View Full Version : Crazy Stolen car story.

10-14-2003, 02:31 AM
Ok this is by far the most amazing stories I think I've heard about soemoene getting their car stolen. OK my friend, i'll call him logsta, had his 1995 honda civic coupe stolen 3 weeks ago outside del amo mall in torrance, california. 3 days before he had new koni yellows with ground control coilvers installed and also put on some new rota grids (te-37 replicas) black with a silver lip. He had some other things done too, he spent about lets say 1600. He imed on AIM and told me and he was pretty bummed out like anyone else would be. I told him "man driving a honda without an alarm is a higher risk because they get stolen all the time". Not that an alarm would stop the thief but he got my point. I told him the sad truth that his car might end up in some alley stripped to the frame on some cinder blocks if he is lucky. So he files his police report etc...
Last week they pulled over a guy driving his civic and gave the guy an exhaust ticket let him go. Turns out the guy swapped license plates but he did not swap the V.I.N. number and they put out a warrant for the guys arrest. They arrested him a few days ago. My friend logsta's car was left the same way it was (lucky bastard) and the guy also had a chop shop with 4 stripped cars alot of rims and stereos. So this guy is getting his ass pumped in jail right about now. Logsta went to pick up his car today, he popped his trunk and there are some JL audio subs and some amps that he did not have before, some cd's and a radar detector, rofl. They werent his and the cops said he can keep it. So bascially he got his car stolen and got it back not stripped with a new sound system :) Its not luck its a miracle.

cliff notes:
friend got civic stolen 3 weeks ago
dumb ass who stole it got caught 2 weeks later
he had a chop shop also
friend got his car back in one peice with new sound system

10-14-2003, 02:37 AM
This belongs in OT.

Good story though, but i dunno if it compares to the one about a FD RX7. long story short, Two friends...The guy owned the FD and had alot of stuff done to it, then his car turns up stolen. But turns out his best friend stole it and started selling some of his parts online and get caught. But that wasnt the big part. The "friend" had the car located by some log cabin that wasnt even on a map or at any recorded location. some friend huh. well the story isnt exact but it was something like that.

10-14-2003, 02:38 AM
whoa oops can soemoen move this, im a new b :(

10-14-2003, 03:42 AM
:boink: HAHA good story man glad he got his car back with extra's!!

10-14-2003, 06:51 AM
thats damn amazing. congrats 2 ur friend.

DJ Machine
10-14-2003, 08:23 AM
shut up Rza5000 of tribalwar fame

10-14-2003, 12:16 PM
everything worked out great for him good story :)

10-14-2003, 12:16 PM
double post :p

10-14-2003, 12:44 PM
yea hondas are real easy to steal,like when i was in my auto class some1 locked there keys in the car and my shop teacher popped the lock in under 10 seconds,which goes to show you your car isnt really safe...........any where:squint: but at least he got his car back

10-14-2003, 01:14 PM
haha, thats tight. I wish someone would steal my car and hook it up phat like that. Theives are bitches tho. I hate that people steal your **** and can give a **** about you and what you got.

10-14-2003, 03:12 PM
Wow I would think that Torrance south of 190th was pretty safe. But I guess you can never be too cautious nowadays.

10-14-2003, 03:28 PM
my car was broken into while at the shop getting the sr put in....stole my 750watt 5 channel alpine amp and a mtx thunder5000 10 and my rear view mirror.....three months later my car gets stolen....stripped completely, but i got my car back with the engine still there....rebuild in progress. but hey they coulda taken my engine

Andrew Bohan
10-14-2003, 05:57 PM
someone smashed the window of my gf's 100% stock teg, and stole her *stock* cd player, her registration, a pillow with jesus on it. what kinda shiet is that?

10-14-2003, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by DJ Machine
shut up Rza5000 of tribalwar fame

hahha f u

10-14-2003, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by wingsnthangs
Wow I would think that Torrance south of 190th was pretty safe. But I guess you can never be too cautious nowadays.

Ya the detective told my friend alot of cars get stolen from delamo i think it was in the range from 5-15 a day I dont remember exactly.

10-14-2003, 09:54 PM
nice deal for loaning your car out for a few weeks I guess.

10-14-2003, 10:08 PM
ouch, that sux having that being done to your car:( Just knowing that people have been molesting your car makes you feel violated. My worst car stolen story was I went to get boritos(sp?) and I parked a little bit in this guys driveway but there is like NO parking anywhere around there, and I figured i'm only going to be gone for 7min. tops, so if he calls the tow truck i'll be outa there when the truck gets here.
Instead, I go into the store, the dude comes out breaks into my car (w/slim jim) and moves it across the street into someone elses driveway, spits on it a few times and that's it. I come back like 3 min. later. and just jam outa there before the cops or anything come. Now I'm VERY careful about parking, even if it's just to go in a store a pick up the take out food, lol:p

Andrew Bohan
10-14-2003, 10:29 PM
he broke into your car just to move it?? that's hardcore man!

10-15-2003, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by Hawd
Ya the detective told my friend alot of cars get stolen from delamo i think it was in the range from 5-15 a day I dont remember exactly.
What time of day was it? What day of the week? In what area (near what store)?

10-15-2003, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by SilviaNinja240
ouch, that sux having that being done to your car:( Just knowing that people have been molesting your car makes you feel violated. My worst car stolen story was I went to get boritos(sp?) and I parked a little bit in this guys driveway but there is like NO parking anywhere around there, and I figured i'm only going to be gone for 7min. tops, so if he calls the tow truck i'll be outa there when the truck gets here.
Instead, I go into the store, the dude comes out breaks into my car (w/slim jim) and moves it across the street into someone elses driveway, spits on it a few times and that's it. I come back like 3 min. later. and just jam outa there before the cops or anything come. Now I'm VERY careful about parking, even if it's just to go in a store a pick up the take out food, lol:p

errr ummm holy crap. he had a slim jim in his house? thats also a crazy story.

10-15-2003, 01:00 PM
umm so how did he start your car?? :confused: hot-wire??

10-15-2003, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Sanchi
umm so how did he start your car?? :confused: hot-wire??

haha..i could picture someone breaking in..dropping the e-brake, putting it in nuetral and pushing it..lol..all cause it was partially blocking his driveway for 5 min...


10-15-2003, 01:53 PM
yea, i dunno how he did it, professional car thief or something

10-15-2003, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by wingsnthangs
What time of day was it? What day of the week? In what area (near what store)?

I know it was afternoon around 5 ish, he went to coffebean for about 30 mins with his gf and he came back his car was gone. He also parked his car practically in front of the mall because he doesn't like to walk, I don't exactly know where.

10-15-2003, 11:02 PM
wow, that's cool that your friend got his car back with goodies...

now will someone steal my car, install sr, some nice volks, coilovers, full aero and give it back to me? hahaha jk :D