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04-14-2011, 03:50 PM
Yep, I'm a fanboy. And proud of it. lol

So it's just a rumor at this point, but sounds like it's a pretty solid one. It would make sense I guess.

Super excited about this part.

the console is significantly more powerful than the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and that Nintendo's intent is to recapture the hardcore market

Nintendo Set to Reveal New Console - Wii News at IGN (http://wii.ign.com/articles/116/1161875p1.html)

Anyone else excited about Link, Samus, Mario in beautiful hd?

04-14-2011, 05:05 PM
Yep, I'm a fanboy. And proud of it. lol

So it's just a rumor at this point, but sounds like it's a pretty solid one. It would make sense I guess.

Super excited about this part.

Nintendo Set to Reveal New Console - Wii News at IGN (http://wii.ign.com/articles/116/1161875p1.html)

Anyone else excited about Link, Samus, Mario in beautiful hd?

just seems that nintendo is always playing catchup with microsoft and sony. lucky they have all the old school exclusives cause if they didn't noone would buy a nintendo system over the others.

04-14-2011, 06:22 PM
my oldass computer setup is more powerful than the ps3 or xbox.

im always up to get the next gen systems...as long it doesnt give me any blinking lights of death or red ring.

04-14-2011, 06:33 PM
Wii 3D? O_o

04-14-2011, 07:07 PM
just seems that nintendo is always playing catchup with microsoft and sony. lucky they have all the old school exclusives cause if they didn't noone would buy a nintendo system over the others.

Ummm, I'm pretty sure that Nintendo not only has sold more consoles this generation, but was also, what 3-4 years ahead of Sony and MS on motion controls? It was Sony and MS that have been playing catch up this whole generation. One thing this generation has proved is that graphics are not necessarily as important as gameplay. In fact Nintendo has had that same mindeset since the NES, hence why they do have so many classic franchises that are constantly the best games in their genres.

Wii 3D? O_o

Actually, they said recently that they will for sure NOT do a 3D console. They felt it worked better int eh handheld market.

04-14-2011, 07:42 PM
It's going to be Wii HD...They're going to drop the price of the Wii as it is to $149 (Leaked information).

04-14-2011, 08:24 PM
It's going to be Wii HD...They're going to drop the price of the Wii as it is to $149 (Leaked information).

This new console cannot be marketed as a "Wii HD" if they want it to succeed.

This new product is going to have to be revolutionary and not evolutionary.

It needs a new name, and it needs a new industry leading core feature if Nintendo wants to duplicate the success of the Wii.

People will probably still buy a "Wii HD", but to me that just says "I'm the same as a Wii, but now I come in HD!"

04-14-2011, 09:11 PM
Nintendo keeps setting themselves up to be each generation's Dreamcast.

04-14-2011, 09:21 PM
Nintendo keeps setting themselves up to be each generation's Dreamcast.

I thought that about the gamecube and the Wii as well, until the Wii sold like candy coated crack. I think Nintendo seems to just do whatever they want despite current trends.

I am excited for this. I hope to see some 3rd party support for a Nintendo console.

I would pay serious money for No More Heroes 3.

04-14-2011, 09:31 PM
Anyone else excited about Link, Samus, Mario in beautiful hd?
Only Link you are going to see anytime soon is Ocarina of Time 3D.

04-14-2011, 09:33 PM
Ummm, I'm pretty sure that Nintendo not only has sold more consoles this generation, but was also, what 3-4 years ahead of Sony and MS on motion controls? It was Sony and MS that have been playing catch up this whole generation. One thing this generation has proved is that graphics are not necessarily as important as gameplay. In fact Nintendo has had that same mindeset since the NES, hence why they do have so many classic franchises that are constantly the best games in their genres.

Actually, they said recently that they will for sure NOT do a 3D console. They felt it worked better int eh handheld market.

+1!!!! i got a ps3 and had to buy the wii for the classics, netflix( over ps3 due to the fan being loud) and kid games

04-14-2011, 09:34 PM
Only Link you are going to see anytime soon is Ocarina of Time 3D.

Don't tell me that. I need more Link.

04-14-2011, 09:37 PM
I don't know how "speculation is they might announce a new console" turned into "NINTENDO REVEALING NEW PLATFORM" shit is urban legending real fast.

04-14-2011, 09:55 PM
I don't know how "speculation is they might announce a new console" turned into "NINTENDO REVEALING NEW PLATFORM" shit is urban legending real fast.

Speed of the internet. I hope they do reveal a new platform. Even though I just bought my Wii lol.

04-14-2011, 10:01 PM
Subscribed. Lets see if anythings comes of this.

04-14-2011, 11:18 PM
Bitches need to get on this an translate officially Mother 3. With graphical updates. FUCK YEAH!!!

04-15-2011, 08:12 AM
Only Link you are going to see anytime soon is Ocarina of Time 3D.

Skyward Sword comes out this year...Nice try though. :w00t:

I think it's funny the Dreamcast comparisons and talking about Nintendo and failure. Yes, Gamecube was a letdown, but the Wii is THE #1 SELLING CONSOLE OF THIS GENERATION. It's hardly a Dreamcast. Not only that it was the console that the others tried copying.

04-15-2011, 08:41 AM
Man Dreamcast had AMAZING games! Anyways, The 3DS is not selling as well as previous handhelds. It will be interesting to see what they're going to do this time around. I wonder if it going to be a graphics powerhouse this time around (now graphics don't make a game fun but it would be nice to game in HD).

And yes the Wii sold rather well, and everyone bought one but do people still use theirs? I sold mine after I imported Tatsinoko vs Capcom and it wasn't as good of a fighter as hyped.

04-15-2011, 08:55 AM
Man Dreamcast had AMAZING games! Anyways, The 3DS is not selling as well as previous handhelds. It will be interesting to see what they're going to do this time around. I wonder if it going to be a graphics powerhouse this time around (now graphics don't make a game fun but it would be nice to game in HD).

And yes the Wii sold rather well, and everyone bought one but do people still use theirs? I sold mine after I imported Tatsinoko vs Capcom and it wasn't as good of a fighter as hyped.

Dreamcast was the shit.

The rumor is it's going to geared towards the hardcore gamer and it'll be HD.

Saying the Wii sold "rather well" is like saying the GTR is "kinda fast".

But yes, studies have shown that people play their Wii the least of of the three current systems. I can actually see them supporting BOTH systems. This new one and the Wii. Keeping the Wii as almost strictly a casual gamer console, and this new one for the core gamer. That would actually be pretty cool. Although the downside to that is it would be very hard to have so many Mario, Zelda, etc etc titles in development at once if they decided to continue to offer those type of titles on the Wii.

My personal speculation on price is $299. I don't see Nintendo releasing a $400 system.

04-15-2011, 10:24 AM
i have Wii and 360. i never play the wii and always play the 360.

04-15-2011, 10:31 AM
Dreamcast was the shit.

The rumor is it's going to geared towards the hardcore gamer and it'll be HD.

Saying the Wii sold "rather well" is like saying the GTR is "kinda fast".

But yes, studies have shown that people play their Wii the least of of the three current systems. I can actually see them supporting BOTH systems. This new one and the Wii. Keeping the Wii as almost strictly a casual gamer console, and this new one for the core gamer. That would actually be pretty cool. Although the downside to that is it would be very hard to have so many Mario, Zelda, etc etc titles in development at once if they decided to continue to offer those type of titles on the Wii.

My personal speculation on price is $299. I don't see Nintendo releasing a $400 system.

That would be a good business model but like you said, splitting titles would cost the developers more money and in turn will delay titles.

Also if it is worth it, people will pay for it. Sony and Microsoft both have proven that we are willing to pay for the hype. I really hope they blow my socks off as I haven't been really impressed with the big N's home consoles in a while...

04-15-2011, 11:01 AM
i have Wii and 360. i never play the wii and always play the 360.

I really only play 2-4 games a year now-a-days, so it depends on what games are released for what systems. The last game I played on my 360 was RDR. Last game I played on my Wii was Metroid Other M.

So both have been sitting for a while for me. I'm currently, sort of playing, GT5.

I don't think anything is on the horizon that I want to play until fall.

That would be a good business model but like you said, splitting titles would cost the developers more money and in turn will delay titles.

Also if it is worth it, people will pay for it. Sony and Microsoft both have proven that we are willing to pay for the hype. I really hope they blow my socks off as I haven't been really impressed with the big N's home consoles in a while...

I agree. While I was initially impressed with the Wii, it wore off kinda quick. As much as I think the controls are probably the biggest innovation in video games since the CD-Rom (and that was more inevitable then someone trying to innovate), as a core gamer, the novelty wore off quick and I just wanted to use a regular controller. I didn't even finish Twighlight Princess because the control got annoying after a while. Metroid Other M did a better job of using the motion controls to add to the game instead of changing it. Same with Mario Galaxy.

I loved my Gamecube though. That still has two of my favorite games of all time on it. I can't say that about the Wii, 360, or PS3 at this point.

04-15-2011, 12:14 PM
Skyward Sword comes out this year...Nice try though. :w00t:

I think it's funny the Dreamcast comparisons and talking about Nintendo and failure. Yes, Gamecube was a letdown, but the Wii is THE #1 SELLING CONSOLE OF THIS GENERATION. It's hardly a Dreamcast. Not only that it was the console that the others tried copying.

i meant more like, it's the slowest.
also Nintendo sells more units because they're way cheaper.

04-15-2011, 12:33 PM
i meant more like, it's the slowest.
also Nintendo sells more units because they're way cheaper.

They sell more units because they have a broader demographic that the other two are only now trying to tap into. Price is second.

04-15-2011, 12:36 PM
i have Wii and 360. i never play the wii and always play the 360.

^this all day. lets get better controllers and game selection for the nintendo systems and then we can talk.

04-15-2011, 12:38 PM
They sell more units because they have a broader demographic that the other two are only now trying to tap into. Price is second.

naw. every kid nowadays needs a video game system for christmas, you're 40, fuck it, you're not playing that crap, get them a Wii.

i'm biased because buying a Wii with RE4 was the worst video game purchase of my life.

04-15-2011, 12:58 PM
New details. The console's codename is "Project Cafe". Woo woo woo!

According to our sources, the new Nintendo controller will feature dual analog sticks in addition to standard d-pad and trigger buttons. It'll mirror a Gamecube controller in general function but not in specific form.

French website 01.net has published additional details (via Develop), that say the touch capable screen on the controller is 6 inches in size, but we were unable to confirm the accuracy of the report. Additional details about the console's hardware specs could also not be confirmed.

Players will actually be able to stream game content to the controller screen from the console. It's unclear at this time what type of content it will be, whether it's full games you can take with you on the go, mini-games or applications.

At E3 in June, our sources also said Nintendo will show first and third party titles at the event, but it's unsure if they'll be playable or only in video form.

And another long article.


The Wii 2 is apparently the most powerful HD console ever created. Currently the Xbox 360 has the most powerful GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) and has the ability to display more polygons than any other console –500,000,000 polygons per second. The Playstation 3 console can display up to 275,000,000 polygons per second.

04-15-2011, 01:24 PM
I'm interested in what they come out with. I had a PS1 and a PS2, but when the PS3 came out with a $600 pricetag, I had no interest in wasting that kind of money. I got a Wii a year or 2 after it came out, and have enjoyed it non-stop since them. Frankly, I think in general the gameplay is better on Nintendo. More creative games with better replayability.

Nintendo DS is going to struggle from now on out as people do more and more gaming on their phones and as kids carry more and more sophisticated phones.

04-15-2011, 02:09 PM
New details. The console's codename is "Project Cafe". Woo woo woo!

And another long article.

Wii 2 (http://controversy.typepad.com/controversy/2011/04/wii-2-new-hd-console-being-unveiled-by-nintendo-at-e3.html)

That article is retarded and misinformed. The move is the most advance controller.it's nothing like the wii. The ps eye was release way before kinect and does the same thing. It just didn't get developers attention. Mircosoft probably pushed lots of money for developers to make Those kiddie kinect games.

Btw I have the move and the wii . Move can actually move in a 3d space unlike kinect or wii and kz3 is actually good.

ALSO when developers make multiconsole games, the 360 games comes out better because its easier to program. look how nicer exclusive titles are for ps3 are, way better than xbox exclusives!

04-15-2011, 02:57 PM
i meant more like, it's the slowest.
also Nintendo sells more units because they're way cheaper.

basically this. this can be attributed to their high sales. one could only imagine if the 360 and ps3 was going for the same price what the sales figures would look like.

04-15-2011, 04:28 PM
Skyward Sword comes out this year...Nice try though. :w00t:

I think it's funny the Dreamcast comparisons and talking about Nintendo and failure. Yes, Gamecube was a letdown, but the Wii is THE #1 SELLING CONSOLE OF THIS GENERATION. It's hardly a Dreamcast. Not only that it was the console that the others tried copying.
2 yrs later it's actually coming out?

Players will actually be able to stream game content to the controller screen from the console. It's unclear at this time what type of content it will be, whether it's full games you can take with you on the go, mini-games or applications.

Sounds like Dreamcast lol...

04-15-2011, 06:23 PM
What's most exciting about the Wii successor however is its all-new controller, which industry sources have indicated is not simply an upgraded Wii Remote, and will even feature a built-in HD screen.

Our sources did not specify whether or not the controller displays will feature any other functionality, such as that of the DS's touch screen, but it's easy to imagine the sort of innovation an extra screen could bring to Wii 2 games.

"Nintendo's plans sound unreal," one source said. "Publishers are already planning launch titles and it's all very exciting.

"The hardware is even more powerful than current HD consoles and backwards compatible with Wii. The controller will be all-new and has a HD screen on it." CVG reports all new controller with built-in HD screen.

http://www.computerandvideogames.com...-2012-sources/ (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/298241/news/wii-2-has-all-new-hd-controller-out-2012-sources/)

If the late 2012 launch is true and if the speculation that it's at our around the power of current HD consoles, that's very disappointing news.

That's a lot of "if's" though. Not sure what the strategy is here though, unless it blows PS3/360 out of the water graphically or has some new 'trick' up its sleeve...If it's just PS3/360-ballpark graphics...umm...nice, but I'd have preferred this in Wii, Nintendo. I feel like I'd be buying two systems to get the single lifecycle I wanted.

04-15-2011, 08:10 PM
The reports I've read said it's significantly more powerful then the PS3 and 360.

Obviously this is all speculation at this point.

04-15-2011, 08:12 PM
honestly that wouldnt be hard to be more powerful than ps3 and 360, both systems came out in 05-06 or so. thats like 5-6 years ago already , I remember reading that this current generation has had a longer run so far, and expected to last for a few more years.

LimeLite Racing
04-15-2011, 08:43 PM
I'm excited to see this. Hopefully it isn't $8,000,000.

04-15-2011, 09:00 PM
Kinda cool news.... I havent been happy with nintendo's products in the last 8 years to be honest. It fell off after super nintendo. PS took over and never looked back...

04-15-2011, 09:16 PM
I'm interested in what they come out with. I had a PS1 and a PS2, but when the PS3 came out with a $600 pricetag, I had no interest in wasting that kind of money. I got a Wii a year or 2 after it came out, and have enjoyed it non-stop since them.
Agreed I was all down for a PS3 until I learned they cost a kidney to buy. I got my Wii only a while a go but I am enjoying it so much. I FUCKING LOVE No More Heroes 1/2.

honestly that wouldnt be hard to be more powerful than ps3 and 360, both systems came out in 05-06 or so. thats like 5-6 years ago already

I was thinking that too. This kind of reminds me how the dreamcast was more powerful than the N64 and the PS1 but less so than Ps2. i am wondering if Nintendo can be putting themselves in a similar situation.

04-15-2011, 09:24 PM
if you think though PS2 had a pricetag of what $400? and was selling for alot more when it first came out back in 2000. PS3 was only $200 more 6 years later. although inflation wasnt 50%, its a huge jump in technology for the price increase. 600 really wasnt a bad price for the ps3 but it wasnt all that attractive. I remember getting a ps2 christmas of 2000 and finding out my parents had to pre-order/pay for it back in like May of that year to get it for retail and not have to pay like $800 for it.

04-15-2011, 09:50 PM
if you think though PS2 had a pricetag of what $400? and was selling for alot more when it first came out back in 2000. PS3 was only $200 more 6 years later. although inflation wasnt 50%, its a huge jump in technology for the price increase. 600 really wasnt a bad price for the ps3 but it wasnt all that attractive. I remember getting a ps2 christmas of 2000 and finding out my parents had to pre-order/pay for it back in like May of that year to get it for retail and not have to pay like $800 for it.

Tech increased yeah, but I still don't think it warranted the price tag that much. Look at how the Xbox 360 was priced compared to the Xbox. PS3 is full of tech but how much of it is put to it's true use?

04-15-2011, 09:56 PM
PS3 had a Bluray drive built in and those via standalone were more expensive so that's where the added cost came in. Honestly I'm into tech and I usually buy the new consoles when they drop.

04-15-2011, 10:02 PM
lol, it seems that there is a disconnect in how bad hardcore gamers think Nintendo is doing, and the reality that they are making bank because they have a product that has ma$$ appeal with the Wii. They make it seem like Nintendo is about to go bankrupt. :keke: Give me a break. :rolleyes:

Someone's gonna make the daily driver sedans and someone's gonna make the enthusiast cars. Seems like Nintendo is going to dab in both at the same time and have a much more balanced business plan because of it.

Also, I read somewhere a while back that for people who own two consoles, one of them is usally a Wii. As in PS3/Wii and Xbox/Wii, and the percentage of those who own both an PS3/Xbox is much much lower.

04-16-2011, 07:44 AM
This new console cannot be marketed as a "Wii HD" if they want it to succeed.

This new product is going to have to be revolutionary and not evolutionary.

It needs a new name, and it needs a new industry leading core feature if Nintendo wants to duplicate the success of the Wii.

People will probably still buy a "Wii HD", but to me that just says "I'm the same as a Wii, but now I come in HD!"

I'm pretty sure it's going to be called SUPER Wii :tardrim:

04-16-2011, 08:56 AM
I own a xbox/wii. xbox is for my serious games... wii is mainly for the kids, although when I have friends come over....it's really fucking fun to play multiplayer. I mean...not everyone can pick up a xbox controller, and know what they are doing in 15 minutes. Most get overwhelmed and quit. However, games like wii sports, make it easy for everyone. That's why N is killing the game....everyone can play it. And guess what...graphics are shitty...but its REALLY fucking fun.

If this nintendo has better graphics, and has a decent racing franchise, then I'll be happy. PS3 was a bust. GT5 bla bla....it sucked. I still put major hours into Forza. Damn glad I didn't waste my money on a PS3.

04-16-2011, 09:42 AM
Ummm, I'm pretty sure that Nintendo not only has sold more consoles this generation, but was also, what 3-4 years ahead of Sony and MS on motion controls? It was Sony and MS that have been playing catch up this whole generation. One thing this generation has proved is that graphics are not necessarily as important as gameplay. In fact Nintendo has had that same mindeset since the NES, hence why they do have so many classic franchises that are constantly the best games in their genres.

Spoken like a true fanboy....99 % of Wii games are garbage and geared at 5-12 year olds. Xbox and PS3 are not and never tried to be Nintendo. So they dont compare and I dont know why people buy into the Sales hype. Who cares about sales it aint nothing but a number of dumb people who "want" or "kids want" to buy the newest thing. Games to me mean more and what sell me...Motion controls are a fad that is being played out. Seriously how many different hand movements can you do till its starts getting repetetive (like almost every wii game)..I'm not a fanboy of any system in fact I have everything including Wii and I started on the classics but where the heck are the good games at? They cant over produce zelda/mario/metroid and over saturate the market with those because they will burn them out. Wii's gimick was the controls but its games made it its downfall. If Nintendo unviels a system better than PS3 or Xbox you think Sony and Microsoft arent working on something to outdo its own on the next gen console?? LOL....that would leave Nintendo in the back again in the Graphics power department. haha. "One thing this generation has proved is that graphics are not necessarily as important as gameplay" this is dumb sorry man....You must be easily amused. As a real gamer I look for a game that is a total package and that is what every modern game studio goes for and try to create.

04-16-2011, 10:22 AM
Spoken like a true fanboy....99 % of Wii games are garbage and geared at 5-12 year olds. Xbox and PS3 are not and never tried to be Nintendo. So they dont compare and I dont know why people buy into the Sales hype. Who cares about sales it aint nothing but a number of dumb people who "want" or "kids want" to buy the newest thing. Games to me mean more and what sell me...Motion controls are a fad that is being played out. Seriously how many different hand movements can you do till its starts getting repetetive (like almost every wii game)..I'm not a fanboy of any system in fact I have everything including Wii and I started on the classics but where the heck are the good games at? They cant over produce zelda/mario/metroid and over saturate the market with those because they will burn them out. Wii's gimick was the controls but its games made it its downfall. If Nintendo unviels a system better than PS3 or Xbox you think Sony and Microsoft arent working on something to outdo its own on the next gen console?? LOL....that would leave Nintendo in the back again in the Graphics power department. haha. "One thing this generation has proved is that graphics are not necessarily as important as gameplay" this is dumb sorry man....You must be easily amused. As a real gamer I look for a game that is a total package and that is what every modern game studio goes for and try to create.

Spoken like a true fanboy on the other side. And if you think that is dumb you haven't had your eyes open. Shadow Complex, Angry Birds, New Super Mario Brothers, Super Mario Galaxy,. Sword & Sorcery. I could go on and on listing games that are not considered graphical powerhouses that have had nothing but critical acclaim and prove that not everyone is completely caught up on just graphics.

You seem very angry.

if you think though PS2 had a pricetag of what $400? and was selling for alot more when it first came out back in 2000. PS3 was only $200 more 6 years later. although inflation wasnt 50%, its a huge jump in technology for the price increase. 600 really wasnt a bad price for the ps3 but it wasnt all that attractive. I remember getting a ps2 christmas of 2000 and finding out my parents had to pre-order/pay for it back in like May of that year to get it for retail and not have to pay like $800 for it.

PS2 was $299 on day one and it played DVD's. Making the PS3 $300 more.

04-16-2011, 10:52 AM
As a real gamer I look for a game that is a total package and that is what every modern game studio goes for and try to create.

What is a "real gamer"? I agree with Mel you arguemy sounds fan boyish as well. It reminds of some 240 owners who tell civic owner they don't have real cars because the civics can't drift.

04-16-2011, 10:53 AM
When the PS3 came out, it was the cheapest blu ray player on the market and a very good one also. If you want to complain about price, quit being such a fucking poor.

04-16-2011, 11:34 AM
Trust me not angry at all or a fanboy of any one system....I look at the overall picture...But as you state you are a fanboy so everything you post your glorifying the wii to epic status which in reality is not that great. Shadow Complex is an awsome game (a bite or tribute as they state of metroid but great game) but its a downloadable only on Xbox game not sure what that proves (gameplay nothing new)? Angry birds is also downloadable so again its not geared toward graphics anyway but to waste time on the billions of Apple/Android cellphones out there. How many games you think this franchise is gonna produce till it gets boring (after a level or two it already is)....back to wii again..."new" super mario brothers was nothing "new" but a remake with wii controls.....Super Mario Galaxy was a great game I liked it but gameplay is the same concept of all other marios?? Collect, stomp, and get princess peach back.....If i were him I would go look for a another chick because I would have gotten tired of chasing her ass and bowser can just keep her. Besides mario gets more rides from Yoshi than her....and yoshi gots the tongue action....sorry couldnt resist..haha

04-16-2011, 11:40 AM
I would not hve guessed your age to be 32.

What is a "real gamer"? I agree with Mel you arguemy sounds fan boyish as well. It reminds of some 240 owners who tell civic owner they don't have real cars because the civics can't drift.

That's why I
Yep, I'm a fanboy. And proud of it. lol
In my first post.

But seriously...I never said that the PS3 or the 360 were bad systems? I own both. I play both. I never said that that this new Nintendo was going to be the end all be all of consoles. I realize if it's the next gen it HAS to be more powerful. I never once implied that Sony or MS couldn't come out with a new system that could be twice as powerful as whatever Nitnendo is cooking up. The truth is anyone one of them could release a system at any time that is more powerful than what the last guy released.

All I've said are facts about the Wii, 360, and PS3. One that the Wii IS the best selling console of this generation. Why, doesn't really matter because that is a fact. Second was that both Sony and MS released motion controls to try and capture some of the market Nintendo created with the Wii. That is a fact and they have all openly admitted that.

I also mentioned that this generation has proved that graphics aren't the only thing that sells games. And considering games like Wii Sports and Wii Resorts have sold almost 200 million copies, and games like Shadow Complex, and Sword And Sorcery have been released to critical praise and sales matching full retail releases, that is indeed true. I'm not saying AAA titles aren't good or aren't selling. What I'm saying is that people are realizing that that isn't the only type of game out there.

So really, how am I being a fanboy? Because I'm excited for a new Nintendo console? Well if that's the reason, I'm guilty. But don't get it twisted. if there was a new MS or Sony console coming out I'd be the first one to make a thread about those.

When the PS3 came out, it was the cheapest blu ray player on the market and a very good one also. If you want to complain about price, quit being such a fucking poor.

Who was complaining about the price? Not me. And how do you be "a fucking poor"?

04-16-2011, 11:40 AM
i really hope the gaming powerhouse goes back to nintendo. more and more developers to start cranking badass games.

04-16-2011, 11:45 AM
What is a "real gamer"? I agree with Mel you arguemy sounds fan boyish as well. It reminds of some 240 owners who tell civic owner they don't have real cars because the civics can't drift.

What am I a fanboy of? I'm not sticking to one system or game and saying its the best....I have all the systems and play all sorts of games. If you open a thread to discuss the new nintendo system its cool but when some one starts stating one system or game is better then everyone...its not being factual or open minded....and opens the discussion more broadly....But to the original subject....I this new console brings out quality games at launch it would definately be something to check out.....but right now its just speculation or hype build up

04-16-2011, 11:52 AM
exitspeed I was responding to other peoples posts about price, not yours, sorry to get off topic but shit happens.

04-16-2011, 12:04 PM
i really hope the gaming powerhouse goes back to nintendo. more and more developers to start cranking badass games.

2nd this! I love nintendo dont get me wrong guys....I started on it. I want them to succeed so my kids can play it. But they are digging a grave for themselves and being dissapointed I do bash them a bit....Just walking into any video game retailer and seeing the hordes of crap 3rd party games (heck they almost give them away at the prices they are selling them at). If they make a system that has a kid friendly game base (which they have down) as well as older and bridge the gap....Their back in it....How cool would it be to go from playing Zelda and then jumping on Modern Warfare...(please do not mention the Modern warfares on wii, because that is a serious argument...those should not exist)

04-16-2011, 04:35 PM
I HATE, HATE, HATE Modern Warfare. IMO that game is what's wrong with gaming right now. No innovation. no creativity, nothing.

Creativity to me is taking Mario and putting him and space and making it work flawlessly. That was innovation. New SMB, eh, who doesn't like a good old fashion side scroller.

04-16-2011, 06:02 PM
I don't hate Modern Warfare but I don't look at them as the be all of gaming. I persoanally like games that really on a really interesting story(???), characters(no more heroes) or innovative ways to play. (portal)

I am glad though Nintendo is finally putting some power to a gaming system as fun as they are sometimes I wish the games didn't look like ass.

One thing I bet we can all agree on that I hope they do.

Better online play.

04-16-2011, 06:52 PM
I'm interested to see what Nintendo comes out with next, hopefully something I might be interested in buying.

04-16-2011, 07:08 PM
CVG reports all new controller with built-in HD screen.

Like game controllers aren't already really expensive.

BTW, I have all three current systems and the Wii probably gets the most play time.

04-16-2011, 08:28 PM
I HATE, HATE, HATE Modern Warfare. IMO that game is what's wrong with gaming right now. No innovation. no creativity, nothing.

Creativity to me is taking Mario and putting him and space and making it work flawlessly. That was innovation. New SMB, eh, who doesn't like a good old fashion side scroller.

Bit of contradiction there.

Let me state my bias by saying Mario 89 comes out and I'll still be jerking off to it and Cod could never have another game and it won't affect my life.

Modern Warfare didn't do anything innovative but they brought out something many already loved, the only difference between another typical fps and a 2d side scroller is YOU personally like one over the other.

04-18-2011, 07:33 AM
Yeah I'm totally burned out on FPS. I haven't bought one a couple years now. They all feel like the same game to me. I bought tons of them the first few years I had my 360.

It's funny how when we were growing up there was nothing but side scrollers and then 3D came along and everyone practically abandoned them.

And now developers are realizing that people still do enjoy that type of game and you don't HAVE to make the next big FPS.

Omarius Maximus
04-18-2011, 08:02 AM
i really hope the gaming powerhouse goes back to nintendo. more and more developers to start cranking badass games.

Hmmm, I don't think this will happen. With the current production environment, a wii game costs half as much as a xbox/ps3 game to produce.

I think Nintendo has a niche here where they can attract 3rd party developers due to

1. Lower production costs due to hardware limitations
2. Larger market for potential customers (due to sheer number of wiis sold).

They'd be stupid to try and outspend two HUGE corporations. It's better to just do what they can't.

04-18-2011, 08:15 AM
New update from IGN.

Update: Sources now confirm to IGN the new Nintendo controller allows players to stream entire games to the device from the console, saying it's like a miniature television. The screen size on the controller is also confirmed to be six inches in size.

04-18-2011, 09:49 AM
6 inches? I don't want to be holding a giant gameboy while I'm trying to play a real game. And I don't want to spend $150 for a controller.

Keep it simple Nintendo

04-18-2011, 10:07 AM
Here's IGN's rendering of what it could look like.

04-18-2011, 11:15 AM
Here's IGN's rendering of what it could look like.

ah, who am i kidding, i'd buy the Nintendo Dreamcast HD

04-18-2011, 11:45 AM
Anyone remember playing NFL 2K on Dreamcast and being able to call your plays on your controller so your buddy couldn't see what play you chose? That was awesome. I'm actually surprised touchscreens haven't made it into controllers sooner.

04-18-2011, 12:07 PM
When the PS3 came out, it was the cheapest blu ray player on the market and a very good one also. If you want to complain about price, quit being such a fucking poor.

I'm an engineer. I make a very comfortable salary. Doesn't mean I want to waste $600 on a video game system.

04-18-2011, 12:12 PM
I'm an engineer. I make a very comfortable salary. Doesn't mean I want to waste $600 on a video game system.

NO! That means you are a fucking poor!


04-18-2011, 12:16 PM
6 inches? I don't want to be holding a giant gameboy while I'm trying to play a real game. And I don't want to spend $150 for a controller.

Keep it simple Nintendo

Yeah I dont see the point to this controller? They toyed with this notion before on Gamecube before and it failed (not entire games though). PS3 has similar thing with PSP. Hmmm...decide wether to play on my 50 inch HD screen or 6 inch lcd. Funny how their going back to a normal controller though?....unless they will still use the wii controller as well.

04-18-2011, 12:24 PM
it's strange so many of you don't see the usefulness of a screen on your controller. ever seen a dashboard in a car?

04-18-2011, 12:37 PM
it's strange so many of you don't see the usefulness of a screen on your controller. ever seen a dashboard in a car?

Or this:

Anyone remember playing NFL 2K on Dreamcast and being able to call your plays on your controller so your buddy couldn't see what play you chose? That was awesome. I'm actually surprised touchscreens haven't made it into controllers sooner.

I'd liek to see this implemented again. So much can be done with that extra screen. And if you think about it, it basically turns the controller into an interface with an unlimited amount of buttons. No limitations.

04-18-2011, 12:54 PM
Nintendo lost me after N64.

I think this console is going to be a big flop to be honest.

Omarius Maximus
04-18-2011, 12:59 PM
Sony is 5 years away from a next gen system...I'm guessing it's the same for Microsoft.

I suppose since Nintendo's systems are so rudimentary (and profitable), they can have much shorter life cycles and get away with it.

04-18-2011, 01:00 PM
Or this:

I'd liek to see this implemented again. So much can be done with that extra screen. And if you think about it, it basically turns the controller into an interface with an unlimited amount of buttons. No limitations.

So many uses??...No limitations?? How so?...Unlimited buttons WTF? do you think Nintendo is going to make something so complex to confuse all the kids playing their games...Its useless...People generally look at their tvs when playing its dumb to look down at your controller for something.....What does a dashboard have to do with anything? I think he was being sarcastic....who constantly looks at their dashboard for anything....lmao

04-18-2011, 01:28 PM
So many uses??...No limitations?? How so?...Unlimited buttons WTF? do you think Nintendo is going to make something so complex to confuse all the kids playing their games...Its useless...People generally look at their tvs when playing its dumb to look down at your controller for something.....What does a dashboard have to do with anything? I think he was being sarcastic....who constantly looks at their dashboard for anything....lmao

Man, you are one of the most negative people I've ever seen on here. lol. I know people like you and I tend not to associate with them.

I know Nintendo has never made a good game, or a good console, or a good controller, so I can understand why you'd think they'd never be able to pull this off...

I personally wasn't a fan of the N64, but you can't argue with games like Mario 64, Ocirana of Time, Golden Eye (I could keep going), and the fact that they were the first to use an analog stick. I bet you would have thought that was crazy, useless, doomed to fail, when you first heard about it too. If the entire industry went by your standards we would still be playing 8 bit games with controllers with d-pads. lol

04-18-2011, 02:04 PM
You guys aren't thinking outside the box. I am sure that Nintendo does not intend for you to spend all of your time staring at the controller instead of the TV. But there are all sorts of useful option opened up by a touchscreen.

exitspeed mentioned being able to set up football plays in secret.

You could also have your inventory displayed on the touchscreen in an FPS or Zelda-like game. If you want to use or equip an item, you just tap its icon on the screen instead of pulling up a menu and scrolling around to the item.

You could draw on the screen. Say you are playing an FPS with some friends online. You want to coordinate movement. The game displays a map on the touchscreen and you can draw on it and your friends can see your marks without you having to describe everything.

In a racing game, the screen can act as your instrument panel instead of taking up space on the TV, or it could display a map of the course, or it could be your rear-view mirror.

Think of all the games for iphones or ipads that use swiping or tapping for the interface. These kinds of inputs could be used in a game.

04-18-2011, 02:21 PM
Man, you are one of the most negative people I've ever seen on here. lol. I know people like you and I tend not to associate with them.

I know Nintendo has never made a good game, or a good console, or a good controller, so I can understand why you'd think they'd never be able to pull this off...

I personally wasn't a fan of the N64, but you can't argue with games like Mario 64, Ocirana of Time, Golden Eye (I could keep going), and the fact that they were the first to use an analog stick. I bet you would have thought that was crazy, useless, doomed to fail, when you first heard about it too. If the entire industry went by your standards we would still be playing 8 bit games with controllers with d-pads. lol

Nintendo escapes patent troll in appeals court -- thanks to Sony -- Engadget (http://www.engadget.com/2010/04/14/nintendo-escapes-patent-troll-in-appeals-court-thanks-to-sony/)
it was atari first but, it was sony who first release the dual analog before even n64 or saturn. but who really cares because it was release on the same year.:duh:

it would be sweet if you can link and use the 3ds as controller use its top & touchscreen. i remember you can do this with a psp to ps3 already. it would be a nice feature.

04-18-2011, 02:28 PM
nintendo needs to come up with new characters, Mario is tight. but really, theres only 1 story to it.

Loved the 007 though. Love that first person shooter besides Duck hunt.

IDK, im a big FPS gamer. Not in to strategic games like WOW or w/e. Although i play GOW and MGS. If those are even considered strategic games.

04-18-2011, 02:41 PM
You guys aren't thinking outside the box. I am sure that Nintendo does not intend for you to spend all of your time staring at the controller instead of the TV. But there are all sorts of useful option opened up by a touchscreen.

exitspeed mentioned being able to set up football plays in secret.

You could also have your inventory displayed on the touchscreen in an FPS or Zelda-like game. If you want to use or equip an item, you just tap its icon on the screen instead of pulling up a menu and scrolling around to the item.

You could draw on the screen. Say you are playing an FPS with some friends online. You want to coordinate movement. The game displays a map on the touchscreen and you can draw on it and your friends can see your marks without you having to describe everything.

In a racing game, the screen can act as your instrument panel instead of taking up space on the TV, or it could display a map of the course, or it could be your rear-view mirror.

Think of all the games for iphones or ipads that use swiping or tapping for the interface. These kinds of inputs could be used in a game.

The small minded folks in this thread will have no idea what how to interpret what you just posted.

04-18-2011, 02:46 PM
I love wii, of course though i got it a few months ago and is modded to play back ups lol.

They could probably still leave the Wii in production with its controls and just make this new system to cater towards more adult/hardcore audience.

04-18-2011, 03:05 PM
Man, you are one of the most negative people I've ever seen on here. lol. I know people like you and I tend not to associate with them.

I know Nintendo has never made a good game, or a good console, or a good controller, so I can understand why you'd think they'd never be able to pull this off...

I personally wasn't a fan of the N64, but you can't argue with games like Mario 64, Ocirana of Time, Golden Eye (I could keep going), and the fact that they were the first to use an analog stick. I bet you would have thought that was crazy, useless, doomed to fail, when you first heard about it too. If the entire industry went by your standards we would still be playing 8 bit games with controllers with d-pads. lol

Not being negative but your letting your FANBOYISM get the best of you. lol I take no offense if you wouldnt associate with me....lol I'm thinking from a practical point of view. It has already been done and its not practical....Gamecube had that thing with Wind Waker and the gameboy advance, but after that what games used it?? Nothing....You dont refute my thoughts you just go back into fanboy mode respond with N64 and thumbstick? I never questioned the N64....lol I love that Nintendo always re-invents the way we play. I like the wii and its controls (but games suck)....But this new remote is nothing new or innovative...I dont want a massive screened remote thing in my hands....but you sound really happy to get this 6 inch thing in yours....

The whole Footbal secret play thing is dumb you can still make a selection on screen without it highlighting what you chose. The Maddens have the plays on screen with a button designated to each. What difference is a screen on the control going to make?

Axiomatik.....your ideas are cool but if you think about it they wouldnt work.

04-18-2011, 03:24 PM
I'm sure he didn't think about it. lol.

Again, I'm not just being a fanboy. I'm giving Nintendo the benefit of the doubt. Just as I would with Sony and MS.

04-18-2011, 03:37 PM
Annnnd further proof this is about to go down. Wii is getting it's first price drop.
Nintendo Wii Gets a Price Drop - Wii News at IGN (http://wii.ign.com/articles/116/1162391p1.html)

Bundles at $170 and console at $149.

Nintendo has been adamant about not doing price drops on the Wii because sales have been strong.

04-18-2011, 06:44 PM
The idea of a touchscreen controller has grown on me a little, it just sounds like that will make it really expensive. It would be really cool if it could function as a stand alone handheld system. But 6 inches seems oversized.

Picturing the perfect touchscreen/motion/classic style controller. I'm seeing basically a ps3 controller with a Droid X attached to the top.

04-18-2011, 06:47 PM
I have yet to get a Wii, yet here they are bringing out the next next gen... ugh. Being broke sucks.

04-18-2011, 07:00 PM
Axiomatik.....your ideas are cool but if you think about it they wouldnt work.best rebuttal ever

04-18-2011, 07:17 PM
That drop price probably had to do with the kinect and move taking away sales.

04-18-2011, 07:20 PM
Hopefully this won't be the new gamecube, lol

I'd like to see some serious new game development before I will take it seriously

04-18-2011, 07:48 PM
even with a screen on the controller, it would be useless unless you hold the controller directly in front of you and parallel to the screen. Any game with a pace faster than a rpg wouldn't allow you to look at a little screen on your controller. Yes you could take quick glances, but that wouldn't work if the screen contained anything useful that you needed to deal with in the game. It sounds cool, but when thinking about it, for any gaming not directed at solo play or children's games, it wouldn't work especially online with competitive games.

04-18-2011, 08:24 PM
The idea of a touchscreen controller has grown on me a little, it just sounds like that will make it really expensive. It would be really cool if it could function as a stand alone handheld system. But 6 inches seems oversized.

Picturing the perfect touchscreen/motion/classic style controller. I'm seeing basically a ps3 controller with a Droid X attached to the top.

Agreed on both parts. I pictured a ps3ish controller with an Iphone and top and thought how big it it would to be to have a 6 inch screen. As much as controllers get dropped/stepped on this screen does make things sound expensive. I can see $80-120 for something like that.

even with a screen on the controller, it would be useless unless you hold the controller directly in front of you and parallel to the screen. Any game with a pace faster than a rpg wouldn't allow you to look at a little screen on your controller. Yes you could take quick glances, but that wouldn't work if the screen contained anything useful that you needed to deal with in the game. It sounds cool, but when thinking about it, for any gaming not directed at solo play or children's games, it wouldn't work especially online with competitive games.

I disagree on the pace thing, I think a person could accommodate to the screen. Take Dead Space for instance. Imagine the little Y in game screen on the controller screen instead, a quick glance down and you could tap the health you desperate need before the monster starts eating your ass.

I also think the above is why we are all so ehhh on the screen. We are comparing it to games we have now. I would think with a system like this Nintendo would have to re-think how games are played.

I look at it like this, a lot of the people were ehh about the Wii and look what it did, change the way we play games and force Sony and MS to play catch up.

I'm not saying this will be a game changer like the Wii, but it has possibility. Time will tell.

04-18-2011, 08:29 PM
I could picture some pretty intuitive weapon switching/reloading capabilities in a touch screen. I know in the modern warfare games I love/hate hardcore modes,
I like the uncluttered main view, I dont like not knowing my ammo/map situation.

My problem with it, is that the uses I imagine for it would be glorified touchpads, with a lot of extra cost attached.

In the next Mario Kart, there could be an attack that screws up your TV view until you complete a quick puzzle on the touch screen.

04-18-2011, 08:39 PM
How many of us are professional game designers? Sure we could all come up with some good ideas, some good ones have been mentioned, but we don't do this for a living. Imagine what the developers are coming up with.

I mean, if anyone here doesn't think that Miyamoto doesn't have some ideas that are going to blow you away I honestly think you are being a little short sighted and not giving the guy the credit he deserves.

04-18-2011, 08:42 PM
Agreed on both parts. I pictured a ps3ish controller with an Iphone and top and thought how big it it would to be to have a 6 inch screen. As much as controllers get dropped/stepped on this screen does make things sound expensive. I can see $80-120 for something like that.

I disagree on the pace thing, I think a person could accommodate to the screen. Take Dead Space for instance. Imagine the little Y in game screen on the controller screen instead, a quick glance down and you could tap the health you desperate need before the monster starts eating your ass.

I also think the above is why we are all so ehhh on the screen. We are comparing it to games we have now. I would think with a system like this Nintendo would have to re-think how games are played.

I look at it like this, a lot of the people were ehh about the Wii and look what it did, change the way we play games and force Sony and MS to play catch up.

I'm not saying this will be a game changer like the Wii, but it has possibility. Time will tell.
i have to agree and disagree with you on the pace aspect.

it MIGHT work in dead space and the like, where there are long luls of no action, however in a game with a faster pace or multiplayer, theres no chance youd be looking down at the controller for even a second.

its too much of a gimmick imo

04-18-2011, 08:56 PM
It just dawned on me. Since I started this thread it reminded me of something but I couldn't put my finger on it and it just hit me...All of this same stuff that has been said in this thread was said about the DS.

Not sure how many people paid attention to the reveal of that vs the PSP. Everyone hated on the idea..."2 screens rubbish", "pointless", "it's just a gimmick!".

Everyone screamed at the top of their keyboards that it was going to fail, and Nintendo was making a huge mistake and Sony was going to wipe the floor with them...

Well, we all know how that turned out. The DS proved to be far more then a gimmick and ultimately a whole lot of fun. Innovative is the best way to describe it.

Now here we are, with another Nintendo product that the world doesn't even know about and all the same things are being said.

Again, I'll put my faith in Nintendo. They've earned it.

And before people start saying, "well look at the Virtual Boy, the Game Cube!"...the few failures in Nintendo's catalog hardly outweigh their successes.

04-18-2011, 09:07 PM
Agreed on both parts. I pictured a ps3ish controller with an Iphone and top and thought how big it it would to be to have a 6 inch screen. As much as controllers get dropped/stepped on this screen does make things sound expensive. I can see $80-120 for something like that.

I disagree on the pace thing, I think a person could accommodate to the screen. Take Dead Space for instance. Imagine the little Y in game screen on the controller screen instead, a quick glance down and you could tap the health you desperate need before the monster starts eating your ass.

I also think the above is why we are all so ehhh on the screen. We are comparing it to games we have now. I would think with a system like this Nintendo would have to re-think how games are played.

I look at it like this, a lot of the people were ehh about the Wii and look what it did, change the way we play games and force Sony and MS to play catch up.

I'm not saying this will be a game changer like the Wii, but it has possibility. Time will tell.

Well i just see the Wii, as being based on gimicks. The only reason to have a wii is because of the gimicks that come with it like the controller and the traditional games that i do enjoy. Maybe im not seeing it, but if Nintendo is trying to to gain a larger demographic i cant see this being it. With the Wii, they already have everyday people and children, but i dont see any hardcore gamers picking this over any any new possible console's that microsoft of playstation can come up with. From my perspective i just dont see a reason to bring this out now since the Wii is still doing great. Since i own all 3 consoles, i would never buy any of the motions add on for the ps3 or xbox 360 because i only see it working with games the Wii has. This is assuming Nintendo is even trying to reach this demographic, if not then another console for the casual and child gamers.

As for working in fast paced games i have to disagree completely, an example is cod in order to reload or switch weapons/secondaries would be hard without having to look at the screen. Unlike buttons on the current controllers where you know their location by feel, a touch screen requires sight to see the buttons since they are activated by touch. All of this ranting is just in terms of any competitive gaming. Im sure this system will still be great in its own respect with fun interactive games just like the Wii, but i dont see it competing for the same demographic as any of the other consoles. Even so im still excited to see what crazy and repetitive things they can come up with lol, still enjoy wii boxing.

04-19-2011, 12:14 AM
^^^2nd this....No matter what gimmick of new controller (which by the way was how Nintendo raped everyone in buyin remotes and accesories with Wii) no serious gamer older than 12 is going to buy into this.... THE GAMES.....make or break the system....To hardcore gamers this was a bust... Wii sold on the control gimmick and the fact that they priced it right so average household could afford it....NOTHING ELSE....1 Zelda, and a couple Metroids and Marios in how many years? The ratio of Barbie/Hannah Montana/garbage games vs. good games....Is pathetic. Nintendo needs to appeal to all gamers and create new franchises and be open to already sucessful ones that MS and Sony have to compete..

04-19-2011, 12:20 AM
for fast paced games, it doesn't need to have "buttons" on the touch screen. Tap to reload, swipe to the left to change weapon.

I'm inclined to have faith in Nintendo, because it has been a long time since I've been disappointed by them.

04-19-2011, 12:32 AM
for fast paced games, it doesn't need to have "buttons" on the touch screen. Tap to reload, swipe to the left to change weapon.

I'm inclined to have faith in Nintendo, because it has been a long time since I've been disappointed by them.

hmm i dont see this working without allocated sections for each because its not as simple as swipe and click. Guns( secondary/primary) along with grenade(secondary and primary) alone would need a separate way top change them, equipment.Im sure it would need to unless they just want a screen without a ui and if thats the case it might as well just be the Wii where you just have a simple motion. Again they can simplify it but that would be like having the screen there for show and not actually using it. I could see disarming bombs being kinda fun, but no one plays fps for puzzles.:ddog:

Omarius Maximus
04-19-2011, 01:01 AM
How many of us are professional game designers? Sure we could all come up with some good ideas, some good ones have been mentioned, but we don't do this for a living. Imagine what the developers are coming up with.

I mean, if anyone here doesn't think that Miyamoto doesn't have some ideas that are going to blow you away I honestly think you are being a little short sighted and not giving the guy the credit he deserves.

Game development is engineer driven. Everyone and their mom has ideas, but very few people have the technical merit to actually make those ideas become reality. Either way, having a screen on the controller does open up new avenues. Although I fear said avenues may end up being far too situational for the average game.

04-19-2011, 07:06 AM
^^^2nd this....No matter what gimmick of new controller (which by the way was how Nintendo raped everyone in buyin remotes and accesories with Wii) no serious gamer older than 12 is going to buy into this.... THE GAMES.....make or break the system....To hardcore gamers this was a bust... Wii sold on the control gimmick and the fact that they priced it right so average household could afford it....NOTHING ELSE....1 Zelda, and a couple Metroids and Marios in how many years? The ratio of Barbie/Hannah Montana/garbage games vs. good games....Is pathetic. Nintendo needs to appeal to all gamers and create new franchises and be open to already sucessful ones that MS and Sony have to compete..

That's why I like Nintendo games. There isn't a new Zelda, Metroir, or Mario every single year. I'm so sick and tired of developers releasing the same game year in and year out with a different plot, slightly shinier graphics, and some new features.

04-19-2011, 09:42 AM
That's why I like Nintendo games. There isn't a new Zelda, Metroir, or Mario every single year. I'm so sick and tired of developers releasing the same game year in and year out with a different plot, slightly shinier graphics, and some new features.

although this is true, Nintendo has their own way or letting out a similar product year after year with barely new features, ex. the ds, ds lite, dsi, dsi xl, 3ds.

04-19-2011, 10:14 AM
^^^2nd this....No matter what gimmick of new controller (which by the way was how Nintendo raped everyone in buyin remotes and accesories with Wii) no serious gamer older than 12 is going to buy into this.... THE GAMES.....make or break the system....To hardcore gamers this was a bust... Wii sold on the control gimmick and the fact that they priced it right so average household could afford it....NOTHING ELSE....1 Zelda, and a couple Metroids and Marios in how many years? The ratio of Barbie/Hannah Montana/garbage games vs. good games....Is pathetic. Nintendo needs to appeal to all gamers and create new franchises and be open to already sucessful ones that MS and Sony have to compete..

You see it as a gimmick, I see it as a revolutionary innovative product which MS and Sony struggled to duplicate quickly.

You may have missed my first post on the first page, but I'll say it again. Nintendo products have been revolutionary and not evolutionary. If this new console does not have compelling new core features like the Wii, then it will bomb. I know Nintendo will pull it off. This new controller won't be just another gimmick.

Releasing a console like the Wii that appeals to a broader demographic is obviously going to also increase the variety of games including some like Hannah Montana etc etc. It's not pathetic. Console manufacturers have been trying to get more people of all ages to purchase their hardware for ages, and not just "hardcore gamers".
You need to place the blame on third party game developers who produce those "crappy" games and not Nintendo.

It's just like how everyone on here is crying for an S16 Silvia. Why the hell would Nissan spend money designing a car that only appeals to 16 year old boys who think Dorifto is mega cool?

There's a difference between understanding your target demographic vs only selling to a specific demographic.

Game development is engineer driven. Everyone and their mom has ideas, but very few people have the technical merit to actually make those ideas become reality. Either way, having a screen on the controller does open up new avenues. Although I fear said avenues may end up being far too situational for the average game.

Some engineers can be great game designers too.

But no, game design in general is NOT engineer driven. I have friends who went to school to study game design and are working in the industry. They are the ones driving the creative process. The engineers simply figure out how to bring those ideas to life.

In some cases though games CAN be engineer driven. One of my co-workers just quit his job here 2 weeks ago on Android as a Developer Advocate to form his own startup focusing on mobile gaming. He has an engineering background, but also has extremely creative ideas. Working for a four person startup, it's a necessity that the roles of engineer/game designer be combined in order to be successful.

04-19-2011, 10:22 AM
better graphics ...are gameplay enhancements. atleast they are pushing the hardware and progressing forward.

the more games they come out the better the quality gets especially for fps. i cant stand a game with bugs or unbalance issues and ppl exploiting it, then having to wait for a patch which most of the time only fixes some issues. another example is ps3 cell processor its a new tech so, programming was more difficult and lots of figuring out. but, the more they put out games the better the game gets optimizing and effiency. this why some dumbass say graphics looks better on 360 than ps3. maybe it is becuase it was a badly ported game.

every year is a exaggeration but , you do get tired of seeing it because they are multiplatform games.

04-19-2011, 11:51 AM
“Nintendo products have been revolutionary and not evolutionary. If this new console does not have compelling new core features like the Wii, then it will bomb. I know Nintendo will pull it off. This new controller won't be just another gimmick.”

Compelling core features like the Wii WTF??? Motion controls ok….What other COMPELLING thing does it have or do? It does not even have a freakin DVD player!! You Nintendo fanboys must be simple minded and easily amused. A touchscreen on a remote with buttons….lets think about this?? Buttons and a Touchscreen? Why not just press a damn button (that would be more prescise!) why would I have look down and press something on a screen…..If it can stream games to it…they just suckered you into buying a damn DS….with one screen lol…..Which By the way going back to thumb sticks is not Revolutionary or Evolutionary for that matter….I don’t doubt Nintendo has some tricks up their sleave but to me a controller does not sell me…...at the end of the day it’s a CONTROLLER!

“Releasing a console like the Wii that appeals to a broader demographic is obviously going to also increase the variety of games including some like Hannah Montana etc etc. It's not pathetic. Console manufacturers have been trying to get more people of all ages to purchase their hardware for ages, and not just "hardcore gamers".
You need to place the blame on third party game developers who produce those "crappy" games and not Nintendo.”

This is a big ass contradiction….They appeal to a broad demo, but not hardcore gamers??....ok great point….But to the point and straight out Wii is geared at kids plain and simple.….not older teens or adults. (which I begin to question why guys are creamin over this like little girls at a Justin Beiber concert) You obviously don’t know how the industry works if you want to BLAME the 3Rd party developers….Who DO YOU THINK CONTROLS and decides what developers make games for their system…Nintendo has to approve of all these games its been known for years before they put their seal on it….as do the other guys.

04-19-2011, 12:22 PM
Controller is the console?

04-19-2011, 12:40 PM
Compelling core features like the Wii WTF??? Motion controls ok….What other COMPELLING thing does it have or do? It does not even have a freakin DVD player!! You Nintendo fanboys must be simple minded and easily amused. A touchscreen on a remote with buttons….lets think about this?? Buttons and a Touchscreen? Why not just press a damn button (that would be more prescise!) why would I have look down and press something on a screen…..If it can stream games to it…they just suckered you into buying a damn DS….with one screen lol…..Which By the way going back to thumb sticks is not Revolutionary or Evolutionary for that matter….I don’t doubt Nintendo has some tricks up their sleave but to me a controller does not sell me…...at the end of the day it’s a CONTROLLER!

This is a big ass contradiction….They appeal to a broad demo, but not hardcore gamers??....ok great point….But to the point and straight out Wii is geared at kids plain and simple.….not older teens or adults. (which I begin to question why guys are creamin over this like little girls at a Justin Beiber concert) You obviously don’t know how the industry works if you want to BLAME the 3Rd party developers….Who DO YOU THINK CONTROLS and decides what developers make games for their system…Nintendo has to approve of all these games its been known for years before they put their seal on it….as do the other guys.

The potential of a touchscreen integrated controller has been discussed. I'll just assume that you're too close minded to understand the concept and what it would allow game developers to do even though Axiomatik very concisely presented a few very viable use cases.

A controller may not sell you, but you're just 1 person and you're not a forward thinking third party game developer.

In any case, all of this is pure speculation at best. No one knows what features the new console is going to launch with at this point. It may very well be crap.
Besides, what's wrong with creating a console which appeals to a younger generation? Did it not sell well? Did Nintendo not earn a profit? Did the product have less friction for casual gamers to adopt it?

I work on a platform and on a team geared SPECIFICALLY to support third party development of apps including games on a mobile platform, Android. So believe me when I say let me speak from first hand experience working with developers.
Let me tell you, Nintendo does NOT want to alienate devs and create a closed ecosystem. Without successful third party game development, their new console will tank. Just because Nintendo has to sign off on games, doesn't mean they want to be an obstacle. Don't confuse a "sign off" with a "road block".

Full disclosure, I have a Wii and have not played it in 2 years. I play my PS3 a shit ton more.

I'm by no means a Nintendo fanboy. I'm a realist, and I see all the things that Nintendo did right with the Wii. Let me put it in terms you can understand. From a business perspective, "Nintendo is killing it".

04-19-2011, 12:47 PM
although this is true, Nintendo has their own way or letting out a similar product year after year with barely new features, ex. the ds, ds lite, dsi, dsi xl, 3ds.

Those have just been upgrades to the same system with the exception of the 3DS which is a new system. That is normal. Just as MS released a newer smaller 360 and Sony did the same with the PS3. Difference is handhelds are easier for them to upgrade. Minor upgrades are industry norm and are to be expected.

You see it as a gimmick, I see it as a revolutionary innovative product which MS and Sony struggled to duplicate quickly.

You may have missed my first post on the first page, but I'll say it again. Nintendo products have been revolutionary and not evolutionary. If this new console does not have compelling new core features like the Wii, then it will bomb. I know Nintendo will pull it off. This new controller won't be just another gimmick.

Releasing a console like the Wii that appeals to a broader demographic is obviously going to also increase the variety of games including some like Hannah Montana etc etc. It's not pathetic. Console manufacturers have been trying to get more people of all ages to purchase their hardware for ages, and not just "hardcore gamers".
You need to place the blame on third party game developers who produce those "crappy" games and not Nintendo.

It's just like how everyone on here is crying for an S16 Silvia. Why the hell would Nissan spend money designing a car that only appeals to 16 year old boys who think Dorifto is mega cool?

There's a difference between understanding your target demographic vs only selling to a specific demographic.

Some engineers can be great game designers too.

But no, game design in general is NOT engineer driven. I have friends who went to school to study game design and are working in the industry. They are the ones driving the creative process. The engineers simply figure out how to bring those ideas to life.

In some cases though games CAN be engineer driven. One of my co-workers just quit his job here 2 weeks ago on Android as a Developer Advocate to form his own startup focusing on mobile gaming. He has an engineering background, but also has extremely creative ideas. Working for a four person startup, it's a necessity that the roles of engineer/game designer be combined in order to be successful.

You and I would be frans if we weren't on other sides of the country. I would wait by the bust stop for you in your convertible to come pick me up. Hard part would just be deciding which seat to take.

But no, seriously, I'm glad there are people in this thread that can see past the obvious.

04-19-2011, 01:10 PM
Compelling core features like the Wii WTF??? Motion controls ok….What other COMPELLING thing does it have or do? It does not even have a freakin DVD player!!

Motion controls are a revolutionary, compelling feature that blew open the video market to a whole new swath of the population. My 60-year old in-laws have a Wii. My sister-in-law has a Wii. My wife plays the Wii. None of these people would ever be interested in a PS3 or Xbox. Despite what you may believe, staring at the TV and furiously mashing some tiny buttons doesn't appeal to the vast majority of the population. Polygon count bragging rights don't matter to the vast majority of the population. First-person shooters don't appeal to the vast majority of the population. You know what does appeal to the vast majority of people? Fun, engaging games in whatever genre that person happens to enjoy.

Second, what would a DVD player add to the Wii? How many households have a Wii, but no DVD player (standalone unit, or in a computer, or a portable unit)? You can go to Walmart and buy one for $30. If Nintendo added DVD playback to the Wii, they would have had to add $20 in licensing fees to the DVD licensing authority, and for no good reason. And, with the Netflix Channel, I can stream movies through my Wii wirelessly without the need of any kind of physical media.

What compelling, revolutionary features did the PS3 or Xbox 360 bring to the table when they were introduced? Higher polygon counts? "ooohhh, look, those bushes and grass look so much more realistic now". Yes, the PS3 has a blu-ray player. If you really "needed" a blu-ray player, it was a good deal when it came out. But now, BD players are cheap, so that isn't really a compelling feature for the PS3 anymore. The most compelling feature that the Xbox ever introduced was xbox live, but that was an innovation of the original xbox, not the 360.

I don't understand your hatred. I don't think anyone is twisting your arm and making you buy one. If it doesn't appeal to you, don't buy it. Easy as pie. But don't sit hear and rant and rave about how Nintendo isn't catering to your every need. You represent one demographic, a single slice of consumers out of the entire population that plays electronic games. Not all consoles should be catered exclusively to your demographic.

I'm not hating on the PS3 or xbox. Both are great consoles, they have great games. I played the hell out of my PS1 and PS2, but after a while I got tired of the racing sims and FPS and Street-Fighter style fighting games that are the mainstays of the PS and Xbox. The game-play got stale for me. I mean, really, how have FPS changed since Quake? (I picked Quake, because it was the first one where multiplayer really took off) Different character designs, different weapons, different environments, but fundamentally you are still playing the same game. (I guess vehicles have been added, that's one difference). I am a 30 year old male, who has been playing video games since I got my Atari 2600 back in the 80s. When the new nintendo system comes out, I'm not going to run out and buy it. I'm not the type of person who feels compelled to be the first person to buy something new. If, after a while, it looks interesting, I might buy it. But if it isn't compelling enough, I'll stick to my wii (I still have several games that I own that I haven't even had a chance to play yet). To me, graphics are secondary, compelling gameplay is number one. With the limited amount of time I have to play video games, I'd rather pick up a wii controller than a PS3 or xbox controller.

04-19-2011, 01:27 PM
The potential of a touchscreen integrated controller has been discussed. I'll just assume that you're too close minded to understand the concept and what it would allow game developers to do even though Axiomatik very concisely presented a few very viable use cases.

A controller may not sell you, but you're just 1 person and you're not a forward thinking third party game developer.

In any case, all of this is pure speculation at best. No one knows what features the new console is going to launch with at this point. It may very well be crap.

In any case, what's wrong with creating a console which appeals to a younger generation? Did it not sell well? Did Nintendo not earn a profit? Did the product have less friction for casual gamers to adopt it?

I work on a platform and on a team geared SPECIFICALLY to support third party development of apps including games on a mobile platform, Android. So believe me when I say let me speak from first hand experience working with developers.
Let me tell you, Nintendo does NOT want to alienate devs and create a closed ecosystem. Without successful third party game development, their new console will tank. Just because Nintendo has to sign off on games, doesn't mean they want to be an obstacle. Don't confuse a "sign off" with a "road block".

Full disclosure, I have a Wii and have not played it in 2 years. I play my PS3 a shit ton more.

I'm by no means a Nintendo fanboy. I'm a realist, and I see all the things that Nintendo did right with the Wii. Let me put it in terms you can understand. From a business perspective, "Nintendo is killing it".

I dont deny Nintendo has the sales numbers and killing it, thats not my argument....And everyone can come back with numbers all they want. But again thats due to the market they have and the price point. Kids have WAY more time to play and at 200 bucks its way cheaper than the alternative. So I give them Credit on their genious marketing and buisness desicion of their console. But my opinion as real gamer I think we got shafted....I cant remember what was the last Wii game that made me go put a deposit down for if I ever did? Maybe Zelda....Im also being a realist by saying any console aint shit without the games to back it up!....even with MS and Sony they can make uber powerful machines and add all these tech bells and whistles...But that dont make me want to shell out 400-600 out the door if the games arent amazing or up to par, even today they are still trying to push the limits of the PS3. The Wii was released in 2006 thats 5 years ago and the only monster sales games was a handful of franchise games...The others MS and Sony have countless games that stay at the top of the charts for weeks dominating.....

04-19-2011, 01:31 PM
^^^^^Again with the "real gamer" stuff. What is a real gamer? I own a 360 and a wii and nearly bought a ps3 yet I don't feel nintendo shafted us. I enjoy the Wii titles I bought along with my 360 collection. Does that not

So because you haven't went to the store and put money down on a wii game in a while it's a bust?
I'm sure lots of other "real gamers" would disagree.

axiomatik's post deserves a beer.

Plus with the added concept of being able to steam games to the controller imagine the possibilities. Think of how all the Pokemon games that would kill in that kind of setup. Imagine to be able to do minigames or side quests with the controller that enable extra stats or exclusive unlockables.

Think about being able to screen netflix from the console to the controller. There are tons of possibilities for this controller most we haven't thought of as we are still thinking in current time.

I think the comment about the DS hit the nail on the head. Nintendo is always doing whatever the hell it wants despite trends and reaps in profit because of.

To condemn something that seems stupid before it is proven or seen is, as many have pointed out, closed minded.

Sidenote: I wonder how the competition will react.

04-19-2011, 02:36 PM
^^^^^Again with the "real gamer" stuff. What is a real gamer? I own a 360 and a wii and nearly bought a ps3 yet I don't feel nintendo shafted us. I enjoy the Wii titles I bought along with my 360 collection. Does that not

So because you haven't went to the store and put money down on a wii game in a while it's a bust?
I'm sure lots of other "real gamers" would disagree.

axiomatik's post deserves a beer.

Plus with the added concept of being able to steam games to the controller imagine the possibilities. Think of how all the Pokemon games that would kill in that kind of setup. Imagine to be able to do minigames or side quests with the controller that enable extra stats or exclusive unlockables.

Think about being able to screen netflix from the console to the controller. There are tons of possibilities for this controller most we haven't thought of as we are still thinking in current time.

I think the comment about the DS hit the nail on the head. Nintendo is always doing whatever the hell it wants despite trends and reaps in profit because of.

To condemn something that seems stupid before it is proven or seen is, as many have pointed out, closed minded.

Sidenote: I wonder how the competition will react.

A real gamer is someone who looks for depth in a game....not just mindless little motion mini games.... which is THE MAJORITY of wii games. You can only get away with that for so long...I played Wii sports for a long time because it was the only game worth any interest and after beating 1 Zelda and a couple Marios. I think you just skim through and and only pick out what you want to read and gets to you.....Again....I DONT DOUBT NINTENDO HAS SOME GOOD IDEAS UP THEIR SLEAVE and will employ them in this new console which is yet to be seen...they made videogames what they are today....but as far as game content they suck no matter how many screens they add to a remote or beef up their system. If they dont utilize it right (AND OFTEN since its going to be their selling point IF AT ALL THIS IS EVEN REAL) they have played with this before and it didnt work cause no one jumped on the idea....Like I said it sold me back then on the Gamecube and the Gameboy advanced hooked up with Zelda Windwaker, but it was a bit annoying and no other game used the tech. ...Bottom line Crap games vs Great games on the Wii are 100 to 1....So you guys defending and swear by Wii tell me what sold it?? The GIMMICK of motion gameplay or games?? Sony and Microsoft totally bit the idea which I think was stupid and I HAVE YET to see any great game for their expensive add ons!! Spending 150 for a Kinect when the games are crap is ludacris....Or expensive ass Sony wand that requires you to buy a camera and additional remotes....Gimmicks to cash in which their sales figures show is not working.

04-19-2011, 02:59 PM
since doom, it has change a lot.
i'd like to see a large dynamic sandbox fps with rpg elements!

anyways, when they say its going to be the most powerful system. does that mean they are going to use the powerpc970 ? or maybe the z196 motherf'ing 96 core with 50 billion instruction per sec @ 5.2ghz... they did say poweful!

04-19-2011, 03:43 PM
A real gamer is someone who looks for depth in a game....not just mindless little motion mini games.... which is THE MAJORITY of wii games. You can only get away with that for so long...I played Wii sports for a long time because it was the only game worth any interest and after beating 1 Zelda and a couple Marios. I think you just skim through and and only pick out what you want to read and gets to you.....Again....I DONT DOUBT NINTENDO HAS SOME GOOD IDEAS UP THEIR SLEAVE and will employ them in this new console which is yet to be seen...they made videogames what they are today....but as far as game content they suck no matter how many screens they add to a remote or beef up their system. If they dont utilize it right (AND OFTEN since its going to be their selling point IF AT ALL THIS IS EVEN REAL) they have played with this before and it didnt work cause no one jumped on the idea....Like I said it sold me back then on the Gamecube and the Gameboy advanced hooked up with Zelda Windwaker, but it was a bit annoying and no other game used the tech. ...Bottom line Crap games vs Great games on the Wii are 100 to 1....So you guys defending and swear by Wii tell me what sold it?? The GIMMICK of motion gameplay or games?? Sony and Microsoft totally bit the idea which I think was stupid and I HAVE YET to see any great game for their expensive add ons!! Spending 150 for a Kinect when the games are crap is ludacris....Or expensive ass Sony wand that requires you to buy a camera and additional remotes....Gimmicks to cash in which their sales figures show is not working.

Yeah, I'd pretty much throw in the towel if I were you.

Your argument is just one side of the coin. Take another look at Axiomatik's last post and maybe you'll see the point we're all trying to make here.

04-19-2011, 04:10 PM
I can justify a new Nintendo console purchase every five years *just* for a new Mario game and a new Zelda game (not spin-offs, etc).

Anything else is a bonus.

I'm amped about Pikmin 3 though, I really liked the first two.

04-19-2011, 04:51 PM
I'm amped about Pikmin 3 though, I really liked the first two.

wasn't pikman 2 only released in japan and europe?

04-19-2011, 04:54 PM
Yeah, I'd pretty much throw in the towel if I were you.

Your argument is just one side of the coin. Take another look at Axiomatik's last post and maybe you'll see the point we're all trying to make here.

LOL....what am I supposed to get out of that last post?? I'm supposed to be happy his girlfriend, mom, and grandma played the Wii!!...lame...

I dont question the Motion controls as compelling....But It was a gimick which obviously they are now turning their back on with this new remote...haha

.....some of your guys emotional attachment to a Wii (or Nintendo) is surprising for grown guys. I like Video games and all but not for anyone to contradict your happy thoughts with Wii and think its hate....I dont know what to tell you...

I dont know how many times I have to say the games BLOW on the Wii...But If you guys are happy Playing Barbie,Hannah Montana and Pokemon....To all their own right....

What he says about FPS not changing fundamentally is true but can also be said for all Nintendo franchises...seriously....Mario in Space new setting....same concept...YUP...Modern Wafare (Even though Black Ops blows and is buggy as hell) is the highest grossing MEDIA franchise EVER bigger than any movie ever created....but thats only a small population of players.

Polygons?? I dont remember when was the last time anyone used the word polgon since PS2 or PS1 I think....If your mocking that the PS3 has more graphical power...Then you might as well hate modern movies with CGI or computers...Cause their only gonna get better...I can do a hell of alot more on a PS3 console than a Wii and look way better....but again they wanted to keep it simple for the kiddies....

04-19-2011, 05:06 PM
A real gamer is someone who looks for depth in a game....not just mindless little motion mini games.... which is THE MAJORITY of wii games. You can only get away with that for so long...I played Wii sports for a long time because it was the only game worth any interest and after beating 1 Zelda and a couple Marios.

You really consider Wii Sports to be the standard bearer for all wii games? A little $20 release title whose sole purpose was to demonstrate what the new controller could do?

The problem you have, is that the games you *really* like, are optimized for the PS3 or xbox. So you play them on those platforms. You dabble with games on the wii, but it's not your core preference. Hence, you think that the games have no depth or replayability. But the truth is that you aren't interested in really pursuing the depth or replayability of the wii games. You aren't the core audience for the wii. But just because someone else likes other types of games, doesn't mean that they aren't a "real gamer", or that they don't find real depth and replayability on wii games.

04-19-2011, 05:11 PM
The new console sounds neat.

I'm still waiting for the day when Nintendo releases a full Pokemon game on a console similar to that of the rpg games on their handhelds instead of "stadium" type games. I'd honestly die happy if there was also a legitimate Nintendo released Pokemon MMORPG someday as well :)

04-19-2011, 05:16 PM
I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall. At this point I'm just going to call you thick headed and reading comprehension challenged.

04-19-2011, 05:51 PM
wasn't pikman 2 only released in japan and europe?

Nope, it had a US release:


04-19-2011, 07:49 PM
You really consider Wii Sports to be the standard bearer for all wii games? A little $20 release title whose sole purpose was to demonstrate what the new controller could do?

The problem you have, is that the games you *really* like, are optimized for the PS3 or xbox. So you play them on those platforms. You dabble with games on the wii, but it's not your core preference. Hence, you think that the games have no depth or replayability. But the truth is that you aren't interested in really pursuing the depth or replayability of the wii games. You aren't the core audience for the wii. But just because someone else likes other types of games, doesn't mean that they aren't a "real gamer", or that they don't find real depth and replayability on wii games.

where in my post did I ever state Wii Sports IS THE STANDARD for all wii games? And you are actually are re-iterating my point...in your non sense way of trying to twist things....Wii appeals and milks the 5-12 year old segment and that is not MY CORE PREFERENCE....YOU HIT IT RIGHT ON THE NAIL so i hope you get my point now..... If you are trying to prove that the Wii is what the average15+ to adult guy wants to play....ummm that is your preference.....I apologize if you let some stranger hurt your feelings by saying his own opinion and call himself a real gamer and you not because you adore your wii and nintendo..... Just for 1 minute I will call the Wii GREATEST SYSTEM OF ALL TIME ITS THE MANS MAN OF SYSTEMS.....ITS GAMES DEFINED A GENERATION of little kids.....Bring on project cafe.....Im creaming my pants for one

04-19-2011, 07:54 PM
where in my post did I ever state Wii Sports IS THE STANDARD for all wii games? And you are actually are re-iterating my point...in your non sense way of trying to twist things....Wii appeals and milks the 5-12 year old segment and that is not MY CORE PREFERENCE....YOU HIT IT RIGHT ON THE NAIL so i hope you get my point now..... If you are trying to prove that the Wii is what the average15+ to adult guy wants to play....ummm that is your preference.....I apologize if you let some stranger hurt your feelings by saying his own opinion and call himself a real gamer and you not because you adore your wii and nintendo..... Just for 1 minute I will call the Wii GREATEST SYSTEM OF ALL TIME ITS THE MANS MAN OF SYSTEMS.....ITS GAMES DEFINED A GENERATION of little kids.....Bring on project cafe.....Im creaming my pants for one

Your well crafted and thoughtful argument has swayed me good sir. Well played! Kudos! Cheers! God save the queen!

04-19-2011, 08:01 PM
just a little quick wrench for those who claim that Nintendo has been revolutionary and not evolutionary, The Wii and their motion control concept isnt new nor is it theirs. What 24-26 years before the Wii even came out Atari had a motion control, not as complex but to say its revolutionary i think not. All they did was take something that already existed and improved/marketed it to a new audience. Even the Wii's balance board isnt new because Atari had something completely similar to it. Imo its evolutionary, maybe not in terms of their old consoles, but in terms of gaming and consoles in general i'd say yes.

04-19-2011, 08:47 PM
also, if you look up ps3 move. its been on development since 2001, the same year as the wii.

but, for the wii controller to evolve. they have to figure out how to move in actual 3d space like the move. i dont think rf signals is gonna cut it anymore.

for those who havent played kz2 with move
its just more fun. like going out to the arcades when i was little.
man, i love to have a projector. maybe a triple projector.

04-20-2011, 08:32 AM
I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall. At this point I'm just going to call you thick headed and reading comprehension challenged.

That's why I stopped posting. lol. This Wii, vs 360 vs PS3 argument is pointless. This thread is about the new console coking out.

just a little quick wrench for those who claim that Nintendo has been revolutionary and not evolutionary, The Wii and their motion control concept isnt new nor is it theirs. What 24-26 years before the Wii even came out Atari had a motion control, not as complex but to say its revolutionary i think not. All they did was take something that already existed and improved/marketed it to a new audience. Even the Wii's balance board isnt new because Atari had something completely similar to it. Imo its evolutionary, maybe not in terms of their old consoles, but in terms of gaming and consoles in general i'd say yes.

Of course they weren't THE first ones to use motion controls...but they were the ones that made it a household feature and opened the world up to it. That is Revolutionary. Not just a couple little releases that sold a couple 10,000 copies.

04-20-2011, 09:07 AM
So in what ways do y'all want to see the screen utilized?

I want extra game play that unlocks items for the in game character. Or I want things say if a character does a video call in the game it pops up on the screen.

I could see a mech game being pretty awesome with this setup. The screen could act as an additional HUD.

04-20-2011, 09:08 AM
Nintendo motion controls were revolutionary because it was the first time someone ever took the technology, incorporated into a console on the basic level, used in all games, and made it work commercially.

The IPad is a revolution because it was the first commercially successful tablet, even though none of the actual technology is new.

It doesn't matter who thought of X first, it only matters who made X work.

04-20-2011, 10:12 AM
That's why I stopped posting. lol. This Wii, vs 360 vs PS3 argument is pointless. This thread is about the new console coking out.

Yeah fran. I totally agree with you. I think we need to refocus this thread back onto new console news vs the pissing match we've been having.

04-20-2011, 10:55 AM
I tried to talk about what CPu possibility it might release but , nobody was interested.

If it's more powerful than the cell. With that power the price range might be around $400 minimum. This is with a LCD controller and such.

04-20-2011, 11:03 AM
I tried to talk about what CPu possibility it might release but , nobody was interested.

If it's more powerful than the cell. With that power the price range might be around $400 minimum. This is with a LCD controller and such.

What I'm hoping for is that Nintendo doesn't make the same mistake as Sony and use a chipset that will allow devs to easily design games.

The cell processor had a high initial learning curve which prevented a lot of early games from being quickly ported over to the PS3.
CPU isn't the only thing matters though. As of right now the Xbox 360 is actually capable of higher polygon counts than the PS3 due to it's GPU.

$400 sounds reasonable for a next generation high end gaming console with an LCD controller. I might even shell out $500 or $600.

04-20-2011, 11:14 AM
I'd like to see it come in at $299, but I don't think that will happen with the controller. $399 sounds more realistic.

04-20-2011, 11:29 AM
That's wall developers they have to break. Start making good efficient multicore games.

Sony stepped up the plate when they basically told developer to start programming and stop using the same formula. Technology is not gonna sit while software becomes stagnant. If nintendo takes the same route I'll praise them.

04-20-2011, 11:35 AM
$400 is a good price point for me. For $500 the gpu and CPU better be stellar with lots of features.

I am wondering will it have a DVD drive or a blue ray drive. I can see how Nintendo would not want a Blu-ray buy DVD are last gen tech would could potential force them to get drives from Sony.

As far as the console itself, wifi built in, 250GB HDD for sure.

04-20-2011, 12:02 PM
That's wall developers they have to break. Start making good efficient multicore games.

Sony stepped up the plate when they basically told developer to start programming and stop using the same formula. Technology is not gonna sit while software becomes stagnant. If nintendo takes the same route I'll praise them.

The problem is not that developers are lazy and/or don't know how to design efficient multi-core games the problem is that the architecture itself is a time sink to design for.

The way I understand it is that the cell architecture has 2 main CPU's with with 3 sub processors each.
Compare that to the Xbox 360 which has 3 cores with 2 sub processors each.

The common analogy used is to imagine having two arms juggling 3 balls each, vs having 3 arms juggling 2 balls each.

As a game designer, I want to devote resources (engineering work) towards maximizing time/value ratio. It's just basic business sense to spend the extra engineering effort towards developing games for the xbox 360.

The new Nintendo system needs to be easy for developers to design games for, otherwise what's the point of having a top of the line cutting edge CPU architecture?

04-20-2011, 12:07 PM
I'll pay 800 If it can actually do raytracing games. Imagine playing raytracing Mario/kart or Zelda.

Edit .Good point about the time/resource. my iPhone is dying.

04-20-2011, 12:20 PM
Do you guys think that it will almost have to be Blueray considering the size of game now?

04-20-2011, 02:59 PM
^^Yes. Though as I said earlier I can see how Nintendo would not want a Blu-ray since it would force them to get drives from Sony, however dvd disks are old tech. Until the media format changes it makes sense for it to have blu-ray.

I bet this is a hotly debated topic in the Nintendo offices.

04-20-2011, 03:01 PM
Blu-ray is more than likely the last physical disc format we will have.

04-20-2011, 03:02 PM
I don't need another Blu-ray player in my house. I need Nintendo to focus on what it does best. Gaming.

04-20-2011, 03:04 PM
If the controllers do indeed have lcd touch screen how much do you think they will cost? I'm thinking a little over 100, i mean the ps3 controllers alone cost 60.

04-20-2011, 03:17 PM
Blu-ray is more than likely the last physical disc format we will have.

I agree, after it I feel content will be net based and either streamed or stored on huge HDD after a download. However I think that will take some years as the mass public is ready for that to happen just yet. Hell some people still have VHS'

I don't need another Blu-ray player in my house. I need Nintendo to focus on what it does best. Gaming.

So would you prefer a dvd based console with good games? Not questioning you, just curious.

If the controllers do indeed have lcd touch screen how much do you think they will cost? I'm thinking a little over 100, i mean the ps3 controllers alone cost 60.

I feel between $80-120 easy. If it is an LCD close to $80 if it is an OLED then closer to $120.

04-20-2011, 04:53 PM
So would you prefer a dvd based console with good games? Not questioning you, just curious.

I have no preference either way. I just don't want the fancy new Blu-ray player to distract Nintendo.

I think the Blu-ray feature might be a necessity due to increasing game sizes though. W/e.

04-20-2011, 06:26 PM
has disk size been a factor yet on the 360?

04-20-2011, 08:33 PM
bluray wont distact nintendo. most ps3 games are already filling up the blurays.

Microsoft has told CVG that it considers digital media - and not the Blu-ray disc - the 'future of home entertainment'.

Calls for Microsoft to increase the capacity of its games media have grown since Lost Planet 2 producer Jun Takeuchi said that Capcom had to cut content from the Xbox 360 version of the game due to size restrictions of the DVD format.
However, director of Xbox and Entertainment at Microsoft Stephen McGill told CVG this week:

"We have no plans to adopt [a] Blu-ray drive for the Xbox 360. In fact, the future of home entertainment started last autumn when Xbox 360 became the first and only console to offer instant-on 1080p streaming HD movies."

McGill's comments come after the God Of War III developers at Sony Santa Monica praised the 50GB capacity of PS3's multi-layered Blu-ray discs.

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer hinted earlier this week that there will be revised models of Xbox 360 coming 'in the future'.

250GB Xbox 360 'Super Elite' models are now available in bundles with games such as Final Fantasy XIII and Forza 3.

Look out for CVG's full interview with Microsoft's Stephen McGill tomorrow
Xbox News: Microsoft: Xbox doesn't need Blu-ray - ComputerAndVideoGames.com (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/238341/news/microsoft-xbox-doesnt-need-blu-ray/)

they can make you dl extra content that couldnt fit on the disk but, who wants to do that?

04-21-2011, 07:47 AM
The biggest thing holding back all digital media is the dl speed.

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to not have to make a trip to the store Tue morning to get a new release and just have my Xbox 173675496 or PS69 just start dl it at midnight for me so when I wake up in the morn, my brand new midnight release game is on a hdd waiting for me.

The Sony's upcoming NGP will be the first gaming system, handheld or otherwise that will have every game available digitally and retail package simultaneously on the day of release.

04-21-2011, 09:52 AM
Download speed is one concern however as awesome as it sounds I worried about this dlc trend. I understand extra missions or content but some games are missing stuff to begin with or it's already in the main purchase and dlc unlocks it.

04-21-2011, 10:04 AM
DLC is a whole 'notehr conversation. lol. Don't get me started on that.

04-21-2011, 03:30 PM
Don't worry guys, I'm on top of it like Jenna Jameson during work hours.

Cliff Notes:

-Price $350-$400
-Earliest release would be Mid October to Early November but possible early 2012
-Manufactured in Taiwan so Tsunami hasn't effected anything
-Revamped version of AMD's R700 GPU. More powerful then PS3 7800-GTX
-Custom Triple-Core IBM PowerPC chipset
-1080 with possible stereoscopic 3D ie no glasses needed
-Size will be comparable to original 360 and look like a modern SNES!!!!!! (YES!!!)
-Touchscreen controllers could stream games
-Possible name is Stream
Project Cafe: The Tech Behind Nintendo's Next Console - Gear News at IGN (http://gear.ign.com/articles/116/1163325p1.html)

More details of Nintendo's forthcoming console, codenamed Project Cafe aka Wii 2, have been revealed to IGN, including the system's estimated pricing, release, console design, processing architecture, and name.

According to sources with knowledge of the project, Nintendo's next console could have a retail price of anywhere between $350 and $400 based on manufacturing costs, and will ship from Taiwanese manufacturer, Foxconn, this October, putting the earliest possible retail release anywhere between mid-October and early November.

However, Nintendo could also opt to build up a sizable supply of the system and allocate more time for software and games development by launching in early 2012. Similarly, Nintendo could attempt to lower the retail price of the system with lower profit margins to make the price more alluring.

Since the manufacturing is taking place in Taiwan, the earthquakes and tsunami that hit Japan last month will not impact the console hardware as previously expected.

Our Sources

Head over to Scott Lowe's blog to find out why we trust our sources and so should you.
Additionally, IGN has learned that the system will be based on a revamped version of AMD's R700 GPU architecture, not AMD's Fusion technology as previously believed, which will, as previously reported, out perform the PlayStation 3's NVIDIA 7800GTX-based processor. Like the Xbox 360, the system's CPU will be a custom-built triple-core IBM PowerPC chipset, but the clocking speeds will be faster. The system will support 1080p output with the potential for stereoscopic 3D as well, though it has not been determined whether that will be a staple feature.

In terms of the design of the console itself, the overall size will be comparable to that of the original Xbox 360 and the system is likely to resemble a modernized version of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).

As reported last week, it will indeed utilize controllers with integrated touchscreens and be capable of streaming games to each controller, though given the power of the system, could also feasibly provide a virtualized console for each individual unit.

Finally, Nintendo is considering naming the console Stream, though it is potentially one of several names currently being vetted by the company.

We contacted Nintendo representatives, but they declined to comment on "rumors or speculation."

For more on Project Cafe, stay tuned to IGN.com.

04-21-2011, 04:31 PM
I'm giddy as a school girl. I want to look more into this gpu but borosun will probably have that info up and a discussion going by the time I get off work.

This is so awesome.

04-21-2011, 08:15 PM
i dunno if everything is final... but, kinda disappointed with that r700 gpu.
excited with the stereoscoic 3d but, not sure thats gonna run smooth not only that amd running 3d on a sinlge gpu. i was hoping a r900 which fixed most the scaling and its got to have atleast 2gb to run 3 screens smoothly. i had the hd4870 those things ran pretty hot, this is all going inside on small case console. hopefully theyll design it better cooling than the ps3 fat or 360. i guess its doable, my laptop has a hd5730 a rebadge r700*. still if you put on your laps it will burn you. the exhaust vent too. i have a external cooler for it.

triple core why not quad?

man, i dunno... ps4 will probably crush these specs.

i really dig the stereoscopic 3d, finally. about the no glasses needed..lol thats if they comeout with a 3dtv with no glass. passive 3dtv is the closes thing today's market even those have flaws like reduced resolution (samsung is release one that fixes that though).

04-21-2011, 08:22 PM

04-21-2011, 08:47 PM
^^^^^That looks really uncomfortable.

I'm giddy as a school girl. I want to look more into this gpu but borosun will probably have that info up and a discussion going by the time I get off work.

This is so awesome.

i dunno if everything final... but, kinda disappointed with that r700 gpu.
excited with the stereoscoic 3d but, not sure thats gonna run smooth not only that amd running 3d on a sinlge gpu. i was hoping a r900 which fixed most the scaling and its got to have atleast 2gb to run 3 screens smoothly. i had the hd4870 those things ran pretty hot, this is all going inside on small case console. hopefully theyll design it better cooling than the ps3 fat or 360. i guess doable my laptop has a hd5730 a rebadge r700*. still if you put on your laps it will burn you. the exhaust vent too. i have a external cooler for it.

triple core why not quad?

man, i dunno... ps4 will probably crush these specs.

i really dig the stereoscopic 3d, finally. about the no glasses needed..lol thats if they comeout with a 3dtv with no glass. passive 3dtv is the closes thing today's market even those have flaws like reduced resolution (samsung is release one that fixes that though).

Ha haha I knew it. This is what I meant by this console being like the dreamcast. Dreamcast came out and crushed ps1/n64 in the visuals then was crushed by the ps2 a year later.

Makes me wonder if PS4 or Xbox 362 came out 2 years later they would both be a lot more powerful. If the R700 is already behind on technology I would hope the decision is not final. IMO it would be an unwise move to launch a system with already outdated tech. Though it could be a cost issue.

With all the crap microsoft took for the 360's RRDing i'm sure nintendo is going to make sure heat is not an option. I honestly cannot remember any Nintendo console ever having issues. Then again I was pretty young when the first few came out so who knows really.

04-21-2011, 09:11 PM
r700 is actually not bad. but, maybe they could have gone for like a r800. a little bit more.

manufacturing cost/ base retail 350-400 (im guessing it can go low as 300) probably why they went with a revised r700. but, if its anywhere near or improvement hd4870/ rv770xt it should be good.

how much is a lowend hd400series cards cost these days? $35 4350 - $119 4850(newegg price)

if the xbox or ps4 does comes out within 2 years, a amd r900 or nvidia gf110 (most powerful gpus today) is very plausible. even with a more advance cpu.

04-22-2011, 07:33 AM
i dunno if everything is final... but, kinda disappointed with that r700 gpu.
excited with the stereoscoic 3d but, not sure thats gonna run smooth not only that amd running 3d on a sinlge gpu. i was hoping a r900 which fixed most the scaling and its got to have atleast 2gb to run 3 screens smoothly. i had the hd4870 those things ran pretty hot, this is all going inside on small case console. hopefully theyll design it better cooling than the ps3 fat or 360. i guess its doable, my laptop has a hd5730 a rebadge r700*. still if you put on your laps it will burn you. the exhaust vent too. i have a external cooler for it.

triple core why not quad?

man, i dunno... ps4 will probably crush these specs.

i really dig the stereoscopic 3d, finally. about the no glasses needed..lol thats if they comeout with a 3dtv with no glass. passive 3dtv is the closes thing today's market even those have flaws like reduced resolution (samsung is release one that fixes that though).

Yeah, But Sony has said the next PS won't be out for another 3-5 years with the lifespan they've given it.

04-22-2011, 10:41 AM
Here's a response about the legitimacy of what IGN is reporting. I do indeed trust IGN, so I will take his word for it.

Who Are My Sources? - Scott-IGN: Blog - IGN (http://www.ign.com/blogs/scott-ign/2011/04/21/who-are-my-sources/)

04-22-2011, 12:48 PM
When Sony says that it is irrelevant . Microsoft has rumored a intel base 720 on development, when they actualy release a spec & projected release date. Guess what? Boom ps4.

Or let's say wii2 releases 2012 Q2/3 . Do you think ms or Sony will sit around while nintendo take away their sales and stage light?

Sony has the ps4 and m$ has the 720 waiting to pull the trigger.

04-22-2011, 01:10 PM
I hope it's semi false. I wanna see more power like dual gpu surround stereoscopic 3d. They would be the first to do it.

04-22-2011, 02:29 PM
Borosun makes a good point. Sony is going to sit around twiddling thumbs when the competion has next gen consoles out.

This nintendo console could usher in the new wave early than expected.

I want to see a new console with a Jump like there was from PS1 to PS2. At this point in technology I don't know if that is possible but it would be nice to see. I want to be wowed.

04-22-2011, 02:56 PM
Just saying...Sony has been going by this since before the console launched and they keep reiterating it. The Move IS their new console. Kinect is the same thing for 360. Now, maybe they will change their minds because of this new Nintendo console, and I'm sure they are plenty prepared to do so. But at this point they have both said they aren't going to do it for a while.

Sony Not Expecting to Launch a PS4 'Anytime Soon' - IndustryGamers (http://www.industrygamers.com/news/sony-not-expecting-to-launch-a-ps4-anytime-soon/)

Management remains confident in the 10-year console lifecycle – no PS4 anytime soon. While no time frames were mentioned explicitly regarding a console refresh cycle, management indicated that there is little reason to expect a deviation in the '10' year console cycle

That's 5 more years folks.

Also, keep in mind that the Wii has made Nintendo money since the first one they sold. Sony is STILL losing $.06 on every console it sells. A while back I heard MS was still losing $ on each 360.

Now, that isn't the only factor, but it is A factor.

Conceivably, Nintendo could release this console this year...Sony and MS release consoles in say, 2016. Nintendo's console would be 4 years old at that point and they could be ready to launch their new console at that point or a year later.

I think that whole scenario is completely plausible.

04-22-2011, 03:35 PM
If it's release that early I guess this is just a wii hd. The word powerful got my imagination all sikedout.

I don't believe that article for even one bit.

04-22-2011, 03:48 PM
If it's release that early I guess this is just a wii hd.

5 years is about average for a console lifespan. I did a whole list of every single console a while ago and the average was 5 years. So Nintendo is going through it's normal life cycle. MS and Sony decided to make drastically more expensive and more powerful consoles so they are trying to stretch them out to 2 life cycles and using the Move and Kinect to justify it.

You can say, Nintendo is making a more powerful console to catch up with Sony/MS, and Sony and MS are using motion controls to catch up to Nintendo.

All this is very interesting to me....how this all plays out.

04-22-2011, 07:28 PM
Who knows...anything at this point.

04-22-2011, 07:53 PM
5 years is about average for a console lifespan. I did a whole list of every single console a while ago and the average was 5 years. So Nintendo is going through it's normal life cycle. MS and Sony decided to make drastically more expensive and more powerful consoles so they are trying to stretch them out to 2 life cycles and using the Move and Kinect to justify it.

You can say, Nintendo is making a more powerful console to catch up with Sony/MS, and Sony and MS are using motion controls to catch up to Nintendo.

All this is very interesting to me....how this all plays out.

Didn't think of it like that. It is a possibility then if the 360 and PS3 follow the 10 year life cyle then we could see a Wii 3 by the time they decide to release the successors.

If Nintendo keep making the Wii they could have the casual gamer cash cow on lock and with this new console appear to the hardcore gamers who want better graphics n such. In theory they could potentially present a two console front that could very well dominate the competition.

04-22-2011, 08:32 PM
yeah, ive read if they are push (diminshing sales) the next gen can be release as 2013. its who pulls the trigger first.

you can only do so much with a kinect (which i believe is very limited, its already on a peak and its going to flatline. take a look at its future game releases), i think M$ is going to pull it first.

but, who really knows anything at this point.

04-22-2011, 08:49 PM
I am open to ideas, but Kinect to me just feel like a poor attempt for Microsoft to catch to Nintendo. I could see the kinect technology appearing in the next console but as a separate device I I agree with you about it not surviving for much longer.

Interesting tidbit I found.

Report: New Xbox, PlayStation Not Expected Until 2014 | Digital Media Wire (http://www.dmwmedia.com/news/2011/04/21/report-new-xbox-playstation-not-expected-until-2014)

If they launch then it would put the Wii 2 in a very dreamcast like position.

04-23-2011, 07:16 AM
You keep saying Dreamcast like the console itself was bad. The Dreamcast failed MOSTLY for one reason, and not arguable...because it didn't have a DVD player and the PS2 did. Graphically Dreamcast had games that were on par with PS2.

The format wars are over. And graphics are only accelerating so fast right now. We're not talking 8 bit vs 16 bit vs 64 bit here. Graphics right now are based off of engines running more realistic physics, environment deformation, etc etc. Polygons, and bits are far less important then they were even 10 years ago. I'm sure Boro would agree with this.

04-23-2011, 07:53 AM
Ohh to be honest I thought it failed due to not being able to compete. I was in highschool at the time so yea lol. I remember it having good games but no being really popular.

Age fail.

04-23-2011, 11:24 AM
This G4 Icons show is a very good video about Dreamcast. The first couple minutes of the second episode sum it up. I remember those times very well. Man, besides a couple good games, the PS2 SUCKED when it first came out. I almost only used it as a DVD played for a longest time. It wasn't until MGS2 came out that the system started gaining momentum as far as games went.

04-25-2011, 07:38 AM

New Nintendo Console Confirmed
Wii successor revealed and playable at E3 this June.

Nintendo Japan tonight confirmed it will release a new game console in calendar year 2012. It will be announced and playable at E3 this coming June.

"We will show a playable model of the new system and announce more specifications at the E3 Expo, which will be held June 7-9, 2011, in Los Angeles," the company said in a brief statement. Nintendo did not reveal any additional details.

Multiple sources tell IGN the console - dubbed Project Cafe - will be "significantly more powerful" than the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and be backwards compatible with current Wii software. The console will also utilize a new, tablet-shaped controller. Sources say it will have a 6-inch touch screen display, dual analog sticks, and has the ability to stream content directly from the console.

New Nintendo Console Confirmed - Wii News at IGN (http://wii.ign.com/articles/116/1163764p1.html)

04-25-2011, 12:33 PM
If it's already playable maybe it will get a spring release instead of X-mas.

04-25-2011, 01:06 PM
Man I hope spring. Waiting in line for Wii and 360 in Wii winters is not fun.

04-25-2011, 01:07 PM
I'm still worried about the controller. I hope it ends up being a hit.

"backwards compatible with current Wii software."
And I knew they weren't getting rid of the motion sensor controls.

I am excited.

04-25-2011, 01:29 PM
I plan to buy as many as I can afford keep one and hawk the rest on eBay.

04-26-2011, 03:49 PM
anymore word of the 3core cpu? i heard it could be cell?

im already predicting sony's ps4 cpu will still be a cell with more core and more spu available (ps3 runs on 6 total 8). the recent zego disappearance that boosted its cpu 33%. Zego - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zego)
interesting threadhttp://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=184843
the only game i heard of 90% usage spe is killzone3.

04-27-2011, 12:14 PM
Ha, Sony isn't going to be releasing a new console for a while now with this who PSN Security Breach. The last thing they need to do right now is ask people for more money. This whole situation will definitely play a factor in their future. Not saying they are fucked, but this is really bad. Especially if it's actually worse then they are leading on.

04-27-2011, 03:20 PM
Yea it is estimated the clean up will cost them a shit ton to clean up.

Cost of PSN security breach could ramp up to $24 billion for Sony - Neoseeker News Article (http://www.neoseeker.com/news/16307-cost-of-psn-security-breach-could-ramp-up-to-24-billion-for-sony/)

04-27-2011, 03:38 PM
that's not sony's fault... its hackers. they are investing a lot of time & money so it wont happen again. they should just hire hitmen killers to track down the perps... innocent or not, no one will know. they like to target sony for some reason when its free, why not M$ xbox live?

04-27-2011, 03:44 PM
I know it''s not Sony's fault, I was just saying it is going to cost them a lot. I just hope Sony is right that the credit card info is safe.

Back to Nintendo, I was searching around for any more news and saw an article mention the controller not only having a screen but a camera as well.

04-27-2011, 04:26 PM
that's not sony's fault...

Yeah it's not their fault, but it happened on their product.

I know it''s not Sony's fault, I was just saying it is going to cost them a lot. I just hope Sony is right that the credit card info is safe.

Back to Nintendo, I was searching around for any more news and saw an article mention the controller not only having a screen but a camera as well.

Yeah I read that too. That has not been confirmed.

04-27-2011, 06:15 PM
I'm sure it will still have the IR camera, since its going to be backwards compatible with Wii games.

05-03-2011, 07:45 AM
Iwata on Nintendo's Wii Troubles - Wii News at IGN (http://wii.ign.com/articles/116/1165674p1.html)


This is good news for gamers. Nintendo is finally admitting it's mistakes with the Wii. I'm sure this has been something they've been aware of for a while so hopefully this new console will address things like getting more third parties involved and maybe actually making an online community that works. Although admittedly, I'm not concerned what-so-ever with the latter.

05-03-2011, 12:51 PM
Iwata on Nintendo's Wii Troubles - Wii News at IGN (http://wii.ign.com/articles/116/1165674p1.html)


This is good news for gamers. Nintendo is finally admitting it's mistakes with the Wii. I'm sure this has been something they've been aware of for a while so hopefully this new console will address things like getting more third parties involved and maybe actually making an online community that works. Although admittedly, I'm not concerned what-so-ever with the latter.

Funny its what I have been posting all along.....Wii games suck and you fanboys now heard it directly from your beloved Nintendo........Its going to be difficult to get the large studios to get on board with Nintendo unless they can show them the hardware to push their games!....Being that they claim its on par or better than current PS3/Xbox graphics and the fact that they ditched their remote gimmick in favor of the tried and true remote with analog sticks might be a plus but only the reveal will tell.....I wouldn't be surprised if they push Skyward Sword on the new console since their abandoning the Wii

05-03-2011, 01:05 PM
Just for the record, I only defended Nintendo's first party games on the Wii. In fact I have no problem that they are almost the entire reason I buy a Nintendo system. Their first part games are superior.

05-03-2011, 01:38 PM

All of us "fanboys" acknowledged that 3rd party Wii games are usually piss poor terrible with only a few exceptions, however we don't generalize and say "Wii games suck" for to do so would be saying Wii games, as in all, suck which clearly is not the case.
A point which you, Nissanenthus, seem to continuously fail to realize.

Back on topic, 3rd party supporty has been Nintendo's issue since gamecube maybe even N64 can't remember any hoot I don't by a Nintendo console for those so(ZELDA) I really don't give a rats ass but I guess it would be nice.

I am sure they will do something to yet again make it awkward for developers.

05-03-2011, 01:39 PM
You guys are still reading his ignorant posts?

05-03-2011, 02:01 PM

All of us "fanboys" acknowledged that 3rd party Wii games are usually piss poor terrible with only a few exceptions, however we don't generalize and say "Wii games suck" for to do so would be saying Wii games, as in all, suck which clearly is not the case.
A point which you, Nissanenthus, seem to continuously fail to realize.

Back on topic, 3rd party supporty has been Nintendo's issue since gamecube maybe even N64 can't remember any hoot I don't by a Nintendo console for those so(ZELDA) I really don't give a rats ass but I guess it would be nice.

I am sure they will do something to yet again make it awkward for developers.

It's been as issue since N64, and it started on SNES believe it or not. If you look at when MK 1 came out on SNES and they didn't have blood that really turned a lot of people off. That was when games really started to get more mature. Nintendo wanted to stay with a more youth oriented line-up and as mature games gained even more popularity Nintendo started getting this stigma with gamers. But they have so many great franchises people still supported them. I am one of them.

You guys are still reading his ignorant posts?

I just like to discuss the topic. :wavey:

05-03-2011, 03:41 PM
You guys are still reading his ignorant posts?

Let me know how its "ignorant" Nintendo themselves acknowledged the fact that its slow sales and demise of the Wii is due to their games....Only their franchise games kept it afloat but no console can survive on those alone....Never did I try invoke anyone with my posts but it was my opinion which I stated...But you haven't said anything constructive to this topic but to tell me to read other peoples posts and claimed there was a so called pissing match...I don't know how that could be when you were was a wee wee pad the whole time.....

Exitspeed, off topic but congrats on your new one and my prayers go out to you and your fam

05-03-2011, 03:53 PM
Exitspeed, off topic but congrats on your new one and my prayers go out to you and your fam

Thanks man. 'Ppreciate it.

05-03-2011, 04:04 PM
not even their franchised game would have kept it afloat. the fact it sold was: it was cheaper than other console, kiddies loved it , parents thought it was good excerise for their kids. hence the massive amount of kiddie games on wii.

now, they dont have that advantage because of kinect & move. except the cheap part.

also nintendo piracy is got to be their biggest down fall. it was so easy devs will stay away making games if they dont tighten their anti piracy security. this why hackers are hating on sony.

05-03-2011, 04:18 PM
Let me know how its "ignorant" Nintendo themselves acknowledged the fact that its slow sales and demise of the Wii is due to their games....Only their franchise games kept it afloat but no console can survive on those alone....Never did I try invoke anyone with my posts but it was my opinion which I stated...But you haven't said anything constructive to this topic but to tell me to read other peoples posts and claimed there was a so called pissing match...I don't know how that could be when you were was a wee wee pad the whole time.....

Exitspeed, off topic but congrats on your new one and my prayers go out to you and your fam

Cool story broseph stalin.

My posts in this thread speak for themselves.

06-07-2011, 11:23 AM
Ok, not BLOWN away by the Wii U, but they honestly didn't show much and there's a year before it comes out.

Everyone is SO quick to hate. It's actually quite comical.

06-07-2011, 01:05 PM
Yeah honestly I wanted something greater....it sounds just like the PSP to PS3 connectivity. The initial mock images seemed way better as far as design go...they looked more comfortable....the remote looks like a white chunky block like A DS with only one screen which is funny it uses a stylus just like it....And the actual console looks like a redesign of the wii console? But its cool that they are coming out with "hardcore" games (they stated those words not me)..... looks like their using a another type of disc called iDensity wonder how its different to a dvd? But like you I'm not totally impressed...Also as expected a slew of Nintendo established remakes....I still want more details as I'm just taking things here and there from Kotaku

06-07-2011, 01:19 PM
Exitspeed....have you seen any specs on the console itself?? All I see is 1080p output and 6Ch sound? A small snipet I read about stated IBM providing the chip which was simialrly used in a super computer used on Jeopardy that beat human players....lol...I'm Not a big Jeopardy fan (I didnt even know that show was still on)

06-07-2011, 01:32 PM
It's a 45nm chip. (What is this, 2007???!?!)
Nintendo/IBM refused to disclose the clock speed or number of cores or GPU.

And yes, the architecture is the same as the one used in IBM's Watson. What the media is glossing over is the fact that Watson is using thousands or more of these chipsets in parallel. The Wii U is only using a single chipset.

06-07-2011, 02:50 PM
It's a 45nm chip. (What is this, 2007???!?!)
Nintendo/IBM refused to disclose the clock speed or number of cores or GPU.

And yes, the architecture is the same as the one used in IBM's Watson. What the media is glossing over is the fact that Watson is using thousands or more of these chipsets in parallel. The Wii U is only using a single chipset.
Watson is a workload optimized system designed for complex analytics, made possible by integrating massively parallel POWER7 processors and the IBM DeepQA software to answer Jeopardy! questions in under three seconds. Watson is made up of a cluster of ninety IBM Power 750 servers (plus additional I/O, network and cluster controller nodes in 10 racks) with a total of 2880 POWER7 processor cores and 16 Terabytes of RAM. Each Power 750 server uses a 3.5 GHz POWER7 eight core processor, with four threads per core. The POWER7 processor's massively parallel processing capability is an ideal match for Watson's IBM DeepQA software which is embarrassingly parallel (that is a workload that is easily split up into multiple parallel tasks).
Watson (computer) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watson_%28computer%29)

Buying new WiiMotes are expensive as it is(WiiMote,Motion+,Nunchuck). How much is this controller going to cost?

06-07-2011, 02:54 PM
Watson (computer) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watson_%28computer%29)

Buying new WiiMotes are expensive as it is(WiiMote,Motion+,Nunchuck). How much is this controller going to cost?

Thanks for the Watson link.

I'm not sure what the cost of the new controlling is going to be, but at least the new console is compatible with all of the existing Wii controllers and peripherals.

06-07-2011, 03:02 PM
i like the ideas they demonstrated with the controller but man it looks awful to hold. It's like gaming with an iPad. The whole look of the console (basically Wii with curves, ugly white color) and the gigantic controller turn me off. I was hoping for a sleeker look and something based off the gamecube controller, or better yet like the Xbox 360 pad. No internal HDD kind of sucks, as does lack of of blu ray movie playback (just ridiculous when I'm already paying for the fucking drive). And they didn't say anything about their new network. Will the multiplayer be as good as XBL and PSN? Will there be a real account based system so we don't have to deal with this transferring crap? Will Nintendo sell retail games via DD like Sony and MS?

06-07-2011, 04:18 PM
im wondering if ps3 and vita can do the same thing also. i bet it can. vita is basically a powerful controller disguised as a next handheld.

wiiU for being release this yr they are not showing a lot of things.
like how they use it for a drawing tablet like a cheap cintiq tablet.

06-07-2011, 04:31 PM
im wondering if ps3 and vita can do the same thing also. i bet it can. vita is basically a powerful controller disguised as a next handheld.

wiiU for being release this yr they are not showing a lot of things.
like how they use it for a drawing tablet like a cheap cintiq tablet.



06-07-2011, 04:53 PM
i like the ideas they demonstrated with the controller but man it looks awful to hold. It's like gaming with an iPad. The whole look of the console (basically Wii with curves, ugly white color) and the gigantic controller turn me off. I was hoping for a sleeker look and something based off the gamecube controller, or better yet like the Xbox 360 pad. No internal HDD kind of sucks, as does lack of of blu ray movie playback (just ridiculous when I'm already paying for the fucking drive). And they didn't say anything about their new network. Will the multiplayer be as good as XBL and PSN? Will there be a real account based system so we don't have to deal with this transferring crap? Will Nintendo sell retail games via DD like Sony and MS?

Yeah theres a still alot of details left unanswered...I'm sure in the coming months they will release more but its still a year away from actual release. As far as a drive you got to remember Nintendo is a strictly gaming company first, it doesnt try to be the all in one media console like Sony or MS. Besides to them adding a media drive DVD/Blu-Ray is more of an expense to to make the console. (hence the 150.00 dollar wii now) The cheaper the production the more profit per console. Which is why they try to reinvent themselves in other ways (wii remote and new wii u remote). I dont think Nintendo has the deep pockets to compete with Sony or Microsoft in creating an all out console. I hope they dont turn into another Sega.

06-07-2011, 05:54 PM
I hope they dont turn into another Sega.

I don't see this happening unless they screw over game developers like Sega did during the Saturn era. The fact that EA will make games for the system has to be a plus (even if mimimal).

Wii U Gets Hardcore Games and Extensive Developer Support (Video) | TechnoBuffalo (http://www.technobuffalo.com/events/e3-2011/wii-u-gets-hardcore-games-and-extensive-developer-support-video/)

06-07-2011, 07:01 PM
From what IGn has said the controller is actually perfectly comfortable and familiar to hold. They said it feels like a regular controller with a space in the center.

I'm not going to get too caught up in the actual power of the console. Again, I still like games on the PS, Gamecube, etc, so if this start the the next gen" isn't a huge leap forward (developers were saying years ago that the next leap wasn't going to be as big of a leap as the current gen compared to the last) it's not a deal breaker for me. They have said though that is IS more powerful then the 360 and PS3 and the versions of the cross platform games in the Wii U are going to look better and feature additional content via the controller that the 360 and PS3 won't have. and besides, no one should be expecting a console to come out with super high end, cutting edge PC components. They've NEVER been that way. Why would Nintendo of all people start now. I mean even when the 360 came out, that shit was 5 year old hardware and we're talking about a PC company. The PC vs Console debate is pointless and irrelevant. Especially when we're talking about Nintendo.

And that's just the third party games (which they announced a ton of today). In case people didn't notice they didn't even really show any giant first party games other then a tech demo of Zelda (which looked fucking fantastic).

The price of the tablet/controller is obviously a concern. If it's $99, not a big deal. If it's $149, that's pushing it. If it's $199 that is really really pushing it considering the Vita is $249. I'd think $99 would be the sweet spot, which is STILL a lot of money, bu manageable. The fact that the console can use Wii-motes softens the blow to the families buying one right away, because they more than likely already have a Wii.

My biggest disappointment with their press conference today wasn't the lack of power in the U, or the size or cost of the controller, it was that they really didn't show anything to get me really pumped up. Zelda was great, but a giant 360 and PS3 killer tech demo of Samus, and Mario, and their other GIANT franchises in all of their powerful HD glory would have put them over the top, even if they weren't real games. Basically show us the GOODS!

06-07-2011, 09:18 PM
Nintendo/IBM refused to disclose the clock speed or number of cores or GPU.

Rumor is that the GPU is a variant of the AMD RV770, which is equivalent to an AMD HD4800 series PC GPU.

If it's a 45nm CPU, it's quite possible that it would be based on the POWER7 architecture. POWER7 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POWER7) according to wiki, it is at least a quad-core, but a custom design is not impossible so who knows.

What could be concerning for Nintendo is to release a new console a couple of years before Sony and Microsoft. Yes they would have the graphical power advantage, but will the developpers follow Nintendo? If no one uses of that power because they are developping on the xbox360 and porting their games to the other platforms, we would get what is happening with PC gaming right now: games that barely use the power available.

Also, when Sony and Microsoft will release their new console, undoubtedly they will be more powerful than the Wii U (if it is released before the nextbox and PS4). Will we return to the current state? IE, Nintendo has the least powerful console with weird controls, and developpers need to make specific/exclusive games because they can't port their game from the PS4/Nextbox?

I think Nintendo knows that, and that's why they were quiet about performance and specs today (well, also because I don't think the specs are final yet). They are redoing the Wii trick to MS and Sony. They have an unusual controller, and they push hard on that point. It's not the graphics, it's the experience. It worked well for the first Wii... But will people follow Nintendo again? I know a lot of people with Wiis gathering dust under the TV...

Sorry if this doesn't make any sense, I'm kinda rambling here :hs: (also the grammar :dead:)

06-07-2011, 11:04 PM
no one should expect a higend console? ooh yeah im expecting.
when sony starts pushing 4k tv and a 4k capable console like sony said. most top graphic today struggle a bit with 2560x1600. so, i cant even imagine how much power it needs to run 4k efficiently.

06-08-2011, 12:02 PM
The price of the tablet/controller is obviously a concern. If it's $99, not a big deal. If it's $149, that's pushing it. If it's $199 that is really really pushing it considering the Vita is $249. I'd think $99 would be the sweet spot, which is STILL a lot of money, bu manageable. The fact that the console can use Wii-motes softens the blow to the families buying one right away, because they more than likely already have a Wii.

My biggest disappointment with their press conference today wasn't the lack of power in the U, or the size or cost of the controller, it was that they really didn't show anything to get me really pumped up. Zelda was great, but a giant 360 and PS3 killer tech demo of Samus, and Mario, and their other GIANT franchises in all of their powerful HD glory would have put them over the top, even if they weren't real games. Basically show us the GOODS!

I'm with you on the price point...the PS Vita is packed with tech compared to the Wii U remote and at 249.00 for the Vita I still think its pricey as hell if you can get a PS3 at 300. I think 99.00 is a decent price but if games start requiring more than two remotes or up to 4 remotes....That's 200-400 on remotes alone!!

06-08-2011, 07:18 PM

06-08-2011, 10:49 PM
Nintendo stock down 5 percent after Wii U reveal | Joystiq (http://www.joystiq.com/2011/06/08/nintendo-stock-down-5-percent-after-wii-u-reveal/)

06-09-2011, 12:23 PM
And that's just the third party games (which they announced a ton of today). In case people didn't notice they didn't even really show any giant first party games other then a tech demo of Zelda (which looked fucking fantastic).

My biggest disappointment with their press conference today wasn't the lack of power in the U, or the size or cost of the controller, it was that they really didn't show anything to get me really pumped up. Zelda was great, but a giant 360 and PS3 killer tech demo of Samus, and Mario, and their other GIANT franchises in all of their powerful HD glory would have put them over the top, even if they weren't real games. Basically show us the GOODS!

What's sad is part of that "tech demo" they did show was Xbox 360 and PS3 actual game footage, not their own. That was a big mistake if they are "claiming" more graphical power than these systems. I know their defense is its still in production but with a year till launch they got a big hole to fill in they just dug and a year is too short to manufacture and TEST! We all know what happens when systems are rushed...They should have learned from Xbox 360 and PS3's early system failures.

06-09-2011, 06:57 PM
I know they admitted that, but i honestly don't see what everyone's problem with that was. I mean they were more showing that the games were coming out, not necessarily what their version will look like.

I fully believe that Nintendo could have shown the most bad ass system ever, the coolest games, etc etc and people will would still pick it apart.

Basically I don't give a shit what other people are thinking. Nintendo has done a lot right over the years. Enough that I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

And seriously do you think that they just came up with this thing a couple weeks ago? No.

06-09-2011, 09:04 PM
The IPad is a revolution because it was the first commercially successful tablet, even though none of the actual technology is new.

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06-09-2011, 10:02 PM
I know they admitted that, but i honestly don't see what everyone's problem with that was. I mean they were more showing that the games were coming out, not necessarily what their version will look like.

I fully believe that Nintendo could have shown the most bad ass system ever, the coolest games, etc etc and people will would still pick it apart.

Basically I don't give a shit what other people are thinking. Nintendo has done a lot right over the years. Enough that I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

And seriously do you think that they just came up with this thing a couple weeks ago? No.

Well if they are trying to market and get anyone to care about their system using their own footage would be a must. Just showing possible games that are already on other consoles doesn't do much. Assuming they are trying to compete with the current consoles on graphics and not gimmicks then it is important.

06-10-2011, 07:29 AM
What is does is show that they are going to have those types of games, which have been absent from their line-up.

06-10-2011, 11:02 AM
How exactly are they supposed to show actual game footage when the console isn't due out for over a year? Do you think the software companies have the new games all wrapped up and ready to go? They probably haven't even started any real game development for the system yet.

06-10-2011, 11:33 AM
How exactly are they supposed to show actual game footage when the console isn't due out for over a year? Do you think the software companies have the new games all wrapped up and ready to go? They probably haven't even started any real game development for the system yet.

I can always count on you to come in with some sense.

06-10-2011, 11:54 AM
How exactly are they supposed to show actual game footage when the console isn't due out for over a year? Do you think the software companies have the new games all wrapped up and ready to go? They probably haven't even started any real game development for the system yet.

You have some valid points....but why even show a demo at a press conference? The reason its a negative is that they are saying they are going to have better graphics than the competition but their showing the competitions screens and no disclaimer was given till after the conference when questioned.
Anyway its not a big deal I'm pretty sure its graphics will surpass current gen. I think it was just a rushed attempt to put something out since there was so much detail left out (I hope I dont eat my words)....As far as game development not starting yet I dont think your quite right on that...There has to be something already started...lol They are not gonna put out this system without any games!...That is a huge marketing deal when releasing a new system is the Launch games.

Sony got the same negative response when they shown a Killzone video a couple years back that was computer generated and not actual PS3 vid. Which didnt matter cause Killzone is one of the best looking games out there. I'm sure Nintendo wont dissapoint but again that a year is a short span to deliver....

06-10-2011, 11:59 AM
I don't think they said "Look at how great the games are going to look on our console vs PS3 or 360" and then proceeded to show the demo. It was more just a demo showing all the franchises that are now coming to a Nintendo platform.

01-23-2012, 04:36 AM

good break for nintendo release its hd console since sony has no intention of releasing ps4. focusing on handheld battle with iphone.

not sure with xbox720 but its rumor spec is hd7000 which is $500+ on the market right now and add the other stuff $$$. also rumor oban chip is on production? doubt this will release within 2-3yrs.

i hope those next gen console will be 4k & 8k compatible.

01-23-2012, 05:45 AM

good break for nintendo release its hd console since sony has no intention of releasing ps4. focusing on handheld battle with iphone.

not sure with xbox720 but its rumor spec is hd7000 which is $500+ on the market right now and add the other stuff $$$. also rumor oban chip is on production? doubt this will release within 2-3yrs.

i hope those next gen console will be 4k & 8k compatible.

Funny thing about that particular demo is that miyamoto said that they are sticking with motion controls for the next Zelda. So technically the game won't use the Wii-U controller. At least not handheld that way. I could see you still having it next to you or something for the map.

And are you implying that Sony is leaving the console market? I know there was some source that said he thinks someone is leaving the console market but that was all i heard about it and that was just his opinion. It sure would be interesting for them to go only mobile especially considering the bust that is the Vita.

$500 for the next XBox sounds realistic. I mean that's how much the Elite was and that was 6 years ago.

01-23-2012, 11:14 AM
I hope they stick with the motion control comment, Skyward Sword is ruling my life right now. Everything else I have to do on any day is just a barely tolerated intermission.

01-23-2012, 11:31 AM
I don't think they are dropping the console wars. They're just concentrating on vita for now.
It makes perfect sense since 4k 8k tv are 2-4years around that block. For a next gen should be able to run those monster resolution.

maybe Zelda would have bolh. I prefer no motion control, just pure visual no crummy interface on the screen.

01-23-2012, 12:33 PM
I hope they stick with the motion control comment, Skyward Sword is ruling my life right now. Everything else I have to do on any day is just a barely tolerated intermission.

Lol. I wish i had more time during the week to play. I get like 1-2 days a week to play for an hour or two. SS is probably my favorite game of the last 5 years honestly.

I don't think they are dropping the console wars. They're just concentrating on vita for now.
It makes perfect sense since 4k 8k tv are 2-4years around that block. For a next gen should be able to run those monster resolution.

maybe Zelda would have bolh. I prefer no motion control, just pure visual no crummy interface on the screen.

Have you played Skyward Sword? This game proves that motion controls CAN be supioror to a standard controller.

01-23-2012, 02:50 PM
I have not...I only have a couple kiddie titles on my wii but, I do have the ps move. Precision stuff is what turns me off in motion controls.

01-23-2012, 03:26 PM
I have not...I only have a couple kiddie titles on my wii but, I do have the ps move. Precision stuff is what turns me off in motion controls.

Trust me...play Skyward Sword. It is probably THE only game that I have genuinely enjoyed and prefer motion controls with.

01-23-2012, 09:02 PM
Skyward sword is very precise with its motion control. So much so you learn quickly that you cannot just waggle the control like on previous games and expect to beat anything.

01-24-2012, 06:07 AM
Skyward sword is very precise with its motion control. So much so you learn quickly that you cannot just waggle the control like on previous games and expect to beat anything.

Yeah you get your ass handed to you if you don't figure out how to hit the enemy the right way.

01-24-2012, 06:58 AM
Battle was something I just coasted through in most prior Zelda games, but in SS it is THE focus of the game.

You look forward to just about every tiny engagement with enemies, let alone boss fights.

Super Mario 3D land is pretty brilliant also, if offensively easy. If Nintendo stays this on-point in the next couple years I'd expect all doubts to evaporate.

01-27-2012, 06:52 AM
Nintnedo confirmed the system WILL launch globally by the end of the year. I'm going to get my spot in line now...

01-27-2012, 07:40 AM
Yeah, hoping for a preorder announcement soon. I'll buy at launch.

IGN was saying that they're contemplating a rename, which is probably a good idea.

Final form at E3 in early June. Seems like such a loooooooong time from now, but they've given me a lot to keep me busy in the meantime.

01-27-2012, 07:55 AM
Yeah, hoping for a preorder announcement soon. I'll buy at launch.

IGN was saying that they're contemplating a rename, which is probably a good idea.

Final form at E3 in early June. Seems like such a loooooooong time from now, but they've given me a lot to keep me busy in the meantime.

I'd like to see a rename. What I'd LOVE is for them to name it something with NES. Since this is going to be a system for the "hardcore" and the NES is the ultimate and original hardcore console it would be cool for them to use that heritage. Could you imagine the marketing and how much that thing would sell if they just called it like XNES or some shit? That would be cool.

01-27-2012, 10:22 AM
I liked "Revolution" as the original name for the Wii, so I'd be happy if they use that.

XNES or something similar would also be pretty cool.

Or VNES "Visual Nintendo Entertainment System", owing to the controller with a screen, something like that.

So 3DS has sold FIFTEEN MILLION units since launch, worldwide? Do people understand how much that is? Wii didn't sell that fast and Wii was sold out consistently in the United States for like 18 months. Pssssssh, what failure?

I have such a Nintenboner right now.

04-27-2012, 09:24 AM
Not sure who's been keeping up with the Wii U rumors, but E3 is going to be big for Wii U. But that's not exactly worth updating this thread for.

But this is! Consider my mind blown! Go to about 1:27 in the video. WTF!

Wii U Details Revealed By Leaked Rayman Trailer - Wii News at IGN (http://wii.ign.com/articles/122/1223893p1.html)

04-27-2012, 10:35 AM
i want to believe, but i dont for a second think youll be able to scan shit into the game that isnt already programed in.

04-27-2012, 11:14 AM
i saw samething on Target called skylanders. it saves on the character figure so if you have the same toy figures it would have different character ID code. if you die in the game you have to restart the stage or switch to another toy figure with full health.

its damn brilliant.
nintendo and publishers can make lot of dough from kiddies.

found a vid

04-27-2012, 12:33 PM
i want to believe, but i dont for a second think youll be able to scan shit into the game that isnt already programed in.

It doesn't magically scan the action figures, so you're right. The controller is using an embedded NFC chip in both the toy and the controller to read the toys, meaning you can only scan certain things.

04-27-2012, 02:37 PM
Regardless of how it's done it's pretty awesome.

04-27-2012, 05:28 PM
It doesn't magically scan the action figures, so you're right. The controller is using an embedded NFC chip in both the toy and the controller to read the toys, meaning you can only scan certain things.

Goddamnit I wanted to scan my penis.

04-27-2012, 05:41 PM
As Long as controllers are normal I might consider it.

04-27-2012, 05:56 PM
Maybe I'm just that old, but nobody else remembers barcode battlers? The NFC chip is just a 21st century version of that.

04-27-2012, 06:38 PM
It's cool to mediocre at best. This is a selling point/gimmick for pre-teens. The pokemon crowd/games will eat this up. I could imagine them cashing in $$$ to sell these toys. Yet this is simply just another form of DLC to get your money.

04-27-2012, 08:35 PM
It's cool to mediocre at best. This is a selling point/gimmick for pre-teens. The pokemon crowd/games will eat this up

This was my first thought. I can imagine a Yu gi oh (that still exists right?) or magic the gathering, pokemon, or any of those type games, being big with this.

Still it is really amazing though. I bet someone can come up with something that is pretty inventive (zelda).

04-27-2012, 09:53 PM
I think you guys under estimate the creativity of Nintendo.

04-27-2012, 10:09 PM
Not at all. We all thought the wii would be lame, but I love the hell out of my
Wii. It seems gimicky at first, but that is the power of Nintendo. They take current game trends, laugh at them, then do their own shit. Sometimes it works, Wii, sometimes, not Gamecube.

Personally I think they will blow us away all over again.

04-27-2012, 10:11 PM
Well, you got the Blow part right...

07-09-2012, 11:45 PM
Theres a price leak from amazon in euro 399 which is about $508 us dollars. Target price is Probably around $499 for us. I hope less.

07-10-2012, 11:29 AM
$399 seems more realistic. Either way, I'll be waiting in the cold come October.

07-10-2012, 11:41 AM
$499 seems like a lot, considering it isn't exactly a quantum leap over a PS3 or anything.

I used to buy everything Nintendo at launch but after getting killed on the 3DS price drop a few months after launch, I'll probably wait 6-12 months on Wii U.

I'm still playing through Zelda, honestly. I'm so behind.

07-10-2012, 12:08 PM
Yeah, i kinda stopped playing zelda. :/

Been playing Deus Ex, and the Mass Effect series on my new xbox instead.

The Wii U is looking less and less like it's going to be in my house unless they have some extremely compelling titles.

07-10-2012, 12:46 PM
I really like the idea of having a screen on your controller. Could be very awesome if put to the correct use in fps games and RPGs. Items and quick selecting different kinds of ammo or grenades instead of scrolling through.

07-10-2012, 02:54 PM
I'm still playing through Zelda, honestly. I'm so behind.

I'm still playing through it as well. I'm at the very last part in the game finally. So close.

07-10-2012, 03:36 PM
after the game cube, the Nintendo lost its TRUE gamer feel. and is now more of family fun console.

07-10-2012, 07:51 PM
after the game cube, the Nintendo lost its TRUE gamer feel. and is now more of family fun console.

Yeah, but that doesn't mean there isn't incredible core games on Nintendo consoles. If you let the "It's for kids" or "it's for family fun" only kinda mindest you missed out on some seriously great games ie Wind Waker, Skyward Sword, Metroid Prime, Mario Galaxy just to name a few. I honestly don't give a shit about playing third party games on Nintendo consoles. I care about Nintendo's franchises. I can play Call of Halo Battlefiled Creed Post Apocalyptic World after Post Apocalyptic World games on 360 or PS3.