View Full Version : No/incomplete registration, need to move car from CA to NE

03-30-2011, 06:53 PM
So about half a year ago I was living in California, had an s13 that I was trying to get up to speed. I went to register the car and it failed its smog test. I didn't have the time or money to fix it so it just sat in the garage. I moved to Nebraska for school and in a couple of weeks I want to go get the car. How can I go about doing this?

Would a one trip permit be suitable? As far as the information on CA's DMV website goes, it would appear to be. It's just I did a quick search and people are saying for one to be issued the vehicle needs to have current registration, INCLUDING smog certification. That doesn't make any sense, if the car had current registration I wouldn't need this permit.

I've paid all the DMV's fees, just couldn't get it smogged, still have the title so I guess technically I have an incomplete registration. I just need to get this car to Nebraska where they don't hang you for every little infraction. Can anybody point me in the right direction? Thanks.

04-01-2011, 08:39 AM
Anybody? Don't know where else to ask. I know a lot of you guys are good with California's vehicle laws, so somebody has to know.

Sad s13
04-01-2011, 09:49 AM
explain to the dmv that you need a one day permit or temp reg tag(the number tags) to get it to a shop in order to fix it for smog. if it ends up being too much of a hassle then ship it. if possible go to a middle man registation broker they tend to have more feelings then the robots at the dmv. either way good luck and congrats on leaving CA

04-01-2011, 04:42 PM
fuck it. ask for temporary reg to get it smogged. And drive the car back. register it when you get there.