View Full Version : WTT kouki 180sx tail lights for a pignose lip +$$ from you

doke! ドリフト
04-14-2011, 06:53 AM
Whats up I need a pignose lip they're hard to find in Japan where I'm stationed.

I want to trade a set of kouki lights with the metal garnish for a lip plus cash on your end.

I'm thinking $300obo from you plus a clean lip.

The way I broke it down is kouki 4 piece lights go for around $400(sometimes a little cheaper) and pignose lips go for about $80.

I'd pay to ship the tails. And you pay to ship the lip.

Let me know if any of this makes sense lol and pm me for more details we need to work out.



04-14-2011, 11:32 PM
I have a lip
that i think is for a pignose but its on
a chuki bumper lol
its a thin black one
ill give it to you and 250 for your tailights
any cracks on them?
Do u have the center garnish and bottom part?

doke! ドリフト
04-15-2011, 10:23 AM
Yes I have all 4 pieces, that includes the center and lower metal garnish.

To me it sounds like you have the stock plastic piece that came on the chuki bumper, take some pics.

Im a little flexible on my price but $250 is too low, UNLESS the lip is super clean mint condition..