View Full Version : Annoying pop-ups in Windows OS (i.e. XP)

10-11-2003, 11:52 PM
Do any of you guys get those annoying pop-up messages that tell you that your computer is unsafe and you should go to a certain site to get rid of these pop-up messages?

It's hard to describe, but here is a small pic to show what I mean.


I was just curious because I want to know how you guys got rid of it....this thing is REALLY annoying me. :mad:

10-12-2003, 01:09 AM
i get that to but i thought it was bcuz i was lookin up porn but i guess that happens to every1 i just ignore it

10-12-2003, 04:54 AM
Windows is an really annoying Operating System.


10-12-2003, 07:18 AM
just in luck..

-go to START
-then go to RUN
-then type in "services.msc"
-scroll down the list till you see "messenger"
-double click it
-click "stop" in the General tab
-then where it says "startup type", go down to the drop down menu and choose disable...

thats it you should have no problem with them anymore..



10-12-2003, 09:58 AM
Are you on Dialup? Fist get a program called Ad-Aware off download.com and run the update then scan for anything and delete them all. Also, if you are on Dialup then those might be a DOS net send command, I know some dialup providers wont do popups but they will do this as there is no good way to combat it.

10-12-2003, 06:25 PM
i get those pop ups too im using windows 2000. so far what they said has work so yaaaayyy

10-13-2003, 05:49 AM
Marks ad-Aware works, but to a certain extent... that services in windows was designed to turn on automatically... just follow the directions i gave above and you will never have to worry about them again...
believe me i had to do it because i play counter-strike..lol.. so they bugged the hell out of me... first thing i do to my computer when i reformat...

10-13-2003, 07:46 AM
ad aware doesn't work for this. these arent ie pop ups. these actually use your system's messenger system to create these pop ups. start -> run -> type "net stop messenger" to disable your messenging service. u'll have to do it everytime u start up the computer. hackariffic.

10-13-2003, 09:59 AM
I use to get the pop-ups. It suck cause anytime I tried to dl music or load a page that had lot of pics, it would slow down my entire connection cuase I got bout 10 at a time. im happy now cuase i havent got them in quite a while. even though i havent done anything to fix the problem.

10-13-2003, 10:07 AM
download FOR FREE and use

spybot search and destroy

google for it
got rid of 95+% of the junk. it doesnt catch EVERYTHING but it gets SOOO MUCH its great. i use it at least once a month. :)

popups no more

also download a popup stopper (free too) and that helps alot when cruising the net

10-13-2003, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by s13silady
just in luck..

-go to START
-then go to RUN
-then type in "services.msc"
-scroll down the list till you see "messenger"
-double click it
-click "stop" in the General tab
-then where it says "startup type", go down to the drop down menu and choose disable...

thats it you should have no problem with them anymore..



yup I've had to do this to like three computers. baqsically microsoft built in an ad program that pop up stoppers cant touch. my ex girlfriends pop up stopper wouldnt touch them at all. followed those same instructions and bam.. all gone :) if its on XP and some versions of 2000 (professional dosent do this.. have it at work) this will eliminate them.

10-13-2003, 11:45 AM
i just run norton personal firewall, and make sure not to download programs loaded with spyware/adware...no popups..ever, also just keep an eye on what is actually runnin on your system, and recognize stuff u know doesnt belong.

10-13-2003, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by 240Driver39
i just run norton personal firewall, and make sure not to download programs loaded with spyware/adware...no popups..ever, also just keep an eye on what is actually runnin on your system, and recognize stuff u know doesnt belong.

thats what we are saying this "pop up" is built into WINDOWS ITSELF. you dont have to download anything.. it was on my exgf computer after I reloaded XP on it. hadnt even connected it to the internet yet.

10-13-2003, 06:14 PM
yeah yeah, i understood that part, people were mentioning adware and spyware, i was talkin bout that, and the fact that keepin ur computer clean prevents all that from goin on

10-13-2003, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by s13silady
just in luck..

-go to START
-then go to RUN
-then type in "services.msc"
-scroll down the list till you see "messenger"
-double click it
-click "stop" in the General tab
-then where it says "startup type", go down to the drop down menu and choose disable...

thats it you should have no problem with them anymore..




btw...I'm using Win2000 Professional

10-14-2003, 06:39 AM
anytime my friend, anytime... yah i found it funny that microsoft would have a built in ad service in their OS's... but then i thought about it, that if you were running a network client on your comp as a server... it would be a useful tool... but i hate it and it P*sses me off.. and yes ad-ware i found out will not work for it as well as any other software that prevents pop-ups...we should forget about their current OS's and go with the new OS:

10-14-2003, 06:41 AM

10-14-2003, 06:43 AM
another one:

10-14-2003, 06:47 AM
last one... which i thought was funny because it happens to me all the time so i think im going to Fry's to see if they carry it..;)