View Full Version : homeless woman gets arrested for wanting to provide her son with better education

04-28-2011, 07:10 PM
A Connecticut mother who says she wanted to give her son a better education will be arraigned on Wednesday on charges for enrolling the 6-year-old in another town, sparking outrage and support from people nationwide.

Tanya McDowell, a 33-year-old homeless woman whose last known address was in Bridgeport, Conn, is scheduled to be arraigned on charges of larceny and conspiracy to commit larceny for allegedly stealing $15,686 from Norwalk schools. Prosecutors allege that figure is the value of her son's education at Norwalk's Brookside Elementary School between the time he was illegally enrolled in January and McDowell's arrest on April 14. If convicted, she faces up to 20 years in prison.

But Gwen Samuel, founder of the Connecticut Parents Union, an educational lobbying group, plans to hold a rally and press conference in support of McDowell in front of the state Superior Court in Norwalk at 9 a.m. Wednesday. Samuel said she wants the charges filed against McDowell to be dropped.

"This should've never happened," Samuel told FoxNews.com. "Do we really want to be punitive for this? We just cannot be the state that is stooping to this level. We can look at this and do it another way. This just should not be happening."

Samuel, who will be joined by McDowell on Wednesday, called upon state lawmakers to repeal legislation that criminalizes actions by parents who seek to obtain a better education for their children.

"We need to look at homelessness and realize it's not just people living under bridges," she said. "Some people don't have a stable place to lay their head, and we need to be very sensitive to the fiscal crisis and the results of that. How do we assure this doesn't become a pattern?"

Norwalk Mayor Richard Moccia, meanwhile, defended the arrest, saying McDowell used a friend's public housing address to enroll her son at Brookside Elementary School. Moccia also noted McDowell's criminal history, including a November arrest for possession of marijuana and narcotics and an 18-month prison term in 2001 for robbery and weapons offenses.

"This is not a poor, picked-upon homeless person," Moccia said on Monday. "This is an ex con, and somehow the city of Norwalk is made into the ogre in this. She has a checkered past at best."

Moccia said his office has received more than 100 emails from across the country in support of McDowell. He disputes claims that city officials are being insensitive to McDowell's plight.

"We're a very compassionate city," he said. "She knew how to post bond, she had a car -- why didn't she send her kid to the Bridgeport school? This woman is not a victim and Norwalk is not an ogre. As far as I'm concerned, let them say what they want."

What's "lost" in the case, according to Moccia, is McDowell's son, who was "bounced around" the state's educational system due to his mother's wishes.

McDowell told Fox News' Greta Van Susteren on Tuesday that other parents recommended Brookside to her.

"He loved the school. He talks about it constantly," she said, and now he wonders why he can't go back.

In a statement released late Monday, Norwalk Public Schools officials indicated that McDowell testified in the Norwalk Housing Court on Jan. 11 that she and her son actually lived at 66 Priscilla Circle in Bridgeport, Conn.

"She did not testify at that time that she was homeless," the statement read. "Sometime prior to January 19, 2011, Ms. McDowell registered her son in a public school in Bridgeport ... Attendance records indicate that her son's last day at Brookside School was January 14, 2011."

The Norwalk Public Schools did not initiate the proceeding in Norwalk Housing Court to remove McDowell's son or file a criminal complaint against McDowell, the statement continued.

"The Norwalk Public Schools fully complies with the McKinney-Vento Act, which requires public schools to provide education for homeless students," the statement concluded. "In this case, according to her own testimony, Ms. McDowell and her son reside in Bridgeport, and we are aware of no evidence that she or her son is homeless."

Conn. mom pleads not guilty over school enrollment - Yahoo! News (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110427/ap_on_re_us/us_school_residency_arrest_3)

whats going on with our society?? its not enought for the rich becoming even richer everyday that passes by, now they want to jail us for pursuing the chance to get a better life?

04-28-2011, 07:20 PM
this is why i will never live in ct.
i hate driving through there alot of the time cause ill get pulled over for literally no reason.

04-28-2011, 07:26 PM
She knowingly broke the law
I have no pity for that shit

04-28-2011, 07:36 PM
She knowingly broke the law
I have no pity for that shit

she is homeless, where is she supposed enroll her kid??? how did she break the law?. You have to be kidding me!! where is the compassion? whats gonna happen to her kid if she goes to jail? foster care?

04-28-2011, 07:38 PM
I think this is extremely petty of the city of Norwalk.
If the kid didn't go to Norwalk, he would have gone someplace else, and the costs wouldn't have been drastically different.

Larceny, as I understand it, is taking away someone's property or something like that.
I don't buy that.

Any reasonable parent would want the best education for their kid, and the intentions aren't bad.

Should she be penalized?
Probably so, what she did was likely illegal.
Claiming that she stole over $15k, and should be in prison for 20 yrs is making a mound out of a mole-hill.

Larceny - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larceny)

Oh and school funding based on a district is total class discrimination.
It makes no sense whatsoever that children from low-income districts ought to get less money than children from higher-income areas.
As per the article, Bridgeport is in a low income area, and likely to be less well funded.
Norwalk (where kid attended) is in a higher income area, and likely to be better funded (if not a better school overall).
I have never understood why public school funding does not come from the state level?
Meaning every school in the same state gets funded the same.

Of course, all things equal, any parent would want a better school, and that would be the intention here.
I don't see the intention being the parent wanting to 'steal' from the school.
There are better targets for stealing.

04-28-2011, 07:51 PM
when was it ever ok to steal?

04-28-2011, 07:54 PM
Homeless people shouldn't have kids.

04-28-2011, 07:56 PM
when was it ever ok to steal?

Well politicians do it all the time.

life is often not that simple.
what is legal, and what is ethical isn't always the same.
I would probably do the same thing if I was in that lady's shoes.

Homeless people shouldn't have kids.

In a perfect world, a lot of ppl probably shouldn't.

Part of the controversy is that the woman isn't homeless at all, & lives in Bridgeport.

04-29-2011, 01:47 PM
when was it ever ok to steal?

When was enrolling a child into a public school considered stealing?

Oh, when you find out the child's last known address was from another district. I see. Regardless, the teachers were going to be teaching the classes. Whether or not the child was in that class room, that class was going to have been taught. Estimating 16,000 dollars worth of education is BS... and is simply the school districts way of trying to push a lower class person back under the rug. Assuming it is a state funded school, if anything the school is GETTING money by having more children in the roster... as schools recieve funding according to the number or students in the school. Smaller schools get less money.

Ron - I thought the woman was homeless, but her last "known" residency before losing her home was located in Bridgeport, which is how the schools are determining the zoning.

04-29-2011, 02:15 PM
im very concern about her kid going to foster if she goes to jail

04-29-2011, 03:29 PM
A couple years ago a fourth high school was completed in an upscale neighborhood of the quiet suburb town I reside in. During the past few years there has been a drastic influx of ghetto trashy inner Kansas City people signing up their spawnlings for school under addresses of family and friends they have living here. The result is that the new high school which was supposed to be the nicest in town is now notorious for fights and drugs. The other high schools are not far behind.

So lame how people keep migrating to better places only to turn them into the same terrible places they came from. The worst thing is that they do not realize their own behavior is the cause.

I have no sympathy for this woman. One can only hope officials will crack down more on this practice.

04-29-2011, 03:56 PM
So lame how people keep migrating to better places only to turn them into the same terrible places they came from. The worst thing is that they do not realize their own behavior is the cause.

i agree 10000000000000000000000% ...look at section 8 housing and housing projects. they didn't start off shitty, the inhabitants turned them into what they are and just bitch about how shitty it is...:wtf:

04-29-2011, 05:14 PM
The issue isn't that she's homeless so it'd be "ok" to enroll her kid anywhere. It's that the property taxes of the area pay for the schools. Norwalk is the affluent section and it's right next to the ghetto. Surprise. Norwalk schools are 10x better than ghetto schools. If one goes, they all go. This case is drawing a hard line in the sand saying. "No we're not giving one inch because that section of society will see that as weakness and take a mile".

It's not a lack of compassion. It's a sense of duty and responsibility. To the citizens that pay taxes in the norwalk area. The homeless in the ghetto section can complain in their own district not in someone elses.

04-29-2011, 07:36 PM
She knowingly broke the law
I have no pity for that shit

Me either! She deserves what she gets.

Just like Rosa Parks.

Seriously, this thread is now Marie Antoinette approved.


"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche!"

04-29-2011, 07:49 PM
Stealing nearly $16,000 worth of education for her son by enrolling the kindergartener ... In WHAT STATE does it cost 16,000 dollars TO GO TO KINDERGARTEN??? This type of crap is insane...

And I'm not sure if some of you guys are trolling or not...

04-29-2011, 10:06 PM
^ That state, and even more in other states. We see public education as free, but in reality the govt is paying. The teachers all have income. All the faculty, staff, maintenance people, county board members, utilities for the building all require money to operate.

04-29-2011, 10:28 PM
I paid over 50k for my education it was well worth it, but I would never want to make some one else do that. I am still paying and that was just my grade school education. People that live in the wrong area and want to better themselves should be allowed. Doing drugs and robbery is what she should be in trouble for not for bettering her son.

04-30-2011, 01:21 AM
whats going on with our society?? its not enought for the rich becoming even richer everyday that passes by, now they want to jail us for pursuing the chance to get a better life?

Its usually the upper-middle class of America that wants to create these barriers. If they really had money, they would sending their kid to a private school to shield them from the lower class. :rolleyes:

Fuck Connecticut.

04-30-2011, 01:27 AM
Seriously this goes on a lot, I can't blame her for what she did and she shouldn't get jail time or a felony for it.