View Full Version : PollyVs NISMO Mounts?

04-28-2011, 03:46 AM
Just finished a KA rebuild and I put polly motor/trans mounts on. The performance is freggin awesome but I cant do the vibration anymore lol. I had 1 of the trans bolts drop out the other day from the vibration lol. My question is... I bought a set of nismo mounts and im thinking about going 50/50 and keep the polly trans and go nismo motor. Im worried it might stress the trans too much??? its just an idea. any oppinions?

04-28-2011, 04:49 AM
Wont hurt at all.

I have Nismo motor mounts and Peak Performance Tranny mounts (track version :black)

with PMB subframe spacers.. if that matters.

I loved it. Supports the nismo mounts at the same time keep my tranny steady stiff when im slamming gears.

04-28-2011, 09:11 PM
I'm thinking of doing the same thing I would luv to hear more people input on this

04-29-2011, 08:45 AM
You start slapping harder mounts on the driveline, it'll find the weakest shit to break. Harder mounts, will stress the tranny mount. You change that too, itll find the subframe bushings/diff bushing if your shit has it.