View Full Version : Gas Prices Head Towards $5.00/Gallon

04-12-2011, 09:44 AM
How will you change your driving habits if that happens?

04-12-2011, 09:49 AM
I'll ride my bike more as soon as I move to FL.

04-12-2011, 09:51 AM
I won't. Work is 30 miles away. If anything, I'd change my money spending habits.

04-12-2011, 09:53 AM
I'll be going for a drive to the houses of the CEO's for ExxonMobile and ConocoPhillips.

Don't be surprised when at the end of this fical year they have record profits again.

04-12-2011, 09:59 AM
It won't change my driving habits, b/c gas for me is a company expense & write-off.
If anything it means less traffic on the weekends.
I'm just worried how it effects the economy on a whole & drive up the cost for other items.

Also $5 for gas is one thing, if that's as high as it goes in the short run (say within a year).
How much higher it can & will get is another.
It's entirely possible to get much more expensive at the rate things are currently going.
hard to predict how many more 'revolutions' are going to occur in oil rich countries.

04-12-2011, 10:01 AM
My brother bought a honda crx HF model awhile back. That thing gets around 50 mpg on the freeway and 49 on the street I believe.

04-12-2011, 10:04 AM
honeybadger don't care

04-12-2011, 10:04 AM
I'll be going for a drive to the houses of the CEO's for ExxonMobile and ConocoPhillips.

Don't be surprised when at the end of this fical year they have record profits again.
They will, and people need to realize they are having record profits for ANY business, not just the oil industry, ExxonMobile recorded the highest profits in the history of business in the third quarter of 2010. People hear record profits and they think that is just in their industry, its not its in the world.

04-12-2011, 10:05 AM
I'll drive my stoopid 14mpg 2JZ until it dies or I'm broke! $5/G isn't that bad considering other countries pay even more than that.. still sucks though, I remember when gas was under just over a dollar...

04-12-2011, 10:07 AM
I won't. Work is 30 miles away. If anything, I'd change my money spending habits.

+1 on that.... moval to ontario 5 days a week... no bueno

plus i hit traffic in the morning and at night

04-12-2011, 10:12 AM
I'll drive my stoopid 14mpg 2JZ until it dies or I'm broke! $5/G isn't that bad considering other countries pay even more than that.. still sucks though, I remember when gas was under just over a dollar...
Other countries that pay more per gallon/liter of gas, also have a higher median income per household. Not to mention they have little to no domestic production of oil. When you look at the economical end of how gas prices are determined, and you take out oil speculators, we should be paying around $2.49

04-12-2011, 10:13 AM
I'll drive my stoopid 14mpg 2JZ until it dies or I'm broke! $5/G isn't that bad considering other countries pay even more than that.. still sucks though, I remember when gas was under just over a dollar...

Yeah, but chances are 'other countries' especially if it's the eurotrash,
have much better mass transit & shorter driving distances than socal.

The argument that 'such & such' country has higher gas prices is moot unless you take into account other factors.

04-12-2011, 10:21 AM
probably won't change much for me. i take public transportation to work Mon-Fri and only take my car out on Saturdays and drive to my girlfriends house and back most of the time (~5 miles total). Once in a while, I want to go somewhere else (Jersey, PA, etc) but I'm more concerned about the tolls at that point. $11 dollars to cross a damn bridge to get out of NYC and $6 to come back in.

04-12-2011, 10:33 AM
I remember when gas was under just over a dollar...
Unleaded was .88 cents per gallon when I started driving in '97/98. I could fill up the whole tank for like $10.:-/

I'm already reducing expenses, slashing my personal budget & planning on moving to a cheaper place to live. I guess I'll add moving to a place with good mass transit in the mix.

Austin, here I come!!!

04-12-2011, 10:38 AM
Ill just ride my bicycle to work since I live and work on base and I really don't drive alot or if I do its never far distances at all. But itll be bad for when I move back to cali in a lil less than 2 years from now...

04-12-2011, 10:43 AM
honeybadger don't care

haha win!

but seriously, gas is expensive. I'm already driving around less.

04-12-2011, 11:04 AM
Contemplating getting rid of the evo honestly, free up cash everywhere else, commuting in it aint cheap

04-12-2011, 11:05 AM
Doesn't bother me. Work is ten miles away from home. Wife's work is less than 5 miles from work. I myself only use about 5 gallons a week commuting, so the price increases have had little impact on me.

Get used to higher gas prices, though. There's 7 billion people on this planet. Up until now, maybe 1 billion have had the means to buy their own car. With China and India's economies ramping up, they could add another 1 billion drivers to the world's population. With China's car market selling 15 million cars a year, mainly to people who never had a car before, the numbers of cars on the road is expanding quickly. Oil exploration is not going to be able to keep up with an expansion that fast unless we can figure out a way to reduce our per capita oil consumption.

For our next vehicle, my wife and I will be seriously considering the Chevy Volt to replace my wife's Expedition. She would then drive gas-free 95% of the time.

04-12-2011, 11:09 AM
Contemplating getting rid of the evo honestly, free up cash everywhere else, commuting in it aint cheap

Yeah commuting in socal in an evo x is not wise.
mine gets me 19 mpg if I'm lucky, plus its uncomfortably loud and sadly needs a 6th gear.
Had it for over 3 years, and I barely have 20k into it.
you cannot have realistically expected it to be a practical car, however.

Any reasonably reliable 240sx (or any other POS car) will work much better.
You may lose less money if you invest in a beater for commutes.
I'd love to pick up another old civic/crx myself.

04-12-2011, 11:42 AM
Yeah commuting in socal in an evo x is not wise.
mine gets me 19 mpg if I'm lucky, plus its uncomfortably loud and sadly needs a 6th gear.
Had it for over 3 years, and I barely have 20k into it.
you cannot have realistically expected it to be a practical car, however.

Any reasonably reliable 240sx (or any other POS car) will work much better.
You may lose less money if you invest in a beater for commutes.
I'd love to pick up another old civic/crx myself.

This is my exact same thought process, I never really thought the evo would be a great commuter, I just see how much money I could be saving if I got a lower car payment and something better on insurance and gas all around. Oh well I guess my priorities have changed for the better, it's just another car :)

04-12-2011, 11:44 AM
Derp Derp ride Ruckus and not care Derp

04-12-2011, 12:15 PM
Play xbox on my days off.lol.

I'm definitely going to limit my driving since I can take the bus or ride my bike to work.

04-12-2011, 12:30 PM
I'll be going for a drive to the houses of the CEO's for ExxonMobile and ConocoPhillips.

Don't be surprised when at the end of this fical year they have record profits again.

Isnt that F&^$#*n insane bullshit that the price goes up for any stupid reason they command which raises the barrel price but the Oil Companies record BILLIONS in profit every quarter!!

04-12-2011, 12:37 PM
I'm just going to keep paying for it. We still have gas MUCH cheaper than a lot of other countries. Premium just hit $4.03 yesterday, so it's only a matter of a month or so before we actually see $5, haha.

04-12-2011, 12:37 PM
It all depends on what the speculators speculate lol.. and how far they are willing to push and ride this incline. It definitely is not due to traditional supply and demand.

04-12-2011, 12:44 PM
Won't really affect me. I already drive slow enough as it is. When my girlfriend and I go out, we keep it within a reasonable distance (about 30 minutes or so). Used to drive down to San Diego a few times a month, but not worth it anymore if it's costing us $40+ in gas alone.

My daily is a 4-cylinder with a full tune up. Average about 430 miles to a tank.

Been thinking about an older CR-X though. My dad commutes a lot to work. Figure it'd be cheaper for him to drive one of those.

04-12-2011, 12:50 PM
Won't affect me either. I'll just start taking the free shuttle to work instead of making the 10mile commute.


no slide
04-12-2011, 12:54 PM
Guess it'll motivate me to get my civic hatch running a lot sooner. Or I'll just ride the street bike. Even tho my sr does about 28mpg average, I drive 45 miles to work one way.

04-12-2011, 12:59 PM
Other countries that pay more per gallon/liter of gas, also have a higher median income per household. Not to mention they have little to no domestic production of oil. When you look at the economical end of how gas prices are determined, and you take out oil speculators, we should be paying around $2.49

I'm just going to keep paying for it. We still have gas MUCH cheaper than a lot of other countries. Premium just hit $4.03 yesterday, so it's only a matter of a month or so before we actually see $5, haha.

Read what I said earlier. Those countries that pay so much more than we do, do so because they have no domestic production. Did you know that the US produces enough oil to be self sustainable? The problem is its too profitable for those companies to sell that oil to countries that other oil producing countries won't do business with than to keep it in the states. Even still, of our oil consumption 51% of it is domestically produced, out of the 49% left, less than 17% of that comes from northern Africa (Libya) and less than 9% comes from the middle east. We import most of our oil from Canada. These numbers were form a HLN story on two nights ago. I DVR'd it to show my dad.

04-12-2011, 01:17 PM
Gas over here in SLUT isnt as high as in Cali but we are getting there 3.71 per gal, wouldnt surprise me to see it going up to 4 bucks per gallon this year and we have oil refineries here, over here you need to drive to get to places because everything is far

we pretty much only have 2 freeways, i have a single cam and i go thru a full tank of gas in a week, it cost me 50 bucks to fill it up so that along is 200 bucks a month, i drive slow most of the time but i feel that the weld diff dont help MPG for some reason. Im just gonna retard my timing a bit, ill be even slower but im willing to see if that helps my MPG

04-12-2011, 01:26 PM
We already pay over $5 per gallon.

Still gotta get to work. Still gotta drive! Public transport is more expensive than driving yourself. Changes nothing for me in day to day life, although less money leftover from fuel bills means I don't get to enjoy my fun car as much, ie the S14.

04-12-2011, 01:29 PM
Isnt that F&^$#*n insane bullshit that the price goes up for any stupid reason they command which raises the barrel price but the Oil Companies record BILLIONS in profit every quarter!!

The oil companies rake in huge profits when oil goes up, but they aren't really to blame for the prices. Oil is a publicly traded commodity (like gold, or currencies, etc), so it's price varies like the stock market. If investors think that demand might outstrip supply, the price gets bid up. If there is too much capacity, prices fall.

Read what I said earlier. Those countries that pay so much more than we do, do so because they have no domestic production. Did you know that the US produces enough oil to be self sustainable? The problem is its too profitable for those companies to sell that oil to countries that other oil producing countries won't do business with than to keep it in the states. Even still, of our oil consumption 51% of it is domestically produced, out of the 49% left, less than 17% of that comes from northern Africa (Libya) and less than 9% comes from the middle east. We import most of our oil from Canada. These numbers were form a HLN story on two nights ago. I DVR'd it to show my dad.

Countries don't pay a higher price depending on whether or not they have any oil production. No matter where you are in the world, the price of a barrel of oil is roughly the same, because it is traded on the global oil commodity market. Producers offer their oil on the market, and it is bought at whatever price oil happens to be that day. Oil producers don't set the prices, the commodity market does.

2nd, the US doesn't produce nearly enough oil to satisfy domestic consumption. The US consumes about 20 million barrels a day of oil, but only produces 8 million bbl/day. That means the US imports 2/3rds of the oil we consume. Oil production in the US has been falling since the 1970s as the easiest oil to get to has been consumed. Oil is getting harder and harder to extract in the US, requiring more technology, and higher oil prices to make it economical.

The largest source of our imported oil is indeed Canada. However, this is a recent phenomenon that only occurred once Canada started widespread extraction from the tar sands. Back when oil was $30/bbl, it wasn't economical to extract oil from tar sands. It was not too long ago that Saudi Arabia was the largest exporter to the US. Mexico also used to be a much larger exporter to the US, but Mexico's oil production has fallen drastically in the last couple years.

04-12-2011, 01:49 PM
starting to ride my ruckus more often

04-12-2011, 01:50 PM
The oil companies rake in huge profits when oil goes up, but they aren't really to blame for the prices. Oil is a publicly traded commodity (like gold, or currencies, etc), so it's price varies like the stock market. If investors think that demand might outstrip supply, the price gets bid up. If there is too much capacity, prices fall.

Then how do you explain that we are at record prices at the pump, but more than 20% lower than the record price per barrel? Oil and other commodities are influenced more by speculation than actual trading, its the main point on the agenda for the CEC right now. They are having a conniption fit about it.

Countries don't pay a higher price depending on whether or not they have any oil production. No matter where you are in the world, the price of a barrel of oil is roughly the same, because it is traded on the global oil commodity market. Producers offer their oil on the market, and it is bought at whatever price oil happens to be that day. Oil producers don't set the prices, the commodity market does.

You can't believe this first sentence to be true?? You really think it doesn't matter if you produce any of it domestically? If you think all oil is traded on the global oil commodity market then how is it that you can buy it on the US commodity market? All oil is not on the global market, only exported oil is.

2nd, the US doesn't produce nearly enough oil to satisfy domestic consumption. The US consumes about 20 million barrels a day of oil, but only produces 8 million bbl/day. That means the US imports 2/3rds of the oil we consume. Oil production in the US has been falling since the 1970s as the easiest oil to get to has been consumed. Oil is getting harder and harder to extract in the US, requiring more technology, and higher oil prices to make it economical.

I accept this, I meant to say that oil production in North America meets consumption. So you are correct in your rebuttal.

The largest source of our imported oil is indeed Canada. However, this is a recent phenomenon that only occurred once Canada started widespread extraction from the tar sands. Back when oil was $30/bbl, it wasn't economical to extract oil from tar sands. It was not too long ago that Saudi Arabia was the largest exporter to the US. Mexico also used to be a much larger exporter to the US, but Mexico's oil production has fallen drastically in the last couple years.

This really depends on what you consider recent, Canada has been our leading importer of oil for over a decade now. Brazil is about to ramp up production and will quickly surpass them if the projections of their untapped fields are correct.

04-12-2011, 02:04 PM
The 240 is going into the garage when socal goes over $5.00 a gallon.

I'm already paying $4.30 a gallon and I don't even get half tank with 20 dollars anymore.

04-12-2011, 02:18 PM
probably won't change much for me. i take public transportation to work Mon-Fri and only take my car out on Saturdays and drive to my girlfriends house and back most of the time (~5 miles total). Once in a while, I want to go somewhere else (Jersey, PA, etc) but I'm more concerned about the tolls at that point. $11 dollars to cross a damn bridge to get out of NYC and $6 to come back in.

What bridge is 11??? and it's $8 to come into the city now through the tunnels and GW...

The Cayenne will be a 8000 pound paperweight if it gets that high..i will not go anywhere, but i only drive on weekends i commute to work so gas lasts a while..

04-12-2011, 03:51 PM
The only way I'll change my driving habit is to organize myself to leave on time for work. When I'm running late I tend to drive in a way that kills my MPG. :2f2f:

Yeah, but chances are 'other countries' especially if it's the eurotrash,
have much better mass transit & shorter driving distances than socal.

The argument that 'such & such' country has higher gas prices is moot unless you take into account other factors.

Not to mention the Euro is worth more than the Dollar and if you work in Europe you're paid in Euros.

Read what I said earlier. Those countries that pay so much more than we do, do so because they have no domestic production. Did you know that the US produces enough oil to be self sustainable? The problem is its too profitable for those companies to sell that oil to countries that other oil producing countries won't do business with than to keep it in the states. Even still, of our oil consumption 51% of it is domestically produced, out of the 49% left, less than 17% of that comes from northern Africa (Libya) and less than 9% comes from the middle east. We import most of our oil from Canada. These numbers were form a HLN story on two nights ago. I DVR'd it to show my dad.

Link to video or story? Or what was the title so I can see if they'll rerun it and I'll DVR it.

04-12-2011, 04:09 PM
honeybadger don't care


04-12-2011, 04:22 PM
The 240 is going into the garage when socal goes over $5.00 a gallon.

I'm already paying $4.30 a gallon and I don't even get half tank with 20 dollars anymore.

i paid 4.32 in pomona today and got my quarter tank for 15 bucks lol

gas hasn't really affected how often i drive, i usually put around at super low rpms anyway lol

04-12-2011, 04:24 PM
anyone else considering HHO hybrid? Of course though if the ECU does not change the fuel map, there are ways of turning it down with added chips /o2 spacers etc

There are alot of turds on youtube trying to sell you kits though but plenty of info out there to do it.


04-12-2011, 04:28 PM
I'm probably riding my bike 25+ miles to work/school tomorrow

04-12-2011, 04:29 PM
idk about 'HHO' or whatever hybrid, I'm just skeptical replacing those super-expensive batteries on say the Prius or the Insight.

My family has 08 civic hybrid that I use often.
good thing is that it's been pretty reliable up the 54k miles it has so far.
it's also fun to drive, since a lot of the handling performance parts from the civic Si bolts right up & is cheap.

Unfortunately, I've only been able to average 30 mpg at best.
Really not quite sold on hybrids, esp how efficient the batteries are over the long run.
rather opt for a fuel efficient & reliable older civic or corrolla.

a ruckus or some other homo-erotic moped would be fun,
but probably not so practical in places like socal with a lot of freeways.

04-12-2011, 04:33 PM
It was neat when fuel prices climbed quite high a few years ago and the roads were noticeably emptier that summer.

My Nissan 240SX gets great gas mileage. I will drive it more. :)

04-12-2011, 04:39 PM
I only drive to school each day so it's not so bad, I only use up 1/4 tank in my truck each week. driving 24 miles each day so it's alright. I'm not excited about driving my 240 after the swap. I just hope I can get somewhat decent mileage with it. Is it possible to run 87 octane on an rb25? I would be willing to run it if it won't affect anything. I'm not too worried about power at the moment, Just something to get me around. If it will run terrible I won't even think about running it.

04-12-2011, 04:46 PM
i commute from moreno valley to la every other day i think ill just drive slower, and keeep my 240 sitting for special nights aha :p i gotta finish it anyway :p in the garage itll go!

04-12-2011, 04:51 PM
Probably trade the truck in for a smaller car or just buy a scooter, but not really necessary since me and the wife both work less than 3 miles from home.

04-12-2011, 05:30 PM
Premium in el paso is aboug 3.67 right now. It won't hurt me much if it goes to 4 bucks since school is almost over in may and that'll save me 30 miles per day. Luckily work is 5 miles away from me.

04-12-2011, 05:39 PM
I've already changed my driving habits by going to meets much much much less often. I used to go to at LEAST one meet per week, now I don't even think I'm going to one per month. I only drive when I absolutely need to.

04-12-2011, 05:54 PM
I drive like a grandma right now, I can't save my money if I'm spending it all on gas. I'm hoping it won't get to rediculous later on, but I'm a dreamer.

04-12-2011, 05:58 PM
I already changed my driving habits, on the freeway I only go 60-65mph, 55 if someone else is going that slow, and I cruise on the streets.
I put 28 dollars today and I only got a little less than half.

04-12-2011, 06:25 PM
Blame Lybia.. haha. Scooters are rad. 60 mpg highway legal, forget about it

04-12-2011, 06:55 PM
I'll be going for a drive to the houses of the CEO's for ExxonMobile and ConocoPhillips.

Don't be surprised when at the end of this fical year they have record profits again.

right on man... its those dag nabit companies at fault, not increasing global demand coupled with diminishing supply

we should tax the hell outta those greedy companies profits. that way in 10 years when demand is even higher and supply is even more taxed, we'll surely have more supply than we would if the companies had more $$ to reinvest into furthering production and enhance R&D of better extraction technology (i.e. oil shale).

What we really should do is reinstate a price ceiling on gas prices
that worked really well back in the 1970s.

an average car gets lets say 20mpg and drives 10,000/[email protected]$5.00=2,500 bucks,

median income in the U.S. is north of 50,000 bucks

bottom line its 5% of peoples income (10% at 25,000/year in income)...

04-12-2011, 07:15 PM
I'll just sit back and laugh. I bought a new Harley a year ago this month, and I average 55 mpg. I have a 45 mile daily commute to school/work from home. It saves me MORE money in gas alone (from my truck) than the bike note + the insurance + the fuel the bike consumes. The higher the gas goes, the higher my "savings margin". Yeah, I'm spending MORE the higher it goes, but I'm saving MORE as well. The commute is inevitable; it just makes sense to own a motorcycle in my current situation.

beeracing s14
04-12-2011, 07:36 PM
if another cash for clunkers happens, ill trade in my 240.

04-12-2011, 07:40 PM
ignore the fact they trying to sell the kit..


Of couse your not going to replace fuel, just making enough hydrogen to allow the fuel mixture to decrease .
I believe your going to need to comphesate for the ecu though, there are ways to do it, This is usually done to regular cars though, if you have like a safc though it would probably be easier.

04-12-2011, 07:52 PM
I won't. Work is 30 miles away. If anything, I'd change my money spending habits.

I'm following this method as well. Summer is going to be tough since I tend to go out a lot, but I will manage.

04-12-2011, 08:16 PM
bmx bike....

04-12-2011, 08:30 PM
45 min commute to/from work, I burn 1/4 a tank every 2 days. My car barely moves unless it's to go to work so nothing really can be done.

squatting pigeon
04-12-2011, 08:47 PM
spending $20 a day to get to my amazing job.
makes me die inside a little

04-12-2011, 09:40 PM
We should not worry to much on gas prices. We should be Worried on what gas prices effect such as interest rate and inflation.... That's the real problem!

04-12-2011, 09:49 PM
im lucky there is a price war going on in my town. $3.39 a gallon here

04-12-2011, 10:13 PM
Already started to change my driving habits. I try and ease on the gas after stops instead of stomping on that shit. 5.7L v8's blow wiener. Only drive about 16 miles round trip per day and I go through a tank a gas a week if not a little sooner and gas is about $3.90 for 87.

04-12-2011, 10:20 PM
fuck gas prices!!! shifting at 2k ftw. tailgate me and ill pull my ebrake on you SNIP!

04-12-2011, 10:27 PM
I try not to pay attention to gas prices (ignorance is bliss sometimes) but i know its outrageous that my stock ka blows through $25 in 3 days, i do go to school about 8miles away from my house but i dont joy ride or anything and im known to pop it in neutral after i reach the speed limit and just coast. gas sometimes takes my whole paycheck (not much since im still in high school)

And as far as the government goes, importing oil raises the cost drastically, the exporter can raise the price whenever they feel like it, then tariffs and getting it to the local pumps is an expensive task. However some out there believe we need to raise the price more because of all the harm the environment takes from the life of petro (destroying habitats to acquire the amenity, then goes on a large boat=pollution, train=pollution, 18wheeler=pollution, then the pollution from the actual gas burning in the car) while i agree, i would never really want that price jump to happen.

04-12-2011, 10:28 PM
fuck gas prices!!! shifting at 2k ftw. tailgate me and ill pull my ebrake on you SNIP!

Is that you Candy Cane?


C/N's: Fall on wieners.

04-12-2011, 10:33 PM
Is that you Candy Cane?


C/N's: Fall on wieners.

gif is no bueno. but gas right now is 3.69 in texas :( im filling up half a tank for $25 everyweek on my daily...

04-12-2011, 10:52 PM
i drive so slow nowadays that even highway patrol officers overtake me sometimes, and by slow i mean speed limit lol.

it takes around 50 bucks to fill up my gas tank, but i last for 2.3 weeks because i volunteered to do nothing nowadays besides school since gas prices are ridiculous.

04-12-2011, 10:53 PM
fuck gas prices!!! shifting at 2k ftw. tailgate me and ill pull my ebrake on you SNIP!

LMAO im using this as my signature if u dnt mind,

But gas prices suck man, i filled my car up yesterday and its below half a tank right now, this sucks.

04-12-2011, 11:08 PM

04-12-2011, 11:09 PM
I drove my sister somewhere earlier today and chose to get treated to Red Robins, rather than get money to fill my tank. and Im cruising on the empty line.LOL

part of me regrets that decision.oh well. Who would say no to a juicy cheeseburger and bottomless fries? :)

04-12-2011, 11:11 PM
work more overtime
won't really change my driving habits
maybe eat out less and buy less beer... *shrug*

04-12-2011, 11:55 PM
In the past ten years, a dumb majority here in Kansas City voted down every proposed electric train/tram/subway/any kind of an efficient modern mass transit system. Their main reason being a tax increase of a few cents.
5$ per gallon would make for a comical slap in their face.

04-13-2011, 01:23 AM
Can't say that it would change my driving habits much at all. I figure I will spend $60 on gas a week.. It would take many days of not driving for me to get anywhere from 10-14 days on a full tank rather than the 7 I do now.

Work for me is 30 miles away as well. The bus ride from my house to my work takes me about an hour and thirty minutes to an hour and forty five minutes each way. I don't enjoy spending 3+ hours on the bus a day. Even though I do save a few bucks. Way too much time on that fucking thing and our public transportation system sucks dick,

04-13-2011, 01:43 AM
I dont really mind too much. Does it suck? Yea, but ill still enjoy my weekend/project cars and occasional track/drift event just as I always have, just budget a bit more in my finances to do so.

04-13-2011, 02:33 AM
I sold my tuned wrx, and bought a civic... now I get 30+ mpgs.

Still gonna drive the piss out of my S13 when its built and waste tons of gas...

It's just money, I'll make more.

Nothing we can do to stop it, so life goes on.

04-13-2011, 02:39 AM
I'm happy with my stock ka and the 430+ miles to the tank it's 60 to fill but fuck it gotta drive

04-13-2011, 07:38 AM
My brother bought a honda crx HF model awhile back. That thing gets around 50 mpg on the freeway and 49 on the street I believe.

And that is exactly why the Prius is not really that impressive of a car!

04-13-2011, 07:56 AM
right on man... its those dag nabit companies at fault, not increasing global demand coupled with diminishing supply

we should tax the hell outta those greedy companies profits. that way in 10 years when demand is even higher and supply is even more taxed, we'll surely have more supply than we would if the companies had more $$ to reinvest into furthering production and enhance R&D of better extraction technology (i.e. oil shale).

What we really should do is reinstate a price ceiling on gas prices
that worked really well back in the 1970s.

an average car gets lets say 20mpg and drives 10,000/[email protected]$5.00=2,500 bucks,

median income in the U.S. is north of 50,000 bucks

bottom line its 5% of peoples income (10% at 25,000/year in income)...

Yeah all of a sudden in the last 6 months demand has risen so sharply and the supply has dropped so suddenly that the cost has gone up in the US about 33%.
Also the price of gas raises prices of EVERYTHING across the board not just your commute. Almost every item you eat, use, etc. has to be transported to get to you. On top of that alot of things are actually made from oil, plastic for one. And don't forget to add oil changes to your price. Oh and I can tell you don't use oil heating at your house, as I know my bill has gone up 33% and that is significant to me.
So Cool story Bro, keep telling yourself that.

04-13-2011, 08:56 AM
fuck it even if it was 15 a gallon i would still drive... may put egr stuff back on and de-tune a bit...

04-13-2011, 09:09 AM
Other countries that pay more per gallon/liter of gas, also have a higher median income per household. Not to mention they have little to no domestic production of oil. When you look at the economical end of how gas prices are determined, and you take out oil speculators, we should be paying around $2.49

Yeah, but chances are 'other countries' especially if it's the eurotrash,
have much better mass transit & shorter driving distances than socal.

The argument that 'such & such' country has higher gas prices is moot unless you take into account other factors.

ronmcdon , you have no idea how fucked other countries are! i happen to live in one of the worst at the moment, ireland , people have no
work and make literally no money .

also our roads are some of the worst in the world! and mass transit is a joke, buses never show up, trains are more expensive than driving. england and europe however have great roads and great transportaion system as ive experienced them 1st hand

we pay 1.53 euro per LITRE over here which is 2.21 dollars per litre

when i put 20 euros petrol into my car i get barely any mpg when driving like a granny at 2000rpm everywhere :(

id love our gas prices to be 5.00 dollars a gallon!

id cycle a bike if i didnt live so remotely!

04-13-2011, 09:11 AM
We should not worry to much on gas prices. We should be Worried on what gas prices effect such as interest rate and inflation.... That's the real problem!

Don't worry... hope and change is going to fix all that

04-13-2011, 09:35 AM
I'm not worried, it will cost me maybe an extra $10 a week when I fill up. I can deal with that.

04-13-2011, 09:42 AM
In the past ten years, a dumb majority here in Kansas City voted down every proposed electric train/tram/subway/any kind of an efficient modern mass transit system. Their main reason being a tax increase of a few cents.
5$ per gallon would make for a comical slap in their face.

This is really why I can live in DC and be totally indifferent towards gas prices. Metro goes everywhere, it's clean, they run a million trains per hour, etc.

I ride the Ruckus also when it's nice, but when it's 20 degrees out, I just hop a train.

Infrastructure costs are high for a smaller city, but I can't figure out why a metro area the size of LA doesn't have decent public transit.

word sux
04-13-2011, 10:27 AM
gas is like 3.37 per gallon here

Gotta love my stock sr

gets like 25mpg plus highway. I averaged 27mpg on my trip to boston and back with it (all highway). I think the KA tranny swap helps a bit with the longer 5th gear.

04-13-2011, 11:07 AM
i hear it will just keep going u so there will be a time where its 7 a gallon.. and 8. and 9 and so forth. i will end up running e85 in my tank even if there is a chance it will ruin my o2 sensors. ive checked.. its still like 3 something a gallon and someplaces in the 2's.

04-13-2011, 11:25 AM
I drove my sister somewhere earlier today and chose to get treated to Red Robins, rather than get money to fill my tank. and Im cruising on the empty line.LOL

part of me regrets that decision.oh well. Who would say no to a juicy cheeseburger and bottomless fries? :)
No, my friend... you made the right decision.:hsdance:

if another cash for clunkers happens, ill trade in my 240.
You ain't never lied. Both the S13 & S14 would get cut for a 2012 Genesis Coupe with the updated 2.0T. Might as well since they're dumping so much ethenol into the gas now that it's gonna basically destroy any motor older than 2007 anyways...

04-13-2011, 11:46 AM
I paid $4.47 for 93 today and almost cried...

04-13-2011, 01:45 PM
Infrastructure costs are high for a smaller city, but I can't figure out why a metro area the size of LA doesn't have decent public transit.

That's because it's Los Angeles.
You ever hear the joke of the difference between yogurt and Los Angeles? The yogurt has active cultures.

Hell, I'd rather live in New York...at least I'd be able to drive to Jersey and get some of the cheapest gas in the country.

04-13-2011, 02:06 PM
ronmcdon , you have no idea how fucked other countries are! i happen to live in one of the worst at the moment, Ireland, people have no work and maketh no money .

also our roads are some of the worst in the world! and mass transit is a joke, buses never show up, trains are more expensive than driving. England and Europe however have great roads and great transportation system as I've experienced them 1st hand

we pay 1.53 euro per LITER over here which is 2.21 dollars per litre

when i put 20 euros petrol into my car i get barely any mpg when driving like a granny at 2000rpm everywhere :(

I'd love our gas prices to be 5.00 dollars a gallon!

id cycle a bike if i didn't live so remotely!

Hey no doubt it could be worse in some parts,
and that's why I said 'chances are'.
there's always going to be some places that are better off than others.

Just saying gas prices alone don't determine how well off anyone might be.

That's because it's Los Angeles.
You ever hear the joke of the difference between yogurt and Los Angeles? The yogurt has active cultures.

Hell, I'd rather live in New York...at least I'd be able to drive to Jersey and get some of the cheapest gas in the country.

lol, agreed. can't wait get out of here.

Mass transit is getting 'better' within the LA metro area.
We're starting to get some metro stations in the last 10 yrs or so,
but it is obviously not ever going to be enough considering how spread out it is.
I just think that's the norm in the U.S.

Wouldn't mind living in NY either, I'd gladly so good-bye to cars for good!

04-13-2011, 02:14 PM
Nada, this will just keep cheap people off the streets.

04-13-2011, 02:15 PM
430 miles per tank on a stock ka? how the hell do u pull off that one?

04-13-2011, 02:43 PM
yeah wtf, my 1.4 only gets me 230 miles.

04-13-2011, 03:04 PM
My stock automatic gets 390 on a full tank.

04-13-2011, 03:18 PM
430 miles per tank on a stock ka? how the hell do u pull off that one?

also calling bullshit. when i drove the s13 daily, even when it was running perfectly i was averaging a little over 300 if i got down to driving on fumes.

04-13-2011, 04:02 PM
i took take the KA from Salt Lake to Vegas a couple of times on 1 1/4 tanks of gas. Usually had to stop around St. George to fuel up; that's right around 400 miles.

And that's driving in a high-altitude environment with a lot of relatively steep grades and some spirited driving through the Virgin River Gorge. :D

So, I don't think getting 430 miles out of tank is impossible.

04-13-2011, 04:18 PM
i got 400+ miles on a tank. KA's are good on the highway shitty in the city though. My subaru barely gets 20. Sad.

04-13-2011, 04:38 PM
i used to get around 450 per tank. But my engine was rebuilt, tuned, and i drive slow.

now after sitting for a year I only get about 300 because its running rich

The price also sucks but this just gives me a reason to get a GSX-R or CBR :)

04-13-2011, 04:39 PM
200 to the tank


04-13-2011, 10:05 PM
also calling bullshit. when i drove the s13 daily, even when it was running perfectly i was averaging a little over 300 if i got down to driving on fumes.
Usually it would take a little over half a tank to drive my S13 from KC to STL or back. That is about 240-250 miles.

Since then I removed even more weight and replaced all the major rotating parts with lightweight ones. I am curious to find out what kind of mileage it will get now.

04-13-2011, 10:17 PM
tailgating semi truck on the highway is possible.

04-13-2011, 10:19 PM
i get 400 on the reg out of a full tank on my stock ka minus emissions eqip.

LimeLite Racing
04-13-2011, 10:40 PM
Gonna sell the 240 and buy a Prius.

04-13-2011, 10:41 PM
why do you guys fill up the gas tank til it's full??
doesn't that shit weight the car down? just saying, I always put 30 bucks at a time.

04-13-2011, 10:59 PM
Best I got out of my s14 w/sr was about 26 mpg, all freeway driving @ 75 mph.
not sure what the tank capacity is, but 12 gallon x 26 mpg is around 300 miles-ish

04-13-2011, 11:12 PM
Buy a TDI 60+ MPG

04-13-2011, 11:57 PM
Usually it would take a little over half a tank to drive my S13 from KC to STL or back. That is about 240-250 miles.

Since then I removed even more weight and replaced all the major rotating parts with lightweight ones. I am curious to find out what kind of mileage it will get now.

can we all agree that road trip mpg's don't count? i've averaged close to 30mpg driving to florida, but that's definitely not what i get on a day to day basis. unless you guys are all purely driving on highways, there's no way, bro, no way.
i'm taking this way too seriously right now.

04-14-2011, 09:33 AM
Gonna sell the 240 and buy a Prius.

04-14-2011, 10:36 AM
~300 miles on combined street/hwy driving on my auto obdii KA
usually fill tank at the empty mark which is 14 gallons
I don't buy it

04-14-2011, 10:47 AM
I'll try not to hit boost, that's about it... Maybe eat out less too

LimeLite Racing
04-14-2011, 10:52 AM

Who the fuck is this douche?

04-14-2011, 10:55 AM
Just casually cruising around for me needs to slow. Other than that, I just need to chill out on the gas pedal. When my mustang's done, that thing is NOT gonna leave the damn garage either. 8 mpg.

04-14-2011, 11:13 AM
High gas prices effects suburbanites that are fighting for jobs in place where they are not needed.

I encourage everyone to find work where nobody else is, and gas prices will be a non-issue for you. aka, move to where there is jobs, or create change.

04-14-2011, 01:42 PM
I'll get another 600cc sport bike ...

04-14-2011, 02:06 PM
I was getting 31mpg in my redtop... hwy cruising.
My current ka.... between 20 and 25... no bueno.

04-14-2011, 02:41 PM
The price also sucks but this just gives me a reason to get a GSX-R or CBR :)

I'll get another 600cc sport bike ...

I LOVE how everyone talks big about getting a supersport bike. Hey zeitgeist, have you ever ridden a gixxer, or cbr? Have you ever ridden a motorcycle in your life?

Everyone thinks it's necessary to get a 600 or 1000 because it makes them 'badass'. All it will make you is a dead squid with your brains splattered on the floor for trying to look cool, with a bike that does 0-60 faster than any turbo 240 ever would, on two wheels with no protection.

On top of that, I hate when noobs talk about getting a 600+cc superbike because of the gas mileage.

You DO realize that those bikes get 30-35 mpg at the most on average right?
Stick with your car. Don't die.

Thanks, Kam

04-14-2011, 02:42 PM
Saving up for a motorcycle...

04-14-2011, 02:44 PM
Just giving me more reason to get a 1000cc bike, in bright green. It'll be badass.

04-14-2011, 02:50 PM
I LOVE how everyone talks big about getting a supersport bike. Hey zeitgeist, have you ever ridden a gixxer, or cbr? Have you ever ridden a motorcycle in your life?

Everyone thinks it's necessary to get a 600 or 1000 because it makes them 'badass'. All it will make you is a dead squid with your brains splattered on the floor for trying to look cool, with a bike that does 0-60 faster than any turbo 240 ever would, on two wheels with no protection.

On top of that, I hate when noobs talk about getting a 600+cc superbike because of the gas mileage.

You DO realize that those bikes get 30-35 mpg at the most on average right?
Stick with your car. Don't die.

Thanks, Kam

Lol, I think riding a streetbike in a high traffic area would be like asking to die anyways, there's too many idiots on the road that are caught up in their own world when they should be focused on driving. I'd rather not be another statistic; If it really gets that bad get a yaris lol things are cheap as fuck and roomy at least and you don't get raped on insurance

04-14-2011, 02:50 PM
I LOVE how everyone talks big about getting a supersport bike. Hey zeitgeist, have you ever ridden a gixxer, or cbr? Have you ever ridden a motorcycle in your life?

Everyone thinks it's necessary to get a 600 or 1000 because it makes them 'badass'. All it will make you is a dead squid with your brains splattered on the floor for trying to look cool, with a bike that does 0-60 faster than any turbo 240 ever would, on two wheels with no protection.

On top of that, I hate when noobs talk about getting a 600+cc superbike because of the gas mileage.

You DO realize that those bikes get 30-35 mpg at the most on average right?
Stick with your car. Don't die.

Thanks, Kam

lol, people ignoring your post. you make a good point...

04-14-2011, 02:53 PM
I cant wait to get a motorcycle and get great MPG's

04-14-2011, 03:42 PM
I want to build a slow ass/loud ass bobber, just so I can ride in the HOV lane and save on gas at the same time.

04-14-2011, 03:51 PM
Why are some people who have obviously never owned a street bike talkin mess
just because you dont prefer to ride for fear of DEATH doesnt mean its wrong for others..and fyi..once you can get down and really ride ..a 600cc or 1000 does make you a bad ass..lol

04-14-2011, 03:58 PM
US$5,- a gallon?

Thats Euro 3,45 for 3,78 liters = Euro 0,91 per liter (1000cc).
Here in The Netherlands we pay Euro 1,68 per liter (Oct93).

Thats US$9,20 per gallon...you lucky bastards....

04-14-2011, 04:18 PM
For the ass clowns dissing motorcycles for their limited gains in MPGs... keep the comments directed toward "sportbikes". My "slow" Harley that runs 12's in the quarter mile gets 60 mpg. It's loud as fuck for the sole purpose of not getting cut-off on multi-lane roads... Plus, it's a pantie-dropper.

04-14-2011, 06:45 PM
Wait.. I'm sorry.
Why are some people who have obviously never owned a street bike talkin mess
just because you dont prefer to ride for fear of DEATH doesnt mean its wrong for others..and fyi..once you can get down and really ride ..a 600cc or 1000 does make you a bad ass..lol

What were you saying? Something about me OBVIOUSLY not owning a street bike?

04-14-2011, 06:57 PM

What have you done?!

Don't you know that pictures of girls makes Zilvia go crazy?

Have fun fending off the hoard of horny car nerds!


04-14-2011, 07:10 PM

What have you done?!

Don't you know that pictures of girls makes Zilvia go crazy?

Have fun fending off the hoard of horny car nerds!


AHHH dammit, I knew I shouldn't have posted pictures of my two most beautiful girls, Rikku(Yellow 07' Ninja) and Yuna(Black Sil80). The girl on my bike... meh, just another chick from class.

04-14-2011, 08:31 PM
I cant wait to get a sport bike, what do you think should I get a 1000 or 600. And do i need a helmet?

04-14-2011, 08:34 PM
I cant wait to get a sport bike, what do you think should I get a 1000 or 600. And do i need a helmet?

Don't be a pussy.
Get a 1000 cause girls totally care whether or not you have a liter bike, and don't worry about a helmet.

It's the same with my car, when I offer them a ride, first thing they ask me is if my car is turbocharged or not. When I tell them I have an "sr20", their panties just fall off saying that SR20s pull a nice premium a week before racewars.

Trust me, the FIRST thing when I tell girls about my motorcycle, they ask if it's a 1000 or not.

You won't look as cool without a one thousand.
Same with gear. Flip flops and shorts with no helmet are FINE to ride around in, also don't worry about gloves or a jacket. Only noobs need to have helmets. I mean, you are a responsible driver right. You won't ever drop your bike, or crash.

Just go buy a brand NEW one, and rip on it straight out of the dealer. Fresh new tires have the BEST grip out of their entire lifetime.

04-14-2011, 08:46 PM
Cafe mopeds are neat.
Would like to make one someday.
Unless the fad dies down by then.

04-14-2011, 09:08 PM
Don't be a pussy.
Get a 1000 cause girls totally care whether or not you have a liter bike, and don't worry about a helmet.

It's the same with my car, when I offer them a ride, first thing they ask me is if my car is turbocharged or not. When I tell them I have an "sr20", their panties just fall off saying that SR20s pull a nice premium a week before racewars.

Trust me, the FIRST thing when I tell girls about my motorcycle, they ask if it's a 1000 or not.

You won't look as cool without a one thousand.
Same with gear. Flip flops and shorts with no helmet are FINE to ride around in, also don't worry about gloves or a jacket. Only noobs need to have helmets. I mean, you are a responsible driver right. You won't ever drop your bike, or crash.

Just go buy a brand NEW one, and rip on it straight out of the dealer. Fresh new tires have the BEST grip out of their entire lifetime.

the force is strong in this one. he shall be a great ally

04-15-2011, 12:20 AM
I drive to 22 miles to work and 22 miles back home every day so i won't. And that doesn't include the drive in the afternoons to school, so toss in anot 20 miles. I just put $25 in my 240SX yesterday and i didn't drive out of my ordinary route today and now it's empty. Fucking shit right?

But seriously, it's not as bad as my 01 Silverado. Gotta love a V8. $80 every 4 days or so.

04-15-2011, 12:34 AM
all you people getting over 350+mpg on a full tank, on a stock KA are liars.

all of you.

04-15-2011, 07:22 AM
I will actually step up to premium for this and drive more. The reason is there will be less trucks and suv's and crossovers on the highway so i can go faster and see further down the road.

04-15-2011, 12:28 PM
Don't be a pussy.
Get a 1000 cause girls totally care whether or not you have a liter bike, and don't worry about a helmet.

It's the same with my car, when I offer them a ride, first thing they ask me is if my car is turbocharged or not. When I tell them I have an "sr20", their panties just fall off saying that SR20s pull a nice premium a week before racewars.

Trust me, the FIRST thing when I tell girls about my motorcycle, they ask if it's a 1000 or not.

You won't look as cool without a one thousand.
Same with gear. Flip flops and shorts with no helmet are FINE to ride around in, also don't worry about gloves or a jacket. Only noobs need to have helmets. I mean, you are a responsible driver right. You won't ever drop your bike, or crash.

Just go buy a brand NEW one, and rip on it straight out of the dealer. Fresh new tires have the BEST grip out of their entire lifetime.

Thanks bro!

I'll let you guys know when I decide, I'm thinking about getting it stretched as far as I can too?

04-15-2011, 11:48 PM
Thanks bro!

I'll let you guys know when I decide, I'm thinking about getting it stretched as far as I can too?

That's when you went too far and the trolling failed. Everyone knows that's the rice of the bike world.

04-16-2011, 01:04 AM
all you people getting over 350+mpg on a full tank, on a stock KA are liars.

all of you.

i just got 380 ish miles for a tank on mine. all i have is 3 inch exhaust. about half highway half city, with most of the city shit being me sitting in bad traffic

stop and go traffic for 2 miles when leaving long beach = hard fail.
cops taking up 4 lanes for a crash that only took up 2 = harder fail.

04-16-2011, 08:40 AM
Getting a motorcycle is bad for gas money.

You'll get it and ride the shit out of it daily. I only get 110 miles to the tank and I do that every morning for no reason. fail

04-16-2011, 08:05 PM
well...4 months ago i was complaining from the gas prices in mexico. they go up 1 cent of dollar every month. now im here and it is just a stabble in ass lolhaha.

so basically i am shifting at 2k and trying to do slipstreams to cut the air ha.

also not speeding more than 55 - 60 mph and i dont care if people tailgate me.

04-16-2011, 08:52 PM
Since then I removed even more weight and replaced all the major rotating parts with lightweight ones. I am curious to find out what kind of mileage it will get now.

Go in to more detail about this. I'm serious.

Cafe mopeds are neat.
Would like to make one someday.
Unless the fad dies down by then.

Puchs are overpriced as shit right now.

the force is strong in this one. he shall be a great ally

Meh, plenty of hate, none of the funny............not for me.

04-16-2011, 11:12 PM
i wanted to buy a scooter to commute from/to work, but its 25 min. of fwy. :(


04-16-2011, 11:21 PM
nothing will change unless they take my gas key away at work

04-16-2011, 11:23 PM
nothing will change unless they take my gas key away at work

^^^^ lucky ass

04-16-2011, 11:31 PM
Go in to more detail about this. I'm serious.
Rotating parts as in lightweight flywheel, driveshaft, and pulleys. I also removed whatever I will not miss. While I am aware that 'weight reduction' on a daily car is 'ricer' and silly, there really is no downside to it, only benefits. One just has to employ common sense and keep personal priorities in mind.
An alignment and lighter wheels would make a significant difference as well, but I am not willing to go that far. :)

04-17-2011, 03:38 PM
Rotating parts as in lightweight flywheel, driveshaft, and pulleys. I also removed whatever I will not miss. While I am aware that 'weight reduction' on a daily car is 'ricer' and silly, there really is no downside to it, only benefits. One just has to employ common sense and keep personal priorities in mind.
An alignment and lighter wheels would make a significant difference as well, but I am not willing to go that far. :)

How much did the lightened rotating parts total up to in costs?

Was it stuff you were replacing anyway or just for the cause?

What weight reduction stuff? I'm more in to the add weight class myself ha ha.

I've only driven a stock KA but a stock SR feels like a rocket compared to it.

04-17-2011, 03:55 PM
I don't understand how an alignment & lighter wheels would be going somehow further than a lightweight flywheel, drive-shaft, & pulleys.
One would think it's a good idea to have a regular alignment done regardless of what you drive.

Bar the 'lightweight pulley', I have all of the above done on my S14.
Sr w/ close to stock boost lvls (8-12 lbs).
Alignment, I have -2 all around.
I don't get more than 26 mpg.
If any difference was made b/c of the said lightweight parts, it's effects were negligible at least in my case.

LB 180SX
04-18-2011, 11:18 AM
I drive from IE to LA on a daily. 100 mile commute, can't really speed because im in traffic all the time.. $50 everyday other day.. about $500 bucks of gas a month!! FML!!

04-18-2011, 05:49 PM
I remember when gas was under just over a dollar...

so what's that...exactly a dollar? lol

04-18-2011, 06:20 PM
so what's that...exactly a dollar? lol

hahahaha. its actually 1.02 dollars.

04-18-2011, 06:30 PM
I pulled 21MPG with my KA. I now pull 28MPG with my RB if I stay out of boost.

04-18-2011, 07:57 PM
all you people getting over 350+mpg on a full tank, on a stock KA are liars.

all of you.
I've put around 410 miles to a tank with my KA. All highway cruising, of course.
I drove 560 miles for work today, and one tank lasted about 340 miles. Time for a tune-up!

04-19-2011, 02:18 AM
Has anyone tried to adjust ignition or cam timing to milk some mileage out?

04-19-2011, 06:49 AM
SV650. I wanted one anyway.

04-19-2011, 08:36 AM
I pulled 21MPG with my KA. I now pull 28MPG with my RB if I stay out of boost.

i got 19mpg in mine (RB25, 30r). city driving, highway, mixed, it didn't matter. every tank was 19mpg, my E30 got a best of 27, but i usually got between 20-22 (M20B25, 170k). I just put a deposit on an '02 civic Si. hopefully i can get around 30mpg all the time. i was actually surprised to find out they don't do better than they do. my old '97 civic ex w/ B16 swap and bolt-ons usually got 35 or so mixed.

04-19-2011, 11:18 AM
i got 19mpg in mine (RB25, 30r). city driving, highway, mixed, it didn't matter. every tank was 19mpg, my E30 got a best of 27, but i usually got between 20-22 (M20B25, 170k). I just put a deposit on an '02 civic Si. hopefully i can get around 30mpg all the time. i was actually surprised to find out they don't do better than they do. my old '97 civic ex w/ B16 swap and bolt-ons usually got 35 or so mixed.

i'm sure driving city will cut my mileage down some, but it's better then 12-15 in my truck. But then paying $4.15/G over $3.79/G makes it's somewhat close.

04-19-2011, 11:31 AM
only place I can save money is food. eat out less and bring myown lunch

04-19-2011, 12:14 PM
i'm sure driving city will cut my mileage down some, but it's better then 12-15 in my truck. But then paying $4.15/G over $3.79/G makes it's somewhat close.

it was odd. i got 19mpg ALL the time. with the stock turbo, after the GT3076r went in, it was still 19.

i was looking at trucks recently, but watching my dad put $100 in his ram every few days scared the shit out of me. i was looking at old 454ss trucks. but fuck me, a 7.4L would destroy my wallet. :keke:

04-19-2011, 12:27 PM
My wife got gas in her Expedition the other day and the pump cut off at $100 before she got her tank full (she was running on fumes). 30 gallon tank and 12.5 mpg. :coold:

04-19-2011, 12:41 PM

04-19-2011, 01:21 PM
^^ Can't wait for the day I see people riding bicycles on the highway..

04-19-2011, 04:29 PM
Seen that the other day. Too thug. Haha

04-19-2011, 07:50 PM
ugh 12 mpg...... city and 14 hwy, checked everything and i cant find the problem.

04-19-2011, 09:55 PM
i got 19mpg in mine (RB25, 30r). city driving, highway, mixed, it didn't matter. every tank was 19mpg, my E30 got a best of 27, but i usually got between 20-22 (M20B25, 170k). I just put a deposit on an '02 civic Si. hopefully i can get around 30mpg all the time. i was actually surprised to find out they don't do better than they do. my old '97 civic ex w/ B16 swap and bolt-ons usually got 35 or so mixed.

My 95 ex gets 30-35, I would assume the d16 would sip a bit less than the b16.

04-19-2011, 10:31 PM
all you people getting over 350+mpg on a full tank, on a stock KA are liars.

all of you.

my 97 240sx got over 400 miles on a tank several times.

04-19-2011, 11:07 PM
My old 89 crx si came with some sort of d16 or another gave me a consistent 33 mpg & but I was driving it a lot more aggressive.

think with the honda swaps it also depends on the gearing of the tranny & many of them aren't particularly geared to fuel economy.

Owned a 08 civic si for about a year (crashed it), and that thing probably averaged 25 mpg.
those no way you can feather the throttle with a car like that imo, otherwise you might as well be driving something else.

drift freaq
04-19-2011, 11:13 PM
My Primera gets around 30 mpg freeway and about 25 city. With these gas prices I am seriously considering a Cube.

04-20-2011, 05:17 AM
My 95 ex gets 30-35, I would assume the d16 would sip a bit less than the b16.

it was in a '97 ex, and after the swap and i got used to the power boost, there wasn't much of a change in economy.

04-20-2011, 10:15 AM
I LOVE how everyone talks big about getting a supersport bike. Hey zeitgeist, have you ever ridden a gixxer, or cbr? Have you ever ridden a motorcycle in your life?

Thanks, Kam

I actually have brah. I used to own an old 90 gsxr. Not nearly the same power, but I want a new bike

Why do you care anyways?

04-20-2011, 10:15 AM
My Primera gets around 30 mpg freeway and about 25 city. With these gas prices I am seriously considering a Cube.

Wouldn't the Cube get more or less the same fuel efficiency though (27/31) ?

That an excuse to buy a new car, not so much a valid reason!
(I'm guilty of the same)

04-20-2011, 10:29 AM
Im glad I invested a 1K on a 95 3cyl. Geo Metro back in december when prices were not as high. Now Im enjoying the benefit of filling my tank with 35 bucks and getting over 40mpg without a sweat.

Going from my 240 to the geo for commuting purposes I save about $80-$100 dollars a month. That little car has basically paid itself off in the past couple of months.

04-20-2011, 10:49 AM
I get around 40mpg on my 1000rr. 30-35 on a 600?? Your doing it wrong

04-20-2011, 05:01 PM
I get around 40mpg on my 1000rr. 30-35 on a 600?? Your doing it wrong

I'm sure you do.

04-20-2011, 07:39 PM
My new solution to these soaring gas prices.

http://images.autotrader.com/scaler/565/421/images/2011/3/9/295/903/19725116621.295903692.IM1.MAIN.565x421_A.562x421.j pg

Yay for a new daily :D

04-20-2011, 08:41 PM
I dont think buying a new car is a good solution unless you were already making a car payment. My neighbor thought buying a hybrid would save so much money, yet he spent so much money buying the car it cost way more than just paying for gas