View Full Version : What is your favorite automotive magazine?

10-08-2003, 03:10 PM
I was at the book store today and i normally get a Sport Compact Car Magazine, but it seems like evry time i sook at it they are talking about street racing or the ****ing JDM craze that is going on right now.

I want your opinions as to what you favorite automotive magazine is and why you like it.

I am looking for one to get a subscription to but don't want to read about drifting events, street racing, unatainable cars (1000hp skylines, S15's and the such), nor do I care about show cars or rims (unless they are lightweight).

With those dislikes recommend a magazine for me to read. I have looked at Grassroots Racing, but they talk a little bit too much about racing for me (which isn't bad all the time).

let me hear it,

10-08-2003, 03:21 PM
In terms of stateside stuff I like grassroots.

I also like young version and battle magazine. I REALLY need to learn how to read japanese cause they have AWESOME reveiws that are actually useful.

10-08-2003, 03:41 PM
Favorite doing-stuff-with/to-cars magazine: Grassroots Motorsports, no question. Next issue has a 240SX buyer's guide.

Favorite new-cars-and-auto-industry-stuff magazine: Car and Driver.

Favorite esoteric car magazine: Cavallino:The Journal of Ferrari History. Gorgeous photography of gorgeous cars and meticulously researched articles on historically significant examples. I just wish I could afford one. Of course, some of the 8-cylinder models from the 1980s are going for $25K...

10-08-2003, 03:44 PM
Option 2 Magazine

10-08-2003, 03:52 PM
IT seems that superstreet sucks, i like alot of there articles, but in there newest issue thay basicly sucked real bad at driving the spoon RR civic project thay have. and thay even said that thay dont even work on there own projects.

So my subscription is probably gonna end, Its a car mag wrote by guys who dont work on cars, and dont know how to drive them. this tells me thay suck. "except ricky chu , guy with the sr powered 240, he works on his car and drives it hard too"

sport compact car is good, i like reading about 1000 hp skylines, i got unatainable dreams and thats one of them. good for that sit back and have a fantasy that im crusing down I5 at 360kph.

plus i like drift events.

turbo and high tech is good. has alot of turbo cars and new tech like the ceramic ball bearing turbos that are on the market now.

option 2 is good except i cant read anything in it.

dupont registry is good.. major out of my league though.

10-08-2003, 04:00 PM
The only subscription I have consistently is Car & Driver, which I generally like, although it's hard to get enthusiastic about minivan, pickup, or SUV comparison tests, which seem to be in there EVERY freaking month. I did just get a sub to Road & Track last month, because it was offered to me for $9. I really like GRM a lot, and I've been meaning to get a sub to that one as well, just haven't gotten around to it.

The tuner mags, eh... I'll pick one up every so often. Not really into them.

I never read the Japanese mags because they're expensive and I can't decipher them anyway. Thankfully, we have lots of people here who post plenty of pretty pics from those publications. :)

10-08-2003, 04:06 PM
got subscriptions to gamepro, eurotuner, DUB, and videogames mag..
im a gameing nerd..:bow:

10-08-2003, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by THX1138
Favorite doing-stuff-with/to-cars magazine: Grassroots Motorsports, no question. Next issue has a 240SX buyer's guide.

It's supposedly a bunch of SR hype stuff though. But..... look for the KAt sidebar :D

10-08-2003, 04:49 PM
Super Chevy:eek3: :faint:
Thoese guy's are smart and chevy's are the usdm mad tyte shizznat

10-08-2003, 04:56 PM
there is only one magazine -- evo

10-08-2003, 06:06 PM
I like Motor Trend.

10-08-2003, 07:49 PM

10-09-2003, 12:56 AM
it was was super street but there starting to become like import tuner so i only buy drift tengoku,young verson and sport compact car,real magazines:bigok:

10-09-2003, 06:23 AM
SCC, but it has been getting real sad lately. more Hype(JDM) oriented. O well, just read them all on the racks before the store owner yells at you:mrmeph: :D

10-09-2003, 06:38 AM
I've been reading Banzai, it's a British magazine about the Japanese import scene in England.

10-09-2003, 04:12 PM
SuperStreet. At least it's funny and has a decent amount of articles. ImportTuner lacks content and SCC is just a bunch of whiney early 30's white guys who love to rag on Domestics.

10-09-2003, 06:58 PM
What, you got a problem with early 30s white guys? Oh wait, I actually want a Corvette, so I guess it's cool.

10-09-2003, 08:03 PM
I had a subscription to Motor Trend since I was 8 years old, but recently they have started to suck, to much truck and SUV blah blah blah. Back when I was first getting it they had alot of supercar tests, Autoshow updates and spyshots, I loved that stuff:D

I like to read SCC every now and then, but since all the "import" magazines have sold out to Primedia, they have lowered their standards. Before they would test alot of competitive products against each other and show dyno results, but now the manufacturer of the part can bitch and moan to Primedia and threaten to pull their advertising if their stuff doesn't do good. Since they can threaten to do this to all Primedia's mags, Primedia will puss out and pull the comparison. So now SCC will slowly turn into all other import mags.

Grassroots Motorsports is really the only good one left for good tech stuff and comparisons without the bling.


10-10-2003, 07:25 AM
First off sorry for posting this in the wrong forum. I figured since it was about cars it was cool for chat!

Second I must have a wrong view of Grassroots Magazine. It seems as though many of you think it is the besty out there right now so i will read it a little closer.

Thanks for the opinions everyone!


10-14-2003, 06:37 PM
I like Option street tribe. There some seriously ghetto-rigged cars in there!:p As for english magazines, Import Racer is pretty good, I get info on building up my Sileighty and MkIII Supra, and my friends at Cartune always show up in that mag. They really need to expand their drift coverege though (to include the midwest competitions), I'd like to see pics of me drifting in a magazine, not just posted on the net.;)