View Full Version : HELP: Need to repair interior

02-07-2002, 12:16 PM
Okay, I'm so pissed.  In the last two days I have popped a small hole in my passenger door arm rest and hit my mirror exiting my garage.  Didn't break, just left a streak the color of my garage on the mirror which I think I can buff out. Anywho..

I'm getting in my car yesterday and I tossed my laptop in and on to the passenger seat.  This time though, I was a little over zealous and the laptop case hit the armrest on the passenger side and put a small crack in the vinyl.  Is there some time of substance to repair the vinyl with or do I have to replace the whole door panel.  If I have to replace the whole effin thing, how much should that run me?

- Matt

02-07-2002, 12:33 PM
I have a small spot on the vinyl that has like been ripped, about the size of a dime.  I bought one of those $7 liquid vinyl repair kits from Advanced Auto.  I haven't done it yet, but I messed with the test piece they gave me with the kit, and it worked pretty well.  although the color was kinda hard to match.  I'm not too worried about that though, considering my car is black, and it won't matter.

02-07-2002, 12:43 PM
The vinyl repair liquid stuff works great.  Careful however...the one's from advance auto/discount/autozone ect require heat...and they can be tricky to deal with.  The best one is actually the one on TV...20 dollars and you get the vinyl repair and a fabric repair too...they work great