View Full Version : Crysis 2

03-29-2011, 08:53 PM
anyone else play this game ? i have it on the pc, havent really played the single player very much since i bought it for the multiplayer. multiplayer is pretty good...can be frustrating at times when you dont see anyone and you get blasted -____-

thoughts on this game ?

03-29-2011, 09:08 PM
will my aging 8800gt 512 play this?? i remember playing crysis back in the day. but that game wasnt really optimized coding

03-29-2011, 10:29 PM
crysis one sucked. i heard 2 was pretty good. haven't bit the bullet yet.

03-30-2011, 12:43 AM
will my aging 8800gt 512 play this?? i remember playing crysis back in the day. but that game wasnt really optimized coding

mmm not sure. not the most tech savvy person on this forum, im running a system that my cousin built for me

crysis one sucked. i heard 2 was pretty good. haven't bit the bullet yet.

completely agree. damn north koreans took twenty bullets to the skull and didnt die. the single player in crysis 2 seems decent enough but like i said before i havent played it very extensively, bought the game almost solely for the multiplayer since i was jonesing for some fps. would recommend the game if multiplayer is what youre looking for...not an overwhelming recommendation but its still a good game. thoughts on multiplayer:

some games (on the pc) go way too fast, sometimes i end up with a record of like 8 kill and 5 deaths and the match is already over. countdown before a match is pretty long. the game definitely needs more variety on guns and make more guns accessible early, this is kinda my biggest gripe about the game. you basically start out with a couple pre made classes a la call of duty, and when you hit lvl 5 you can make ONE custom class. you basically can choose an assault rifle, sniper rifle and shotgun, pretty standard stuff. you can unlock attachments by using the gun and getting kills with it. attachments are the usual, reflex sight, scopes, red dots, suppressors on some guns, grenade launchers, etc. the thing is, you wont be getting other choices for guns until lvl 13 in which you get a smg and 3 shot burst ar which is basically useless. i think in total there are only about 11 or so guns, most of which unlock at a much higher level but the lack of variety is pretty bad. theres 3 smgs, 3 ars (one three shot two auto), 2 sniper rifles, 2 shotguns, 2 lmgs. not a lot to look forward to.

as far as the perks go in the game you unlock them by leveling up one of three categories depending on how much you use them/are proficient with them in game. the three categories are armor, power and stealth. armor is lvled up by using the armor ability of the nanosuit, on pc you press Q and you lose speed but gain some durability, good ability to use when youre in a straight up fire fight with another player. power is gained by sprinting and jumping around the map. lastly stealth (the most fun in my opinion) ranks by killing people after using your stealth camo. after each rank up of your armor, power or stealth level you can then unlock a perk in that category, i.e. youre level three on armor you will have two unlocks (the lvl 1 perk being already chosen). the first four perks of each class are available to be unlocked from the beginning, the last four are unlocked at rank six for that particular ability. there is a decent amount to chose from and they can really give some specialization to your classes, i.e. i have on my smg class an armor perk that uses less energy when im in armor mode, power perk allows me to drain less energy running and jumping, and my stealth skill allows me to see enemy foot prints that are closeby. only problem ive found with the perks is that armor seems to be the "hardest" one to rank up with seemingly the best perks at level six. this is mainly because of how the gameplay actually plays out in multiplayer.

basically everyone is going to use stealth a HELL of a lot. you better get your glasses on looking for these guys when youre playing, you can faintly see abnormalities in the environment surrounding the cloaked enemy. also be prepared to smash everything around you after youve been shot in the back for the twentieth time in a match by someone using the cloak. snipers benefit a lot from the cloak as you might imagine. i havent really run into a lot of campers in the game but there are some out there who just hide in a corner, stealth, un stealth shoot you in the face from a mile away, re stealth. the worst part of the game is when you die your body gets rag dolled ridiculously and the sound of the gunshot that killed you is annoying as well. i thought you were in a nanosuit that makes you super human ? yet you hear a loud BOOM noise when you die and fly away. probably just me but i get really annoyed every time i die.

ill probably write some more on this game later if you guys are interested

Mita Orange
03-30-2011, 01:08 AM
yeah your 8800gt will run it. i have the same card and run crysis 2 just fine. They lowered the demands by making it a direct 9 game some more people could play it, or at least that's what i was told by my friend who works at EVGA.

03-30-2011, 10:51 AM
i played the multiplayer beta for a while and hated it. stealth pretty much ruins the fun of a shooter in my opinion.

its not my kind of game at least.

homefront looks nice though..

03-30-2011, 11:06 AM
homefront big thumbs down

crysis 2 one player good multiplayer not so much