View Full Version : Cool site... Beat the computer...

10-04-2003, 09:58 AM


10-04-2003, 12:44 PM
thats amazing, good find

10-04-2003, 03:41 PM
WTF????? I thought my heart stopped for a second. It guessed my answer correctly; WALLPAPER. Seriously that's scary. This is it guys. It's the beginning. This is where the machines start to take over and we all become slaves ;)

Sunnavabich it got more right, the moon, muffler, windshield, scanner.

I somewhat stumped it with TURBOCHARGER....then it gave up and gave a list of words that it could be. Supercharger and turbine were some of them :(

10-04-2003, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by whateverjames

I somewhat stumped it with TURBOCHARGER....then it gave up and gave a list of words that it could be. Supercharger and turbine were some of them :( [/B]

I think it learned from playing with you:

I am guessing that it is a turbine?
Yes , No , Close

19. Is it larger than a microwave oven (or bread box)? No.
18. Can you use it with your friends? Yes.
17. Can it cheer you up? Yes.
16. Does it bring joy to people? Yes.
15. Is it used in travel? Yes.
14. Does it move? Yes.
13. Was it used over 100 years ago? No.
12. Does it have a handle? No.
11. Can it be stolen? Yes.
10. Does it require specific knowledge to use it? Yes.
9. Does it come in different colors? No.
8. Does it get wet? No.
7. Is it straight? No.
6. Can you switch it on and off? No.
5. Can it be used for recreation? No.
4. Is it heavy? Yes.
3. Is it hard? Yes.
2. Can you use it at school? No.
1. It is classified as Other.

10-04-2003, 05:38 PM
it got football....

10-04-2003, 11:20 PM
It got car, but couldn't guess cheese.

Uncommon Knowledge about cheese
Does it have anything to do with salad? I say Yes.
Is it comforting? I say No.
Can it cheer you up? I say Doubtful.
Is it used to make salads? I say Yes.
Does it provide shade? I say Yes.
Is it lumpy? I say Probably.
Does it have a hole in it? I say Yes.
Is it more valuable than silver? I say Probably.
Is it used with animals? I say Probably.
Do you make pie from it? I say Probably.
Could you send it in the mail? I say No.
Is it straight? I say Yes.
Is it spotted? I say Probably.
Does it taste good fried? I say Yes.
Can you eat off of it? I say Yes.
Is it a type of dog? I say Probably.

How bout the bold:confused:

10-04-2003, 11:54 PM
Does your mother know what you are thinking about?
I am not allowed to talk about stuff like this, but,
I am guessing that it has something to do with sex?
Yes , No , Close
23. Does it live above ground? No.
22. Is it human powered? No.
21. Can you use it to hit something? Yes.
20. I guess it a fetish? No.
19. Is it flexible? Yes.
18. Is it usually colorful? Yes.
17. Does it get wet? Yes.
16. Does it go inside other things? Yes.
15. Does it have writing on it? No.
14. Is it outside? No.
13. Can you lift it? Yes.
12. Does it roll? Yes.
11. Can you open it? No.
10. Does it burn? No.
9. Does it use electricity? Yes.
8. Can you buy it at a store? Yes.
7. Does it move? Yes.
6. Do you clean it regularly? Yes.
5. Is it a common household object? No.
4. Do most people use this daily? Yes.
3. Is it heavier than a pound of butter? Sometimes.
2. Is it hard? Yes.
1. It is classified as Other.

lol :D

10-05-2003, 05:27 AM
lol! :D I stummped it with cup holder. okaaaay...

Axel Grungy
10-07-2003, 01:02 PM
that mofo guessed mine, an aglet (plastic end of shoelace thingy)

10-07-2003, 05:16 PM
so far it's gotten lighter, car, computer, and MUSIC. look at this!

I am guessing that it is music?
Yes , No , Close

19. Does it use electricity? Yes.
18. Can you lift it? No.
17.Do you know any songs about it? Yes.
16. Does it burn? No.
15.Does it have buttons? No.
14.Does it come in a box? Yes.
13.Is it straight? Irrelevant.
12.Does it have writing on it? No.
11.Is it something you bring along? Yes.
10.Is it considered valuable? Yes.
9.Does it come in different colors? Irrelevant.
8.Is it hard? Irrelevant.
7.Is it heavier than a pound of butter? Irrelevant.
6.Does it move? No.
5.Is it larger than a microwave oven (or bread box)? Irrelevant.
4.Can it make a sound? Yes.
3.Is it used by the police? No.
2.Can it be used for recreation? Yes.
1.It is classified as Other.

i am baffled how it could have guessed music based on my answers. :confused:

10-07-2003, 05:22 PM
take a guess what i was trying to get it to guess :D

I am guessing that it is a muscle(body part)?
Yes , No , Close

19.Do you know any songs about it? Yes.
18.Can it be tamed? No.
17.Is it tall? No.
16.Is it a mammal? Yes.
15.Is it hard? Probably.
14.Do you use it in public? No.
13.Can it be painted? No.
12.Can you sit on it? Yes.
11.Does it contain a liquid? Yes.
10.Does it come in a box? No.
9.Can you lift it? Yes.
8.Does it have a hole in it? Yes.
7.Does it get wet? Yes.
6.Is it pleasurable? Yes.
5.Is it a common household object? No.
4.Is it heavier than a pound of butter? No.
3.Do most people use this daily? Yes.
2.Is it found on a desk? No.
1.It is classified as Other.

10-07-2003, 09:09 PM
I don't see how age or sex could have an effect on guessing your item.

10-08-2003, 12:23 AM
I am guessing that it is glasses?
Yes , No , Close

29. I guess it a doorstop? No.
28. Does it go inside other things? No.
27. Is it man made? Yes.
26. Can it be washed? Yes.
25. Can you touch it? Yes.
24. Is it multicolored? No.
23. Is it smooth? Maybe.
22. Do you wear it? No.
21. Can it fit in an envelope? Yes.
20. I guess it a bow tie? No.
19. Does it bring joy to people? No.
18. Is it comforting? Irrelevant.
17. Is it straight? No.
16. Could you send it in the mail? Yes.
15. Can you control it? Irrelevant.
14. Is it found on a desk? No.
13. Do most people use this daily? Yes.
12. Would you find it in an office? Yes.
11. Do you hold it when you use it? No.
10. Does it get wet? Irrelevant.
9. Can you put something into it? No.
8. Is it usually colorful? Yes.
7. Is it larger than a microwave oven (or bread box)? No.
6. Does it shine? No.
5. Does it have writing on it? No.
4. Does it come in a pack? No.
3. Can you buy it? Yes.
2. Can it be used for recreation? No.
1. It is classified as Other.

Carpet (not carbon) fiber.

10-08-2003, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by Warwick5s

15.Is it hard? Probably.

Hahahaha :D