View Full Version : engine build

04-09-2011, 08:16 AM
Hey guys I'm in the process of driving back to California from Texas. My bottom end of my engine is done as well as my head with the exception of my cams being installed. I would like to know if anyone has a rebuild dvd for the Sr20det. I tried to get one from the vendor on zilvia but he never replied. If anyone has an easy reference for wiring and rerouting lines to simplify my build it would real be appreciated, and yes I've checked the faqs. The more info the better!

04-11-2011, 04:34 AM
www.240SXTECHDVDS.org Home Page (http://www.240sxtechdvds.org) is a site with lots of videos, and every Factory Service Manual you can think of. (KA-T stuff is very similar to SR when it comes to engine building, just torque specs and things might be slightly different, and as for the head, obviously rockers vs no-rockers)

Also DRIFTING.com - DRIFTING (http://www.drifting.com) has some tech DVD's on there.

When you get your cams in there, make sure you Degree them using a Degree wheel, and don't cheap out on a proper tune, otherwise it'll be for nothing.