View Full Version : I need a shortblock for a 1995 nissan maxima

10-05-2003, 05:02 PM
My maxima decided to be a ****ing whore and shoot its oil drain plug out while I was driving down the highway and now it needs a new shortblock, maybe even a new transmission while I'm at it. anyone know where to go besides junkyard? Im not too sure I want to use junkyard parts for this, I plan on selling it soon.

10-05-2003, 05:04 PM
yeah.. its called posting in the right part of this forum, maybe the "wanted" section where there is stuff for buy, sell, and trade! ah, great idea mike, thanks!

ps: my motor did the same thing a couple days ago, whats UP with this world lately..

- Mike

10-05-2003, 07:05 PM
I wasnt asking someone to sell one to me, I was asking what to do to get one... I guess I could go to the junk yard, but anyone have any other ideas? I imagine that being an all day ordeal.... and how the penis would I get it home? thats alot of **** to carry, I would have to seperate the heads from the short block, its a V6.. hmmmmm... help please.

10-06-2003, 02:55 PM
bump. where can I buy a new or gently, gently used shortblock for a 1995 nissan maxima?

10-06-2003, 03:48 PM
a junkyard. nobody is going to have a shortblock just sitting around. besides, don't you think you'd have better luck asking on a MAXIMA forum?
