View Full Version : You guys ever do a citizens arrest?

04-25-2011, 02:15 PM
I happened to be out drinking at a bar at the time, but came back to quite a commotion.

So a couple nights ago, this guy breaks into another car down the street from us and proceeds to steal stuff from his car (assuming radio.)

He then proceeds to walk down our street with stolen parts in hand as if nothing happened. My roommate who witnessed all of this, confronts the guy who proceeds to run. A foot chase ensues, and ends with my roommate holding the other guy down while neighbors contact authorities.

It turns out, that the thief had his girlfriend give him a ride to our street, and she was parked on the side of the street to await her lover to return with an arm full of goodies. Once she saw her boyfriend on the ground, instead of driving away she actually *fakes* being asleep. This catches the attention of the police and my roomie, who at one point in time saw she was awake... so the police run her plates and find that the entire car is stolen.

Pure win. All said and done, my roommate tackled a dude, got the parts returned, and put a bastard and his stupid hoe thief wife in jail.

04-25-2011, 02:19 PM

04-25-2011, 02:20 PM
Glad to hear you all actually did something about it instead of just watching it happen and going about your business.

04-25-2011, 02:21 PM
Byyaaahh!! I love lesbians.

04-25-2011, 02:27 PM
nice work man

04-25-2011, 02:33 PM
Just say he reached for something...

then shoot him... save the taxpayer money

04-25-2011, 03:01 PM
Byyaaahh!! I love lesbians.

This made me lol.

04-25-2011, 04:45 PM
Good job! Its good to know some people are looking out for others.

04-25-2011, 05:20 PM
Good job! Its good to know some people are looking out for others.

04-25-2011, 07:56 PM
Never tried it but have had it done to me lol.. I was riding my dirt bike on unmarked property and on a really steep hill climb i couldnt make it so i stopped and kinda hopped off the bike so i dont flip it and started turning it around and then right when i was about to hop back on and ride down the hill some guy jumps in front of me and i almost run him over. he yells at me for awhile and he tells his wife to call the cops. so i say * citizen arest huh* him- yes it is and your gonna wait here. and i said fine i did nothing wrong watch the cop will let me go. and hes like well see about that.. cops came and the first thing i said to the officer. * sir isnt it true that if there are no private property signs i have the right to ride anywhere i want untill i get a complaint then i know not to ride there again ? * he said yeah thats true and the guy got really pissed and just walked back down the hill cussing and screaming at me and i just laughed and rode back down and had my fun somewhere else.

04-25-2011, 07:59 PM
Just say he reached for something...

then shoot him... save the taxpayer money

^ i love this.

glad to see your friend actually did something about it instead of pulling out his stupid iphone and just recording it.

04-25-2011, 09:12 PM
Last year I saw a kid get out of his car at an intersection, and go smash out a window of the car in front of him. He got back in his car and calmly drove away. I called the cops, got them a license plate number. The next day he was in jail. Eventually I got a subpoena, but they made a deal the day before I had to go testify.

Not quite a citizen's arrest, but looking back I feel like I should have been more involved in stopping him.

Just say he reached for something...

then shoot him... save the taxpayer money

Any shooting is going to have a LOT more investigation than a stolen radio.
A car radio isn't worth anybody's life.

04-25-2011, 09:16 PM
just be careful!!!! if it isnt a cut and dry case like the OP mentioned, you can get yourself in a few legal problems from kidnapping, assault, terrorism. not to mention the civil suits that will follow. you just have to make damn sure you saw what happened.

04-25-2011, 10:32 PM
just be careful!!!! if it isnt a cut and dry case like the OP mentioned, you can get yourself in a few legal problems from kidnapping, assault, terrorism. not to mention the civil suits that will follow. you just have to make damn sure you saw what happened.

I thought so too, but upon further investigation and googling most likely not. Even under the laws of false imprisonment you have favorable odds.

Good job OP! :cops:

04-25-2011, 11:42 PM
F citizens arrest... I enforce justice with my own two hands... No really tho I've open a couple of cans of whoop ass to do the right thing

04-26-2011, 12:12 AM
I guess you can say I'm like my blocks neighborhood watch. I know every car on my block and this one night a burgandy Honda Civic Sedan (EF) was driving slowly down the block I was chillin in my car with my then GF and I was looking at what they were doing. These fuckers were drinking, driving, and throwing empty beer bottles at cars. So, I immediately contacted the police and they asked for a very detailed description of the car (good thing were tuners :-D) So, sure enough, cops cone within minutes and these idiots are still circling our block and these guys get busted for destruction of private property, driving under the influence, underage drinking, and some other crap.

04-26-2011, 12:56 AM
I happened to be out drinking at a bar at the time, but came back to quite a commotion.

So a couple nights ago, this guy breaks into another car down the street from us and proceeds to steal stuff from his car (assuming radio.)

He then proceeds to walk down our street with stolen parts in hand as if nothing happened. My roommate who witnessed all of this, confronts the guy who proceeds to run. A foot chase ensues, and ends with my roommate holding the other guy down while neighbors contact authorities.

It turns out, that the thief had his girlfriend give him a ride to our street, and she was parked on the side of the street to await her lover to return with an arm full of goodies. Once she saw her boyfriend on the ground, instead of driving away she actually *fakes* being asleep. This catches the attention of the police and my roomie, who at one point in time saw she was awake... so the police run her plates and find that the entire car is stolen.

Pure win. All said and done, my roommate tackled a dude, got the parts returned, and put a bastard and his stupid hoe thief wife in jail.

why couldnt you be in a MD mcdonalds?

04-26-2011, 05:33 AM
Several years ago, While I was driving my second S13 and was stopped at an intersection a car smashed into the back of my car. As i was waiting for the light to turn green the car squeezed between the my car and the car next to me and took off. I chased him in my car while my passenger called the police, not too long after the person who hit me crashed into a light pole. I blocked his car so he got out and tried to run on foot, I chased after him, managed to get him on the ground and "restrained him to the best of my ability" the police showed up and he was arrested. Apparently he had meth on him, which was the reason why he tried to run in the first place. His insurance paid for the damages to my car, and when they called to investigate they informed me that he had cuts and bruises on his face and chest, i reminded them that he was just in a car accident and that was the last i heard from the case. I guess it's not much of a citizens arrest or a case of looking out for the good of society since i was the one being wronged, but i still think it made for an interesting story.

04-26-2011, 08:46 AM
nothing was stopping him from hit-and-running other people. Good work

04-26-2011, 10:21 AM
I think thats a great story personally.

Meth heads are insane anyways. I've seen some pretty messed up stuff from people on meth.