View Full Version : Mods please help!!!

04-06-2011, 09:19 PM
Ok, I'm having trouble going to my profile. When I click on my name it sends me to S1LV1A's profile and well although s!lv!a may be similar, THAT'S NOT MY NAME!!! lol, I've even tried changing it in the HTML code and it didn't work, still takes me to S1LV1A's profile :rant2:

Can someone please help me here?? :(

Drift N Dragg
04-07-2011, 08:59 AM
PM ThatGuy - Request a Name Change due to conflict in the System

04-07-2011, 10:56 AM
you sir have found a glitch in the matrix

04-07-2011, 03:35 PM
The guy s1lv1a hasnt been on since 2009 lol