View Full Version : S13 SR not starting/water temp sensor reading incorrectly

04-07-2011, 11:24 PM
Hey so I was going to work today, and on the way I noticed the coolant temp sensor in the gauge cluster jumped from normal position to really fucking hot, and then slowly crept back down, which I found weird. I went to park my car and I was idling for maybe a minute, at most, and I noticed my temp gauge go all the way to H, even though I wasn't overheating. After work, I jump into my car, turn the key, and the starter does nothing. No click, nada. I just had the starter rebuilt about 3 weeks ago so I really don't think it's the problem.

I bump started the car, got it running and as soon as it was running the gauge goes right up to H; but it wasn't overheating. I get on the road, and as I'm driving the gauge creeps back down to normal and stays that way until I get home and park, which it creeps back up to H. I find it strange that both of these problems arise at once, and I recently stopped caring and slammed my car, so I may have a rubbed harness... but assuming it's not, what could the problem be? I searched for a while and didn't get anything helpful.

It's too dark to see anything right now, but I'm just looking for some ideas.

04-07-2011, 11:53 PM
check/ Replace gauge sensor

Check thermostat

04-07-2011, 11:58 PM
If I have a bad thermostat, could that make things around the starter hot enough to cook the solenoid and cause the funky gauge readings?

04-08-2011, 12:04 AM
not sure on the starter might be a bad connection on the starter

if the thermo is sticking closed then it will cause the temp gauge to shoot up

Even though the Stock gauge is garbage but just to be safe I would check it or replace it

04-08-2011, 10:00 PM
The connections were good. The starter rebuilt about 3 weeks ago. The guy said the motor itself was fine, and it was the solenoid that was bad. Ok, so I get a new solenoid, it works like a dream for the past few weeks. I jumped in last night and turned the key, and nothing. Tracked the problem to the solenoid again. Can anybody relate? I drove it for a long time with no problems, then it started acting up, and after a new solenoid it crapped out again, so could it have just been a faulty solenoid or could something be causing the solenoid to die?

I'll replace the thermostat as well just to be sure.

09-08-2011, 03:48 AM
Any luck with this? I seem to have a similar issue.