View Full Version : Quick Speaker Question

02-07-2002, 12:36 PM
Are they 6.5 rounds front and back?

02-07-2002, 12:40 PM
yes.  6 3/4 will work also

02-07-2002, 12:58 PM
Whatever you do, do not buy JBL 6.5" for the doors....they have the WORST mounting bracket in the world...

Other than that, they sounds good, an yes 6.5" does fit.

02-07-2002, 01:05 PM
I just put some infinity kappa's (6.5inch) in the back, I hate how they mount, but they sound good, now my head unit is stinking it up though... oh the money I have to spend.

02-07-2002, 01:54 PM
I've got those in back too.  I don't think it's so much the mount on the speakers as it is the rear deck area that has more curves that a Fear Factor Playmate.  I could go for a nice flat surface back there.

02-07-2002, 03:21 PM
Yeah its 6 1/2 but you can get the 6 3/4. I just orderd another set of pioneers for my rear deck I still have the alpines in my front that are only 90 watt 2 ways and I got some 180w 3 ways for my rear and my 2 way 140w pioneers are going to the front.

Red 97 240
Injen Intake
Colored Valve Cover

02-07-2002, 04:29 PM
Dude, don't buy into wattage, continous is really all you need to worry about... you can put an 8" speaker in there if you make a new bracket... to get my 6'5" woofer in there I had to dremmel out the back basket... that should only matter if you have some big speakers.


02-07-2002, 04:44 PM
not only don't look at the "wattage" rating for the peak... don't even bother looking at the "rms".

if you run anything more than 50watts out of a typical coaxial speaker from a decent maker, you're gonna go deaf w/in 30 mins... that's stinking loud. such levels in such higher pitch can almost guarantee damaged eardrums.

also, "60watts rms" for one company don't mean the same for another. I heard even between the "better" makers, ie Infiniti and Kicker has different rating systems, such as at what wave length they measure the wattage: 1000hz or 10000hz. this will escew the rating by a lot.

yea, don't get the JBL power series, I have them, and the mounting system requires a PhD in mechanical engineering and a lot of patience, more than I have.

if you have the money, Dynaudio has 7" speakers with a 6.5" chasis. not that extra .5" will make too much difference.