View Full Version : CA 1987 turbo supra burbank quick sell!

Ryokai Fuji
04-16-2011, 07:04 PM
Selling a 1987 Turbo Supra Ive had stored for a bit in a garage, was fixing it and ran out of money MY LOSS YOUR GAIN.

Quick Sell need it gone. Cant store it at where its located anymore.
Expired Tags, I already Payed 600 bucks for tags Just needs SMOG. NEEDS TLC.

Miles on Car 260,xxx
Motor Still Good, Head Gaskets Changed 50,xxx

Pros :

Clean Interior (Beige Color.)
YouTube - Supra For sale. Burbank. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUHl5g1JUR4) Sorry took it with my phone wrong direction..
Fully Loaded Options TCS, Sport/Power settings/
Replaced Old Burnt Ct26 Turbo for Ct26. 57 Trim: 49lb/min or 490hp New seals, no shaft play.
Replaced Spark Plugs.
Replaced Gromets and Head cover gaskets.
Head gasket was replaced.
Hydraulic Steering Pump Replaced.
Water Pump Replaced.
Timing Belt Changed. and other belts changed.

Needs Shocks. (Worn/Blown)
Needs New Cat, its Clogged. has Exhaust leak.
Needs New Clutch Fan.
Needs new steering rack. Leaky Boots.
Needs O2 Sensor.

I know that this car will run really good once all is done with the car, its sad to see her go, I bought the car for 2000.. selling for 1500.. with the extra 1000 I put in to her.

1500 Bucks takes it. I CAN TAKE MORE PICS. if you want or come and see it.. I dont mind. Just need it gone. free all day gimme a call 8182387712.

https://post.craigslist.org/imagepreview/n/3n13kb3o45O05U65P3b4ge4d107ce9c271f23.jpg https://post.craigslist.org/imagepreview/n/3n33m93l65U15S05R4b4gc36c7ed652bf1b31.jpg https://post.craigslist.org/imagepreview/n/3m83p23o85W55U35P5b4g996ccda4d5671ec1.jpg https://post.craigslist.org/imagepreview/n/3m73o23lf5T25P55S4b4g67168704bff21800.jpg
PostingID: 2329704595

Ryokai Fuji
04-17-2011, 08:45 PM
Bump guys need it gone!