View Full Version : Spud / Potato Guns! What sort of machinery do you guys have?

04-13-2011, 11:13 PM
Well, what do you guys have? I'm sure not all of Zilvia is concerned with fapping off to Option Videos and paying others to do their work, so lets see what you DIY guys have!

Some pics of my new vegetable vaporizer.

It's a run of the mill spud gun, but instead of having the bullshit BBQ igniter on it, it's got a real deal Chinese Flea Market ignition system (consider the LS2 coilpacks of the Spud Gun world). Sure the old piezo-crystal ones 'work' but anyone who has had them realizes the mixture better be perfect, or lean, or it will not fire and foul out.

Nobody likes a soggy potato laying in the chamber, so this setup has been proven to work. I had it working last year but broke a lead off. I figured it was junk, but finally had the time (aka: remembered) to tear the stun gun apart. Inside I found the shittiest of the shitty eletronics, and simply re-soldered new leads ont the existing ones out of the funbox.

From there, I ran them to the aluminum screws that I already have in there. Unsure of the gap, probably a .035-.040 for you GM guys. Liquid electrical taped everything like 3 times, as I didn't want to get BBQ'd at all.

Anywho, this pig works well....almost too well. Gotta be careful with the go-juice as this thing will obviously ignite it all...I don't want a PCV party going into my leg, so it's time to be careful.









Itt's a nasty bitch. I love it.

04-13-2011, 11:59 PM
You have brought back some good child hood memories. I think I am going to make one this weekend! I will post pics when I am done.

04-14-2011, 12:11 AM
Can you give me a link to where I can get that ignition system? I have a redbull gun that shoots redbull cans. It needs a stronger ignition system.


04-14-2011, 12:56 AM
Some pics of my new vegetable vaporizer.

Nice, what kind of fuel are you using? Also what kind of damage is it capable of?

04-14-2011, 01:04 AM
did you catch this weeks House MD eps?

04-14-2011, 08:25 AM
Can you give me a link to where I can get that ignition system? I have a redbull gun that shoots redbull cans. It needs a stronger ignition system.


Hey! It's actually a 'chinese SPL' stun gun from our local flea market. They are there every weekend selling these things, sometimes grouped with crappy ripped DVD's and other sorts of knock off crap (I think I saw some 240sx suspension arms there last time haha j/k)

I'll take a peek for ya, I like going up there looking for junk.

Nice, what kind of fuel are you using? Also what kind of damage is it capable of?

I typically use AquaNet, but used Axe the other night as my roomate get it free from work or something. Axe seems to burn MUCH hotter, blue flame rips outa the end, more kick.

Damage wise, I hope to shoot it at some things after 'sighting' it in. I'm pretty good from the hip but the spuds fly like 1 armed ducks in the air.

did you catch this weeks House MD eps?

I had no clue what that meant, but after googling 'no' ? Was it about stun guns?

04-14-2011, 08:38 AM
the new episode was about spud guns

04-14-2011, 08:55 AM
the new episode was about spud guns

Ahhhh, I'm a terrible TV watcher so I don't keep up with anything this side of sports, and the occasional Nat Geo show

What did they say about spud guns?

04-14-2011, 01:15 PM
im glad im not the only one who thought of house coming into this topic.

04-14-2011, 06:00 PM
damn, i kept mine cheap with soda cans and lighter fluid.

04-14-2011, 08:47 PM
I build one when I was in high school. I was shooting golf balls out of it as I worked at a golf course and had hundreds of them people left behind.

I used a shitty BBQ igniter and hair spray/axe. Just like you said the mixture had to be just right to fire, but when she fired she was nasty. I really like your taser idea though. You have inspired to build one as soon as I get some free time again.

04-14-2011, 08:55 PM
i actually used a tazer for my igniter and i used propane. kinda scarry tho cause i didnt know if the chaber was gunna blow apart

04-15-2011, 08:48 PM
4-5 monster cans. cut out the centers, leave the last can alone and poke holes on the top and one on the bottom center or side. tape them all together. squirt a bit of lighter fluid, swing it around to get the fumes to spread inside, use a lighter and light the bottom hole. cheapest way to make one.

this guy went overboard with canned fruit cans. lol

04-15-2011, 09:37 PM
For the ignition system did you just solder the wires to the prongs on stun gun? I need to find a stun gun at the flew market ASAP.

04-19-2011, 01:12 PM
I build one when I was in high school. I was shooting golf balls out of it as I worked at a golf course and had hundreds of them people left behind.

I used a shitty BBQ igniter and hair spray/axe. Just like you said the mixture had to be just right to fire, but when she fired she was nasty. I really like your taser idea though. You have inspired to build one as soon as I get some free time again.

I live on a gold course as well, so that sounds like a plan :D

For the ignition system did you just solder the wires to the prongs on stun gun? I need to find a stun gun at the flew market ASAP.

I actually opened the solder gun up, and soldered my lead wires directly to the wires out of the stun gun. I first tried to solder to the metal tits that come out, but they broke off (cheap). Now there is no way for it to not work.

04-19-2011, 01:38 PM
dammit photobucket deleted all my videos of my one from high school.

I got some awesome fireballs and set off car alarms with propane fuel and using aluminum burst discs.

one time i got bored and filled a lightbulb with a bunch of molten lead, then shot it through the wall of a burnt out house, haha

04-19-2011, 01:39 PM
Can you give me a link to where I can get that ignition system? I have a redbull gun that shoots redbull cans. It needs a stronger ignition system.

This just doesn't sound safe, I can just see some chick in a crowd now getting smashed in the face with a redbull can.