasnt attacking, no. but for you to post that in here about a dog u havent met personally u are just assuming he was a dangerous dog, and everybody has their opinions and if u cant take them, well GTFO simply as that, Glad the dog pull thru and the puppies let us know how everything goes man.

no, i do not wish he shot the dog dead. i just think people who have no idea of the gravity of the situation at the time chiming in like they woulda done anything different. and just for the record, here is a pic of me with "rocky" the blue brundle? pit i lived with and grew to love for 3 years.


05-04-2011, 02:02 AM
no, i do not wish he shot the dog dead. i just think people who have no idea of the gravity of the situation at the time chiming in like they woulda done anything different. and just for the record, here is a pic of me with "rocky" the blue brundle? pit i lived with and grew to love for 3 years.


im sorry, but you owe me a new house. that dog looked agressive and i feared for my life, so i shot my computer monitor and burnt down my house in an attempt to subdue the agressive dog.

05-04-2011, 09:50 AM
My uncles not in it for the money, That he doesn't need. He wants to prove That this situation could have been handled in a less violent way and I agree with him. Macing the dog would have been better than shooting the poor creature. It's a fucked up situation it really is but from what my mom was telling me they're not going to sue but are going to city hall and file a complaint on that cops actions.

I don't know about the mace thing that everybody is saying. I really do understand that he went for the gun in the situation. He wasn't JUST dealing with a dog, he had to chase somebody down and deal with that guy at the same time.

I really do feel like using mace here would have led to a more dangerous situation.

05-04-2011, 09:57 AM
I don't know about the mace thing that everybody is saying. I really do understand that he went for the gun in the situation. He wasn't JUST dealing with a dog, he had to chase somebody down and deal with that guy at the same time.

I really do feel like using mace here would have led to a more dangerous situation.

agreed. mace/pepper spray doesn't always work on people let alone animals. sometimes it just pisses (animals) them off more.

05-04-2011, 12:04 PM
im sorry, but you owe me a new house. that dog looked agressive and i feared for my life, so i shot my computer monitor and burnt down my house in an attempt to subdue the agressive dog.

LMAO ^^ .

He stated that they had the suspect on cuffs already behore he shot the dog.

05-04-2011, 12:19 PM
I don't know about the mace thing that everybody is saying. I really do understand that he went for the gun in the situation. He wasn't JUST dealing with a dog, he had to chase somebody down and deal with that guy at the same time.

I really do feel like using mace here would have led to a more dangerous situation.

seriously a few posts up and you would have known that the cop that shot the dog come in after the suspect was already in cuffs and while the first cop was already there. Why did the second police officer shoot if the first didnt, he had no solid reasoning to do so.

05-04-2011, 12:33 PM
Shoot the cop, then say "what? it was just a pig."

Kidding, but in all seriousness, you definitely have a case. A trigger happy cop is not a cop I want patrolling my streets, nor is someone who shoots a member of someones family and then says "its just a dog."

If you start a petition to have him removed from the force, Id love to sign it.

05-05-2011, 06:00 AM
dude, you're not going to win. unfortunatley the majority of zilvia feels all cops are corrupt "pigs". i have been defending the actions of cops in many a thread to no avail.

Good point man, good point.

No one said they were looking for a payday, he just wants the money to cover the surgery, a little extra to cover any possible future complications, and an apology.

But hey typical police mentality. The blue shield amiright?

Since this person lives in America I figured he was like everyone else.

But hey typical American mentality. Sue McDonalds for millions cause they made my kids fat, AM I right?

05-05-2011, 09:37 AM
^^^How is that relevant to the situation that happened? The cop took unnecessary action towards the Dog. If anything, the cops could have arrested the suspect and left on their merry go round trigger happy way. I respect the police, I really do, even I wanted to be a cop but I got into the medical field. This situation though has left me not trusting cops. Well, at least the FPD

05-05-2011, 10:08 AM
The cop shot the dog because he "was scared of it." It didn't attack or bite him.

If "being scared" were a legitimate reason to fire your weapon, cops would be shooting black people all across the country at alarming rates.

I dont say that to be controversial- Im merely pointing out that being scared (of anything) is not a legitimate reason to shoot it. I don't think the officer could reasonably argue that his life was in danger. A gun should only be used in the case of imminent danger, and until that dog made the first move, he was in absolutely no danger.

Dogs bark and show their teeth- sure, it can be intimidating. But the cop came into HIS territory. Given the circumstances, Id say the dog behaved exactly as one should expect a dog to behave- which is not justification for shooting it.

An officer is trained in many ways with many forms of defense. A knight stick and pepper spray are two examples of "less lethal" force. Thats not to say they would or wouldnt have been effective (thats a different debate entirely), but using deadly force should always be a last resort. Any cop who uses deadly force as anything other than a last resort does not deserve to wear a badge.

05-05-2011, 12:16 PM
The cop shot the dog because he "was scared of it." It didn't attack or bite him.

If "being scared" were a legitimate reason to fire your weapon, cops would be shooting black people all across the country at alarming rates.

I dont say that to be controversial- Im merely pointing out that being scared (of anything) is not a legitimate reason to shoot it. I don't think the officer could reasonably argue that his life was in danger. A gun should only be used in the case of imminent danger, and until that dog made the first move, he was in absolutely no danger.

Dogs bark and show their teeth- sure, it can be intimidating. But the cop came into HIS territory. Given the circumstances, Id say the dog behaved exactly as one should expect a dog to behave- which is not justification for shooting it.

An officer is trained in many ways with many forms of defense. A knight stick and pepper spray are two examples of "less lethal" force. Thats not to say they would or wouldnt have been effective (thats a different debate entirely), but using deadly force should always be a last resort. Any cop who uses deadly force as anything other than a last resort does not deserve to wear a badge.

you nailed it right on the head

05-05-2011, 12:55 PM
The cop shot the dog because he "was scared of it." It didn't attack or bite him.

If "being scared" were a legitimate reason to fire your weapon, cops would be shooting black people all across the country at alarming rates.

I dont say that to be controversial- Im merely pointing out that being scared (of anything) is not a legitimate reason to shoot it. I don't think the officer could reasonably argue that his life was in danger. A gun should only be used in the case of imminent danger, and until that dog made the first move, he was in absolutely no danger.

Dogs bark and show their teeth- sure, it can be intimidating. But the cop came into HIS territory. Given the circumstances, Id say the dog behaved exactly as one should expect a dog to behave- which is not justification for shooting it.

An officer is trained in many ways with many forms of defense. A knight stick and pepper spray are two examples of "less lethal" force. Thats not to say they would or wouldnt have been effective (thats a different debate entirely), but using deadly force should always be a last resort. Any cop who uses deadly force as anything other than a last resort does not deserve to wear a badge.

I agree 100%

05-05-2011, 12:57 PM
OP should release this info to PETA, even if the local news isn't interested, PETA will be

ZipTie Clothing
05-05-2011, 01:12 PM
First off, I'm not lawyer. I'm just thinking this through logically (hopefully).

I haven't read all the comments but I'm sure it's been said: the cop was just doing his job and keeping the neighborhood clean. It's unfortunate what he did but it wasn't with out reason. Was it handled in the worst way possible? For sure. He could have maced the dog if it was such a problem.

I saw on the first page some said to have him report on the incident showing he has no wounds. Also, that the dog is/was pregnant enhances its protective instincts. If that's the case, it will help tremendously.

If I were in your shoes I would write out a report, get the medical bills, call an attorney and have him call the police station asking that they pay the full sum. Your case is unnecessary use of force and injuries to a third party (by stander) during the course of a pursuit.

There's a staggering amount of injuries and deaths caused by this conundrum. Looking into the legislation directing the recompense for those third parties would be advisable, as well as the judgment for the plaintiff in those cases.

But my honest opinion is the officer will say, "I was doing my job and protecting my life when I felt there was a serious threat."

Good luck though and best wishes to the mother and puppies.

05-05-2011, 02:24 PM
I have nothing to add to the topic that hasn't already been said...except, I wanna pet those cute wittle puppies.

05-05-2011, 03:36 PM
^^ I'll be going to his house later today and I'll be sure to take more pics just for you hahaha No homo.

05-05-2011, 03:52 PM
2010 Dog Bite Fatalities

33 U.S. fatal dog attacks occurred in 2010. Despite being regulated in Military Housing areas and over 500 U.S. cities, pit bulls led these attacks accounting for 67% (22). Pit bulls make up approximately 5% of the total U.S. dog population.
In 2010, the combination of pit bulls (22) and rottweilers (4) accounted for 79% of all fatal attacks. In the 6-year period from 2005 to 2010, this same combination accounted for 71% (129) of the total recorded deaths (181).
The combined breakdown between the two breeds is substantial. From 2005 to 2010, pit bulls killed 104 Americans, about one citizen every 21 days, versus rottweilers, which killed 25 Americans, about one citizen every 88 days.
2010 data shows that 61% (20) of the attacks occurred to children (11 years and younger) and 39% occurred to adults. Of the children, 75% (15) occurred to ages 4 and younger. Within this same age group, males represented 60% of the victims.
2010 data also shows that 36% (12) of the fatal incidents involved multiple dogs. Nearly a third, 30% (10), involved breeding on the dog owner's property either actively or in the recent past, and 9% (3) involved chained dogs.
Dog ownership information for 2010 shows that family dogs comprised 73% (24) of the attacks that resulted in death; 88% (29) of these incidents occurred on the dog owner's property and 12% (4) occurred off the owner's property.
The state of California led fatalities in 2010 with 7 deaths; pit bulls contributed to 83% (6). Florida followed with 3 deaths and Georgia, Illinois, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas each had 2 deaths.

"Owners' fault/my pitbull is a saint/blah blah blah."

Pitbulls are naturally more aggressive than most other breeds.
Of course they can be trained.
Of course not all pitbulls are vicious.

What is there to argue?

The arguement is that more irresponible owners own pitbulls (unfortunately). The reason Pitbulls are responsible for more human deaths is because more humans choose to train pitbulls to be agressive. Pitbulls are not naturally more agressive than other breeds, they are however stronger than most other breeds, and have very high energy, witch is why they are chosen to be trained to be more agressive. You can train any dog to be agressive.

So yes more pitbulls kill more humans than other breeds of dogs but it is because of irresponsible owners not the breed. It is the irresponsible owners at fault for giving these dogs a bad rep.

Next time try and gather more information before just posting the first article you find that has the results you wanted to see.


05-05-2011, 03:55 PM
^^^^x2 we have three dogs and my Pitbull is the friendliest of the bunch. He'll see people walking down the street and just stares like a dumbass haha that dudes so cool! I'm gonna take him to the ZOMG BBQ!!!

05-05-2011, 04:15 PM
they are however stronger than most other breeds, and have very high energy

So what you're saying is...they are more dangerous so the cop did in fact have some justification.

05-05-2011, 04:30 PM
seriously a few posts up and you would have known that the cop that shot the dog come in after the suspect was already in cuffs and while the first cop was already there. Why did the second police officer shoot if the first didnt, he had no solid reasoning to do so.

I don't think that ANY force was necessary. Pretty early on in the thread I've made my opinions pretty clear here. I'm just saying, that I understand the gun vs. mace part of the argument in the cops favor.

Its not like he was walking up to the house to ask a couple questions, it was a pretty intense situation. Cuffed or not, suspect COULD have been going to his own house with people he knew.

The arguments on both sides are very valid, and the owner isn't asking for a paycheck. that's why I see it as a no-brainer that the city pay for the vet bills and a little extra to deal with any future, within reason, complications. Just because the cop was doing his job to the best of his ability, and hopefully with the best intentions, doesn't mean that there aren't consequences.

05-05-2011, 06:45 PM
No I am not saying they are more dangerous. Cops have to make split second decisions all the time, that's not saying they always make the best or right decision, but when they do make the wrong decision there should be consequences.me not being there I can't really say if he made a good decision or if it was justified.

05-05-2011, 11:40 PM
I'm a owner of 2 pit bulls and sure I be pissed about my dog getting shot. But u have to see the other side of it. When in he'll will a cop ever loose in court. I love my dogs and so does my 1 yr old. Unless your fam has the cash and time to deal with the asshole That shot the dogg then bring his ass down! But remember a judge will sways ask u for proof and your only proofmis your medical bills then good luck with it. Maybe the cop should have mazed the dog and not shot it. Isn't that what mail man does! Good luck looking forward to hear results.

05-06-2011, 01:16 AM
As promised puppies!!!!

Here's the Momma!

She's a fighter that's for damn sure! She's sleeping indoors for the meanwhile but she was outside running on three legs trying to jump around cause of the excitement. She didn't deserve this at all. She made me cringe everytime she'd throw herself on the floor. I realized she just wanted her belly rubbed.

05-06-2011, 01:34 AM
Gizmo, at least you posted up some cute puppy pictures to somewhat redeem for the thread fail. We all love dogs, but hate internet BS.

im sorry, but you owe me a new house. that dog looked agressive and i feared for my life, so i shot my computer monitor and burnt down my house in an attempt to subdue the agressive dog.

quoted for comparison to OP's 'case'

05-06-2011, 01:49 AM
hope she gets better quick, let us know when u gonna have puppies for sale man.

05-06-2011, 02:05 AM
For sure, my uncle will be selling them but he won't be letting them go until they're 7 weeks old. I think he said 200 bucks each. The dads a Red Nose and the moms a Blue. There's s a blue nose brindle in the litter but my uncle said hes keeping that one.

05-06-2011, 07:22 AM
I have only ever rescued my dogs before and always said I would never pay for a pitbull, because there are so many put to sleep every day. but if I lived closer I would be buying one of these pups to help support your uncle!

05-06-2011, 07:36 AM
Good point man, good point.

Since this person lives in America I figured he was like everyone else.

But hey typical American mentality. Sue McDonalds for millions cause they made my kids fat, AM I right?

lol another fine example of cop mentality,
"all americans want to sue, because they are lazy and fat"
Yeah that made you sound like a great public servant.
FYI you're not better than anyone because you have a badge, I respect the work you do, but not your attitude about it.
You have taken up a responsibility to safeguard and protect the innocent, not to be a jerk.

05-06-2011, 07:45 AM
PUPPIES! Cute little bastards.


05-06-2011, 08:26 AM
lol another fine example of cop mentality,
"all americans want to sue, because they are lazy and fat"
Yeah that made you sound like a great public servant.
FYI you're not better than anyone because you have a badge, I respect the work you do, but not your attitude about it.
You have taken up a responsibility to safeguard and protect the innocent, not to be a jerk.

Never said American want to sue cause they're lazy and fat, just giving an example of a frivolous lawsuit.
I'm suing McDonalds cause I burned my self with their coffe and the cup didn't say it was hot.
I'm suing [Insert Firearms Manufacture Here] cause my son was shot with one of their guns and it WASN'T an accident.

When I'm on duty I treat everyone with respect no matter who they are, on the internet not so much, because it's filled with arm char commandos much like many of you in here, trying to quarterback what the officer should have done when you have never been in a situation ANYTHING like what some officer go through everyday, the only adrenalin rush most of you get is from telling some guy off on the internet lol.

Let's flip the coin on this scenario:

Put your self in uniform on duty on patrol.

Dispatch calls you with an armed robbery in progress at the local 7-11, you go enroute light and sirens (adrenalin kicks in) cut the lights and siren off and roll up to see a white 4 door car leaving very quickly, the clerk runs outside and starts pointing and yelling at you that "that's the guy!" you burn off after him. Catch up lights and siren going, on the radio relaying info for support units. Speed goes from 55-60-70-80-90 now you're doing 100+ on a city street, guy slows down for a turn, slides outta control nails the curb and bails out of the vehicle and runs. You come sliding up hop out and give chase, now you're in a back yard with this guy right in front of you.

Tunnel vison
Adrenalin steady pumping
Hands shaking
Only light is the moon light

Next thing you know you're on this guy, slapping cuffs on him then outta nowhere you see a huge angry pitbull right next to you.

What would you do?

I'm out, I'm getting dumber by every word I read in here...

05-06-2011, 08:28 AM
And again bro I'm sorry to hear about your dog, but I'm glad she and the pups are doing ok!

05-06-2011, 09:20 AM
I understand what you're saying man but the Pitbull wasn't next to the cop. The dig was at least 20 feet away.

05-06-2011, 12:15 PM
I understand what you're saying man but the Pitbull wasn't next to the cop. The dig was at least 20 feet away.
Totally not directed to you bud, just giving an example to the "experts" in here.

05-06-2011, 01:58 PM
Krimlin, Im on you side 100%.

To all of you people who say pitbulls are great dogs and they are just misunderstood. Pitbulls have been scientifically proven to be more mentally unstable than the majority of other dogs. They have very quick temperments, and have time and time again been PROVEN to "snap" (for lack of a better term) with little warning or instigation. As a breed, this is generally a true statement (and obviously there are exceptions on both sides). I had a good friend with the nicest pitbull you could ever meet. It never jumped, it never was aggressive in ANY way, it was a doll in all aspects. However, it got out of the house on accident one day and attacked and killed a small dog and bit the shit out of the owner. It was promptly put to sleep and the owner was sued.

The biggest difference between pitbulls and other dogs is their ability to really injure someone/something. Any dog can "snap" or lose its temper. In fact some little dogs are the most notorious for this. The difference, at least in my mind, is that when a putbull snaps it is built in a way that it can kill you. The force of its locking jaw, the strength of its neck, and its ability to perform the death shake are all things to consider. These far outweight the abilities that other dogs have.

When a pitbull attacks, it has the physical build to really fuck something up. If a chihuahua snaps on me, it might bite me and hurt a little bit. If a pitbull feels like attacking it could very well rip my fucking arm off. Add this to the fact that quite a large percentage of pitbull owners are absolute morons and you have yourself a problem. Simply put, a lot of these dogs are bred and trained to damage anything you throw in front of it. Yes, this does give a very bad name to all pitbulls, even ones with "good" owners.

Im not saying this instance has anything to do with my argument. The cops probably wasnt right for shooting the dog. However, if I was to put myself in THAT situation, I can honestly say I would have shot just as quick.

05-06-2011, 02:13 PM
shot the pit, kill the pig.

05-06-2011, 03:27 PM
"Locking Jaw" lol the single biggest myth regarding pitbulls, i laugh every time i hear someone say this.
Also i cant find anything on your "scientifically proven to be more mentally unstable" comment, i would like to know where you got that information.
A well trained pit will not "attack" anyone unless provoked, its the owners responsibility to make sure things like that dont happen.

05-06-2011, 04:53 PM
so what if pitbulls are more aggressive , that cop is a biatch for shootin.

if he was gettin attacked then he coulda just maced/knocked it out, wrestled, ran.

shouldnt be a cop if he cant make the right decision at a moment like that.

Yes pitbulls are agressive, but does that mean black guys are labeled as more aggressive when it comes to humans and that if they were shot blah blah they wont win in a case?

05-07-2011, 03:28 AM
"Locking Jaw" lol the single biggest myth regarding pitbulls, i laugh every time i hear someone say this.

that pit you see me with earlier in this thread would latch onto a dog rope exactly like this


and if he didn't want to let go, you weren't getting it back without a fight. you could swing him around with it. have you ever even lived with a pit? whiterps13 is right, Rocky was the biggest pussy bitch dog, but i've seen him snap a few times. and it can get hairy.

05-07-2011, 06:31 AM
Yes I have a pit currently and yes I can swing him around by a rope, however its the strength of their jaw muscles and their never give up attitude that keeps them hanging on, not a "locking jaw"

05-07-2011, 07:25 AM
As promised puppies!!!!

Here's the Momma!

She's a fighter that's for damn sure! She's sleeping indoors for the meanwhile but she was outside running on three legs trying to jump around cause of the excitement. She didn't deserve this at all. She made me cringe everytime she'd throw herself on the floor. I realized she just wanted her belly rubbed.

aw something about pitbull puppies is just really cute lol

sorry to hear about what happened. i know a guy my uncle worked with as a cop did that because he was fearing for his life just cause he saw the pitbull growling. wasnt biting or anything. my uncle even testified against him so just because his partner was there doesnt mean that he would have said anything on his behalf. but i also wasnt able to read the whole thing so maybe you settled everything already?

05-07-2011, 09:33 AM
Naw, nothings been settled yet. So far we filed a complaint against that officer at city hall, contacted PETA, and also contacted "Shorty" you know the guy from The Pit Boss.

05-07-2011, 04:31 PM
Yes I have a pit currently and yes I can swing him around by a rope, however its the strength of their jaw muscles and their never give up attitude that keeps them hanging on, not a "locking jaw"

sure it's not a locking jaw, but good luck trying to get them to let go of something that they don't want to let go of.

05-07-2011, 05:12 PM
ill throw my 2 cents in here since i have just started out my career. In my town when we are faced with a situation like this before you use any kind of deadly forced. 1, you or a 3rd partys life must be in immediate threat of death or serious bodily injury. that is just the ocean county policy for deadly force.

Something like this happened to a guy I work with and he used a baton/pr24 to defend himself. Also there is another option which would be oc spray (pepper spray). IMO what that officer did was by far questionable and IMO wrong. There are way "better" ways of handling that. If I were your uncle I would be doing everything he can to press charges personally and criminally against that officer.

05-07-2011, 09:04 PM
I agree^ but he doesn't want to deal with the whole process he just wants to pay for the dogs surgery.

Idk if anyone locally would be interested on here but were trying to do a fundraiser/raffle for his Pitbull. We're gonna be raffling out a brand new iPod Touch 4th Gen. You know that whole jazz. Tickets are $5 each. The winner will be announced in two weeks. Ifyou're interested let me know.

LimeLite Racing
05-07-2011, 10:20 PM
I hope the pitbull lives. Animals are so much more innocent than people. The cop that shot it will burn in hell. True story.

05-07-2011, 11:57 PM
I agree^ but he doesn't want to deal with the whole process he just wants to pay for the dogs surgery.

Idk if anyone locally would be interested on here but were trying to do a fundraiser/raffle for his Pitbull. We're gonna be raffling out a brand new iPod Touch 4th Gen. You know that whole jazz. Tickets are $5 each. The winner will be announced in two weeks. Ifyou're interested let me know.

i am lmk where can i go.

05-08-2011, 12:10 AM
i dislike cops. justsaying.

S14_drift junkE
05-08-2011, 12:30 AM
sorry to hear about your uncles dog. I HATE the fact that pitbulls/amstaffs like dogs etc. get such a bad reputation. check this link out. any dog can be trained to be violent. ATTS - American Temperament Test Society, Inc. - ATTS Breed Statistics - page 1 (http://www.atts.org/stats1.html)

05-08-2011, 04:28 AM
i am lmk where can i go.

I live in San Bernardino, do you live around the area?

05-08-2011, 04:22 PM
I live in San Bernardino, do you live around the area?

just pm'd you.

05-09-2011, 07:09 AM
As a dog lover, Id rather take a bite to the dome than put a bullet through a dog.

But hey, not all of us have a conscience.:rolleyes:

05-09-2011, 01:10 PM
Ive been bit by a couple of dogs but never big ones. Just small ones hahaha

06-01-2011, 08:29 AM
KTLA: 7-Yr-Old Girl Attacked By Pitbull, Family Asking Public For Help; Brandi Hitt reports -- ktla.com (http://www.ktla.com/videobeta/2c530dfc-f8a6-483c-a49f-4f2f5246a0ed/News/KTLA-7-Yr-Old-Girl-Attacked-By-Pitbull-Family-Asking-Public-For-Help-Brandi-Hitt-reports)


06-01-2011, 10:56 AM
KTLA: 7-Yr-Old Girl Attacked By Pitbull, Family Asking Public For Help; Brandi Hitt reports -- ktla.com (http://www.ktla.com/videobeta/2c530dfc-f8a6-483c-a49f-4f2f5246a0ed/News/KTLA-7-Yr-Old-Girl-Attacked-By-Pitbull-Family-Asking-Public-For-Help-Brandi-Hitt-reports)


hold on let me look for stories of people killing people will that make it ok?:ghey:

06-01-2011, 11:24 AM
oh i just saw this via FB and it reminded me to this thread. And last i've read theres more killing of other type of dogs i.e. Lab, Golden Ret. etc....

so yeah. lol

dont mind the late bump.

06-01-2011, 02:29 PM
KTLA: 7-Yr-Old Girl Attacked By Pitbull, Family Asking Public For Help; Brandi Hitt reports -- ktla.com (http://www.ktla.com/videobeta/2c530dfc-f8a6-483c-a49f-4f2f5246a0ed/News/KTLA-7-Yr-Old-Girl-Attacked-By-Pitbull-Family-Asking-Public-For-Help-Brandi-Hitt-reports)


So your reason for posting this in this particular thread is?


06-01-2011, 02:30 PM
So your reason for posting this in this particular thread is?


probably in response to the comments about pit bulls NOT being responsible for the most attacks/fatalities in the country.

06-01-2011, 03:15 PM
probably in response to the comments about pit bulls NOT being responsible for the most attacks/fatalities in the country.

Having a pit mix at our house, I can understand how many are often apprehensive about the breed as they certainly get a bad name.

However no animal is pre programmed to be a certain way...certainly there are instinctive traits, but 'attacking humans' is a learned response, not so much one they are born with.

I'd love to see the statistics involving derelict/trash owners and pit bull bites. You never see Shepards getting a bad name in regard to biting other people/animals, but they rank right up there...yet they don't get nearly the bad rap (we had shepards growing up, never an issue...but we weren't idiot owners)

word sux
06-01-2011, 06:57 PM
thats a load of crap they should at least pay the vet bills!

i have had a pit before and they are super nice dogs and get a bad rap. i have a doberman now and its the same thing everyone is afraid of her but she it the nicest do you will ever meet. if someone came jumping into my back yard my beagle would have done the same thing that his pits did...

06-02-2011, 11:16 PM
damn this sucks I have no good advice for legal actions that you can take but i just wanted to say i hope your dog makes it through and you win your case. I can't imagine if this would happen to my dog poochy :(

Mr Miyagi
06-03-2011, 12:08 AM
Sorry that this happened, but there is nothing good I can say about pitbulls. Anyone with any sense of intelligence realizes that these dogs have the blood of hunters, and are vicious.

06-03-2011, 12:10 AM
Sorry that this happened, but there is nothing good I can say about pitbulls. Anyone with any sense of intelligence realizes that these dogs have the blood of hunters, and are vicious.

you obviously lack intelligence

06-03-2011, 07:51 PM
saw an interesting story on pits on yahoo today!
Pit bulls (http://beta.news.yahoo.com/blogs/upshot/pit-bulls-surprising-past-nanny-dogs-195612543.html)

redline racer510
06-03-2011, 08:24 PM
Sorry man but I would have done what the cop did and put the dog down. Think about it, a cop isn't going to risk injury that may likely impede on his ability to do his job for the rest of his life i.e. nerve, muscle damage when he can just simply defend himself. When your job depends on your ability to always be physically fit(in most cases) it is sometimes necessary to do what you have to do. Yes OC may have sufficed but the owner of the animal might press animal cruelty charges and it may not have even subdued the dog causing the cop to be injured and at the same time liable for the animal cruelty. I was mauled by a rottweiler luckily he grabbed me by my upper arm and left 7 pea sized holes in my arm, in his situation I can understand exactly why he did what he did.

06-04-2011, 01:53 PM
Another good read:
YOU’RE FACING A GERMAN SHEPHERD, A ROTTWEILER, A DOBERMAN PINSCHER, AND A PIT BULL… | Yonah Ward Grossman (http://www.ywgrossman.com/photoblog/?p=853)

LimeLite Racing
06-04-2011, 03:43 PM
Another good read:
YOU’RE FACING A GERMAN SHEPHERD, A ROTTWEILER, A DOBERMAN PINSCHER, AND A PIT BULL… | Yonah Ward Grossman (http://www.ywgrossman.com/photoblog/?p=853)

That was an excellent read.

S14_drift junkE
06-04-2011, 04:00 PM
That was an excellent read.

some of that info is not accurate. I have been doing EXTENSIVE research on dogs/pit bulls. My base in cali bans pit bulls other dogs etc. and i am in the works of fighting this. anyways. there is no possible way to measure what dog bites harder than the other. There are tools or machines to measure them but to tell what dog bits harder is impossible to prove. Yes they have to be similar in size as its obvious a APBT or Rott will bite harder than a Toy poodle. But most people forget that you cant talk to dogs and ask, "hey, are you biting down as hard as you can?"