View Full Version : Brutal beating in Baltimore McDonalds

04-25-2011, 01:50 PM
Here's a video of two woman (one of which is 14 years old) beating up a transgender woman in a Mcdonalds. The attack gets pretty graphic/real at certain points, so beware.


What does this say to you about our society? Are we heading down a path where violence and hate will become acceptable and common? Is this what our children have to look forward to?

What say you Zilvia?

04-25-2011, 01:54 PM
There is a lot more shit going on in Baltimore than that.

04-25-2011, 01:56 PM
i hope they get jail time

i hope the employees that didn't help are proud too

04-25-2011, 01:56 PM
I've been to Baltimore, I'm not surprised.

04-25-2011, 01:56 PM
Did those girls get arrested?

04-25-2011, 01:57 PM
I'm seriously when I say that makes me want to cry and throw up. The girl convulsing at the end is terrible.

That is disgusting behavior. I bet they don't even think their behavior is wrong.

People acting like this is the scariest part about being a parent to me.

04-25-2011, 02:01 PM
I'm seriously when I say that makes me want to cry and throw up. The girl convulsing at the end is terrible.

That is disgusting behavior. I bet they don't even think their behavior is wrong.

People acting like this is the scariest part about being a parent to me.

Agree. What are we doing wrong as human beings?

Is it our educational system? Is it bad parenting? Is it a lack of Darwinism? The more we evolve as a species, the more we "devolve" as a society.

04-25-2011, 02:02 PM
more info
Transgender woman Chrissy Lee Polis calls Md. McDonald's attack hate crime - Crimesider - CBS News (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20057042-504083.html)

04-25-2011, 02:04 PM
idk who is more despicable, the bitches or the male employees who are more interested in filming & throwing their 2 cents.

what to do with bring up kids?
just don't bring them up in the ghetto or trashy neighborhoods.

04-25-2011, 02:05 PM
I would have prolly been in jail if I was there. The 2 girls that were continually going back for more and the guy with the camera, all of them would have had chairs and whatever else I could find smashed upside their heads.

"The 14-year-old suspect has been charged as a juvenile. Police say they are still trying to determine whether to file hate crime charges."

Thats the fucking problem right there, throw that bitch in jail and let her find out what happens when you think your a "toughguy"

04-25-2011, 02:06 PM
Im surprised youtube hasn't taken this down yet

04-25-2011, 02:07 PM
I wasn't a saint when I was younger, but I knew how to act.

I don't know what's going on with our society and how we can start moving away from such hate and violence.

04-25-2011, 02:13 PM
I wasn't a saint when I was younger, but I knew how to act.

I don't know what's going on with our society and how we can start moving away from such hate and violence.

With more violence. Take the camera man and the 2 girls out at high noon and publicly execute them. Non of this shit is going to stop until people are made examples of and held accountable for their actions.

Nah lets just throw them in jail for 500 years and let all the people that behave like they are supposed to pay for the low life degenerates.

04-25-2011, 02:16 PM
Or public beheading. Just get rid of this trash.

04-25-2011, 02:19 PM
A lot of people need to be killed for their actions/crimes.

04-25-2011, 02:20 PM
Just put them all on an island for a televised death match. We might as well profit from it.

04-25-2011, 02:21 PM
Just put them all on an island for a televised death match. We might as well profit from it.

Or pay per view the execution. Auction off the right to pull the handle or throw the switch. Id be all over that shit.

04-25-2011, 02:22 PM
Just put them all on an island for a televised death match. We might as well profit from it.

the real Survivor reality show.

04-25-2011, 02:26 PM

04-25-2011, 02:31 PM
I'm not saying it's racial.. but clicking on this thread.. you knew it was going to be black people..

Mcdonalds took administrative action and fired the employee filming?!?!
This I don't understand. Was he supposed to stop filming? Was the staff behind the counter supposed to break up this fight? Neither of the girls was in a "rational" state. What if an employee got stabbed? killed? paralyzed? It would be on the companies head to be responsible. He did the most responsible thing he could. Filmed it, called the police and stayed out of the way. Now when 22 year old transgendered chick sues mcdonalds for "insufficient security", there will be a video showing the manager stepping in and trying to provide protection. That I don't understand. Penalize the employee for doing the right thing. He's got a hell of a wrongful termination suit brewing.

04-25-2011, 02:35 PM
I'm not saying it's racial.. but clicking on this thread.. you knew it was going to be black people..

Mcdonalds took administrative action and fired the employee filming?!?!
This I don't understand. Was he supposed to stop filming? Was the staff behind the counter supposed to break up this fight? Neither of the girls was in a "rational" state. What if an employee got stabbed? killed? paralyzed? It would be on the companies head to be responsible. He did the most responsible thing he could. Filmed it, called the police and stayed out of the way. Now when 22 year old transgendered chick sues mcdonalds for "insufficient security", there will be a video showing the manager stepping in and trying to provide protection. That I don't understand. Penalize the employee for doing the right thing. He's got a hell of a wrongful termination suit brewing.

Legally, I agree with you.

On the other hand, this is why bad things keep happening in our society. When good people sit back and do nothing.

04-25-2011, 02:46 PM
Those were young girls, any one of the male employees there should have been able to level both of them, or push them to the ground and drag them outside.

Fucking video culture, people stand around and videotape things now and hope everything will be alright, rather than actually intervening when someone is getting beat to death. If those were full grown guys fighting I could understand not wanting to get in the middle of it, but what self respecting man can't lay down the law in this situation?

04-25-2011, 02:49 PM
Did they say what happened to the victim?

04-25-2011, 02:51 PM
^^ Seriously. With the exception of the old lady, every person in that restaurant was a coward. Even the manager in the blue shirt that "stepped in" could've done much more than he did.

04-25-2011, 03:04 PM
She is supposedly ok but is afraid to go out in public now. I dont blame her either, getting your fucking head kicked in by some chipmunks and every man in a 50ft circle wont stop them from hurting you?

Mcdonalds took administrative action and fired the employee filming?!?!
lol im sure he was filming with the intent to help Mcds out in case of a lawsuit. All he wanted was to become youtube famous for posting the video.

04-25-2011, 03:06 PM
Everyone of them should go jail for a long time, but that was not a WOMEN that was/is a Man!

04-25-2011, 03:12 PM
manager should have locked the girl (um, man) getting beat into the bathroom until the cops arrived.

04-25-2011, 04:05 PM
manager should have locked the girl (um, man) getting beat into the bathroom until the cops arrived.

completely agree, not sure how people could have reacted without using excessive force. Im sure if anyone tried to hold down either of the two assailants they themselves would have been assaulted.

04-25-2011, 04:17 PM
completely agree, not sure how people could have reacted without using excessive force. Im sure if anyone tried to hold down either of the two assailants they themselves would have been assaulted.

Well, then it wouldn't really be excessive force, would it?

If you subdue one of them, and then the other try to attack you, wouldn't you be in the clear to defend yourself as well?

Oh well, the legal system is fubar anyways and there is no place for "heroes". You're probably best off doing exactly what they did.

04-25-2011, 04:19 PM
Wow, that's really bad.

14 or not, someone needs to spread pieces of those two bitches across a half dozen different plastic bags.

Who goes into a McDonalds barefoot?

04-25-2011, 04:30 PM
lol im sure he was filming with the intent to help Mcds out in case of a lawsuit. All he wanted was to become youtube famous for posting the video.

I found that to be fairly obvious as well.
The remarks he made didn't give him credibility either.
Besides, there's a good chance McD's already has their own camera.

Piece of shit got off easy by getting fired imo.
These internet 'camera-men' are just a whole new breed of scum.
Sure he can sue McD's, I just don't see a case.
Now the transgendered individual can probably sue him for harassment, & I'd love to see that happen.

Fucking video culture, people stand around and videotape things now and hope everything will be alright, rather than actually intervening when someone is getting beat to death. If those were full grown guys fighting I could understand not wanting to get in the middle of it, but what self respecting man can't lay down the law in this situation?

I don't think video culture helps at all.
It just reinforces bad behavior by giving the perps more attention if anything.

04-25-2011, 04:36 PM
i dont understand how people can see a situation like that happen and the first thing they think of is "lemme bust out my smart phone to capture it".... horrible.

04-25-2011, 04:38 PM
Seriously this makes me sad that society has come to this... its utterly disgusting and makes me want to take justice in my own hands even though I would be just as wrong as those two nasty things that we call girls.

04-25-2011, 04:40 PM
I don't think video culture helps at all.
It just reinforces bad behavior by giving the perps more attention if anything.


04-25-2011, 04:42 PM
This is crazy to me. I would have intervened and beat down those two girls or at least gotten the victim out of there. I dont understand how people can just stand there and watch something like that happen. Hopefully those two girls get what they deserve.

04-25-2011, 04:45 PM
*young adults mind*

lets see should i possibly stop this girl from getting brain damage


youtube paycheck!? PARTY PARTY PARTY

04-25-2011, 04:46 PM
violence is pretty much common around the world. woke up hearing the news about syrian secret police killing protesters. reminds me stories of the dirty war killings.

here what's happening over there... warning very graphic.

scary world

04-25-2011, 04:50 PM
I think this thread just took a bad turn..

04-25-2011, 04:57 PM
ooh yeah. msg

04-25-2011, 05:10 PM
violence is pretty much common around the world. woke up hearing the news about syrian secret police killing protesters. reminds me stories of the dirty war killings.

here what's happening over there... warning very graphic.

scary world

Yeah but this isn't Syria, and those weren't secret police. They were 14 year old pieces of ghetto trash.

Although, Baltimore isn't much better.

04-25-2011, 05:20 PM
Having recently moved from FL to MD I have never seen/heard of so much beatings/killings in as short of a timespan as I have been up here. This just makes me sick to my stomach and even more anxious to get back to FL. It's time for people to just stand up and help someone in obvious need of help. Why the manager did not bother to lock the doors once they left initially is beyond me. So sad to see that chick get bragged by her hair. FL is not perfect but from what I've seen northeastern md and dc are some areas that need some tactical nuke action.

Curious though.....would a bystander with a concealed permit been able to fend of the hoods by threatening deadly force and/or using it to protect this woman?

04-25-2011, 05:34 PM
Curious though.....would a bystander with a concealed permit been able to fend of the hoods by threatening deadly force and/or using it to protect this woman?

yes, however...actual use of deadly force (which doesn't mean JUST killing someone, shooting someone in the leg is deadly force as well fyi) would be questionable. one of the justifications of deadly force is in self defense or defense of others...so "yes", you could use it. BUT before you even get to that point you would have to use the continuam(sp?) of force...i.e. verbal commands to contact contact controls, contact controls to defense tactics, defensive tactics to deadly force. and like i said, whether you shoot someone in the foot or in the head it's ALWAYS deadly force.

verbatim: deadly force is that force which a person uses with the purpose of causing death or serious bodily harm, or which a reasonable and prudent person would consider likely to create a substantial risk of causing death or serious bodily harm.

04-25-2011, 05:41 PM
I'm actually rather curious in how the whole fight began.

04-25-2011, 05:43 PM
Trans gender woman was in the bathroom.

2 african americans approached her and spit in her face and said, " Why you talking to my boy?"

trans gender, " I didn't even know"

Then they go at it !


IN DETAIL : (I went to go use the bathroom. Come back out, the girl spit in my face, said, 'Are you trying to talk to my man?' I said, `No, I didn't even know that was your man at all.' The other girl came up, spit in my face, then they started ripping my hair, throwing me on the floor,")

04-25-2011, 05:47 PM
the link that someone posted earlier explains. The two chicks were basically just looking for a fight.

That video seriously made me sick. There is no way that i would have not intervened in that situation. I don't care if the attacker was a teenage girl, if i saw someone beat and then drag a girl by her hair like that i would crack her in the fucking face.

Its disgusting that there were people there just sitting back and watching that happen. A bunch of spineless moral-less pieces of shit.

04-25-2011, 05:47 PM
I'm actually rather curious in how the whole fight began.

regardless it just shows how worthless and parasitic ghetto folk are. really, the old lady had to get involved because the whole fleet of workers were too worried about catching that youtube paycheck to do something. the funny thing is i guarantee no hate crime charges will be filed and somehow or another the good jesse jackson or al sharpton is going to attempt to turn this around to make the attackers look like the "victums"

04-25-2011, 06:01 PM
dude got beat up by two girls... i dont know whats worse, everyone here calling that dude a "girl" or the other two girls acting like men and fighting...

04-25-2011, 06:08 PM
the link that someone posted earlier explains. The two chicks were basically just looking for a fight.

That video seriously made me sick. There is no way that i would have not intervened in that situation. I don't care if the attacker was a teenage girl, if i saw someone beat and then drag a girl by her hair like that i would crack her in the fucking face.

Its disgusting that there were people there just sitting back and watching that happen. A bunch of spineless moral-less pieces of shit.

I agree with you here, but the victim was a MALE with a sex change operation. If you see two girls beating up a gay guy, do you still intervene?

When I first saw this video I felt terrible thinking it was some poor innocent white girl getting beat down by two blacks (hate crime). Then, I later found out it was a trans-gender male. While I do agree that what the black girls did was wrong, all we have seen is the video, and what the victim has said. No one really knows what went on in that bathroom prior to the event. As the trans-gender gentlemen admitted to being intoxicated during the incident.

Theres always three sides to the story, and we only have one.

04-25-2011, 06:23 PM
I agree with you here, but the victim was a MALE with a sex change operation. If you see two girls beating up a gay guy, do you still intervene?

Yes, I would have still put both of their faces on blast, no matter what is going on in a fight, when the other person is down, its time to move on, not continue to come back and kick someone in the face, and stomp on their head.

When I first saw this video I felt terrible thinking it was some poor innocent white girl getting beat down by two blacks (hate crime). Then, I later found out it was a trans-gender male. While I do agree that what the black girls did was wrong, all we have seen is the video, and what the victim has said. No one really knows what went on in that bathroom prior to the event. As the trans-gender gentlemen admitted to being intoxicated during the incident.
Intoxicated or not, two on one is never a fair fight, and since you brought it up, I'll go on record as saying it is highly unlikely that a transgendered male would start a fight with two hood rat ass girls, even after a bar full of Tequila shots. Transgendered doesn't mean stupid.

Yes there are three sides to this story, victim, attacker, and the truth. But it seems like only one person has even bothered to tell their version, and to me that speaks VOLUMES.

I live in a suburb of Detroit, so violence is a way of life for most younger people just a little north of me, but even still, this is up there with beating old people to death (which is the recent craze in Detroit). I also find it ironic that the race that the term and laws behind "Hate Crimes" were brought to bare for are the attackers here showing complete intolerance.

04-25-2011, 06:31 PM
Yes, I would have still put both of their faces on blast, no matter what is going on in a fight, when the other person is down, its time to move on, not continue to come back and kick someone in the face, and stomp on their head.

Intoxicated or not, two on one is never a fair fight, and since you brought it up, I'll go on record as saying it is highly unlikely that a transgendered male would start a fight with two hood rat ass girls, even after a bar full of Tequila shots. Transgendered doesn't mean stupid.

Yes there are three sides to this story, victim, attacker, and the truth. But it seems like only one person has even bothered to tell their version, and to me that speaks VOLUMES.

I live in a suburb of Detroit, so violence is a way of life for most younger people just a little north of me, but even still, this is up there with beating old people to death (which is the recent craze in Detroit). I also find it ironic that the race that the term and laws behind "Hate Crimes" were brought to bare for are the attackers here showing complete intolerance.

I agree with your statements 99%. My questions were merely to gauge responses.

Now the 1% I don't agree with is this statement...

Transgendered doesn't mean stupid.

There has to be something malfunctioning in that person's mind if they think it is rational to have a sex change operation performed on their body. If you told me you were planning on getting a sex change, I would call you an idiot (but in a friendly way).

04-25-2011, 06:34 PM
You guys can say what you want about the guy taking the video, but i think it was a good thing to do.

Without this video, it's a lot of hearsay and some witnesses that probably wouldn't have gotten involved.

The real people that should be looked at are the ones laughing in the background. OK i can see not stepping in for fear of getting shanked or whatever, but call the cops and don't make light of someone being beaten half to death.

As for the person who made the video, unless they were part of the plot to beat on the victim, that person should NOT have been fired, if anything should have been given praise for documenting it.

Also, the violent suggestions in this thread as to how to deal with these two petty women are just as bad as they are. Let the legal system deal with them, and hope someone learns from this.

04-25-2011, 06:36 PM
There has to be something malfunctioning in that person's mind if they think it is rational to have a sex change operation performed on their body. If you told me you were planning on getting a sex change, I would call you an idiot (but in a friendly way).

You are entitled to call someone an idiot, however not to beat them 1/2 to death i think is the moral here...

04-25-2011, 06:37 PM
I agree with your statements 99%. My questions were merely to gauge responses.

Now the 1% I don't agree with is this statement...

There has to be something malfunctioning in that person's mind if they think it is rational to have a sex change operation performed on their body. If you told me you were planning on getting a sex change, I would call you an idiot (but in a friendly way).

That's highly subjective without some data to back it up. I'd like to see some facts.

04-25-2011, 06:42 PM
That's highly subjective without some data to back it up. I'd like to see some facts.

Regardless .... there are no beatings for being flawed, if there were, we'd all deserve a beating...

04-25-2011, 06:43 PM
There has to be something malfunctioning in that person's mind if they think it is rational to have a sex change operation performed on their body. If you told me you were planning on getting a sex change, I would call you an idiot (but in a friendly way).
I did my undergrad in psychology a few years back when all the buzz was about transgendered people and the recent findings of estrogen levels in mothers during the development of the hypothalamus, which determines gender behavior. The findings say that it is possible for the physical (body) to begin developing towards one sex, and then an imbalance of estrogen to cause the brain to develop towards the other. Basically ending in a child that has the body of one sex, but the mind and mannerism of the opposite. This is NOT to be applied to homosexuality so don't think I'm going there with this. But I think this shows my reasoning for saying that a transgendered person is not inherently stupid.

Here is a quick little link because I don't feel like hunting for the one from the University that did the research.
In Womb Development (http://www.majickalproductions.biz/bekasite/resouces/In-Womb%20Development.htm)

04-25-2011, 07:00 PM
Update: both girls have been arrested and are being charged with assault. Police records show that the 18 year old girl assaulted another woman in the same McDonalds about a year ago.

Also the lady who tried to help and got punched in the fact said even though the video is only 3 minutes long, the assault lasted for about 10.

http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/bs-md-mcdonalds-beating-case (http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/bs-md-mcdonalds-beating-case-20110425,0,5447618.story)

04-25-2011, 07:23 PM
Legally, I agree with you.

On the other hand, this is why bad things keep happening in our society. When good people sit back and do nothing.

I woulda put both of them down in a heart beat.

04-25-2011, 07:35 PM
That's highly subjective without some data to back it up. I'd like to see some facts.

Don't even bother. He is obviously a completely ignorant individual.

04-25-2011, 07:36 PM
I agree with you here, but the victim was a MALE with a sex change operation. If you see two girls beating up a gay guy, do you still intervene?

I dont care what gender the people involved identify with, if i saw anyone dragging another person by the hair and stomping on their head i would most definitely intervene.

Yes, I would have still put both of their faces on blast, no matter what is going on in a fight, when the other person is down, its time to move on, not continue to come back and kick someone in the face, and stomp on their head.

exactly. especially since this went on for 3 minutes at minimum, 10 minutes allegedly.

Also, the violent suggestions in this thread as to how to deal with these two petty women are just as bad as they are. Let the legal system deal with them, and hope someone learns from this.

I say fuck that. You clearly see a dude try and break up the fight multiple times and every time the girls come back and continue to stomp and hair-drag. In a situation like that i cannot see a way to prevent the beating from continuing other than physically stopping the attackers. Yes the legal system should serve the ultimate punishment, but i can't see how anybody with a conscious could not get physically involved.

04-25-2011, 07:38 PM
This world and generation is fucked up.. the other day i read an article about a bunch of teens in florida lured a 15 year old kid to a house, beat him, shot him a few times, dumped his body in a fire pit and put his ashes in a bunch of paint cans..

Six People Accused of Killing Florida Teen, Burning His Body - FoxNews.com (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/04/20/people-accused-killing-florida-teen-burning-body/)

04-25-2011, 07:41 PM
That's highly subjective without some data to back it up. I'd like to see some facts.

Don't even bother. He is obviously a completely ignorant individual.

su wuuuuuu

04-25-2011, 07:58 PM
I agree with lot of u guys when u said the guys in the back ground and the manager are cowards, I think in most cases if someone would of hit the females in defense of the dude on the ground i think they would of went to jail. I see this shit all to often when women or girls jump on other female and males and everyone is scared to help because when they turn on u then what.

04-25-2011, 08:03 PM
This world and generation is fucked up.. the other day i read an article about a bunch of teens in florida lured a 15 year old kid to a house, beat him, shot him a few times, dumped his body in a fire pit and put his ashes in a bunch of paint cans..

Six People Accused of Killing Florida Teen, Burning His Body - FoxNews.com (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/04/20/people-accused-killing-florida-teen-burning-body/)

I read that today too, kinda gave me a little panic attack to think that there are a group of children capable of doing this.

04-25-2011, 08:10 PM
lol im sure he was filming with the intent to help Mcds out in case of a lawsuit. All he wanted was to become youtube famous for posting the video.

I believe this is what the camera man was after. I've seen too many people do nothing while others get the shit kicked out of them. Its disgusting.

04-25-2011, 08:10 PM
I agree with lot of u guys when u said the guys in the back ground and the manager are cowards, I think in most cases if someone would of hit the females in defense of the dude on the ground i think they would of went to jail. I see this shit all to often when women or girls jump on other female and males and everyone is scared to help because when they turn on u then what.
I bartended through college, I've seen a lot of bouncers and other bar staff hit women that were in fights and then turned on them when they tried to stop it. I've never heard of any bouncer or bar staff going to jail because of it. And having a really good grasp on the legal system now, if you tried to stop that fight, and those two girls turned on you, you could defend yourself to the fullest of your ability and be well within your rights, no solid charges could be brought against you. Now if you ended up beating them down like they are this girl in the video, and you went way beyond what was needed, you're going to jail. But minors or not, a few quick jabs to the face, would have stopped this, and could EASILY be argued in court as self defense.

04-25-2011, 08:22 PM
There has to be something malfunctioning in that person's mind if they think it is rational to have a sex change operation performed on their body. If you told me you were planning on getting a sex change, I would call you an idiot (but in a friendly way).

Well say hypothetically the victim's mind is malfunctioning and the victim is an idiot.

how does that justify any of this?
how is it even relevant?

04-25-2011, 08:23 PM
I bartended through college, I've seen a lot of bouncers and other bar staff hit women that were in fights and then turned on them when they tried to stop it. I've never heard of any bouncer or bar staff going to jail because of it. And having a really good grasp on the legal system now, if you tried to stop that fight, and those two girls turned on you, you could defend yourself to the fullest of your ability and be well within your rights, no solid charges could be brought against you. Now if you ended up beating them down like they are this girl in the video, and you went way beyond what was needed, you're going to jail. But minors or not, a few quick jabs to the face, would have stopped this, and could EASILY be argued in court as self defense.


04-25-2011, 08:35 PM
Well say hypothetically the victim's mind is malfunctioning and the victim is an idiot.

how does that justify any of this?
how is it even relevant?

Did I say the actions of the black females were justified? No I did not.

My whole argument is you don't know what went on in that bathroom. The only aspect that you can convey from this situation is "Black girls beat white trans-gender male because he is different". While that still may be true, the fact remains that this person could have done something horrible that would trigger the two black females to act in the way they did. Is it justified? No, it's not.

If I punch you in the face as an adult male, and you are also an adult male, society tells you that you should punch me back. But is that the right thing to do? No, it's not.

Really shows the maturity level here when I voice my outlook on things and people are quick to swarm in with insults. Carry on boys.

04-25-2011, 08:42 PM
I agree with you here, but the victim was a MALE with a sex change operation. If you see two girls beating up a gay guy, do you still intervene?

There has to be something malfunctioning in that person's mind if they think it is rational to have a sex change operation performed on their body. If you told me you were planning on getting a sex change, I would call you an idiot (but in a friendly way).

So what have we learned today?

That watching someone get the shit beat out of them is better than helping them in any case, and that you are an ignorant bigot.

Class was canceled today, but I got an education.

04-25-2011, 08:46 PM
dang it the video has been removed from youtube, anyone has a different link from the video

04-25-2011, 08:52 PM
Transgender Woman Severely Beaten at Baltimore McDonalds While Employees Watch | The Bilerico Project (http://www.bilerico.com/2011/04/transwoman_severely_beaten_at_baltimore_mcdonalds. php)

found it

04-25-2011, 08:56 PM
To help society, start with your own kids and/or yourself.

04-25-2011, 09:15 PM
Did I say the actions of the black females were justified? No I did not.

My whole argument is you don't know what went on in that bathroom. The only aspect that you can convey from this situation is "Black girls beat white trans-gender male because he is different". While that still may be true, the fact remains that this person could have done something horrible that would trigger the two black females to act in the way they did. Is it justified? No, it's not.

If I punch you in the face as an adult male, and you are also an adult male, society tells you that you should punch me back. But is that the right thing to do? No, it's not.

Really shows the maturity level here when I voice my outlook on things and people are quick to swarm in with insults. Carry on boys.

If u put your hands on someone there in their right to defend themselves! If u can't solve your problems with words than maybe it just goes unsettled WALK AWAY but if sock someone in the face I hope they beat your ass down.

04-25-2011, 09:19 PM
Having recently moved from FL to MD I have never seen/heard of so much beatings/killings in as short of a timespan as I have been up here.

You must have moved to the wrong part of MD.

04-25-2011, 09:22 PM
i live in baltimore. this is the least of our worries. lmao that seems like a calm day, only difference is that someone could afford a camera phone that lives in the city.

04-25-2011, 09:27 PM
I say fuck that. You clearly see a dude try and break up the fight multiple times and every time the girls come back and continue to stomp and hair-drag. In a situation like that i cannot see a way to prevent the beating from continuing other than physically stopping the attackers. Yes the legal system should serve the ultimate punishment, but i can't see how anybody with a conscious could not get physically involved.

I did not say i would not get involved... In fact i more than likely would have put the women on their asses after having seen them come back for more and more. What i am saying is that i would not want to see them chopped up or other ideas that other posters had brought up. Give them the harshest sentence that the local law allows, after saving the victim.

04-25-2011, 09:47 PM
This will continue until people take the law into their own hands. Jokes aside we need some boondock saint actions to start killing those who do sick and twisted shit. those girls deserve to die. people who have done less deserve to die. people need a fucking wake up call and reality check.

04-25-2011, 10:00 PM
This will continue until people take the law into their own hands. Jokes aside we need some boondock saint actions to start killing those who do sick and twisted shit. those girls deserve to die. people who have done less deserve to die. people need a fucking wake up call and reality check.

Seriously though it seems like society as a whole keeps getting worse, the better things get in some areas, the shittier it gets in others. A big part of it is parenting and/or lack there of; Some of these people are just raised completely fucked up and there is a shitload of videos on youtube reflecting its. Hell just type in mcdonalds and fight and you get all sorts of ghetto people being obnoxious, rude, or a flat out general piece of shit in society. These people will never do any good in the world, and it's sad to say will continue to breed other little fuckers that will never do any good in the world. The people that cheer on fights, the people that are loud for no reason, the people that encourage these types of actions should all be dealt with, but America has become so pussified to stand up for themselves for fear of being put into the wrong because of laws that are designed to protect scum. People like this make me want to move where I don't need to be around half of these idiots, and sadly these same idiots are the ones who continue to breed more and more.

04-25-2011, 10:43 PM
yeah but this is nothing in baltimore. im sure anyone else from here can vouch and tell you that a beating is a move in the right direction. this area is getting better believe it or not. after living here for 23 years of my life, there are only 3 parts of the country i would not be caught dead in alone in a car with locked doors. Thats north ave, blue light district south bmore and camden in jersey. lol

04-25-2011, 10:54 PM
Dude that video is fucking worse !!!!


04-25-2011, 11:06 PM
Dude that video is fucking worse !!!!


I wouldn't doubt it if they were in a gang, I read earlier that one of those ungrateful pieces of shit did this last year. There are a few states and cities were shit like this is common, and I think its because the good citizens don't have the right to protect themselves. I wouldn't lost any sleep if that dude got up or was able to put a couple of rounds in them!

04-25-2011, 11:34 PM
Wow I hate the dumbasses Just watching some people truly deserve to die... I hope those two girls get raped one day...that's my wish

04-25-2011, 11:42 PM
I'd easy take the consequence of losing my job to help in a situation like that. As if there wasn't so much crap in this world to look down at already, and this is my generation. Fucking pathetic. On the flip side it makes me realize the value of life more and more every time I see something like this. I hope those ignorant girls get what they deserve fighting over such a stupid thing, and beating a trans gender who has done nothing wrong (to my knowledge).

I really hope society can turn around for the better, not that everyone is like this obviously, but there will always be trash like this around. Such a shame.

04-25-2011, 11:48 PM
I couldn't watch the vids. I hate to see people hurt like that........

04-25-2011, 11:52 PM
Yea I skipped some of it just to finish, I hate seeing that knowing its real.

04-26-2011, 12:01 AM
So what have we learned today?

That watching someone get the shit beat out of them is better than helping them in any case, and that you are an ignorant bigot.

Class was canceled today, but I got an education.

Word. He's pretty much learning us a good one.

04-26-2011, 12:27 AM
it's sad that the employees just watched, or in the case of that one guy...he taped it rather than step in...but how much you want to bet that if someone had physically hurt those 2 dumb bitches one or both of them would turn right around and sue mcdonalds?

I think that's one of the biggest factors that make people not get involved these days. being a good samaritan can get you sued, maimed, or even killed yourself. i'm not saying it's an excuse...but realistically peoples' mindset these days are "what's in it for me?" not "how can i help?" i mean sure there are still plenty of good hearted people left, but that sense of, god what's the right term, justice? it's just not there anymore.

and there's something to be said when you're in a group and no one makes a move to help someone in need...it's like everyone is in shock and at the same time waiting for someone else to make the first move...we've all seen it or experienced it-you look around and think "who's gonna do something?" it's a whole group-think thing that i've heard about anyways i've babbled on long enough...

04-26-2011, 10:15 AM
Whatever the case may be, it's horrendous to think that someone could be beat like that and the argument be focused on the gender of the victim. It's a crime nonetheless and it's disgusting and disturbing. I really hope they both see significant jail time... I can't accept just second degree assault. That appeared to be attempted murder.

04-26-2011, 10:52 AM
oh hell yeah that was hard to watch. and i really felt sad when he/she started convulsing on the floor at the end. i worry about my son when i see shit like that. he's got CP and i dread having him deal with people like that.

04-26-2011, 11:06 AM
Dude that video is fucking worse !!!!

That video was not worse, that was a mini brawl between people that could hold their own. Yeah for a second two or three girls were kicking someone but it got broken up fast and no one there took a beating for 5 to 10 minutes uninterrupted.

If two equally matched people are fighting, let them gas out then break it up. It will only take about 20 to 30 seconds of fist swinging for both parties are wore out. The original video posted here was of an unfair, uncalled for ass beating.

A good tool to have in these types of situations would be a fucking tazzer. I have my concealed permit but one thing the instructor told us was always have something thats non lethal to use first, pepper spray or a tazzer. Cattle prod those two bitches and it would have been over in 5 seconds. tell girl getting ass whipped to GTFO........

04-26-2011, 11:13 AM
Did I say the actions of the black females were justified? No I did not.

My whole argument is you don't know what went on in that bathroom. The only aspect that you can convey from this situation is "Black girls beat white trans-gender male because he is different". While that still may be true, the fact remains that this person could have done something horrible that would trigger the two black females to act in the way they did. Is it justified? No, it's not.

If I punch you in the face as an adult male, and you are also an adult male, society tells you that you should punch me back. But is that the right thing to do? No, it's not.

Really shows the maturity level here when I voice my outlook on things and people are quick to swarm in with insults. Carry on boys.

I still don't think you've answered my second question.
Again, let's say the victim's mind is malfunctioning, and they are an idiot.
How is that relevant?

It's one thing to say that the victim being transgendered may have provoked the attack
(which would confirm the assumption of this being a hate crime).
It's another thing to question why the victim chose to be trans gender in the first place, and presume there's a likelihood that they chose to be such b/c of stupidity and malfunctioning of the mind.
Why did you feel the need to say this?

I can't speak for others, but it's not my intention to throw insults.
Just intrigued with your rationale behind why your earlier post, and that's why I'm asking.
In all fairness, you can't expect to voice controversial opinions without pushing any buttons here or pretty much anywhere else.

I'd easy take the consequence of losing my job to help in a situation like that. As if there wasn't so much crap in this world to look down at already, and this is my generation. Fucking pathetic. On the flip side it makes me realize the value of life more and more every time I see something like this. I hope those ignorant girls get what they deserve fighting over such a stupid thing, and beating a trans gender who has done nothing wrong (to my knowledge).

I really hope society can turn around for the better, not that everyone is like this obviously, but there will always be trash like this around. Such a shame.

I wouldn't go so far to generalize that the root of the problem lies within the current generation.
I do feel that this is possibly the result of poor upbringing, which is going to happen everywhere, all the time.
I also feel that if you live in a ghetto, you will inevitably expose yourself to some of the worst examples of human behavior.
Poverty usually does that (ppl love to say racism is the cause, but I don't find that reasoning too compelling).
It's not an optimal environment to bringing up kids.

We just see more of this now, possibly b/c of cell-phones w/ video recording capability & the attention that youtube presents.
If you didn't see so much of this 10 years ago or further back,
doesn't necc mean it did not happen or that the world was a better place then.

04-26-2011, 11:44 AM
I don't know how the legal system works everywhere else but around here the best the legal system can do about a situation like this one is about 6 years of status hearings and maybe a reasonable conviction some time down the road. Maybe 90 days depending on how crowded the jail is.

I got my ass handed to me when i was in high school over some dumb shit. I was in the ER for a stint. 4 years later the court got me $100 for my hospital bills and not a single one of the four guys saw a cell for a single night.

I'm not the only person around here with a similar story and I don't know how it is everywhere else but it seems as though locally at least the legal system is pretty much worthless. I think it varies based on court system load. If Baltimore is a rough area then those girls may never see a cell. Maybe a fine or some community service 10 years down the road.

It's the assumption that the legal system is going to take care of everything that is the problem. Enough bad people already know for a fact everything that I just said and use it to their advantage every day. All the while people go on about their business assuming they are protected by the legal system.

04-26-2011, 12:02 PM
Enough bad people already know for a fact everything that I just said and use it to their advantage every day. All the while people go on about their business assuming they are protected by the legal system.

All the more reason for public execution...................

04-26-2011, 12:24 PM
The thing is, you don't even know if jail/prison works as punishment.
I'm willing to bet this wasn't the first, nor the last time the said perp will get in legal trouble.

civil lawsuits do have the potential to be more effective.
nobody likes to get sued for their money.
not sure how it works, if they don't have money to begin with.

04-26-2011, 12:28 PM
We just see more of this now, possibly b/c of cell-phones w/ video recording capability & the attention that youtube presents.
If you didn't see so much of this 10 years ago or further back,
doesn't necc mean it did not happen or that the world was a better place then.

I think this is the key. Stuff like this always has happened, but the development of cell phone cameras has just made everything more visible.

It's the assumption that the legal system is going to take care of everything that is the problem. Enough bad people already know for a fact everything that I just said and use it to their advantage every day. All the while people go on about their business assuming they are protected by the legal system.

Yea i think you're right. Like i said earlier, thats why in a situation like the one in this video anyone with a conscience has to get involved.

BTW you mentioned how the legal system works where you live, where do you live? I'm sorry to hear that the guys that out you in the hospital never saw legal justice.

04-26-2011, 01:37 PM
ghetto pieces of shit will always be ghetto pieces of shit. I would lay both of them out in a heartbeat, than the camera man.
I also like how the camera man is telling them to flee because the police are coming. "Yall better get outta here the police are coming" Thats aiding criminal charges. fucking piece of shit.

04-26-2011, 02:01 PM
I still don't think you've answered my second question.
Again, let's say the victim's mind is malfunctioning, and they are an idiot.
How is that relevant?

It's relevant because I am questioning this person's history of rational decision making based on the factual knowledge that he went ahead with a sex change operation. On top of that notion, this person was also intoxicated during this whole ordeal. Regardless, what the black females did in this video is still intolerable. What I am getting at is that there is a possibility that the victim did something to set off the black females that society (their ghetto society) may deem as a justified action.

04-26-2011, 02:16 PM
It's relevant because I am questioning this person's history of rational decision making based on the factual knowledge that he went ahead with a sex change operation. On top of that notion, this person was also intoxicated during this whole ordeal. Regardless, what the black females did in this video is still intolerable. What I am getting at is that there is a possibility that the victim did something to set off the black females that society (their ghetto society) may deem as a justified action.

No. Whatever She did or did not do, it didn't warrant a beating of that measure. (Unless she did something similar to those girls previously, which is obviously not the case in this situation.)

04-26-2011, 02:33 PM
No. Whatever She did or did not do, it didn't warrant a beating of that measure. (Unless she did something similar to those girls previously, which is obviously not the case in this situation.)

No? What are you saying no to? Did I say that whatever she did or didn't do warrants a beating of this magnitude? No I did not.

And even if the victim did the exact same thing to these black girls a week earlier (for argument's sake) that STILL does not make the actions of the black females justifiable. But this dances along the lines of religious beliefs, and we won't get into that here.

04-26-2011, 02:37 PM
You're denser than I am when I haven't shit for a week.

04-26-2011, 03:46 PM
It's relevant because I am questioning this person's history of rational decision making based on the factual knowledge that he went ahead with a sex change operation. On top of that notion, this person was also intoxicated during this whole ordeal. Regardless, what the black females did in this video is still intolerable. What I am getting at is that there is a possibility that the victim did something to set off the black females that society (their ghetto society) may deem as a justified action.

I think that's a bit of a stretch there.

Many transgendered individuals can perfectly hold jobs, satisfying social relations, go to college, etc.
If they can do that, chances are they should be okay with not getting into regular fights at fast food establishments.
(unless there are records to prove the said individual always gets in trouble).
Being 'intoxicated' is a more plausible factor that she may have been rash,
however, again no mention of prior records that she got in fights b/c of it.

Now let's look the said perp.
Looking at her prior history, this isn't the first time she's been accused of assaulting another person, in the same establishment no less.
Looking at what happened at the McD's, the old lady who tried to separate the fight also got punched by her.

There's only so much benefit of the doubt you can reasonably give.

Even if said victim threw the first punch & started the whole ordeal,
the perp would still be in deep shit in going far & beyond what would be expected of self-defense.
Plus punching the old lady (& the possibility of fleeing the scene before the cops arrive) is entirely unjustified.

The perp here has zero credibility imo.

04-26-2011, 03:58 PM
everyone needs to lighten up. you guys are getting a little too carried away arguing about all of this.

there are ignorant people everywhere who fight over anything. no use arguing about it, seeing as it won't change anything.

04-26-2011, 04:06 PM
Everybody knows it would only constitute as a hate crime if the attackers were white. :)

04-26-2011, 04:35 PM
f....this just made me sick

04-26-2011, 05:26 PM
I'm not saying it's racial.. but clicking on this thread.. you knew it was going to be black people..

Mcdonalds took administrative action and fired the employee filming?!?!
This I don't understand. Was he supposed to stop filming? Was the staff behind the counter supposed to break up this fight? Neither of the girls was in a "rational" state. What if an employee got stabbed? killed? paralyzed? It would be on the companies head to be responsible. He did the most responsible thing he could. Filmed it, called the police and stayed out of the way. Now when 22 year old transgendered chick sues mcdonalds for "insufficient security", there will be a video showing the manager stepping in and trying to provide protection. That I don't understand. Penalize the employee for doing the right thing. He's got a hell of a wrongful termination suit brewing.

I've seen white, asian, black, latino, and so on get in skuffs like this all the time. So I must say that this is nothing new. Nor is it expected to be only, 'black people.

By the employee being there and witnessing this happening, that makes him a part of it. So instead of him trying to break the situation up, he recorded it and put it up on youtube? lol WAT

04-26-2011, 05:40 PM
everybody knows it would only constitute as a hate crime if the attackers were white. :)

ding ding ding

04-26-2011, 11:25 PM
Everybody knows it would only constitute as a hate crime if the attackers were white. :)

Got to love media for that.

It would also happen if the person being attacked was homosexual.

LB 180SX
04-26-2011, 11:43 PM
that crazy how the media broadcasts these videos and shows their bias opinions based on what is seen.. like it was mentioned , no one really knows what caused this in the first place.. yea it should have been stopped and yes its terrible that someone gets beaten that bad, but we see shit like this everyday and no one gives a shit, especially when its a minority issue, they only make examples of situations that are viewed by many, otherwise its just another person getting beat and no one cares..bet they will get a harsh sentence as suppose to it being the other way around..

04-27-2011, 12:10 AM
MD represent!

I KID!!!!! :angel:

I live in MD, and its just not Baltimore. I live in Silver Spring, and some parts are dangerous. While I was driving today, some guy and his "crew" were about to J-walk until they saw me and that was about to turn. The car in front of me was turning as well. The dude who was about to cross pulled up his arm, pointed it at the guy in front of him, and pretended he was firing a gun while saying "Baow baow" (something like that). He did it to me too. Nothing serious but yea... thought i'd share. I find it sad.

04-27-2011, 05:03 AM
All the more reason for public execution...................

+1 there would be no repeat offenders

Yea i think you're right. Like i said earlier, thats why in a situation like the one in this video anyone with a conscience has to get involved.

BTW you mentioned how the legal system works where you live, where do you live? I'm sorry to hear that the guys that out you in the hospital never saw legal justice.

I live in northern illinois. Things like my scenario are fairly frequent. Next month my wife has to serve as a witness in a property damage incident she witnessed in 2004. The case has been in courts for 7 years now.

The thing is, you don't even know if jail/prison works as punishment.
I'm willing to bet this wasn't the first, nor the last time the said perp will get in legal trouble.

civil lawsuits do have the potential to be more effective.
nobody likes to get sued for their money.
not sure how it works, if they don't have money to begin with.

If they don't have money the victims get less. It happened to me. Civil lawsuits do nothing to people with nothing to lose. People without a penny are the ones out causing trouble.

There has to be an effective means of punishing perps/isolating them from better adjusted members of society. As far as I can tell jail is pretty cush other than the obvious drawbacks. If you had a crummy life to begin with jail isn't that bad at all. The fact that I can say that honestly is an indicator that the system is broken. And the fact that there are so many repeat offenders is also an indicator the system is broken.

I think we as a nation need to make petty crime less appealing. You would think felony assault would be a big deal but if it was, this wouldn't continue to happen. I don't think there would be much less of this if people were punished more effectively. Toss these girls in the cell with some real violent offenders for a couple weeks in the federal pen and see how much they want to go back.

As much as I'd like to see something effective take place I know some publc defender is going to hash out a deal and these girls will be back out on the street in at best a few months time.

04-27-2011, 05:30 AM
I woulda dropped those stupid bitchs, this isn't a racist comment but black girls have big fukin mouths and egos. They think they are the shit and talk the most shit out of any other race., I remember this one big ass bitch in high school tried to put hands on me like she was a dude. I put hands on her right back like she was one. Like a great rapper once said. "Ill never hit a woman no! But ill slap the shit out a bitch".

04-27-2011, 05:36 AM
You'll needa. Go before the police come blah blah blah. Bitch ass foos too, some people on this earth are fucking dumbass fucks who need to be put to sleep. I grew up with lots of racial tension and this kind of shit does nothing but feed it.

04-27-2011, 10:21 AM
that was pretty bad to watch it gave me a headache :-/

I hope those dumb broads serve McJail time Get a Mc Double Fine for all that non sense

SMH at society... :duh:

04-27-2011, 11:43 AM
................ witnessed in 2004. The case has been in courts for 7 years now.

That is the problem, our legal system needs a swift clean up. Or more like a common sense branch that all cases go through to see if they are even worth the courts time in the first place.

04-27-2011, 12:53 PM
Damn, I leave D.C. And this is how bad you let thE Baltimore people get?
Now I hear even the dc people are scared of Baltimore? WTF they were trash when Baltimore first started and only getting worse. If your not an of from dc you won't really understand that statement...

Ok, I saw the world taking a turn for this way back in I think it was 02 or 03 when the video of the girl getting beat to DEATH by basically the whole neiborhood came out on YouTube. Reason they did it; said she was a snitch. After that video I seriously started supporting vigalanty justice, I would have bombed that whole hood Men women and children; kill the tree at the roots.

Now I can kinda add light in a way, as to why some of us guys don't step in:
If your big guy like me (6'7 pushing 300lbs) when you use force the world is quick to label you as a monster. I intervened in my schools back field when 4 girls and two guys were trying to stab another girl because she didn't live in "their hood". I broke two assailants arms and collapsed a lung of the other, not because of I went berserk, but because they just weren't going to stop attacking the other girl unless they were put out of the fight. Keep in mind that they were all armed. That made me a targe at school, thank god for friends! Maybe that will shine some light?
Now I do agree that all the people that stood and watched should be beaten and thrown in jail; i mean fuck it's a "HUMAN" life in jeopardy when did we become disposable?

04-27-2011, 01:59 PM
I woulda dropped those stupid bitchs, this isn't a racist comment but black girls have big fukin mouths and egos. They think they are the shit and talk the most shit out of any other race., I remember this one big ass bitch in high school tried to put hands on me like she was a dude. I put hands on her right back like she was one. Like a great rapper once said. "Ill never hit a woman no! But ill slap the shit out a bitch".
Really depends on where you grow up. I see tons of Viet/Filipino/Korean/Mexican/Black chicks go crazy in the bay area.

Thus result from my study is that ALL women are crazy.

Pro ViZIon
04-27-2011, 02:04 PM
I like how it all turns into a "HATE CRIME" just cause they were black.

04-27-2011, 06:22 PM
@ !zar! I see your study haha makes sense, yea around here there's a few crazy flipps and hispanic chicks but the majority of the crazys are black chicks, or them crazy dope fiend white chicks

04-27-2011, 06:29 PM
I like how it all turns into a "HATE CRIME" just cause they were black.
What????? Its a hate crime because the victim was transgendered, which at this point in the laws eyes is grouped with homosexuals. THATS why it is a hate crime.

04-27-2011, 06:58 PM
Just b/c you're transgendered doesn't necc entail that you must also be homosexual.
Tbh, I'm not so sure you can call it a hate crime.
Maybe I missed something but I don't see how this started b/c the perp found the transgendered intolerable.
The perp could have begun the assault, just b/c she's a bitch.

04-27-2011, 07:48 PM
Just b/c you're transgendered doesn't necc entail that you must also be homosexual.
Tbh, I'm not so sure you can call it a hate crime.
Maybe I missed something but I don't see how this started b/c the perp found the transgendered intolerable.
The perp could have begun the assault, just b/c she's a bitch.

It all started because she came out of the girl washroom and the two girls had a problem with it...They thought that she shouldn't have been in there and that's when it kicked off (File that under a hate crime since the issue was that she was transgendered)...so throw the book at their ignorant asses...

04-27-2011, 07:58 PM
Yeah I don't agree with it either, but right now the law sees transgendered people as members of the civil rights group of "homosexuals". So this will end up being a hate crime.

04-27-2011, 08:17 PM
Man i think 'hate crimes' are stupid. A crime is a crime is a crime.

Reading the story though it didn't seem like she was attacked for using the female bathroom, it says the chick attacked her after confronting her for 'trying to hit on her man' basically. The scenario that tricky ab described is what i expected to find was the case, but from the reports apparently it wasn't. Who knows what really caused it though. Like ronmcdon said, i think the attackers were just fucking psycho bitches...

04-27-2011, 08:30 PM
2 on 1 is never a fair fight. If I was to see something like this I would get involved, it doesn't matter if you're gay, straight, transgendered, or skin color. I was known in HS for getting into trouble but if I was in a fight it was always 1 on 1 or the cases where I got jumped. People are low life trash in today's society it's fucking disgusting! Even males in today's society lack manners towards females. Calling girls bitches, hoes, sluts, etc. Is disrespectful on a lot levels. To me it doesn't matter if you're gay or transgendered the way i see it you live your life like you build your cars. You do what makes you happy not what everyone else into.

04-28-2011, 03:38 AM
some people on this earth are fucking dumbass fucks who need to be put to sleep. I grew up with lots of racial tension and this kind of shit does nothing but feed it.
yea around here there's a few crazy flipps ......

that just happened...

Man i think 'hate crimes' are stupid. A crime is a crime is a crime.

right...so you see no discernible differences between:

-two gangbangers succumb to gang violence and get shot
-two sikhs get shot in sacramento for absolutely no reason (recent true story)

-an arson attacks a high school
-multiple attacks of arson happen in the castro district all within days of each other (recent true story)

how you cannot extrapolate the differences between a crime and a "hate" crime is beyond me...dont be stupid...hate crimes exist and they ARE not "stupid"...

04-28-2011, 03:46 AM
^^^^ what are you getting at my quoting me?

04-28-2011, 05:07 AM
^^^^ what are you getting at my quoting me?

ahhaha . Here we go anthony.....

04-28-2011, 09:30 AM
right...so you see no discernible differences between:

-two gangbangers succumb to gang violence and get shot
-two sikhs get shot in sacramento for absolutely no reason (recent true story)

-an arson attacks a high school
-multiple attacks of arson happen in the castro district all within days of each other (recent true story)

how you cannot extrapolate the differences between a crime and a "hate" crime is beyond me...dont be stupid...hate crimes exist and they ARE not "stupid"...

I absolutely DO see a difference between those situations. But i think it should be looked at like this;
-two gangbangers get shot because they were involved in violent activity and willing put themselves into situations in which they might get shot
-two innocent people were gunned down for no other reason than they're religious affiliation.

Each crime should be judged on an individual basis and the second should receive a much harsher sentence than the first, but having pre-existing laws in place that make distinctions between racial/religious/sexual preference groups doesn't make sense.

If a crime is especially disgusting and unjust it should be punished as such. Sentencing is variable for exactly this reason. Having extra laws is unnecessary and simply further entrenches the differences that created the 'hate crime' in the first place. Do you see my perspective?

edit: to clarify my position, i of course believe that hate crimes exist, but that does not mean that there should be extra legislation based on ethnic/religious/sexual preference condtions.

In your examples the two crimes are not equivalent, but say for example you are comparing the murder of the two sikhs to, say, a white male killing two other white males because they are wearing Obama t-shirts. Is that crime any less despicable because the victims are of the same race? In both cases a man is killing two innocent people simply because he has differing beliefs than them, but with hate crime legislation in place, the first scenario would warrant a harsher sentence simply because the religious affiliation of the attacker and victim is different. That doesnt make sense. Each case should be looked at individually and be sentenced without bias due to ethnicity etc...

04-28-2011, 03:53 PM
Ghetto ass ppl... all i can say.

04-28-2011, 04:13 PM
Hate Crime is really more of a legal definition, and exists in other countries as well.

Not saying it's right or wrong (for the sake of discussion), but the rationale behind it is that you are making an additional psychological affront against not only the victim, but also the group the perp is attacking.

Another way to think about it is that you can get in trouble discriminating another group in a bad way,
even without the use of violence (i.e. saying you hate all gays at work explicitly). Therefore a 'hate crime' takes into account the crime that occurs regardless of the discrimination, PLUS it also takes into account the said discrimination.

The way I personally see how it could be severe in a legal sense, is that it pretty much establishes the crime as having a 'malicious intent' (vs. a spur of the moment, or accidental). Having malicious intent usually is recognized by our and many other legal systems to be much more severe.


04-28-2011, 05:00 PM
Not saying it's right or wrong (for the sake of discussion), but the rationale behind it is that you are making an additional psychological affront against not only the victim, but also the group the perp is attacking.

The way I personally see how it could be severe in a legal sense, is that it pretty much establishes the crime as having a 'malicious intent' (vs. a spur of the moment, or accidental). Having malicious intent usually is recognized by our and many other legal systems to be much more severe.

Hate crime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_crime)

Ok i see what you mean. I can see how the psychological damage to the group that the victim identifies with could add to the severity of the crime. I also understand the added severity that comes from a premeditated act as opposed to a 'spur of the moment' act. That being said, i think that those circumstances can still be taken into consideration in a trial without the need for extra 'hate crime' legislation.

In general i think that more emphasis should be put on dealing with each case individually instead of relying on legislation to determine sentencing.

I hope my response makes sense, my thursdays are free so i've been having beers with buddies all afternoon....