View Full Version : Slidingmooch

04-23-2011, 11:02 PM
Anybody buy from him? I bought the tomei cams from him. Took two weeks before he sent it out and when I got it. It was stock cams. It didn't even have the tomei logo on it. So I pulled my valve cover off and they had The sAme number on them. Took pictures and sent them to him. Tried talking to him to fix things. Because I paid money for tomei cams and not stock. He also tried to say that I am trying to pull a fast one and swap them. Sorry but I don't have the time. And how could I do it thAt fast? Well what would you guys do? Would you just file paypal claim or ask him to fix things first?

04-23-2011, 11:04 PM
file a paypal claim if hes scamming you. i had to do that before. oh shit lansdale lol not to far away

04-23-2011, 11:14 PM
OoH I'm not in lansdale anymore. I move to las Vegas. But anyways that guys said when he got them from someone else he was told they are tomei. But the ones I got are stock. Well I'll give him till tomorrow to fix things. If not I will file and claim with paypal.

04-23-2011, 11:53 PM
yea try to get the money back and if not then go to paypal. good luck man, mr lucky in vegas lol

06-29-2011, 11:42 PM
go thru paypal i bougth a supposedly ported hed from slidingmooch a couple of months back...and it was NOT what he said it was it was, Not at all ported and it took me weeks to get my item from him...he didnt respond to my emails until i filed a claim with paypal

06-30-2011, 12:01 AM
what was the photo on his FS ad? Or any photo he sent out to you?