View Full Version : Angeles Crest Cruise, Sunday May 15th!

04-24-2011, 10:27 PM
Time for our yearly Angeles Crest Cruise! This is the best cruise of the year, don't miss it!

The plan is to meet up at Vons in Tujunga at 11:45a.m. The address is:

7789 Foothill Blvd
Tujunga, CA 91042

We'll leave the lot at 12:30p.m.

Here is the route we will take. (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Summitrose+St&daddr=Mt+Gleason+Ave+to:34.3283749,-118.1219839+to:CA-2+E%2FAngeles+Crest+Hwy+to:4423+Mills+Circle,+Onta rio,+CA&geocode=FaLCCgIdsdzy-A%3BFTgBCwIdsuTy-A%3BFTbPCwIdAZr1-CkhmH0FZu_CgDHYzYfkJ8JGOg%3BFZSUDAIdCi78-A%3BFR74BwIdaD3--CmpbSjngzXDgDGemKSs50j4iw&hl=en&mra=ls&via=2&sll=34.266296,-118.011017&sspn=0.621939,1.352692&ie=UTF8&ll=34.235648,-117.888794&spn=0.622166,1.352692&t=h&z=10) The front half of Angeles Crest is closed, so we're taking Big Tujunga to Upper Big Tujunga and then to Angeles Crest. We took this route last year and it was beautiful with basically no traffic :)

After we finish up on Angeles Crest, we're going to go to Fuddruckers at the Ontario Mills Mall for a late lunch/early dinner. The address for Fuddruckers is:

4423 E Mills Cir
Ontario, CA 91764

We had over 60 cars at GMR last month, and I'm hoping to beat that for Angeles Crest. See you all on the 15th! Original thread and info updated here. (http://www.motorgen.com/forum/showthread.php?p=73256#post73256)

05-08-2011, 05:47 PM
ACH doesn't currently go all the way through because of this:

Because of that, I'm changing the route to this (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=7789+Foothill+Blvd++Tujunga,+CA+91042&daddr=Big+Tujunga+Canyon+Rd%2FForest+Service+Rd+Fh 59+to:Angeles+Forest+Hwy%2FCo+Hwy+N3+to:Upper+Big+ Tujunga+Canyon+Rd+to:CA-2+E%2FAngeles+Crest+Hwy+to:CA-2+W%2FAngeles+Crest+Hwy+to:CA-2+W%2FAngeles+Crest+Hwy+to:CA-2+W%2FAngeles+Crest+Hwy+to:CA-2+W%2FAngeles+Crest+Hwy+to:Big+Tujunga+Canyon+Rd%2 FForest+Service+Rd+Fh59+to:7789+Foothill+Blvd++Tuj unga,+CA+91042&geocode=FS3ACgId9Njy-CkLwkWeVZPCgDEhSSi16VPjUA%3BFYxUCwId5v_0-A%3BFcLQCwIdLp31-A%3BFVz6CgId09T2-A%3BFfAkDAIdCh35-A%3BFWLwCgIdvJ_2-A%3BFfS9CgIdctv1-A%3BFU2-CgIdjdr1-A%3BFXDsCgIdRiH1-A%3BFahUCwId-v70-A%3BFS3ACgId9Njy-CkLwkWeVZPCgDEhSSi16VPjUA&hl=en&mra=pr&sll=34.28996,-118.097595&sspn=0.312583,0.676346&ie=UTF8&ll=34.290126,-118.097534&spn=0.312583,0.676346&t=h&z=11). Times will remain the same. Original thread here (http://www.motorgen.com/forum/showthread.php?t=27562). See you all on Sunday!

05-08-2011, 06:15 PM
so its just a cruise back to ontario area? just go thru scenic routes? very interesting. am i right? seems cool

05-08-2011, 06:17 PM
so its just a cruise back to ontario area? just go thru scenic routes? very interesting. am i right? seems cool

I'm going to look at some food options, but since it doesn't go all the way through, we're doing a big loop. We're hitting different parts of the roads though, and it's a beautiful drive :bigok:

05-09-2011, 10:54 PM
The meet spot is an hour half away from me , maybe ill just meet up for lunch at mills

05-13-2011, 11:50 PM
Alright, Upper Tujunga is closed, so we're taking this route (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=7789+Foothill+Blvd++Tujunga,+CA+91042&daddr=Big+Tujunga+Canyon+Rd+to:CA-2+W%2FAngeles+Crest+Hwy+to:islip+saddle+to:Big+Tuj unga+Canyon+Rd+to:7789+Foothill+Blvd++Tujunga,+CA+ 91042&geocode=FS3ACgId9Njy-CkLwkWeVZPCgDEhSSi16VPjUA%3BFfhPCwIdHtv0-A%3BFaHPCgId6K31-A%3BFdA-DAIdBr75-Ck9PZNbvB7DgDGErz_Fh7Rjog%3BFa9ACwIdaejz-CnrCzoZb-zCgDELVohRNlz29A%3BFanACgIdf9zy-ClpqeNtVZPCgDGkUOjR9hL5MA&hl=en&mra=ls&sll=34.172329,-118.175039&sspn=0.039128,0.084543&ie=UTF8&ll=34.311681,-118.076935&spn=0.312503,0.676346&t=h&z=11).

It should be relatively empty and is a fantastic drive. We'll take it in as far as we can go and then turn around. I've been looking for local food places, but none of them are big enough to hold all of us. If anyone has suggestions for food in or around the Tujunga are with a large parking lot, please let me know.

As far as the weather is concerned, it looks like it's going to be nice with no rain in the forecast. See you all Sunday!

05-15-2011, 10:04 AM
Raining very hard down here in Anaheim. Can anyone closer to Angeles Crest tell me what the weather is like up there?

I need to make a decision in the next hour or so and I'm leaning towards postponing right now. It's pretty wet down here...

re drifter
05-15-2011, 10:41 AM
sun's coming out, kinda. It stoped raining around 7am this morning and I haven't seen any rain since.

05-15-2011, 10:48 AM
Confirmed no rain currently and dry ground. Let's do this thing:


See you up there!

05-15-2011, 05:56 PM
Soooooo no more fuddruckers today?

05-15-2011, 09:40 PM
Thanks to everyone for coming! I think we had something like 60 cars at Vons.

Unfortunately when we got to the first part of the road the CHP was there pulling cars over. About 40 cars turned around and headed out. Total bummer because the cops were only giving fix-it tickets for no front plate and were generally pretty cool about it. They didn't search cars, pop hoods, etc. They were pulling over everyone with no front plate, not just our cars. It was over quick and the CHP officer told my buddy that he could get it signed off with them for free or pay $20.

The remaining 20 of us headed up the mountain after that. It was a fantastic drive, NODOBY on the road. There were some scattered rocks, but that was it.

Thanks for coming and sorry to all you guys that turned around :(