View Full Version : WTB: s14 manual conversion parts

03-29-2011, 02:15 PM
anybody selling an s14 manual conversion, PM me

JDS Performance
03-29-2011, 02:52 PM
Prices are OBO and I might even have more stuff I need to check after work - I can get you good deal on S/H too.

- S14 96' 5 speed ECU - $100.00

- S14 5 speed brake pedal assembly - includes all sensors and connectors with pigtail to wire them in - $65.00

- S14 5 speed brake booster & master cylinder - $65.00

- S14 5 speed cross member - includes tranny mount - $65.00

- KA24DE used OEM clutch & flywheel (needs resurface) - comes with all mounting bolts - $55.00

- KA24DE 5 speed motor to tranny dust plate - $50.00

- S13 clutch pedal assembly - will work on s14 too - $45.00