View Full Version : Here For you. A Four Part benefit Concert Series for Japan.

04-13-2011, 01:28 PM
hello my brothers girlfriends friend is hosting this benefit show.

100% of the proceeds will be donated to:

AMDA INTERNATIONAL - Association of Medical Doctors of Asia NGO with UNECOSOC General Consultative Status (http://www.amdainternational.com)

show will be held on 3 more different dates.
April 17th
April 24th
May 1st

show is 21 or Older!

location: east 3rd steakhoues- Little Tokyo-734 East 3rd Street Los Angeles ca 90013

time: 8am-2am

10$ at the door.


04-13-2011, 01:32 PM
Maybe i should have posted it in South Western States region >.> can mods move this?