View Full Version : s13 cage into s14

04-04-2011, 08:04 PM
found a weld in s13 cage local for a good price. i was just curious what might need to be modified to make it fit. i searched and every thread was talking about a bolt in s13 cage into s14 which turned into a bolt in cage bashing thread and no real answers. any help?

04-04-2011, 09:23 PM
i had him measure the cage for me.

main hoop 40in wide at the top, 51 3/4 at the bottom 41 1/8 tall.
halo bar 30 1/8 tall, 42 3/4 wide all measured outside to outside.

what do you guys think? i might just go for it and hope i can make it work

04-05-2011, 10:30 AM
What are you using the cage for!? Actual legit safety at track days or looks? If it's looks you might get away with getting it to fit somehow but if it's for safety you're just better off getting a new one. I might be mistaken but isn't the s14 chassis a little taller and wider.

Jonnie Fraz
04-05-2011, 10:54 AM
Sounds like you made up your mind, so what we may tell you will not matter.

04-05-2011, 10:55 AM
No it will not work...bits/pieces may, but in the end you're gonna spend more ot have it right than wrong.

Sounds like you made up your mind, so what we may tell you will not matter.

...c'mon man, it was a good deal ;) :s101: