View Full Version : Maeda's First Sideways 86 Experience

10-10-2003, 03:05 AM
Ok so my good friend just got a nice 85 GTS :D
and decided that it'd be fun to play D1GP...

So off to our schools parkinglot~

He sucessfully whipped out a few powerslidish type moves and decided it was time to graduate to e-brake goodness....
After 2 successful ebrake attempts we thought a clutch kick was in order and low and behold it worked, and nothing fell off the car.

Then he asks me "so you wanna try now?" and I was like "hell yes! but I might crash." We both laughed considering it was a primered out beatup gutted beater 85...

So going about 40 into the turn I pop the clutch one and try to get myself into an oversteered condition and initiate some sideways when I hear a *clunk clunk* and the front end feels bumpy and starts to slide as well... It turned out I wasn't counter steering! (im and idiot). I tried it again and found myself in an understeered state bearing down on a light post. I panic, and think to put on the brakes, but thinking doesn't do much good at 30-40 chasing down an inert lightpole. I swerved and saved thankfully...

I tried it again 2 more times but still can't figure out when to counter... Then campus security shows up and I get a strict talking to... since I was driving... :doh

Lessons learned today
Go to DD Novice Clinics and keep it away from curbs and lightposts.
Learn to Countersteer.
Go for oversteer rather then understeer. :D
Swap in a manual. Learning on the automagic will be TOUGH...

Anybody got any countersteering advice? My friend said that about as soon as the rear starts to go I should've been turning the wheel the opposite way to counter already...

All in all a safe learning experience...

10-26-2003, 01:04 AM
Gran Turismo... hahahaha, jk jk

10-26-2003, 12:15 PM
this post is awesome because he didn't get super excited from screeching his front tires and labelling them as "drifts."


10-26-2003, 03:18 PM
Yah I got super paniced and earned the name "All panic-nocounter" Maeda

"Panic Maeda" for short.... doh...

Since this i've learned to initiate weight shift with the brake in my S14, and i've learned to countersteer... I still don't even think of myself doing the D-word...

God bless the 86 though!