View Full Version : 90 240sx intermittent starting issue !!

04-11-2011, 05:24 PM
Hey guys, need help. While i was trying to park my car, i guess i let go of the clutch too quick. The car died. Tried starting it and i got crank but no start. All of my fuses are good. I could hear the fuel pump prime when i turn the key on. Pinched the fuel hose on the filter and it has good pressure. Spark plugs, cap, rotor and fuel pump are new. I gave up trying to start it, pushed it into a spot and went home. 8 hours later, i was think i could just give it another try. It just started right up ! What could it be guys ? Car has 170k. how do i check the distributor, crank angle sensor, maf ? Sometimes the car would start up with a CEL. But never got around looking into it because soon as i drive off it goes away. Anybody else has this problem ?

04-11-2011, 05:26 PM
check ECU for Codes

Almost sounds like the CTS

04-14-2011, 06:50 PM
yeah, start the car, let it warm up and let it die out, go under the hood and disconnect the coolant temp sensor, it has a red 2 pin connector, after you disconnect it try to start the car, if it starts up then there ya go

nissan junky
04-18-2011, 08:27 PM
I say the coolant temp sensor..its like 7 buck at auto zone but yeah unplug her like mishkin said check her out..