View Full Version : People in sacramento area looking to make easy money!!!!

04-28-2011, 04:44 PM
hey guys' i'm posting this up for my gf, who is going to dental hygene school. she needs 3 patients to administer local anesthesia and nitrous. for about 2 hours of you time she will pay you $50 dollars and you get a free cleaning.
the dates she needs a patient or may 8, 14,15.

her school is in sacramento

she needs 1 different patient for those days!
it's very important that she finds a patient otherwise she fails her classes which she paid alot of money for.
if you know any one that may be interested please give me a call
609-922-1895 or email me [email protected] and i will forward her your information that way she can explain to you in further detail.

i feel terrible since it is a very stressful situation for her, if you know anyone in the area, please forward them this information. you will be helping someone in return and also getting compensated as well as free dental cleaning which can easily cost a few hundred dollars!

thanks for your time for reading this and once again please spread the word!

i'd thought i'd mention, she is already registered in delaware and has practiced for over a year in a dental office.
in order for her to practice in cali, she needed to take classes again and do her boards in cali as well.
so no need to worry, she know's whats she's doing!

all of this will be done in a dental school, and i've had one session, and it's like a legit office except it's run by students and there are instructors who are there so nothing will happen, they are very professional!

also if you are serious please pm or text me. so i can give her your contact info and she can explain to you in further detail

if you can refer her a legit patient for one of these day's i'll have her paypal you $20

04-28-2011, 06:26 PM
Wait so i get 50 bucks to get high from your gf? Will i die? sign me up for the 14th.

04-29-2011, 03:02 AM
i don't know if your serious or not. pm me or /text me
if you have anyone that would be interested in a free cleaning and making easy money for 2 hours of their time, let me know as well!

04-29-2011, 09:25 AM
I need this, lol.

04-29-2011, 09:34 AM
Awww man too bad im not home right now otherwise Id support the cause. Where at in Sacramento?

04-29-2011, 09:50 AM
havent been to a dentist in 8 years.. will this be painful?

04-29-2011, 10:36 AM
I need this, lol.
if your serious we can talk, 50 bucks and a free cleaning for 2 hours of your time!
Awww man too bad im not home right now otherwise Id support the cause. Where at in Sacramento?
yeah man i appriciate it, my gf has been stressed out of her mind and this would really be a big sigh of relief if i can help find her patients...
havent been to a dentist in 8 years.. will this be painful?
lol, i havent' been to a dentist in years either. she will be applying some nitrous and novacaine so not really. you'll be numbed and giggly from the gas.
in the end you'll have a free cleaning which is def worth it itself, 50 bucks for 2 hours of your time, and helping out my gf and fellow zilvian.
let me know if your serious and we can talk!
god bless